Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 169 Relationship (1/2)

"What are you going to do?" Xinyao said angrily, and quickly put the sword in front of her, ready to attack at any time.

"What? Of course it's what we should do."

"Catch her." Zhou Quan looked at the people around him and said, "When I've had enough fun, I'll let you have a taste."

"Yes, senior brother."

The eyes of the surrounding disciples suddenly became intense.

"I'll fight with you!" Xinyao roared.

It's just that the opponent has more people and strength.

She was soon defeated.

Xinyao showed despair. She escaped life and death six years ago. When she achieved success in cultivation, she took Tian'er to live a good life and watched him marry and have children and live a happy life.

But all this is gone.

She knew that if she fell into Zhou Quan's hands, her life would be worse than death.

"Tian'er, mother, I'm sorry for you." Xinyao showed despair, her eyes full of resentment.

In this life, he hates one person the most.

Now there is one more person.

"I curse you..."

Xinyao looked at Zhou Quan and said angrily, then took the sword and wiped it on her neck.

Zhou Quan's face changed drastically and he said: "Quickly...quickly stop him..."

Unexpectedly, the other party would rather die than obey.

Unfortunately it was too late.


Suddenly a ray of white light broke the long sword, making Xinyao wipe the air, and her face suddenly changed.

At this moment, a familiar but murderous voice sounded: "You are all going to die."

Before anyone could react, they saw countless rays of white light coming from them.





Screams continued at the scene, and one disciple fell into the blood.

In less than a second, everyone died except Zhou Quan and Xinyao.

Zhou Quan looked horrified, his eyes filled with fear.

Xinyao also looked horrified, but her eyes were full of doubts.

That voice just now sounded a bit like Xiaotian.

It seems that I am too nervous.

The little genius is 12 years old. She heard that he worshiped an alchemist, which already made her incredible.

"Mom, it's Xiaotian's fault. Xiaotian is late." A figure fell in front of Xinyao and said.

The person who came was none other than Qin Tian.

"Xiaotian, is it really you?" Xinyao was shocked. She didn't expect that he was so powerful.

"It's me. Xiaotian came late and made my mother suffer." Qin Tian said.

"Mom is fine." Xinyao said as she thought about something and worried: "Xiaotian, leave quickly. You have killed so many people, and they will not let you go."

"It's you!" Zhou Quan was shocked when he saw the person coming, it was actually him.

He naturally knows Qin Tian.

In the Guoshan Sect, a genius alchemist appeared.

Anyone from the Patron Sect knows it.

And he knew better than anyone else.

Six years ago, the Zhou family specially investigated Zhou Hao's matter.

He appeared at the outer gate eight years ago and became an alchemist overnight six years ago.

After investigation, I found out that he also had some relationship with the Supreme Elder.

Because he failed to investigate the master who secretly taught him how to make medicine, he finally chose to give up the conflict and gave him silver.

For six years, the Zhou family continued to investigate, and finally agreed that there was no master behind Qin Tian.

The reason why he can refine medicinal liquids is probably because he has acquired the inheritance of a pharmacist.

He originally planned to take control of the patron sect and let him serve the Zhou family.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared before the Zhou family came to look for him.

And killed so many of his men.

Now both sides are fighting to the death.

"Qin Tian, ​​you are seeking death!" Zhou Quan roared angrily.


What did he just call?


Could it be?

"What was your name just now?" Zhou Zhou said with a distorted face: "Mother? Are you her child? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

He couldn't accept that the goddess she longed for was already a woman.

"You are all going to die, all of you are going to die." Zhou Quan looked at Xinyao and roared: "Especially you, how dare you pretend to be innocent, you are obviously..."



Before he finished speaking, a voice full of murderous intent suddenly sounded. Zhou Quan immediately vomited his heart and blood, and his body flew backwards. His body hit the wall hard, causing the wall to be destroyed and torn apart.


Zhou Quan spurted out another mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with horror and fear.


Zhou Quan's face was full of fear and disbelief.

He is at the sixth level of the Warrior Realm. Even if the Martial Sect Realm wants to capture him, he still needs to fight.

But just now he didn't see Qin Tian take action at all.

There is only one possibility, the other party is stronger than Wuzong.

Soaring realm?


The means just now are not even possible in the Soaring Realm.

Then there is only one possibility.

Qin Tian is in the Martial King realm?

How is that possible? It's unbelievable.

No matter what, he couldn't believe that a young man had such strength.

Unless he...

Thinking of this, Zhou Quan thought of a rumor six years ago.

"Senior..." Zhou Quan said with fear on his face: ""

"Mother, you come, or I come..." Qin Tian didn't look at him, just looked at Xinyao and said.

The latter looked shocked at this time. She never thought that her son had such a powerful strength.

Zhou Quan could see Qin Tian's terror.

Of course she can see it too.

Upon hearing Qin Tian's words, Xinyao's face suddenly turned cold and she said, "I'll do it..."

"Senior, spare me, Junior Master Xinyao, spare me..." Zhou Quan said as he kowtowed, "Please let me go, I know I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again."

"Spare me?"

"Did you spare me just now?" Xinyao was full of murderous intent. If her son hadn't appeared just now, what would have happened to her?

Xinyao said as she took the long sword and walked towards the ruins step by step.

"No..." Zhou Quan's face was full of fear and despair. He wanted to struggle but was powerless.



A sword passed, the head flew off, and the blood dyed the earth red.

Xinyao's face was a little pale. Seeing this, Qin Tian came to her side and said worriedly, "Mother, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Xinyao shook her head and said, "I'll be fine after a rest."

After all, it was her first time to kill someone, so she was naturally a little uncomfortable.

"Mother, where is Fengtian?" Seeing that his mother was fine, Qin Tian said coldly, "Where did he go?"

Fengtian, the supreme elder of Kaoshan Sect, Xinyao's master.

And his other identity is that Qin Tian specially found someone to protect Xinyao.

When he fell off the cliff, Qin Tian activated the emergency function, and the system turned into a master according to the requirements and happened to meet him.

For safety, the system also specially improved Fengtian's realm.

Let him become a strong man in the Tengkong realm.

Later, when Qin Tian went out, for the safety of his mother, he gave him a lot of elixirs to improve his strength.

Now he has reached the eighth level of the Tengkong realm.

In the East Qin Dynasty, he is also a strong man.

Xinyao was a little surprised and confused when she heard her son's words.

But she still said: "Master, he sent the two princes back to the court."

Speaking of the princes, she was a little dazed, and looked at her son's eyes and moved to the side.

"Send Qin Hao and them?" Qin Tian frowned, puzzled.

But he said coldly in his heart: "No matter what his reason is, it is not okay to put his mother in danger, and he must be punished."

"Yes, it's the two princes." Xinyao was not curious about Qin Tian knowing the two princes.

She had heard that one of the young princes and one of the princes were friends with him.

"As for the reason, I don't know. I only know that a prince had looked for the master before."

"Looking for Fengtian?" Qin Tian asked in confusion: "Why look for him?"

"I don't know." Xinyao shook her head.

"Is it Qin Hao?" Qin Tian thought for a while and guessed.

"It seems so!" Xinyao said. She didn't understand why her son cared so much about the master.

Could it be related to the two princes?

Did he find something?

Should I tell him my identity?

After hesitating for a while, she decided not to tell him for the time being.

Being related to the dynasty.

It will bring some troubles to a certain extent.

Even bring danger.

She just hopes that her son can be happy and safe.

But her son is now powerful, so she will tell him when she finds a time.

It will be up to him to decide at that time.

After all, he is also a prince.

You can't decide his fate because of your own thoughts.

"Qin Hao?" Qin Tian opened the system and immediately knew the reason based on the character information.

"For me?"

What surprised Qin Tian was that part of the reason was actually because of him.

"Forget it. I'll help him when he's in danger."

"Mother, where's the sect master?" Qin Tian thought of the sect master again. Such a big thing happened in the sect, but the sect master didn't show up.

"I don't know either, but it should be in some danger..." Xinyao repeated what she just knew.

"Xiaotian, can you help Kaoshan Sect?" Xinyao thought for a while and said. After all, this is her second home, and she doesn't want it to be destroyed.

"Mother, I know." Qin Tian said, "I'm also from Kaoshan Sect, I'll help."

"Mother, um, I'll take you to the bamboo house first."


Qin Tian took his mother directly into the air and arrived at the bamboo house in just a few seconds.

At this moment, Xinyao completely believed that her son was a strong man.

So what realm he was in, she didn't know.

But at least he was in the soaring realm.

Otherwise, he couldn't soar and fly with her.

Twelve-year-old in the soaring realm!

Absolutely a peerless monster!

Although I don't know how Qin Tian reached this step, as a mother, I am very happy and proud of him.

"Mother, stay inside. Don't leave the bamboo house." Qin Tian reminded his mother after taking her into the bamboo house.

The bamboo house has been blessed with a defense card by him. It cannot be broken without the strength of the extraordinary realm.

The extraordinary realm is called God on the Shenwu Continent.

God belongs to legends. It is a realm beyond the realm of martial gods. It has transcended mortals and has not appeared for a long time.

So mother is not in any danger.


Xinyao said with some worry: "Xiaotian, you must pay attention to safety."

"I will protect myself." Qin Tian nodded, thought about it and reminded again: "Mother, remember what I said, don't go out, don't go out no matter what you encounter, even if you hear my voice, unless I come in, no one else can enter here except me."

"Got it." Although Xinyao was a little confused and puzzled, she still remembered it in her heart.

Qin Tian turned into a ray of light and disappeared in the bamboo house.

In Kaoshan Sect, a hundred miles away, two parties were fighting at this time.

One of the parties was defeated at this time because of the number of people compared to the other party.

Some died and some were injured.

It didn't take long for only a few people to be left.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Everyone looked over involuntarily.


The faces of the people surrounded suddenly became extremely ugly.

One of the middle-aged men shouted.


A middle-aged man walked out of the waste stone in the distance and looked at the three people in front of him with anger.

Before he finished speaking, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Wu Qi, I really didn't expect that you have reached the martial sect realm, but it's a pity..."

One of the three old men said excitedly: "You are going to die."

"The law enforcement elder?" The people in the distance were full of disbelief.

What did they see.

The law enforcement elder Zhou Li actually colluded with the Liehuo Sect.

They are finished.

The Kaoshan Sect is finished.

"Zhou Li!" Wu Qi roared, "Why?"


"Obviously I am the leader, but Master is partial and passed the position of leader to my junior brother. I originally used a trick to kill my junior brother, and the position of leader should have been mine, but Master passed it to you." Zhou Li said with a ferocious face, "So I killed the old guy too."


"Beast, you deserve to die!" Wu Qi roared, he never thought that his master and grand master were killed by Zhou Li.

"Damn it? You all deserve to die." Zhou Li said angrily, "I just took back what belongs to me."

"Don't worry, I will control Kaoshan Sect after you die."

"Zhou Li, don't be delusional." Wu Qi said sarcastically, "Even if I die, there is still the Supreme Elder. I found out that there is something wrong with you, so I have already made arrangements."

"Even if I die, you can't control Kaoshan Sect."

"Supremacy Elder!" Zhou Li smiled and said, "You may not know that the Supreme Elder has left Kaoshan Sect. When he comes back, I will have become the leader. His strength is stronger than mine, but by then it will be a done deal and he can only agree..."

"You..." Wu Qi suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed and he roared, "Did you do anything to his disciples?"

"Do you want to..."

Wu Qi thought of a possibility.

The strength is not as good as the other party.

You can only use strategies.

There are two types of borrowing strategies.

One is to kill the other party with conspiracy and trickery.

The second is to make the other party become your own.

The first one should be Zhou Li's first choice.

But if there is a second way, why choose the first one?

It's dangerous and not worth it.

If all the masters of the sect are dead, it's useless for Zhou Li to become a Kaoshan Sect.

But if you want to curry favor with the Supreme Elder, the best way is to become his disciple.

The Supreme Elder has already said that he will no longer accept disciples from now on.

Then there is only one possibility.

Become his son-in-law.

He has no daughter, only disciples, and they are female disciples.

So there is only one possibility.

Thinking of this, Wu Qi roared: "What did you do to Junior Sister Xinyao?"

"I'll fight you."


Wu Qi was kicked away by Zhou Li. The former's blood stained the ground red, and his mouth was still spitting blood. His body was twisting on the ground, his hands were constantly grabbing the ground, and his resentful eyes were staring at the latter.

"Master Wu, you are smart..." Zhou Li said with admiration: "What a pity..."

"Elder Zhou, don't talk nonsense with him, the longer the night, the more dreams there are." The middle-aged man carrying a big knife next to him said.

He was wearing a fiery red robe, and it was Liehuodao, the leader of Liehuo Sect.

"Leader Lie, don't worry, no one in Kaoshan Sect can save him now..." Zhou Li said with a proud look on his face.

"Really..." Suddenly a loud voice sounded.

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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