Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 166 Eastern Qin Dynasty (1/2)

Shenwu Continent.

Time flies, and the skills of refining medicine liquid are getting more and more perfect.

The level is getting higher and higher.

Six years.

The level of medicine liquid was directly raised by Qin Tian by three grades.

From the original third grade to the sixth grade.

It can be said that there is no one before, and even no one after.

In addition to refining medicine, he can also refine pills and tools.

Refining pills is the real alchemist, and people call them alchemists.

Alchemists are only three grades, which can be said to be the foundation for refining pills.

Alchemists are divided into nine grades, corresponding to nine realms.

Qin Tian has reached the peak of the ninth grade.

In addition to refining pills, he also learned to refine tools.

This is also a good way to make money, and it also reached the peak of the ninth grade.

In six years, Qin Tian finally reached the twelfth level of the Martial Emperor Realm.

Others are at the ninth level, but because he practices the origin of the power and is a perfect life, he has three more levels in each realm.

And his strength has reached the strongest under the extraordinary.

The twelfth level of the Martial God Realm is perfect.

In six years, he earned more than 500 strands of origin energy, which is 50 trillion origin points and 50 million taels of silver.

This is because he secretly established a force to earn so much.

If he stayed in Kaoshan Sect, he might not earn even one tenth.

The more he earned, the more he consumed.

Qin Tian only raised his origin state of mind to 90%, and he spent 450 strands of origin energy.

Tongmai Realm, open up the meridians and open up the Dantian.

Queti Realm, the Dantian is opened up to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to temper the body.

Refining Qi Realm: Refining spiritual energy, purifying 30% can break through.

Warrior Realm, the purity of spiritual energy reaches half, becoming a real warrior.

Wuzong Realm, continue to purify spiritual energy, the spiritual energy is ten times thicker than that of warriors, and can easily kill warriors.

Tengkong Realm, the purity of one's own spiritual energy exceeds 70%, the spiritual energy can be released, and can be temporarily levitated.

Wuwang Realm, focusing on cultivating the spirit, and reaching the extreme, forming spiritual pressure.

This realm is for the seventh-level master or monarch of Blue Star.

In the Golden Body Realm, the purity of spiritual energy is as high as 80%. If you want to continue to purify it, you need to continue to improve the endurance of the body. When the next realm reaches perfection, the golden body can be indestructible.

In the Martial Emperor Realm, the purity of spiritual energy reaches 90%. If you want to continue to improve your strength, you need to comprehend the artistic conception to improve the purity of spiritual energy and mental power.

This realm can also be called the Mountain Splitting Realm, which can split mountains and break seas with terrifying strength.

The Martial God Realm is called the Transformation Realm. When you reach the extreme of mortals, it takes a process to break through the extraordinary.

Transformation and Transformation, completely surpassing mortals, the Martial God Realm is divided into nine levels, one level after another, with terrifying strength, and each level can easily kill the strong one level lower.

To reach this realm, you need to first reach 91% of the artistic conception, and transform the mental power into divine consciousness, and the purity of spiritual energy must reach 99%.

It can be imagined that the horror of this realm is basically impossible to challenge across levels.

Only Qin Tian is a monster who can cross a realm.

This is one of the reasons why the consumption is so high.

It is also related to the technique Qin Tian has practiced.

The consumption of practicing the Origin Technique is exactly a hundred times that of the Five Elements Technique.

To break through to the Martial God Realm, it is to raise the Origin Art to 91%, which requires 100 strands of Origin Qi.

To reach the extraordinary level, it is even more exaggerated.

Name: Qin Tian [Original Clone (Perfect Creature)]

Life: 1.99

Realm: Martial Emperor Realm 12th Level

Strength: Martial God Realm 12th Level

Constitution: Origin Body (10%)

Spiritual Awareness: 98%

Aura: 99%

Lifespan: 12/999

Dantian: 108 inches (perfect)

Kungfu: Origin Kungfu, Origin Clone Body

Martial Arts: Origin Method

Artistic Concept: Origin Artistic Concept (90%+)

Origin Qi: 78.8 strands

Origin Points: 8.88 billion (50 million Alliance Coins cannot be converted, 1.656 billion Xia Coins cannot be converted)

Origin Store: Level 4 [Level 5 (0/1 Origin Qi)]

Lottery: 0

Storage Space: 10 kilometers (+)

Equipment: Ninth-grade Black Iron Sword (Top Grade), Ninth-grade White Jade Armor (Top Grade)

Items: Time Watch...

Regular Items: None

There are still 22.2 strands of Origin Qi left to break through.

I don't know if I can reach the level of the extraordinary realm by then.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are finally back." Qin Tian returned to the bamboo house without any level, and three teenagers ran over angrily.

They were about fourteen or fifteen years old.

The oldest one was wearing a white ancient costume, looking like a handsome and elegant gentleman.

Who else could it be but Qin Yuan.

The other two were younger.

One was strong, wearing a black suit, and was relatively indifferent.

His name was Qin Li, and he was the man with supernatural power six years ago. After hearing the rumors about Qin Tian, ​​his challenge was easily suppressed.

Since then, he would challenge Qin Tian every once in a while.

But the results were all terrible.

What Qin Tian didn't expect was that not only did it not erase his will, but he became more and more courageous.

He had become the strongest genius of Kaoshan Sect, and was accepted as a disciple by the sect master, but he was rejected.

The sect master was almost angry to death. If it wasn't for his talent, he might have slapped him.

"Brother Tian, ​​accept me as a disciple." Qin Li said.

"What?" Qin Tian looked surprised.

Qin Yuan and the others didn't expect that Qin Li's opening words this time were not a challenge.

"Brother Tian, ​​I want to become stronger." Qin Li said.

"I said Qin Li, aren't you already very strong?"

Qin Yuan couldn't help but said: "Brother Tian is very busy."

Having grown up with Qin Tian since childhood, she naturally knows his character and living habits.

Except for buying medicinal materials, I basically never leave the bamboo house.

Especially in the past three years, Brother Tian has been very busy, and I don’t know what he is busy with. Sometimes he is gone for several months at a time.

One of them left him for half a year, which almost scared him.

Although Qin Tian is weird and powerful, he has regarded Qin Tian as his elder brother since he was a child.

"No, I'm not strong enough yet, far from it." Although Qin Li is a boy of about twelve years old, his mind is fully mature, just like an adult.

"I want to become stronger and protect the dynasty." Qin Li said, "I want to change the dynasty."

"Brother Ten." Another person couldn't help but said when he saw this. He didn't expect that Brother Ten would beg others for him.

The other person's name is Qin Hao, Qin Li's younger brother. He is wearing a blue robe and is handsome and graceful. He is the most handsome and calm among the three.

Hearing Qin Li's words, Qin Yuan was a little surprised. He looked around and whispered, "Qin Li, you better not talk nonsense."

"Protect the dynasty?"

"Change the dynasty?" Qin Tian was surprised. He didn't expect Qin Li to suddenly say such domineering words.

After looking at Qin Hao, Qin Tian immediately understood the reason.

"Forget it, I don't want to accept disciples." Qin Tian said.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Qin Li's expression changed drastically.

In Qin Yuan's opinion, it was normal.

But what he said next made everyone surprised and confused.

"I can make you stronger, but you have to tell me how you want to change the dynasty." Qin Tian said.

"What!" Qin Yuan was confused.

Qin Li also looked confused and couldn't help but look at Qin Hao next to him.

But Qin Hao was very calm, his dark eyes turning as if he was thinking about something.


Seeing that Qin Hao didn't speak, Qin Li hesitated and didn't know what to say.

He gritted his teeth and said, "When I become stronger, I will kill anyone who harms the dynasty."

"Yes, it is a reason."

Qin Tian nodded, but the next second his face was suddenly filled with indifference and he said, "But what if I am the one who harms the dynasty?"

"Ah..." Qin Li looked surprised, unable to react.

Qin Yuan frowned, not understanding what Qin Tian meant.

Qin Hao's face suddenly looked at Qin Tian while he was thinking, trying to understand what he said.

"Brother Tian... this... is impossible!" Qin Li said hesitantly: "You have no enmity with the Dynasty. After all, the Dynasty is extremely powerful, but with the Martial King Realm, Brother Tian, ​​you better not joke around."

"Why is it impossible?" Qin Tian asked, "Everything is possible in this world."

"How can you be sure that I have no grudge against the Dynasty?"

"As for the Martial King Realm, do you think I will be afraid?"

As Qin Tian spoke, a powerful and terrifying pressure instantly enveloped the three of them.




The three of them were directly pressed to the ground by coercion.


Qin Li looked horrified, and his body couldn't move at all.

Qin Yuan looked shocked and felt that his body was about to collapse. He wanted to speak, but found that he could not speak at all.

Qin Hao, who was originally calm, suddenly changed his face and became very ugly.

Just when they could hardly bear it anymore, the pressure on them disappeared without a trace.

The body suddenly felt light.

"You..." Qin Li was a little angry, but Qin Hao caught him and shook his head to say not to mess around.

"Brother Tian, ​​you have gone too far."

Qin Yuan ignored it and said: "We brothers have nothing to do anymore. Of course, if you give me a few pure spirit pills and body tempering pills, I won't argue with you."

As he said this, he patted his clothes and tidied them here and there.

Afraid of affecting his image.


Qin Tian smiled and said, "Give me as much money as you want."

"Brother Tian, ​​you..." Qin Yuan was speechless, looking at Qin Tian and glaring at him.

Sure enough, he is still the familiar little miser.

Qin Tian ignored him, but looked at Qin Li and said, "How is it? Do you think there is anything I can do to endanger the dynasty? If you don't think it's enough, what about now?"

As he spoke, his body emitted rays of golden light.


An even more terrifying aura burst out.

The three of them always felt like the wind was roaring around them, but nothing happened to them.

This is naturally a manifestation of Qin Tian's control over power.

Perfection has been reached.

"The Golden Body Realm is perfect! How could you be the Golden Body Realm Perfect?" Qin Li looked horrified and full of disbelief.

An illusion, absolutely an illusion.

"You actually have perfected the golden body?" Qin Hao said, with shock and disbelief on his face.

"Brother Tian, ​​you..." Qin Yuan couldn't help but feel sorry.

What the hell?

Why did the golden body state suddenly reach perfection?

Can you please stop joking?

Can you get him ready?

Qin Yuan can't remember exactly what time this was.

He had been numb since childhood, but he still couldn't help but fuck at this moment.

My heart is full of shit.

No, he has a firm grip on this thigh.

"Okay, tell me now." Qin Tian suppressed the golden light on his body.

"If I want to endanger the dynasty, what will you do?"

"I..." Qin Li's originally firm will began to waver at this moment.

The other party is in the Golden Body Realm, how can I beat him, how can I protect the dynasty.

What should I do now?

Give up, or run away?


Why should I give up? What if the other party is in the Golden Body Realm?

Even if he is in the Martial Emperor Realm, so what?

They all started from the same weakness.

If they can do it, why can't I?

"If you endanger the dynasty, I will desperately protect you. Even if I die, I will not give up letting you endanger the dynasty. What if you are in the Golden Body Realm? If you can break through, I can do it too." Qin Li's originally strong body became more firm and powerful at this moment.

Qin Hao's face changed drastically when he heard his voice.

He secretly said that it was not good.

He was about to explain, but was interrupted by the breath emitted by Qin Li next to him.


A breath burst out from Qin Li's body.

"Martial artist realm, not bad." Qin Tian didn't expect that the other party would directly break through and become a real warrior under his oppression.

"Wow! He can even break through." Qin Yuan looked depressed. This guy is a pervert.


That guy is a pervert.

"Tenth Brother." Qin Hao was surprised, but he immediately reacted and said to Qin Tian: "Thank you, senior."

He already understood that the other party should have seen the problem of Tenth Brother.

Since Tenth Brother has been challenging the other party, his strength has improved very quickly, but this has led to an unstable foundation for Tenth Brother, who has been unable to break through after reaching the ninth level of Qi Refining Realm.

He also saw the problem, so he said something from time to time to influence Tenth Brother.

And today's incident was actually arranged by him.

I just want Tenth Brother to let go of his obsession.

"Thank you?" Qin Tian shook his head in confusion and said: "He is determined by himself."

"Also, don't call me senior, just call me Brother Tian like the two of them." Qin Tian said a little unhappy: "I am very young, only 12 years old."

Qin Yuan: "..."

Qin Hao: "..."

Qin Li: "???"

"Thank you, Brother Tian." Although Qin Li didn't understand the meaning, he could guess that Qin Tian should help him.

"Don't thank me, this is your own luck." Qin Tian finally understood what they meant.

"Brother Tian, ​​did you agree to teach me?" Qin Li said excitedly.

Before, he felt a little reluctant to become Qin Tian's master, but now he is very excited.

Although he can reach the Golden Body Realm in the future, that is in the future.

A Golden Body Realm master cannot disgrace his status at all.

Thinking of his previous self, he felt a little stupid, and felt that he must have been insane at that time.

The strong do not need to compare with others.

Everyone has his own way. Only by making continuous efforts can you have the opportunity to become stronger.

"No..." Qin Tian shook his head and said, "Although your answer is not bad, it does not meet my requirements."

"This..." Qin Li was dumbfounded. Isn't this okay?

Qin Yuan was also a little puzzled as to why Qin Tian rejected him.

Qin Li's answer was already very good.

I don't know what to do.

Although I know Qin Tian's character, I actually hope that Brother Tian can teach Qin Li.

He also hopes that the dynasty can be stable.

"Before... Brother Tian..." Qin Hao also said puzzledly: "What does my tenth brother need to do to let you teach him."

"He is not wrong." Qin Tian shook his head.

"No wrong? Then why not teach him." Qin Hao said puzzledly.

BS: The typos will be corrected first and then revised

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