Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 156 Muyuan Group Incident (1/2)

"Boy, what did you say?"

Upon hearing Qin Tian's words, Zhao Peng suddenly became furious and roared: "You are looking for death."

"What do you want to do?"

"do not come…"

"Idiot." Qin Tian said coldly. Before Zhao Peng could react, he grabbed his hand and punched him in the face.


"Ah." Zhao Peng let out a miserable cry, louder than a pig.




The screams continued, and Mu Yuan outside was very worried, worried that Qin Tian would accidentally kill someone.

But she felt very relieved in her heart. In the past, Zhao Peng pestered her every day and even made small moves from time to time. If she hadn't been vigilant, she would have been destroyed in the hands of the other party.

If his father hadn't been on the board of directors, he would have been sent to the security team for the things he did.

He should be taught a lesson for such a scourge.

"Miss Mu Ling, inside..." someone heard the movement and asked curiously.

"Why is this miserable sound so familiar?"

"Isn't this the voice of Mr. Zhao?"

"Why does it sound so miserable? Could it be that he was beaten violently?"

"What are you looking at? Why don't you hurry up and work with Qin?" Mu Ling said as he saw more and more people.

"Miss Mu, let's leave now... Why are you still standing? Didn't you hear what Miss Mu said?"

Several young people heard Mu Ling's words and immediately reacted and spoke.

To be honest, they wished that Zhao Peng was among them, they had long been unhappy with him.

After everyone left, Mu Ling breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Qin Tian would come out later and be seen.

At that time, he might be taken away by the security team.

There is no one now, and she can find many reasons.


There were constant screams inside, making the wood spirit wonder if Qin Tian was a bad guy.

Five minutes passed.

It's still going on inside.

Ten minutes passed and it still didn't stop.

At this moment, a group of people from the Mu Yuan Group arrived.

People from the security team.

"Hold here and don't let anyone get out."

A middle-aged man pointed at the door and said.

"It's captain."

"Others follow me up to arrest people." Lu Zhongping said.

"Everyone doesn't want to move and is staying put."

"What's going on? Why did the security team come to Muyuan Group?"

"Such a big battle? It seems like something big must have happened."


The staff were talking about it.

Some people looked ugly when they saw the security team walking towards him, but when he was about to speak, they saw the security team walking past him and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Zhang, are you covered in sweat? Are you doing something shameful?"

A person next to him said with a smile.

"My body is hot, and you are talking about me. Look at your legs trembling. You have done something wrong." The person named Xiao Zhang retorted.

"Please keep your voice down, are you afraid that the security team will arrest you?"

"Then you still say? It's okay to be taken away and fined, but if you call your family, it will make you lose face."

"Fuck, Xiao Zhang, how did you know?"

"Have you not…"

"Shut up."

At this moment, there were voices calling for injustice in the Muyuan Group. Unfortunately, the evidence was solid and everyone was taken away.

And the people being taken were all the top brass of the Muling Group, everyone on the board of directors.

At this moment, some smart people immediately saw something fishy.

The Muyuan Group will undergo major changes.

"Chairman Mu, thank you for your cooperation." Lu Zhongping looked at the old man in front of him in surprise. Others could see the problem, so he couldn't.

Everyone on the board of directors was arrested. No one would believe it if there was nothing fishy about it.

However, Lu Zhongping didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, they were doing things according to the rules, and anyone who committed a foul would be arrested.

"That's right. It's mainly because I failed to find them." Mu Yuandao.

"Mu turns out to be old man..." When an old man was being taken away, he heard what they said and said angrily.

"Captain, there is still one person left." At this time, a young man ran over and said.

"Who?" Lu Zhongping frowned.

"Zhao Peng."

"Zhao Peng?" Lu Zhongping immediately remembered who it was and looked at Mu Yuan.

"Let me ask." Mu Yuan looked ugly and quickly took out his phone. He couldn't let this scum run away.

The reason why he was angry was because what Zhao Peng did was so outrageous that he wanted to skin him directly.

He often threatens other women on the grounds of work, causing the Muyuan Group to become rotten.

This is the scum of scum.

"Uncle Mu, Zhao Peng is with Mu Ling." Before Mu Yuan could make a call, he received a message.

"Lijun Lu, follow me." Mu Yuan said quickly.

"Okay." Lu Zhongping said, and then walked up.


Mu Yuan and others heard screams as soon as they arrived.

Lu Zhongping suddenly looked grim and walked quickly in the direction of the sound.

"Mu Ling?" Mu Yuan saw his daughter at the door and asked quickly, "What's going on inside?"

Lu Zhongping also quickly looked at Mu Ling. When the latter saw the security team, his face suddenly turned ugly and he hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"He and I…"

Upon seeing this, Lu Zhongping was about to let people rush in. At this moment, the door suddenly opened and a young man walked out. It was Qin Tian. He said, "Everyone, don't be nervous. Nothing happened inside."

"Xiaotian, what are you doing?" Mu Yuan asked in confusion.

Seeing this, Lu Zhongping did not take action immediately, but he was always alert and ready to take action at any time.

"Is it you?" At this time, a woman looked at Qin Tian curiously.

"Sister Ming, do you know him?" One of them asked curiously, and Mu Yuan and Mu Ling were also a little curious.

Lu Zhongping hurriedly looked at the person who called Sister Ming.

"I met him yesterday." Sister Ming also looked at Qin Tian curiously after saying that, always feeling a little weird.

"Is it him?" Lu Zhongping also remembered what happened, and he also felt that this Qin Tian was very suspicious and very weird.

"Uncle Mu." Qin Tian smiled bitterly: "I was going to finish the work here and find you, who knew that there was a madman who kept shouting and kept saying that I beat him."

Everyone: "..."

Mu Ling: "???"


"You lied, I'm going to kill you." Suddenly a figure rushed out, Qin Tian quickly made way, and the figure fell directly to the ground.

The clothes were bright and gorgeous, basically all brand names.

"Ah!" Zhao Peng said in pain, his voice was louder than that of a pig being slaughtered, but his expression puzzled everyone.

"Are you Zhao Peng?" Lu Zhongping asked.

"It's me, it's me, you have to make the decision for me. This guy hit me, I've been seriously injured by him, I'm dying, I want to sue him for attempted murder." Zhao Peng roared.

"Ah, it hurts."

Lu Zhongping: "???"

Everyone: "..."

"Help him." Lu Zhongping couldn't bear it and asked someone next to him to see what Zhao Peng was like.

If it was really as he said, Qin Tian would not be let go.

"Captain, he has no injuries at all, he is very healthy."

"Impossible." Zhao Peng roared after hearing the man's story: "Absolutely impossible, look, here... and here... Can't you see that I'm covered in blood?"

Zhao Peng looked at everyone and pointed at several parts of his body and said.

Seeing that everyone looked at him like a madman or a psychopath.

Zhao Peng was confused and a little confused. Wasn't the other party a security team?

Aren't you here to catch that kid?

Why are you looking at me?

Catch the kid.

"Take him away." The security team said coldly.

"What are you going to do? Let me go, let me go..." Zhao Peng said angrily, his head was buzzing, and he didn't understand what was going on at all.

"You caught the wrong person, it's not me... it's him..."

"Let me go, are you blind?"

"Retreat." Lu Zhongping looked at Qin Tian and turned around and said.

"Thank you for this time." Mu Yuan thanked him again. If it weren't for the person in front of him, he didn't know how to get back all the shares.

"Thank you." Mu Ling also said.

"It's a small matter." Qin Tian said.

"By the way, what happened inside just now?" Mu Ling asked curiously: "Why didn't Zhao Peng get hurt at all?"

Others didn't know, but she had been outside all the time, and she knew what happened inside without seeing it.

But in the end it didn't match what she heard, so she was naturally very curious.

"What you hear may not be true, and what you see with your eyes may also be false." Qin Tian said with a slight smile.

Mu Ling: "..."

"If you don't want to talk, forget it." Mu Ling glared at him and said.

"How can you talk like that?" Mu Yuan rolled his eyes at his daughter, looked at Qin Tian and said, "All the Wanyao Pills were sold last night, with a total price of 1.22 billion."

"I have transferred it to you, and it is expected to arrive in the afternoon."

"Thank you, Uncle Mu." Qin Tian thanked.

"It should be." Mu Yuan waved his hand quickly. If it weren't for Qin Tian, ​​his daughter wouldn't be so lively now. Without Qin Tian's help, Mu Yuan Group's shares would not be recovered, and it was unknown when the cancer treatment drugs would be fully developed.

They couldn't even get in touch with the research of Wanyao Pills.

This kind of thing is worth their reward.

"Xiaotian, there is another thing I want to tell you." Mu Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Uncle Mu, please speak." Qin Tian said.

"We have studied the seeds you gave us, and they are full of vitality."

"The canvas you gave us does record how to plant Qingling grass." Mu Yuan said excitedly: "We have already planted a few seeds."

Mu Yuan said a little embarrassedly: "You also know that our company is researching cancer drugs, and it is only the last step. After research, I found that Qingling grass may be the most critical step. I think..."

"Uncle Mu, I know what you mean. You can do whatever you want." Qin Tian knew what he meant, and knew that the other party was for this world, so there was no need to stop him.

"Okay, okay..." Mu Yuan said excitedly: "Thank you, Xiaotian."

"Don't worry, the profits earned by then will not be less for you."

"Uncle Mu, what did you say?"

Qin Tian said with a surprised look on his face: "Isn't it just Qingling grass? Forget about using it."

Without waiting for them to speak, Qin Tian quickly changed the subject and said: "By the way, do you have a kitchen here?"

"Kitchen?" Mu Ling asked in confusion: "Yes, otherwise what will the employees eat?"

"I mean individually!" Qin Tian said speechlessly.

"This... no." Mu Ling asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"Of course I'm cooking."

Qin Tian said unhappily: "My company is still under renovation, and I've been eating takeout for several days."

"Xiaotian..." Mu Yuan said with a wry smile: "Why don't you eat in our company? The food is still good."

Originally, there was a separate kitchen, but it was demolished because it was not used for a long time.

"Uncle Mu, forget it. Why don't you lend me your company's kitchen?" Qin Tian thought for a while and said.

The company's meals are usually limited. If he eats, what if others don't have it? And he is not the only one eating. It is better to cook it by himself than to let the chef cook it.

"You can cook?" Mu Ling was shocked.

Time passed quickly, and Qin Tian left Mu Yuan Group with a few lunch boxes.

"I didn't expect his dishes to be so delicious." Looking at the back of the departing figure, Mu Ling couldn't help licking her lips.

After eating employee meals for more than ten years, I didn't know that the food was so delicious until this moment.

"Then do you want to take Xiao Xi as your boyfriend?"

"Mom! What are you talking about!" Mu Ling's face immediately turned red, thinking that if he wants to chase, he should chase him.

"Brother Tian."

Qin Tian saw Xiao Xi running towards him with a smile as soon as he arrived at the company.

"I'll do it."

"This is yours, give the rest to the workers."

"Okay, Brother Tian." Xiaoxi took a lunch box and hurriedly walked towards the workers.

After a while, Xiaoxi also came to Qin Tian with the food she knew.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you eaten?"

"I've eaten it, eat it quickly." Qin Tian said.

"Okay then." Xiaoxi opened the lunch box and guessed with some doubt: "Brother Tian, ​​is this the meal you cooked?"

"Yeah." Qin Tian nodded.

"It's delicious!" Xiaoxi couldn't help but take a bite, and was stunned. She didn't expect that his cooking was so delicious.

"Brother Tian, ​​is this pork? Why is it different from what I usually eat?" Xiaoxi was puzzled.

"Maybe I cooked it better." Qin Tian said seriously, he naturally didn't explain that it was beast meat, but it had energy.

For humans, it has a fatal temptation.

In addition, he is a good cook, so it is naturally very delicious.

Xiaoxi: "..."

"Why do I feel so hot?" Not long after dinner, Xiaoxi felt restless all over. If it was at night, she might have suspected that Qin Tian had put something in it.

"Are you okay?" Qin Tian smiled.

"Nothing." Xiaoxi said.


Xiaoxi: "..."

"Okay, let's rest on the sofa for a while." Qin Tian smiled.

"What did you give me to eat?" Xiaoxi couldn't help but speak.

"Good stuff." Qin Tian joked.

"You..." Xiaoxi's face flushed, and she turned over and lay on the sofa.

Qin Tian smiled slightly, feeling that such a day was not bad.

"Ding, 1.12 billion Xia coins have been received, and 1.231 billion Xia coins are owned. Do you want to convert them into the original point?"

"No..." Qin Tian said, earning more than 1 billion in just a few days, and more than 300 billion doesn't seem to be that difficult.

However, Qin Tian didn't rush to buy healing pills.

Some things need to ferment to have greater value.

That day, the events of the Muyuan Group shocked the entire Yangcheng in an instant.

Everyone was discussing whether Muyuan Group was going to collapse.

But then, Muyuan Group released a piece of information that shocked the world.

The research on cancer drugs is about to complete the final research.

It will be launched every year.

Just like that, three days passed in a flash.

BS: The typos will be corrected first and then corrected

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