Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 152 Small money? Big money? (1/2)

After practicing the flesh refining, Qin Tian did not immediately start practicing the bone refining.

Bone refining, like skin refining, also has several small stages.

Iron bones, copper bones, gold bones, white bones.

To recover, you need to take two intermediate energy pills or one advanced energy pill.

Although there is still one intermediate energy pill, the time for practice is not enough.

He has no feedback from the beast control now, so he can't keep practicing. After traveling back, he hasn't rested yet. Although not resting will not be fatal, it may affect the recovery of strength.

Of course, not being able to practice does not mean that you can't practice the wood style.

The wood style is divided into entry, familiarity, proficiency, perfection, and great perfection.

The wood style is to practice various martial arts to control the body's strength and exercise the body.

Qin Tian has reached the most difficult entry, and now he just needs to keep familiarizing himself. When he is familiar to a certain degree, he can flexibly use various martial arts and be considered proficient.

Qin Tian rested for a while and began to gesture.

Because his body is not the same as before traveling back, he was a little unfamiliar at the beginning. When he punched for an hour and gradually got back to the feeling before.



There was a roar in the air, which was much louder than the previous practice in the Fengtian Tower.

Perhaps it was because of the different rules.

At this time, no one on Blue Star was his opponent.

Even a pistol could not cause him any harm.

As for the more powerful machine gun equipment, he was not sure.

Anyway, if you practice right, you can naturally resist Blue Star's technological weapons.

Of course, he has a system, so he is not afraid now, but it will waste the origin points, which is unnecessary.

He did not intend to make an enemy of the country, only a fool would.



Fists kept bombarding.

Then there were various other martial arts.

Until late at night, when the body could not bear it, Qin Tian stopped practicing, took a shower, and slept on the big bed that appeared out of thin air.

A night passed quickly.

Qin Tian got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and was about to have some breakfast nearby, but saw Xiao Xi had already come to the company.

Qin Tian quickly changed the bed to a sofa.


Xiao Xi saw Qin Tian open the door and greeted him.

Seeing Qin Tian wearing the same clothes, she was a little curious. Did he not go home overnight?

"Your breakfast." Xiaoxi was confused but did not ask more.

"Thank you, how much is it?" Qin Tian said.

"No need." Xiaoxi quickly refused.

"Thank you very much." Qin Tian was surprised and then smiled and said, "I'll cook for you another day."

"Oh." Xiaoxi was a little surprised. She didn't expect Qin Tian to cook, but she felt that it sounded a little weird.

Then she thought about it and said, "Can you tell me the details of the company?"

After saying this, Xiaoxi felt embarrassed and speechless.

After returning home last night, her bestie nagged her, and she could only lie and say that she had an interview today.

I forgot to ask yesterday.

Do you think it's embarrassing?

"The company is called Wanyao Pavilion, and it mainly sells pills. You should know." Qin Tian said without much explanation.

"You mean?" Xiaoxi was shocked and suddenly thought of something.

She was shocked. She didn't expect that the company opened by Qin Tian actually sold magic medicine.

How could she not be shocked?

"Okay, I'll tell you about the details." Qin Tian slowly told Xiao Xi some things. He couldn't let her know nothing.

For example, the company is in the initial stage now.

We are currently looking for decoration workers.

When will it open for business in the future depends on the results of Muyuan Group.

When she heard that Qin Tian had a cooperation with Muyuan Group, Xiao Xi was shocked.

Of course, she was also warned not to talk nonsense for the time being.

After listening to Qin Tian's story, Xiao Xi was dazed.

So she was still a cleaner?

In the end, Xiao Xi had no choice but to start cleaning helplessly.

Qin Tian originally planned to clean with him, but found that his phone was vibrating.

"I'm going to answer a call." Qin Tian said and walked out.

Xiao Xi: "?"

I thought, aren't you the boss? Why do you have to tell your employees?

Why do I feel that Qin Tian is not suitable to be a boss at all?

There is no momentum.

"Ding, the host obtains 1.0232 million Xia coins. Do you want to convert it into the original point?" Qin Tian just walked out of the door and the system's voice came out of his mind.

It made Qin Tian stunned.

What's going on?

How come a million Xia coins suddenly appeared?

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian asked. He felt that the sudden increase of one million Xia coins must be related to Xiaoji.

"Master, Xiaoji is useless."

Qin Tian frowned. What's the matter with Xiaoji.

"What's the matter? Explain it clearly."

"Master, Xiaoji originally wanted to earn a little money first, but he only earned a little money in one night."

Xiaoji's voice was like a child who had done something wrong

But it was a thunder in Qin Tian's ears.

Qin Tian's mind was blank.

Am I dreaming, or is Xiaoji dreaming?

One million!

A little money?

Qin Tian felt that Xiaoji was showing off at this moment. He suddenly had an impulse to beat him up.

One million, if it's just a little money.

Then what is the 180,000 he earned after three years of hard work?

"Master, it's Xiaoji's fault. Don't be angry. Xiaoji promises you that I will try to earn a little money within a day."

Xiaoji felt that Qin Tian was silent and angry, and said quickly.

But it didn't know, because what he just said made Qin Tian even more autistic.

I really want to hit someone.

"Breathe..." Qin Tian took a deep breath and looked at Xiaoji earning him a million in one night, so he didn't care about her.

"Xiaoji, in your opinion, what is small money and what is big money?" Qin Tian couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Ah..." Xiaoji was surprised, why would the master ask such childish questions.

Could it be that the master was testing her.

"Master, do you really want to listen?" Xiaoji still asked anxiously.

"Say." Qin Tian glared at him and said.

"Okay master." Xiao Ji thought for a while and said, "According to this world, for ordinary people, one million is a lot, even ten thousand is not a lot."

"One million is a lot, so why did you say it was just a little money?" Qin Tian asked curiously.

"Master, this is true for ordinary people, but in fact it is not much at all. For example, a single illness may cost so much, and it is not even enough. Master, do you think it is more than one million?"

Qin Tian:"……"

Qin Tian was silent, it was really not enough to forget it like this.

"anything else?"

"There is another reason why Xiaoji feels that one million is not much."

"what reason."

"It's based on the master's comparison."

"Me?" Qin Tian was stunned, a little confused, and didn't understand what Xiaoji meant.

"Master, don't you own 10,000 elixirs? One of them will cost at least 100 million, and if you sell them all, it will cost you 1 trillion. Compared to 1 million, it is naturally a small amount of money."

Qin Tian:"???"

That makes sense.

is that so.

It turned out to be my own fault!

It turned out to be my fault!

It turns out that he is the original sin!

"In Xiaoji's view, at least 10 million is small money, and 100 million is big money."

Qin Tian's head was dizzy and he didn't know when he returned to the company.

For small machines, it’s worth pondering.

"Boss, why do you look a little bad?" Xiao Xi said.

"It's okay, let's go together." Qin Tian said.

Xiaoxi: "?"

It didn't take long to finish cleaning the studio.

"Boss, what are you doing now?" Xiao Xi asked, thinking that she wouldn't be cleaning all day long.

"Wait a minute and take a look. If you need to buy something, write it down and tell me." Qin Tian said.

"Okay." Xiaoxi was a little speechless and asked me, "Aren't you the boss?" But she still agreed.

But Qin Tian closed his eyes and rested on the sofa.

Think about some questions.

If you think about the small machine carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

One million seems like a small amount of money to those rich people.

But for ordinary people, it is a lot of money, and rich people often spend their entire lives for this small amount of money.

Even illness cannot be cured.

The gap between rich people and ordinary people is really big.

One is small money, the other is life-saving money.

I don’t know if this is an inevitable law of the world, or...

Thinking of this, Qin Tian suddenly woke up.

He had just entered a blind spot without realizing it.

Some rich people, some small money, some big money.

For him, there is no need to worry at all.

This is the way the world is.

If you really can't stand it, help if you can, and do your own thing if you can't.

As long as he does what he wants, he will have a clear conscience.

He is no ordinary person now.

If that doesn't work, then wouldn't it be enough to let those wealthy families spend some big money to help the world?

Right, that is it.

He has thought of a way.

Looking at Qin Tian as if he was asleep, Xiao Xi always felt unreliable, but he also started to think about it. From time to time, he would browse information online to see what he needed to buy.

I wrote a bunch of things in no time.

"Boss..." Xiao Xi whispered.

"What's wrong?" Qin Tian opened his eyes and asked.

"It's written." When Xiao Xi saw this, she felt more and more unreliable. If she hadn't known what the company was mainly engaged in, she might not have been able to persist.

"Let me take a look." Qin Tian looked at it and said, "I don't need this, I don't want that, and I don't need this either..."

Xiao Xi who was standing next to him was shocked, "You don't want this, you don't want that, why do you want to open a company?"

What she said next directly broke her outlook.

"Okay, let's just buy two sets of computers. There is no need to buy the others for the time being. I will buy them after the decoration workers come over and decorate them." Qin Tian took a look and found that in fact, there is no need to buy the above things, but he thought that a company could not even buy one. It really doesn’t make sense that I don’t have a computer.

"After the decoration is completed, I will buy some food and other equipment, such as coffee machines, beverage machines... etc."

Qin Tian smiled and said, a picture slowly unfolding in his mind.

"By the way, we will recruit some beauties as waitresses when the time comes."

Xiao Xi next to him was completely stunned and couldn't say a word.

Is the boss starting a company or starting a company?

She couldn't stand it anymore.

If he hadn't been the boss, he would have been slapped.

"Okay, that's it. Wait for the decoration workers to come over. Then you can go down and take over." Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Oh." Xiao Xi responded and nodded.

"By the way, I'll transfer 10,000 yuan to you. If you need to buy anything, just buy it yourself." Qin Tian thought for a while and said.

"Oh ah…"

Time passed and the decoration workers arrived soon. According to Qin Tian's plan, it would take at least five days.

In order to practice, Qin Tian had to open a hotel nearby.

He originally wanted to stay in a hotel, but unfortunately the sound insulation was too poor, and his practice might affect others.

In the evening, Mu Yuan called.

"Mr. Qin, I have translated the information on the scroll. I will send you the information. Take a look."

"I guess this should be an ancient recipe, which records the customized method and materials for refining Wanyao Dan."

Qin Tian opened his phone and saw that there was nothing wrong. He didn't expect Mu Yuan's speed to be so fast.

Qin Tian knew the information on the scroll best. He had asked the system to do it.

"I have read it. It should be the same as what you said. Let's talk about it when we meet tomorrow." Qin Tian sent a message to Mu Yuan.

After thinking for a while, he said, "How is the sale of Wanyao Dan?"

"They have all been contacted. They are all willing to buy it. They are just worried about whether the efficacy is real. However, several people plan to meet tonight. After they buy it back, other people will buy it immediately after knowing the efficacy. You don't have to worry." Mu Yuan sent a message.

"Okay, thank you." After Qin Tian sent the message, he sat for a while and practiced.

However, today he practiced the Wood Style first, and took the last intermediate energy pill when his body ran out of strength.

As soon as he took it, Qin Tian felt a terrifying energy flowing through his body.

He quickly practiced the Wood Emperor Technique. Without the technique, these powerful energies would instantly burst the body of an ordinary person.

This is why he tempered his body first.

Of course, Qin Tian's previous tempering was not regular, and the speed was very fast. If it weren't for the pure energy and life source fluid attracted by Xiao Qing, Qin Tian would have been injured if he was not seriously injured.

With the special guidance of the technique, the powerful energy was quickly drawn to the bones.

Just at the moment of contact, a strong pain began to be transmitted to the nerves, but fortunately, the previous practice was nothing for the pain at this time.

The bones were wrapped in energy, and Qin Tian could feel the energy desperately drilling in, and it covered all places in an instant.

Practice at any time, and there was a crackling sound from the bones.

The small hammer was hitting, there were thousands of needles, and even ice and fire blending.


I don't know how long I practiced, and a strong force came out from the bones.

Finally reached the iron bone.

Qin Tian did not stop and continued to practice.

When the horizon turned red, a terrifying breath burst out from the bones.




The bones suddenly made a sound of breaking.

Of course, it was not the bones that were broken, but the impurities in the bones were expelled, and the bones were compressed and transformed by energy.


The power burst out completely.

The originally black bones turned into copper at this moment.

Finally reached the second stage of bones, copper bones.

"Not enough energy." Qin Tian felt the energy in his body. He thought about it and planned to practice the wood style for a while. If he didn't practice, the energy in his body would slowly disappear, which would be a waste.

"It's a pity that the Dantian didn't recover." Qin Tian frowned. It was really troublesome if the Dantian didn't recover. It seemed that he had to upgrade the system origin point to level 4 as soon as possible.

I don't know why this happened.

Obviously, the strength in the body was recovering. Even the heart had a little golden light, and even the soul could take the Soul Condensation Pill to increase the enhancement.

But there was no sign of recovery in the Dantian.

This made Qin Tian speechless, and the system refused to say.

This is going to suffocate me to death.

"Forget it, I can only take it slowly." Qin Tian sighed.


Just as Qin Tian was about to get up, a roar suddenly came from his bones.

A terrifying aura was awakening.

BS: The typo will be corrected later

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