Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 144 Mu Ling wakes up (1/2)

Hearing the sound, everyone quickly looked outside.

I saw a middle-aged man walking quickly.

"Fortunately, it was in time." Qin Tian muttered in his heart. He still underestimated his parents' love.

If this is the case, don't blame him for taking advantage of others' danger.

Qin Tian already had an idea in his mind.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that his good deeds were interrupted, Fatty Wu couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

"You are..." Mu Yuan was a little confused, could this be the person who just hacked into his phone.

"Did you just..." Chen Daiyun immediately connected to what happened just now.

The two nurses were full of curiosity, but unfortunately their illusions were shattered.

This is not a handsome guy.

This is uncle!

"I can save her."

Qin Tian didn't answer. Fatty Wu walked from his side to Mu Yuan and said, "And he can save her immediately."

"What did I think he was, that he was actually a liar?" Seeing that Qin Tian ignored him, Fatty Wu said sarcastically.

"You can be rescued right away, but you have to find a good reason to lie to people. Are the IQs of liars so poor now?"

"Why are you two still standing there? Why don't you go find the security guard? I don't see a liar here..."

"Speak more clearly at the end. Be careful of careful of retribution..." Qin Tian said coldly.

"You..." Fatty Wu said angrily, about to get angry but saw a coldness in Qin Tian's eyes, which made him tremble.

But he still couldn't help but say: "I want to see how you can save her."

Qin Tian ignored it and looked at Mu Yuan. Upon seeing this, the latter quickly said: "Can you really save my daughter?"

Mu Yuan did not ask Qin Tian if he had just hacked into his phone, as that would offend him.

"Little brother, can you really cure Xiao Ling?" Chen Daiyun also asked quickly.

The two nurses next to him were also silent and curious. One of them suddenly thought of something and quickly took out his mobile phone.


Hearing this name, Qin Tian suddenly fell into a trance.

I don’t know how Xiaoling is doing now?

Qin Tian regained his composure and said, "Yes, and let her recover immediately."

"This..." Mu Yuan and Chen Daiyun really didn't know what to say at this moment, and they couldn't help but guess in their hearts that this person was not really a liar.

There is no medicine that can directly make people recover. If the other party says it takes a month or half a year, they still believe it.

Cured immediately?

This is completely unscientific.

"You also said that you are not a liar, and you think you have the magic medicine!" Fatty Wu couldn't help but sarcastically, this is the stupidest liar he has seen this year, but of course he did not dare to say it directly.

After hearing Fatty Wu's words, Mu Ling and Chen Daiyun suddenly looked ugly.

Fatty Wu's eyes lit up when he saw this and he immediately said, "Chairman Mu, the time has come. What do you think? Do you agree or not?"

"I..." Mu Yuan hesitated and looked at Qin Tian, ​​but he didn't say anything. He thought his identity had been exposed and was embarrassed to speak.

He looked at his daughter on the bed again, gritted his teeth and was about to agree. At this moment, a nurse next to him heard a surprised voice: "It's's actually him..."

"It's him, who is he?" the nurse asked with some confusion, not knowing why her colleague was making such a fuss.

Others were also curious and wondered why the nurse suddenly changed.

"It's him, don't you know..."

"Who is it? Can you please explain it clearly?"

"He is the mysterious middle-aged man on the bus..."

"You mean, it's him?"

Mu Yuan and the other three were all curious, who is this middle-aged man?

"What are you two doing? Why don't you push him away?" Suddenly a middle-aged woman came from outside.

"Head nurse, I'm sorry, I'll start now." The nurse said quickly and was about to turn off the instrument. Chen Daiyun quickly stopped and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Head nurse..."

"Why are you still standing there?" the head nurse said coldly: "We will have people coming in here soon, so hurry up."

"Yes, head nurse."

"Please, can you wait a moment and we'll pay the money right away..." Chen Daiyun's face was extremely ugly and he begged.

The head nurse was silent and looked at Fatty Wu calmly. The latter nodded quickly and looked at Mu Yuan and said: "Chairman Mu, you saw it too, don't say Wu won't help you, wait a minute, Wu wants to help you. I’m afraid it’s too late.”

"This is a contract. Whoever wants to sign it, I will pay immediately..."

"Okay, I'll sign." Mu Yuan's body trembled, feeling much older at this moment.

Fatty Wu couldn't help but smile. It seemed that the plan was about to succeed.

The head nurse's face was expressionless, but if you look closely, you can see the excitement in her eyes.

He looked at Qin Tian, ​​but he didn't speak immediately.

When Chen Daiyun saw this, he felt mixed emotions in his heart, and he didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Haha, what a good plan!" Qin Tian, ​​who had been silent until now, suddenly said: "I can get half of Muyuan Group's equity with no effort. I really admire you."

"What did you say?" Fatty Wu said angrily, and Mu Yuan, who was about to sign immediately, froze.

Fatty Wu saw this and said angrily: "Don't listen to his nonsense, sign it quickly."

The head nurse also said, "Who are you? Who asked you to come in? Get out, or I'll call security."

"You two are still stunned. Go and call security?"

"Yes, head nurse." The nurse said quickly and ran out.

"Why are you still standing there? Go!"

Seeing that the other nurse did not leave, the head nurse yelled.

"Oh." The remaining nurse looked a little ugly. After walking a few steps and thinking about it, she couldn't help but look at Mu Yuan and Chen Daiyun and said, "He may really be able to save Researcher Mu Ling. I admire her very much and I don't want her to die."

She didn't know if her words would affect her future, but she couldn't help but speak, and then left here.

Qin Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this nurse was still kind.

"You... make me angry..." The head nurse looked extremely ugly, and then looked at Qin Tian and said, "Why are you still standing there? Do you really want the security to ask you to leave?"

"Little brother, can you really save Xiao Ling?" Before Qin Tian spoke, Chen Daiyun quickly came to him and spoke.

She might have thought that Qin Tian was a liar before, but when she heard the nurse's words, she always felt that there was something they didn't know. Maybe it was for this reason that the nurse would rather offend the head nurse and speak.

Mu Yuan's eyes also looked at Qin Tian. He was very curious about what exactly made him cure his daughter.

Fatty Wu looked extremely unhappy. Seeing Mu Yuan holding the pen but not signing, he was furious. But he couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the cold eyes before.

He thought of a way and suddenly thought of it. He looked at Qin Tian and said, "Didn't you say there was a way? I want to see what you can do to cure her."

In Fatty Wu's opinion, this middle-aged man was deliberately making trouble.

As for being able to cure Mu Ling, in his opinion, it was purely a lie and an excuse.

An excuse to ruin their plan.

If he exposed his truth, Mu Yuan would have to sign obediently.

Thinking of this, Fatty Wu said again: "Don't say we didn't give you a chance."

"By the way, you just said you can cure her right away, we won't pressure you, we'll give you ten...five minutes, if you can't cure her in five minutes, you'll get out."

"Of course, if you leave now, we won't stop you."

The head nurse next to him frowned suddenly. She just came and naturally didn't know the situation, but when she thought it was Fatty Wu who spoke, her forehead relaxed again.

I thought Fatty Wu wouldn't do anything stupid, so she didn't say anything more.

Mu Yuan and Chen Daiyun looked at Qin Tian immediately when they saw this, wondering what he would do.

Qin Tian smiled slightly. This fat man really had a good idea, but unfortunately, he met himself.

He didn't answer Fatty Wu's words, but looked at Mu Yuan and said: "I can indeed help you save your daughter, but I have a condition."

"Sure enough." Fatty Wu was convinced at this moment that Qin Tian was here to destroy our plan.

But he didn't speak. He wanted to see how Qin Tian would save Mu Ling immediately. In his opinion, there was no such thing in this world.

"What conditions?" Mu Yuan frowned and asked.

"Wait until I cure your daughter."

Qin Tian didn't immediately speak up and put forward conditions. Instead, he came to Mu Ling and took out a round green pill in his hand and was about to take off the breathing mask, but was interrupted by Chen Daiyun: "What are you going to do?"

Mu Yuan was also very confused, and so was Fatty Wu, but the head nurse next to him had a bad feeling.

"Of course, save her." Qin Tian said.

"What is this?" Chen Daiyun asked puzzled.

"Pills." Qin Tian said without much explanation.


Everyone was stunned. Aren't these just those charlatans?

Fatty Wu smiled slightly. He thought Qin Tian had some ability, but it turned out to be like this.

This is good. If Mu Ling has any problems later, it will be blamed on this kid.

As for whether there will be any accidents, it is just right to let Mu Yuan sign, otherwise how can he rob without money...

"Can this thing save my daughter?" Chen Daiyun asked again hurriedly, she was really afraid that her daughter would have an accident.

"Yes." Qin Tian said.

Chen Daiyun was silent, not knowing whether to gamble, but if her daughter had an accident, she would regret it too late.

But if it works, if she misses this opportunity, her daughter may never wake up again.

"Old Mu..." Chen Daiyun looked at Mu Yuan, she didn't know whether to try.

"Give it to her!" Mu Yuan thought about it and said, in fact, no matter which result.

His daughter's fate is the same.

But what if there is a miracle?

Although the possibility is very small, he dare not give up.

Seeing that they agreed to speak, Qin Tian was about to open the breathing mask, but was interrupted by the head nurse's words.

"What are you going to do?"

"This is a patient in my hospital. If something happens, will you be responsible?"

"I will be responsible." Qin Tian said, and after speaking, he took off the breathing mask and quickly gave her the pill.

"You..." The head nurse was angry, but was stopped by Wu Pangzi and said, "Go find a doctor quickly, quickly..."

"You mean... OK... I know..." After saying that, the head nurse left quickly.

At this moment, Mu Yuan and Chen Daiyun were breathing rapidly, their bodies were tense, and their eyes were fixed on their daughter.



The electrocardiogram machine suddenly floated irregularly.

"What's going on?" Chen Daiyun's face turned pale instantly, and he was very scared.

Mu Yuan's face also looked ugly.

"Boy, look at what you have done." Wu Pangzi said angrily: "You are deliberately killing people, you are finished."

After saying that, he shouted to the outside: "Doctor... Doctor... Why haven't you come yet..."

After shouting for a while, he hurriedly looked at Mu Yuan and said, "Chairman Mu, I think you'd better sign quickly, otherwise it won't be easy to get treatment later..."

"Fat man, can you stop?"

Qin Tian didn't want to talk at first, but this fat man was so annoying.

"Don't you see this is a ward? Can you please not disturb the patients?"

"Why, you shouldn't let others talk about the good things you have done, right?" Fatty Wu said unhappily.

"It's not your turn to tell me what I should do. It's best to keep your mouth clean. This is the ward. If you say one more thing, this VIP is for you." Qin Tian said coldly.

"You threaten me..." Fatty Wu roared angrily.


But before he finished speaking, there was a bang coming from Fatty Wu.

Faint sparks could be seen flying.

"Ah..." Fatty Wu fell directly to the ground and screamed like a pig. His thighs were bloody and the blood stained the floor red.

"You..." Fatty Wu looked at Qin Tian with a face full of anger and fear.

"What am I..." Qin Tian said: "You don't's my fault, right?"

"I didn't move anything. You were over there and I was over here. What else could I do to you?"

"I think some people have done too many bad things and now they are being punished."

"But don't worry, this is a hospital, and by the way, this VIP ward is available for you right away."

"You..." Fatty Wu spurted out a mouthful of blood and passed out from anger.

Mu Yuan and Chen Daiyun were stunned nearby. What's going on?

Okay, why did it suddenly become like this?

"He's not dead, he just passed out." Mu Yuan quickly came to Fatty Wu and found that he was unconscious because of the pain of the injury, and his pale face looked better.

After looking at his wound, he guessed: "It looks a bit like a fragment of a mobile phone. It should be caused by a problem with the mobile phone..."

After saying this, Mu Yuan looked at Qin Tian intentionally or unintentionally. He always felt that this was not an accident, but he had no evidence.

Chen Daiyun's pale face looked better now, and she couldn't help but glance at Qin Tian.

Things always feel weird and weird.

"I'm going to find a doctor..." Mu Yuan thought for a while and decided to go find a doctor. Although Fatty Wu was unreasonable, he couldn't just ignore it.

"Your daughter wakes up." Qin Tian saw that the ECG machine began to regain stability, and the fingers of Mu Yuan's hand moved slightly, and he quickly called Mu Yuan.

"Are you awake?" Mu Yuan stopped instinctively, with confusion and confusion on his face.

My daughter is awake?

For a moment, Mu Yuan's brain roared.

My daughter is awake?

I couldn't believe it, I was worried, I was afraid it was fake.

Until Chen Daiyun's voice came from behind: "Xiao Ling, you finally woke up."

"Mom, where is this..." A weak voice sounded from the bed.

"This is a hospital..."

"Wake up, finally wake up..." Mu Yuan murmured to himself, turning around slowly as stiff as a piece of wood. When he saw the figure who suddenly woke up, at this moment, he felt that the world suddenly became clearer and more beautiful.

BS: Correct typos first and then correct them

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