Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 139 The harm to them (1/2)


Qin Tian was surprised and puzzled.

What did he use.

"Ding, host, the blood source stone has been integrated into the host's body, the sky-sealing stone has been integrated into the host's soul to block the inspection of the powerful in the heavens and the worlds, and other items such as the soul-condensing pill are used to provide the fragile soul when the host's true spirit shuttles. "

"So that's it..." Qin Tian thought for a while and finally understood. Then he connected these things together and guessed how he traveled here.

The first is the blood source stone. Needless to say, without this magical object, to be honest, if you travel back to this parallel time and space, you may not be able to hold on for long and will die again.

The body is empty, and all organs have withered. Without the integration of the various attributes of the body brought by the crossing, it is not certain that he can survive.

It is precisely because of this that he recovers his strength so slowly.

The second is the sky-sealing stone.

Item: Sky-sealing stone

Quality: ? ? ?

Level: ? ? ?

Attack: ? ? ?

Introduction: Sealing Heaven Stone, an unknown item, is said to have been sat on by an unknown existence. It can block the heavens and the worlds when worn, and the cooling time is unknown.

This thing can block the strong from seeing it. According to the system, there should be this worry, so I am safe for the time being.

In this way, the thief Tian Tian who wants to kill me will not know whether I am alive or dead. Even if I know that I am not dead, I can't find where I am.

Of course, these are all auxiliary divine objects.

But what really made him escape from the thief Tian Tian was another divine object.

Item: Time Watch

Rank: ? ? ?

Level: ? ? ?

Attack: ? ? ?

Introduction: One of the disabled products of the failed creation of the time mirror by the master of time. It can travel through time by using the law of time.

Of course, it is not enough with the time watch.

After all, Qin Tian cannot use the law yet, so he can't start it naturally.

But he won the extraordinary rule once in a lottery a long time ago, a one-time one.

With it, plus the time watch, this is his secret of traveling.

Qin Tian felt a pain in his chest just thinking about how much he had consumed in this time of traveling.


There must be some secret in it.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many coincidences?

None of them can be missing.

And the first step is to open up the heavenly veins.


It should be to enter the Sealing Heaven Tower. If you don't enter, you can't get those things, and naturally there will be no future.

Qin Tian felt that he was under the dark hand.

It seems that he has to raise the origin store to level 4 as soon as possible.

Qin Tian took out three intermediate energy pills and started practicing immediately.

This pill is a reward from the fourth to sixth floors of the Sealing Heaven Tower. Because the Sealing Heaven Tower can absorb the energy of heaven and earth for cultivation, Qin Tian didn't use it, and it was a good thing that he didn't use it at that time.

There were originally 4 intermediate energy pills, and one was used before.

The total source is, three for the fourth to sixth floor points ranking, and one for the fifth floor to complete the hell mode.

As for the rewards for the four hell tasks, there is the use of functions, and there is also an advanced evolution card that can be used to break through the monarch, but it is useless for Qin Tian, ​​not as good as the points doubling card.

The reward for the sixth level to the hell mode is high-level resources, so there is naturally no intermediate energy pill.

As soon as he took it, Qin Tian hurriedly operated the Wood Emperor Jue, and immediately a warm current spread in his body, wandering around every corner of his body.

At this moment, although his body is stronger than ordinary people, it is too weak compared to before.

If he wants to recover, the first step is naturally to use energy to temper the body and try to revive the power in the body.

As the energy keeps flowing, waves of tingling begin to appear. This is because his body is too weak.

So Qin Tian dare not practice quickly and needs to take it slowly.

In this way, the energy slowly warms and tempers the body. It originally only takes thirty minutes, but now the time for refining and absorbing is infinitely increased.

Just when Qin Tian was practicing, a hot search video appeared on every website.

Hot search standard: A mysterious middle-aged man appeared on the bus, and the driver stepped forward but was seriously injured.

The reason why this became popular is that the driver, who was originally dying, miraculously survived.

Stingy: "Have you noticed that the driver's wound seems to have recovered."

Magnesium Hydroxide: "Now that you mention it, it's true."

Little Red Skirt: "Does anyone know how this works? He lost so much blood, but he didn't die but came back to life, and the injured party also healed. Do you think there is a possibility that this driver is a superman?"

Seeing you is a piece of shit: "Superman? I think this driver should be a master of cultivation."

A Needle to Kill You: "Do you have common sense? If the driver is a superman or a master of cultivation, why was he seriously injured by the mysterious middle-aged man? Can you guess? I used my brain to think about it, a bunch of idiots..."

A Needle to Kill You: "And the driver left a last word, which means that he knew he was dying. As for why he came back to life, I don't know. Maybe this video is fake."

See you as a piece of shit: "Boy, you are looking for death, just wait, I will make you eat shit..."

Little Red Skirt: "You are the idiot, your whole family is idiot..."

Reading Books: "Can you speak in a civilized manner? Don't be so impulsive. Be polite."

A Needle to Kill You: "You are the only one who is polite, but I can say whatever I want, come and hit me..."

Reading Books: "..."

Bright Moon Shines on My Heart: "By the way, do you know if the mysterious middle-aged man has been caught?"

Airplane Walks on the Ground: "He must have been caught. Really, a good person doesn't do it, but becomes a thief. When the driver finds out, he kills him. This kind of person is a scum and shouldn't live in the world."

Wind Blows on Me: "That's right, do any of you know this person's information?"

If you do something wrong, you should be beaten: "Tell me the information, I'll go to his house to see. If I get punished, I'll forget it. If not, I'll definitely teach him a lesson."

As time goes by, this video becomes more and more popular, and many people participate in the discussion.

Rather than a discussion, it's better to say it's a curse.

Say how a middle-aged man could do such a heartless thing, a good person doesn't do it, but becomes a thief.

Of course, some people say that this video is not complete at all, and there are many doubts in it.

The general content of the video is that a girl slumped in the car helplessly and said not to kill her, and the driver fell to the ground, his body and the floor stained with blood, and said his last words.

But the middle-aged man said coldly like a devil: "You are looking for death, go to hell..."

Of course, when he said this, there was no middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's appearance was not shown until the last sentence in the video: "What do you think will happen if I kill you?"

This sentence in particular angered all netizens.

They all accused this person of being a devil.

Many people said they would enforce justice on behalf of heaven.

Time passed, and a night passed quickly.

After a night of practice, Qin Tian's body had been almost warmed up. After tempering, his strength had reached the peak of tempering. As long as he continued to temper his body with energy, the strength of the realm he had cultivated before would be revived.



At this time, Qin Tian's mobile phone rang, and he quickly answered it.

There was a roar from the phone.

"What are you doing? Look at what time it is now. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Don't come again..."

Then the other party hung up the phone.

Qin Tian: "???"

When he saw the name on the phone, Qin Tian knew what the reason was.

Boss Wang, a contractor of a construction site.

In order to raise money for his father's medical treatment, Qin Tian found one of the jobs, and the other party also knew his situation.

Originally, in the eyes of others, they would take care of him, but the result is often the opposite.

But they didn't take care of him, and even found various reasons to exploit him.

When thinking of this information, Qin Tian's face gradually began to turn cold.



At this time, the phone rang again.

"You don't need to come today. I have already transferred your salary to you. It is doubled. I have something to do, so I hung up in advance."

Qin Tian: "???"

What's the situation?



"Xiaotian, I'm sorry. The restaurant business is not good recently. You should rest at home for a while. I have transferred the money to you. Among them, 2,000 yuan can be used to buy some gifts and fruits for the aunts. I have something to do, so I hung up in advance."

"Hello, hello...what's the situation?" Qin Tian was confused. Didn't he just miss one night? Why did he make himself look like a bad person?

"The number you dialed cannot be connected for the time being. Please call again later." Qin Tian hurriedly called again, wanting to know what it meant.

As a result…

After thinking about it, Qin Tian sighed and shook his head and said, "Forget it. Anyway, I don't want to go there anymore. If I want to make 300 billion, I must plan it myself."



The next phone call made Qin Tian feel deeply malicious.

He lost all his salary.

And everyone seemed to be afraid of him.


"Brother, something happened. It's not good..."

"What's wrong?" Qin Tian opened the door and saw Qin Ming was furious, his face full of anger.

"Brother, it's not good. We are in trouble. Something big has happened..."

"What happened?" Qin Tian said. It seems that his intuition is not wrong. Something really happened.

"Brother, what you did on the bus yesterday was posted online." Qin Ming said anxiously.

Qin Tian frowned and quickly turned on his mobile phone. A wave of anger rose in his heart.

He really dared to post...

Very good...

I warned him, but he still dared to post and spread rumors about me. Does he seem impatient? Do you want to die?

"I know, I will deal with this matter, don't worry." Qin Tian said.

"Brother, how do you deal with it? If it goes wrong, not only you, but also your parents will be implicated." Qin Ming said with a worried look on his face.

"Yesterday, you shouldn't have helped. Now it's all over." Qin Tian blamed him a little.

Thinking that he was clearly helping others, but was treated so meanly, Qin Ming couldn't help but get angry.

At this moment, he finally understood that it was no wonder that no one helped his brother who suddenly fell to the ground yesterday.

This world...

"Okay, I know, let's go. After the fathers go home, I will go find that kid." Qin Tian said, he understood what Qin Ming was thinking.

Yesterday, he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but when he thought of the old lady in the illusion, his heart couldn't help but get hot.

After leaving the hotel, the two quickly came to the rented house. Before they entered the room, they heard an anxious voice coming from inside.

"Old woman, look at this and see if it looks a bit like our son. The above said he was a thief or a murderer."

"Ah, it seems to be true."

"Impossible, our son will never do such a thing."

"But, the people above said he killed someone."

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, I'm going to call my son to ask... cough cough cough..."

"Old lady, what's wrong with you..."

"Dad, Mom...what's wrong with you." Qin Ming opened the door quickly and rushed in, followed by Qin Tian.

"Mom..." Qin Tian saw his mother vomiting blood and fainting, his face changed drastically, his eyes turned red, full of anger and despair.

"Old lady, don't scare me." Qin Chuan's originally rosy face turned pale and powerless at this moment.

"I can save Mom." Qin Tian's face was pale. At this moment, he felt deep heartache, and he didn't feel this pain even when facing the world-destroying thunder.

"Get out of the way, it's all you, if it weren't for you, why would my mother become like this."

Qin Ming roared: "You helped them, have you ever thought about whether anyone helped you yesterday? If it weren't for your good luck, you would have died. If anything happened to my mother, I would have cut off all ties with you."

At this moment, Qin Ming went crazy. He experienced things that others might not experience in their entire lives in one day.

He switched back and forth between despair and hope.

Anyone would go crazy.

"Enough, is this the time to argue?" Qin Chuan roared, "Call now... Forget it, I'll take my wife there myself..."

Although Qin Tian was in a mess at the moment, he couldn't delay in saving his mother.

He quickly took out the low-level healing pill from the system space and gave it to his mother to take while Qin Ming and Qin Chuan were puzzled.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ming's face was already red, and his veins were throbbing with anger. He quickly grabbed Qin Tian with both hands.

Looking at Qin Ming's mental disorder, Qin Tian frowned, knowing that if he continued like this, he would definitely hurt him.

Qin Tian quickly bought a purification card from the system. When Qin Ming caught him, the purification card was directly slapped on Qin Ming's stomach. The latter grabbed him a few times, and his originally red eyes suddenly became bright. Because Qin Ming was an ordinary person, he couldn't stand the powerful purification power at all, and he fainted directly.

"What did you do to him?" Qin Chuan roared when he saw this.

Seeing his youngest son suddenly fainted, his face, which was originally calm, showed despair at this moment.

"Ah." Qin Tian sighed. He knew that he couldn't explain it clearly at this time, so he had to use a purification card on his father.

Then he put his father and mother on the bed to rest and let them wake up slowly.

Qin Tian put Qin Ming on a chair.

After doing all this, Qin Tian said: "System, is there any way to deal with this matter?"

"Ding, the host can buy advanced artificial intelligence in the system origin store."

"Yes, how could I forget." Qin Tian looked surprised, the system can buy anything.

If you want to deal with this matter, you just need to clarify it.

Of course, it would be best to release the original video and let those who threatened him receive the punishment they deserve.

If others don't help him, then he will do it himself.

This time also made Qin Tian understand a truth, you still have to help others, but the premise is to protect yourself.

It's best not to let your family get hurt because of yourself.

Qin Tian swears that this kind of thing today will never happen again.

If I didn't have the system, even if his mother didn't die, you would leave a root of illness.

His father would also become depressed from then on.

Qin Ming will go crazy.

He will be despised.

Even his family will be scolded and unable to raise their heads.

Such harm will make them desperate.

Qin Tian swore that anyone who dared to hurt his family would be seeking death and make him regret coming to this world.

BS: The typos will be updated first and corrected later.

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