"Who are you?" Long Jiu roared, he was lying on the ground, unable to move because of his serious injuries.

If he hadn't reacted too quickly just now, he might have been dead by now.


The black ape giant bull appeared in front of Long Jiu, fighting with the legend but not suffering much injury.

"Weird... It's really too weird."

The old man looked at the black ape giant bull who was fine after hitting him with all his strength, his face full of disbelief, his eyes exuding greed.

He had just broken through the legend, and his beast was naturally a totem.

But he was taken by a great monarch and survived.

This completely broke his common sense.

Just now, the black dragon defeated the hunting king with one move, and he thought it was because the hunter was too careless.

Now it seems that there may be a big secret in it.

"Tell me, how did you do it?" The old man said: "Tell it, I will leave your body intact."

If he gets this secret, maybe he can dominate Blue Star.

I will kill him with my own hands at that time.

"Do you really think that you can kill me just because you are a legend?"

"If you hadn't attacked me, I really thought you could kill me."

Long Jiu said coldly: "And it's still uncertain who will die."

Legend, so what? He might have been a little afraid before.

But now, he always feels that legends are just like that.

"Very good..." The old man's cold light was like a knife, and a terrifying energy burst out of his body.

"Kill them..."


As soon as the voice fell, the creature next to him went straight to the black ape giant bull.

But the old man went to Long Jiu. Although he knew the secret, he was not stupid.

This great monarch level can fight against the totem.

If the black dragon comes back, he may be in trouble.

The best way is to strike first.


The black ape giant bull wanted to rescue, but it felt an attack coming towards it. It could not resist it. It could not rescue, so it roared.

"Go to hell..." The old man appeared in front of Long Jiu in an instant and killed him without hesitation. It would be difficult for him to complete the task if Long Jiu didn't die.

As for the secret of Long Jiu's two beasts, kill them and go back to study slowly. I found it last night.


Suddenly a green light shot out.

"Who?" The old man's hair stood up suddenly. He felt death and rushed to the back of Long Jiu's attack.

"No..." As soon as the green light came into contact with the old man's arm, it was smashed by the green light like foam. The old man showed despair and roared.

Seeing that the green light was about to roar into his heart, a golden card suddenly appeared in the old man's other hand, and he crushed it directly.

The golden card suddenly turned into a little bit of golden light and drilled into the old man's body.

In just an instant, the old man's body turned into a golden man.


At this time, the green light bombarded the old man's chest, and a fierce collision sound was heard.


The sound of metal collision resounded through the sky.

At this moment, no one heard it.

It spread to dozens of miles in an instant.


Then, a series of rumbling sounds rang out.



A terrifying shock wave spread like lightning.



Those who did not enter Tyrant City were smashed to pieces by the terrifying impact force at this moment.

"What's going on?" Qin Tian was originally observing the thunderclouds in the sky, and suddenly heard a strong explosion outside the city gate.

Worried about L Longjiu's comfort, Qin Tian hurriedly asked. "Xiao Chong, what's going on."

"Master, the golden man... it hurts..."

"What's going on?" Qin Tian hurriedly asked.

"Master, I went to find Longjiu as you requested. As soon as I arrived, I found that Longjiu was injured, so I quickly took action. The old man was very weak, but he took out a golden card and crushed it and turned into a golden man..."

"It's so hard, just like that turtle."

"What's going on now?" Qin Tian frowned and said, "Do you want to let Cai Changsheng come over?"

"Master, no, I can handle it, I just didn't think of it just now."

"Okay, be careful, I'll be here soon." Qin Tian said and ran out of the city gate faster.

Through Xiao Chong's words, although he was not very clear about what happened at the scene.

But he could guess that the enemy was very powerful.

Otherwise, Long Jiu would not have been injured.

And Xiao Chong suffered a loss, the opponent must be a totem-level beast.

The turtle that Xiao Chong mentioned was actually the black turtle in the Fengtian Tower.

Half-step transcendence.

As for the sudden appearance of half-step transcendence on Lan Xing, Qin Tian naturally did not believe it.

Then there was only one possibility.

"Golden card?"

Qin Tian frowned, he guessed that it must be related to this thing.

There are several types of golden cards in the system.

One of the golden cards is very similar to what Xiao Chong described.

The golden body card, using it can have a layer of golden body, which cannot be broken by the transcendence.

It can be said that after using it, it has absolute defense.

Of course, this golden body card is not without restrictions. For example, its function is mainly defense, so attacking the opponent consumes a lot of energy. After a maximum of three attacks, it will consume all the energy and physical strength, and even consume its own blood.

If it is the same as he guessed, Xiao Chong does not have to worry.

But the question is why the other party has the function card in his system.

Could it be related to the Sealing Heaven Tower?

Qin Tian felt that Blue Star was becoming increasingly difficult for him to understand.

He hoped that he was overthinking.

Outside the city gate, when calm was restored, a huge pit appeared in front of everyone.

Long Jiu looked at the pit, and his back felt a little cold.

If the little bug hadn't wrapped him at the critical moment, he might have been blown to pieces.

Except for the huge pit, everything around was destroyed and nothing was left.

It was bare and very messy.

Long Jiu looked at the black ape giant bull and was relieved to see that it was seriously injured but not dead.

He quickly opened the beast control space and took it back.

Long Jiu was protected by the little bug, and the hunting king fell directly in the collision of the two super powers.

If he hadn't been injured, he might not have died.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"Impossible, how could it be..." Suddenly a golden figure flew out of the pit. When he saw that Long Jiu was safe and sound, he was stunned.

This was his trump card, and it was given to him by that person. He was invincible under the extraordinary.

If it wasn't for completing this mission, that person wouldn't have given it to him.

But the enemy was fine.

How could he not be stunned?

Then his first reaction was that the person had harmed him.

Although this thing is powerful, it is definitely not invincible below the extraordinary.

As for whether the creature that attacked him just now has the power of invincibility below the extraordinary, it is naturally impossible.

Although Blue Star mutated for some reason today, allowing him to break through to the legend, it is impossible to reach invincibility below the extraordinary.

"Ah..." Shadow King roared.


Seeing the golden man appear, Xiao Chong directly attacked.

"You..." Shadow King saw that the death just now suddenly came, and his face suddenly changed. Although he didn't know who the other party was, he knew that the other party must be related to the Qin clan, otherwise he would not suddenly appear and protect Long Jiu.


Xiao Chong appeared directly in front of Shadow King and blasted over without hesitation.


Suddenly, the earth shook, the wind blew, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Waves of shock waves continued to spread rapidly around.

Long Jiu was speechless, and saw this and quickly left here, and fortunately he was far away.

BS typos were corrected first and then corrected

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