Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 115 Great Perfection

Blood mist floated, murderous aura was rising, Qin Tian's whole body was dyed red by the blood of the beast.

Even Xiao Qing's body was covered with blood, and it fell to the ground with a clattering sound.

[Congratulations on passing the Hell Mode mission. ]

[Reward points doubled once, one reward function. ]

[Kill 85 first-level beast white-skinned pigs, get 85 points, challenge the level above and get 170 points, kill a second-level elite race white-skinned pig, get 10 points, kill two levels above and get 50 points, a total of 315 points, a total of 405 points. ]

[Complete Hell Mode Mission, unlock the second-level items. ]

[The second-level items are as follows: low-level physical strength pills, low-level healing pills, low-level body quenching pills, low-level energy pills, low-level evolution pills, skill proficiency pills, purchase opening time countdown 9, 8...]

[Do you want to enter the second level...]

"Master, are you okay?" Xiao Chong had never seen Qin Tian so embarrassed before.

"It's okay..." Qin Tian said, but suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his head sank and he passed out.

"System, treat quickly..." Qin Tian gave the system an order while he was unconscious.

Looking at the goods on the second floor, especially the low-level energy pills, it would be nice if he could buy a few, but unfortunately...

"It would be great if there was no time limit..."

This was Qin Tian's last thought before he fell into a coma.

[Function selection takes effect...]

[The goods on the second floor are as follows:... Countdown 1... Time limit is being canceled...]

[Whether to enter the second floor, countdown... Countdown is being canceled...]


After a while, Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes, and he felt particularly heavy.

This time he played a little too big.

He still overestimated himself.

Originally, he killed 20 first-level beasts, white-skinned pigs, but 51 appeared directly behind, including a second-level elite race.

The elite race already has some wisdom.

What made them think of was that the elite race was mixed in and suddenly attacked him.

If it weren't for the bug at the critical moment, he would have been finished.

No wonder it's called Hell Mode.

It's really not something a human can pass.

But even with Xiaochong's attack, he still got a little injured.

It added a lot of obstacles to his next battle.

Of course, the premise is that Xiaochong didn't continue.

Although he was seriously injured in the end, his combat experience was greatly increased.

Even the basics of swordsmanship and footwork were cultivated to the limit.


"Here is..." Qin Tian got up with difficulty and asked.

"Master, still on the first floor."

"Still on the first floor?" Qin Tian was a little surprised, it shouldn't be.

According to the rules of Fengtian Tower, he should either leave or enter the second floor at this time.

Why is he still on the first floor?

He was unconscious and had no time to make a choice.

"Forget it..." Qin Tian's head hurt a little, and he didn't think much about it.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to buy energy pills just now, otherwise it would be best to practice at this time.

"Huh?" Just when Qin Tian was about to continue to let the system speed up his treatment, he suddenly saw three messages in the air.

[Do you want to enter the second floor, no time limit. ]

[The goods on the second floor are as follows... no time limit. 】

【The first level of cultivation environment is open. Complete the hell mode task, double the energy, no time limit. 】

"Great..." Qin Tian was excited. He didn't expect that he could buy energy pills.

"No time limit?" Qin Tian was puzzled. He just heard the countdown, how could it become no time limit.

"No wonder?" Qin Tian thought of something and looked up in the air. Only then did he find a ray of light in the air.

It seems to be the same as he guessed.

Complete hell mode task, reward points doubled once, one function.

Now there is only one item, which means he has only used one.

"Points doubling card?" Qin Tian stretched out his hand and held the light, and a card appeared from it.

The front side says points doubled.

The back side says once, which means it is a one-time prop.

What surprised Qin Tian was that he found a countdown under once.

But the countdown has not moved, as if it was stuck.

Qin Tian guessed that it must be related to that function.

He remembered that he seemed to hope that there was no time limit in his heart before he fell into a coma.

Could it be...

Thinking of this, he had an answer.

Because of his idea, the function has become unlimited in time. He still needs to explore the specifics.

The most important thing now is to buy energy pills for cultivation.

"Buy ten..."

He now has 405 points, and he doesn't care about consumption at all.

As for the point doubling card, there is no time limit, so he must keep it first.

If his guess is successful, he will scramble for points next.

Spend 100 points to buy ten low-level energy pills.

There are still 305 points.

Qin Tian didn't hesitate and took 3 pills directly, and his body was like a furnace.

The originally empty body was instantly filled with energy.

Physical strength is recovering rapidly.

Energy is constantly entering the dantian.

"Isn't it enough?"

Qin Tian didn't expect that three low-level energy pills could not saturate the body and dantian.

After taking one pill, the dantian that had stopped expanding again until it could not continue. Qin Tian hurriedly began to practice the Wood Emperor Jue.

Tempering the body is divided into small success, big success, perfection, and great perfection.

From small success to perfection is to slowly temper the body.

In addition to tempering the body, the Great Perfection requires opening up the nine meridians in the body and connecting them to the Dantian.

If the meridians are blocked, the energy cannot flow through the whole body.

Naturally, the body cannot be tempered to the extreme.

It is even impossible to gather strength.

For example, if you grow vegetables without digging waterways, it is difficult to have a good harvest. If you encounter drought, you may not have any harvest at all.

Meridians are actually waterways and bridges.


Qin Tian began to bombard according to the information.

The nine meridians are the limbs and the internal organs.

Qin Tian is now preparing to open up the limbs.

Opening up the limbs, in addition to the internal organs, basically allows energy to flow.

At that time, whether it is boxing, footwork, or even footwork, it will be greatly improved.





A meridian is opened.

I didn't expect it to be so simple. Compared with the bombardment of the dantian at the beginning, it was too easy.

Qin Tian opened up his right hand this time, and a stream of energy flowed through the entire meridian like a wild horse.

Feeling the powerful force coming from his right hand, Qin Tian couldn't help but punch forward.


When a huge amount of energy came into contact with the air, a roar sounded in this quiet space, which scared everyone.


Xiaoqing, who was originally suspended in the air, flew directly to Qin Tian's back and hid.

"So strong?" Qin Tian was shocked, but he regretted it in a blink of an eye.

This punch directly consumed half of the energy in Dantian.

He had to continue taking low-level energy pills.

In this way, Qin Tian continued to open up the meridians in pain.






I don't know how long it took, but Qin Tian finally opened up all the meridians.


A powerful energy burst out of the body.

Black dirt kept coming out of the body.

The body tempering finally reached the great perfection.

And Qin Tian was also seriously injured.

In order to open up the meridians, he completely ignored his body.

Even a peerless genius couldn't open up nine meridians at once.

All four limbs can be opened at once.

But the internal organs are very fragile. Generally, if you need to open a meridian, you need to slowly warm it up until it adapts before you can continue to open other meridians.

But he has a system, so it is completely unnecessary.

Healing when injured is so simple.

"System, comprehensive treatment..."

"Ding, consuming 10,000 energy, comprehensive treatment in progress..."

"Ding, Xiaoqing's source of life has expired..."

BS: The wrong word will be corrected later

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