"Sure enough, it's Dragon Spirit, but it's quite cute!"

The little water drop did not reach the sky in one step, but evolved into a mirage, Jiang He was not surprised.

The dragon spirit in front of him is simply a Q version of a mirage. It is mysterious and handsome and also has cute attributes.

At this moment, the changes that happened to the little water droplets are not over. Its surrounding water vapor rises, clouds and smoke surround it, and the water system energy in the body condenses together, and then begins to compress at a high degree.

This is to condense soul crystals!

Because ice-type soul crystals have been condensed before, the small water droplets are no strangers to this process, and they just put all the remaining water element crystals in their mouths.


Soon, the energy of the water system in the small water droplets climbed to the top, just like the golden core realm in Xianxia novels, and began to transform from liquid to solid form.

After 10 minutes, the water-type soul crystal was successfully condensed.

This is a lake-blue ring-shaped soul crystal, the surface is sparkling, and the frost-blue ice-type soul crystal reflects each other, emitting a glittering shimmer.

The two soul crystals did not appear in the dragon spirit's body, but floated in the middle of the two dragon horns, like a suspended crown.

Of course, this is the work of a small droplet.

It looks more handsome this way!

"how do you feel?"

Jiang He asked through spiritual communication.


Long Ling let out an excited roar.

At this moment, its roar is no longer ferocious, but full of some mysterious majesty!

The little guy got an all-around improvement.

The first is skills.

The knowledge in the bloodline allows it to master the water-based high-level skill Shui Longyin, and the illusion-based high-level skill mirror world.

There are also Dragon Claws and Shenlong Swing Tail, two dragon skills. (Dragon here refers to race, not attribute)

And the correct way to open Longwei!

"I'm afraid this isn't the Dragon Clan's proficiency in fists and feet?"

Jiang He thought silently in his heart.


Takizuki continued to say excitedly.

At the moment it is like a child showing his parents his perfect test paper.

In addition to skills, Xiaoshuidi also learned the skills of "violent blood".

Further awaken the mirage bloodline in the body, enter the mirage form in a short time, and obtain all aspects of improvement.

Different from the mirage transformed by ice illusion, the soul crystal can hold more water energy in the mirage form of "Blood".

Simply put, it's an increase in rank.

However, Little Water Drop has a vague feeling that its current strength, "Blood" can only last for 10s.

10s water drops! ?

"10 seconds is enough. You are a wizard-type beast, and 10 seconds is enough time for you to release several more enhanced versions of Frostbolt or stormy waves. You can even pour out all the energy in your body."

After listening to Xiao Shuidi's "report", Jiang He was very happy.

Compared with before the evolution, the strength of the little guy has increased several times.

This is the advantage of the dragon-type beasts. Although they may be weak before they are awakened, once the blood in the body is awakened, their strength can undergo earth-shaking changes.

Finally, Jiang He saw that on Long Ling's panel, the awakening of the dragon veins had returned to zero.

It seems that in order to evolve again, the awakening degree must reach 100% again.

The medicated bath is useless now.

However, Jiang He noticed that in the column of Longling's [evolutionary route], it has become:

Dragon Spirit - Yun Jiao (two high-level energy packs of any attribute can be unlocked) - Mirage (two super-order energy packs of any attribute can be unlocked)

That's fine, at least there is a way ahead, and you don't need to explore by yourself.


Takizuki's fighting spirit is high.

The lava turtle can feel a strong sense of oppression from the dragon spirit. After the evolution of the small water droplets, the breath has become completely different.

But it was not afraid.

After more than 100 battles, its mentality is very mature, and even if the opponent's strength suddenly increases a lot, it does not panic at all.

"Senior, we can continue here."

"Okay, then let me see your evolved strength!"

Lin Lan nodded, and then shouted loudly:

"Lava Turtles! Use Jet Fire!"

At the same time, there seemed to be flames burning in his pupils.

Beast Master Talent: Fierce Fire.

Increases the power of Beast-Fighting Fire skills.

The high-temperature magma in the lava turtle's body burst into a bright light, and then a high-temperature flame spewed out of its mouth, and it rolled into a fire wave dozens of meters high in the breath, rushing towards the dragon spirit, almost touching the protective Light curtain!

Master jet flame (intermediate)!

It is also the strongest move of the lava turtle!

Even though they were 100 meters apart, Jiang He was a little worried that his hair would burn.

"Takizuki, stormy waves!"

Jiang He said silently in his heart, he felt that the appearance of the senior's order seemed a little ashamed.

It is obvious that you can give orders through spiritual communication, but you have to shout it out in the middle of the second. Does this double the power of the skill?

The dragon spirit mobilized all the water energy in the body and prepared to fight the lava turtle to determine the outcome.

The water splashed in front of it and quickly turned into a huge wave more than ten meters high.

Although it is still only a dozen meters in height, it is completely different from the time of the servant stage.

Before that was the ultimate simplified version.

It has its own appearance, and the energy is not condensed enough at all.

If you continue to subdivide the level at the entry level, it was not even the entry level before, but now it is the entry level.

The surrounding audience was full, and now this game has become the most watched game.

At this moment, the audience felt surging, and many people stood up involuntarily.

Super Skill VS Master Skill

It's really just the C-League! ?

Finally, the giant waves collided with the flames!

The first wave of water was quickly evaporated by the high-temperature flames, but more currents rushed up and engulfed the flames.

For a moment, the white mist filled the air, and then the fierce flames began to slowly dissipate.

In this battle of water and fire, the stormy seas have the absolute upper hand!

After engulfing the jet flame, the turbulent waves continued to surge forward, carrying the momentum of destroying everything!

Finally, it slammed down towards the lava turtle.

Speed ​​is the biggest shortcoming of the lava turtle, and it has no time to avoid it!


A violent crash.

The entire arena is surrounded by white steam, the momentum is particularly spectacular, and the visual effects are full.

It's like pouring a ladle of water on hot carbon, making it burst into even more amazing heat.

But this time, too much water was poured, and the fire was directly put out.

"you win."

Lin Lan took a deep breath and said slowly.

Until the end of the battle, there was still some shock and doubt in his heart.

Although it is rare for on-the-spot breakthroughs and even evolutions, there will always be a few cases in so many games every day.

But your evolution of an elemental beast into a dragon is too nonsense!

Not scientific at all!

"Junior, add a WeChat! Remember to find me when you come to Modu University. I know which store has the best buns, hehe."

However, Lin Lan did not have a "broken heart", and he soon realized the gap between himself and Jiang He.

One is an ordinary genius, and the other is a top genius.

What is even more terrifying is that this junior has not yet entered the school, the beast has this strength, and the heights that he can reach in the future can be imagined.

Witnessing the imminent rise of a top beastmaster made him feel a little subtle.

"it is good."

Jiang He's impression of Lin Lan was quite good.

When the small water droplets were evolving before, the senior waited quietly for its evolution to end, and even interrupted his move of admitting defeat, which was very graceful.


After the game, Long Ling once again changed into a small water droplet, and a chubby mass lay down on Jiang and his head.

Still the most comfortable

Jiang He glanced at the app and found that the victory in this battle had increased Xiao Shui Di's points by 1,200 points, and now it is 4,300 points.

There is still a gap of 2200 points from the last place on the list.

Then, he clicked the button of the Moonlight Elf [Join the Competition].

One beast is very nice.

Soon, the words "matching success" will be displayed on the screen.

Then seeing the game information, Jiang He was stunned for a moment.

Magic University, Lin Lan, Lava Turtle...

"why is it you again!?"

Lin Lan on the other side was also shocked.

Good guy, we're in the queue again, but this time, the beast that Jiang and his junior are fighting is the Moonlight Elf.

"Could it be that I can still be abused twice in a row by a junior who has not enrolled in school!"

Lin Lan thought to herself, and suddenly felt that this possibility...seems quite big.

After all, judging from the previous game, the strength displayed by this moonlight elf is more terrifying and more incomprehensible than that little water droplet!

Lin Lan couldn't even accurately judge the specific combat power of this moonlight elf.

Because every previous battle was a direct instant kill, the only thing I knew was that it took the assassin route, and its speed and burst were very strong!

"Linglong (Lin Rong), cheer up, we can't lose again!"

Lin Lan gasped for the lava turtle.

His lava turtle is female, so he has a very delicate name.


The lava turtle growled.

"If we lose again, we will die in situ."

Lin Lan sighed.

The exposure of these two games must be very high. When the incident of his two consecutive losses to a high school student is exposed, it will definitely become a laughing stock, and he will be embarrassed in school.

Just like the freshman named Lu Ming before, he went to his high school to serve as an assessment officer, but was hanged and beaten by his junior.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

Wait, the high school student who defeated Luming also used the Moonlight Spirit.

Shouldn't it be the same one?

So Lin Lan turned on her phone and used a search engine to check it. It was Jiang He's familiar face that caught her eye.

He laughed.

Man, it's really the same one!

So even if you lose, don't panic.

After all, he has a partner.

It's scary to die in a society, but it's not so scary if someone accompanies you to die in a society.

And it's not too embarrassing to lose to such a monstrous junior... right?


The lava turtle beside him tilted his head, his eyes full of wisdom.

It was Lin Lan who died in the society. What does it have to do with my lava turtle?

20 minutes later, Arena 21.

"Hello, senior, see you again."

Jiang He smiled.

"I'm not good at all."

Seeing Jiang He's familiar face, Lin Lan felt a little depressed.

You are a good high school student. You came to participate in some college league. As a result, you were the unlucky one, and you were directly ranked twice.

"Thank you for the last game, senior, this game shouldn't happen again."

"I was just too careless in the last game. I have to be serious in this game."

Lin Lan looked serious.

"Game start!"

"Use hardening after the molten slurry covers the body."

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Lin Lan took the lead in issuing an order. This was the tactic he arranged after careful consideration.

Didn't your moonlight elf take the Assassin's dash route?

So as long as the body is covered with lava, even if the moonlight elf dashes to the lava turtle, it will be impossible to start, right?

If you dare to touch it directly, don't you want the claws?


Seeing the changes on the lava turtle, the moonlight elf's eyes were calm, and then the figure disappeared suddenly, and it reappeared in the sky above the lava turtle!

Move the stars!

Let yourself achieve the effect of shrinking into an inch through light!

At this moment, the lava turtle only completely covered the surface of its body with lava, and it was not even time to use hard skills.

Lin Lan was shocked.

This moonlight elf is really fast!

It was not intuitive to watch its historical battles before, but now I can really feel this speed!

I saw a dark purple phantom condensed between the claws of the moonlight elf, and the shadow energy flew like a violent arc.

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment.

phantom? I have never seen Moonlight Elves use this technique in the first few games!

It seems that you don't need to touch it directly. Isn't the lava attachment of the lava turtle useless! ?

Now we can only pray that the lava on the lava turtle's shell is hard enough to withstand this attack.

next second!

The shadow energy compressed to the extreme burst out in an instant!

And the moonlight elf used the Douzhuanxingxiang again to gracefully leave the place.

Master Shadowclaw!

It consumed a third of the shadow energy in Ziyue's body!

Ziyue has not used her full strength yet, for fear of killing the lava turtle directly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the previous test, the shadow claw in the moon shadow form had a full burst of more than 9,000 goo.


After a loud noise, the lava turtle's eyes were wilted, cracks appeared in the rocks on his body, and the flames that were rising became very weak.

It is completely incapacitated.

"This is a spike!?"

The surrounding audience was a little uneasy.

Lin Lan is a master of the human rankings, and there is no doubt about the strength of the lava turtle.

But in front of this moonlight elf, like other general imperial beasts, he was instantly killed!

Simply... incredible.

Where is the limit of this moonlight elf! ?

"Junior, how did you cultivate your imperial beast? This is too perverted, isn't it?"

Lin Lan asked.

"99% effort and 1% talent."

Jiang He quoted a famous saying.

Cough, after all, the "opening and hanging" thing is not easy to explain.

Just try to cover it up!


Lin Lan couldn't believe it.

"Have you ever seen Haiping City at three in the morning? As long as you have your imperial beast 007, a lava turtle can do it!"

Jiang He said very seriously, it is always right to persuade people to work hard!

He then goes on to match the opponent to the droplet.

Win a few more games, and Moonlight Elf and Little Water Drop will both be able to break into the leaderboard.

And he felt that this was not the limit of their strength.

The small water droplets and the super-level skills are the same color, the "Blood" skill has not been displayed, and the moon shadow form of the moonlight elf has not been displayed.

In this way, it seems that I can hit the top ten on the list, or even... the top few?

If the person ranks first, the second is his own imperial beast.

This is also... too lined up!

Chapter 151 The Unsolved Cat

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