"Got it."

Yinyue replied lazily, and then stretched out her slender palm.

next second.

A layer of hoarfrost appeared on the bodies of the eight Nightmare Spirit Snakes. I saw the hoarfrost spread rapidly, and in an instant, all the bodies of the nightmare snakes were completely frozen, making them unable to move anymore.

The Nightmare Snake wanted to switch the form of the spirit body to escape, but it was useless!

This layer of frost can freeze even spiritual bodies!

They feel that even their own minds are frozen.

Xu Youling: "???"

Reality seemed to deviate from his plans.

In the plan, the parent body of the Nightmare Spirit Snake should resist the attack of the Supervision Bureau, and then the rest of the daughters will bring back a sufficient number of Nightmare Cores.

In the end, the Nightmare Spirit Snake evolved into a Nightmare Hydra, and fled to the new world after repelling the miscellaneous fish from the Supervision Bureau.

But what the **** is this monarch-level imperial beast that suddenly appeared?

How could the director of a Supervision Bureau branch be a master-level beastmaster! ?

Not only Xu Youling, but also Director Liu and other detectives on the side were stunned.

With just one blow, this super-fierce-looking nightmare snake was subdued.

Needless to say, this is... a monarch-level imperial beast!

Seeing this scene, Xu Youling suddenly flashed a ruthless look in his eyes, took out a dagger from his waist, and quickly rushed to a nearby detective, trying to take hostages.

But how could the speed of a person be comparable to that of a beast.

Yinyue folded her palms, and the ice and snow energy around her gathered together, directly freezing Xu Youling into an ice cube.

"He's in a strange state."

Yinyue frowned, then stretched out her hand.

I saw a black and shabby object that resembled a teapot flew out of Xu Youling and landed on its hand.

Immediately, she undid the ice layer that had frozen Xu Youling.

After the ice block was lifted, Xu Youling slumped to the ground and let the agents of the Supervision Bureau put an energy lock on him.

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The energy lock is also effective for the beastmaster, and the beastmaster who wears the energy lock will no longer be able to summon his own book of contract.

"All the mistakes I made were done by myself. The Nightmare Spirit Snake is just a beast under my control. Let go of the Nightmare Spirit Snake!"

After a long time, Xu Youling spoke slowly.

"As for your disposal, the law will come to judge. Since you care so much about your imperial beast, why didn't you think about the consequences when you hurt others before."

Liu Dongri shook his head and sighed.

"He should have been bewitched by this teapot, which is full of evil forces."

Yin Yue said slowly.

"Is it this teapot? So what the Nightmare Snake said before was false?"

Liu Dongri was stunned for a moment.

"Where did you get this teapot from?"

Jiang He walked over to Xu Youling and asked a question.

"The teapot...seems...as if it was taken from three scumbags."

Xu Youling thought for a while before remembering the origin of this teapot.

As for why he picked up the teapot at that time, he could not remember.

"That's right, it seems that this teapot does have the power to influence people's minds. The three people who wanted to steal treasures may also have been influenced by the teapot."

"Xu Youling's character change is not because of, or not only because of the death of the imperial beast, but because of the influence of this magic pot."

Jiang He speculated that seeing Xu Youling collapsed on the ground, he couldn't help but feel some sympathy in his heart.

This guy should be considered a good person, but his luck is really bad.

"Could it really be the passive effect of Nightmare Spirit Snake?"

Jiang He couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Then he shook his head.

Don't spread rumors, don't believe rumors.

In the end, Jiang He contacted Bai Ge and asked her to take the teapot to the bureau for disposal.

Either destroy or seal.

After all, this thing is too dangerous.

"Uncle Liu, don't you have a hard time catching the beastmaster criminals?"

Seeing Xu Youling being taken into the police car, Jiang He asked.

This time, the Imperial Beast Supervision Bureau almost overturned the car. In the end, if it wasn't for Yinyue's shot, the result is still uncertain!

He couldn't help worrying about the security of Haiping City.

"It's not hard work. Haiping City has been selected as the top 100 safest cities in Dongxia for three consecutive years."

"The situation is special this time. Xu Youling has no criminal record before, and the attack was sudden. In addition, the Nightmare Spirit Snake is a rare shadow + spiritual beast, so it is difficult to find its trace."

"No... I mean the director is out, shouldn't it be easy to subdue criminals!"

Jiang He felt that he was a director-level figure anyway, and his strength should not be so weak.

"Hey! Do you think criminals like Xu Youling are very common?"

Liu Dongri's head was full of black lines, and he was actually looked down upon.

Ordinary criminals don't need him at all, okay?

He is a bureau chief, and it is very good to have three imperial beasts of the commanding rank.

Also totally sufficient.

After all, in the real world, it is still relatively rare for beastmasters to commit crimes.

Because there are surveillance everywhere, plus all kinds of beasts that master "retrospective" and "tracking", as long as they dare to commit crimes, unless they escape to the new world, they will not be able to escape at all.

Of course, escaping to the new world is not an easy task.

Entering and exiting the new world must go through strict inspections, and if a wanted criminal is caught, he will be arrested directly.

In addition, most professional-level beastmasters will choose to stay in the new world for a long time, where the concentration of aura is completely different from the real world.

In the real world, there will be stagnant growth of the leader-level beasts. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

So his strength actually belongs to the top part in the real world.

"However, this time, it has indeed exposed the insufficiency of our supervision bureau's arresting power."

Liu Dongri's conversation changed, his chubby body suddenly approached Jiang He, and then he said with a smile:

"So Jiang and brother, I sincerely invite you to join the Haiping City Supervision Bureau."


When the fat uncle came over, Jiang He already had a hunch.

"Cough, I'm already a member of the Investigation Bureau."

"No conflict, no conflict! Although they are within the same system, they are completely different departments. Jiang and my brother can have multiple jobs!"

Liu Dongri mainly wanted to bring the Supervision Bureau with him when the media reported the incident.

"Let me think about it......"

Seeing that Jiang He did not directly refuse, Liu Dong Il continued:

"The position hired is an honorary consultant, which is not usually used for work, as long as you help in special circumstances. Of course, it is not compulsory. And every time we assist us, we will give a certain amount of bonus. For example, this time, At least hundreds of thousands of bonuses!"

"Then... let's do it!"

Jiang He nodded calmly.

After taking a bonus of 100 million yuan, the hundreds of thousands of bonuses could no longer make him feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

But... Hundreds of thousands are money!

Nothing to lose yourself.


Modu Railway Station.

The train slowly approached the station, and a handsome young man in a black loose sweater walked out. There was a small water drop on his head, and a snow-white moonlight elf was in his arms, surrounded by a firework elf.

"Modu, here we come."

Chapter 146 Magic Pot

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