Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

Chapter 138: move to a new home

Jiang He's grandparents live in a self-built house in the countryside, very close to the farmhouse contracted by Jiang's father.

The area of ​​the self-built house is quite large, and the basic equipment such as air conditioning and TV is also available, but the signal is very poor.

"If I go to live alone, I still have a room, but I have to bring Yinyue..."

"It's still a small problem that the room is not enough, the main thing is to bring a girl back, how to explain it!"

Unless you let Yinyue use the magic ice technique to transform into a small elves such as ice and snow elves.

forget it!

Jiang He thought about it and decided to go directly to buy a single-family villa in the suburbs.

In fact, this idea was born in his mind very early.

At that time, there was no money. Now that the 100 million yuan bonus has arrived, it can be said that it is more than enough to buy a multi-million-dollar suburban villa.

Anyway, it's a matter of time.

As more and more imperial beasts are conquered, the commercial housing in the urban area will definitely not be able to meet the basic needs of the imperial beasts.

Now the little water droplets and moonlight elves have no place to train at home.

After they reach the warrior rank, any skill has a powerful formidable power and can cause huge destructive power.

It would be bad if the neighbors complained.

"In order for you to train better, let's go to the house now!"

"Meow~" (→_→)

The moonlight elf pouted.

Obviously you want to live in a villa yourself...

"Would you like to buy a riverside villa area? The villas over there seem to be prepared for beastmasters."

If the professional beastmasters living in the city are capable, they will buy a villa or manor in the suburbs to house their own beasts.

Of course, there are many beast masters who will go to the new world after the beast master's strength reaches the warrior level.

Under normal circumstances, the new world has more energy, more resources, and cheaper house prices.

The only downside is... the electronics are useless.

"Maybe you can ask Liu Hao."

Jiang He suddenly heard that Liu Hao's father was the sales manager of the Riverside Villas. He seemed to have heard it mentioned by Liu Hao before.

So Jiang He called Liu Hao.

"Ahe, Xueyu is back in style?"

Liu Hao knew that Jiang He and Ding Lei went to the snowy area during the winter vacation.

"I just came back today, and it turns out that the old couple went to the South China Sea for their honeymoon."

Jiang He said helplessly.

"This is also... great! Ah He, do you know? My mother is about to deny my son!"

"What happened to the mouse?"

"Hey, in the first few days when I first came back, my mother used to talk to me every day, but after a week it changed. Now I'm even more disgusted every day."

"Now I get scolded for staying in bed, I get scolded for not going to walk with Lord Li, I get scolded for eating too little, I get scolded for eating too much, I get scolded when I stay at home, and I get scolded when I go out."


Sure enough, the same world, the same mother!

When he returned home from vacation in his previous life, he also enjoyed a similar "treatment".

In the last few days, Jiang Ma could not wait to send him back to school immediately.

But after his parents had an accident, he couldn't hear it any more.

"Come out to play? Let my mother stop for a while."

"I'm afraid it won't work today. I want to buy a villa. Is my uncle selling villas in Binjiang Green Garden?"

Jiang He asked.

"Hmm, Ah He, are your parents going to buy a villa?"

"It's me, giving the little ones a bigger home."

Liu Hao: ! ?

Why did Jiang He start to get up again?

"Ahe, how can you get so much money! Riverside villas all start with millions!"

"I dug up two 10,000-year-old non-melting ice in the snowy area and sold it for a lot of money."

Jiang He said casually.

The bonus thing is still hidden.

"Really!? Then I'll tell Lao Liu."

Liu Hao didn't ask any further questions, but shouted loudly to the room:

"Lao Liu, I'll introduce you to a client! My classmate!"

Soon, a steady male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, I'm Liu Jin, are you looking to buy a villa in Riverside Garden?"

"Yes, I want to go and have a look."

"Then when are you free, I'll show you around!"

"Now you can."

"Then I'll go right away."

"Sister Yinyue, I'm going to see the new house, are you going?"

Jiang Hexiang asked a certain silver wolf who was holding the TV as soon as he got home.

Grandma Yinyue seems to have a tendency to become a house girl!

"I'll... Forget it, let's go!"

Yinyue originally wanted to continue watching TV at home, but she thought that this time she came to the human world to learn more, so how could it end at "TV"?


At this time, Xiao Shuidi took out his mobile phone and handed it to Yinyue.


Then after cleaning Yinyue's hands, she taught her how to "turn on" the phone.

"This little box called a mobile phone seems... more magical than a TV?"

Yinyue was a little shocked.

There are too many magical things in the human world.

"very good."

Jiang He was quite relieved to see the small water droplets.

The little guy has inherited his py way perfectly.


Half an hour later, Jiang He took a taxi and came to a group of villas.

Xiao Shui Di has not obtained a pilot's license yet. If he turns into a mirage and flies, he is an unlicensed driver. If he is caught, he will get into the game!

It seems that after the beginning of the new year, when Xiao Shui Di has almost learned Chinese, he is going to sign up the little guy for a flying class of beasts.

After all, there is a theory test.

"Ah and here!"

Jiang He got out of the taxi and found that Liu Hao and Liu Jin were already there.


Jiang He said hello.

Liu Jin was a little fatter, and the wide suit couldn't hide his beer belly.

Jiang He glanced at Liu Hao.

It should be his own, no doubt!

"I'll show you guys a tour first!"

Liu Jin was amazed by Yinyue's appearance, but her frosty temperament made Liu Jin dare not ask more questions.

At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

What is the origin of this classmate of your son?

"Our villas are divided into two types. The big one is 1,200 square meters and the small one is 800 square meters. The biggest feature is that it is equipped with a special room for beasts."

"The beast house?"

"Because the main customers are all beastmasters, the rooms here have been transformed into environments suitable for beasts of different attributes to live in. Hearing is false, seeing is believing, let me show you all!"

Having said that, Liu Jin took Jiang He to the interior of one of the villas and visited each room in turn.

The interior of the villa is fully furnished and can be moved in with a bag.

Jiang He also saw the beast-guarding rooms that Liu Jin spoke of. These beast-guarding rooms are about 50 square meters in size, and they are arranged to suit the living environment of different beasts.

There is a fire-type beast house full of charcoal and lava, surrounded by dark gray rocks.

There are also garden rooms full of flowers and trees, and ocean rooms similar to large swimming pools.

When I saw the ocean room, the eyes were bulingbuling with small water droplets.

The moonlight elf is also very satisfied with the star room. This room is located on the top floor, with a retractable glass on the top of the head, and you can look up at the starry sky when you look up.

"In addition to the beastmaster's room, our villa is also equipped with a warrior-level standard battle field, training ground, and equipment room, because this was originally a villa for beastmasters."

Liu Jin took Jiang He to visit other areas of the villa.

Unlike other villas, there are no wine cellars here, and facilities such as cinemas have all become rooms related to imperial beasts.

Jiang He likes the equipment room here very much.

The equipment is very complete, and there is also a skill strength test instrument.

This one is a bit more advanced than the test instrument in the Battle View, and it can measure the power of up to 10,000 goo.

"Can I try it?"

Jiang He rarely saw a skill strength tester that could test more than 1,000 goo, and he couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

He was very curious about how powerful the Moonlight Elf and Little Water Droplet's skills were at this stage.


Liu Jin said with a smile.

Compared with the tester of the servant level, the tester of the warrior level is much more complicated and larger. The central part of it is a mass of black plasticine-like material. This is a special material that can absorb various skills after being relieved.

There are sensors connected to it, which can show the power of skills at any time.

"Firework Spirit, come first!"

Jiang He is going to make the team from weak to strong and test them in turn.

The first one is naturally the firework spirit.


The firework elf concentrated and condensed the flame energy of his whole body into a fist-sized fireball.

The flames fell on the black "plasticine" and then slowly dissipated.

The final number displayed on the screen is 603.

As an imperial beast of the fifth rank of slaves, it is already very good to be able to hit a value of 603.

It shows that Yiyi's talent is still good.



The firework elf turned around in excitement.


The little water droplets can't wait.

To be honest, it's a bit bloated now.

A trip to the snowy region is its highlight moment!

Then, it heard Jiang He speak:

"Little water droplets, deformed!"


[I am not a magical beast! 】

"Take it."

Yin Yue on the side silently condensed an ice-blue sword filled with frost and threw it at Jiang He.

"Boo!" (??ò??ó??)

With the ice sword in hand, there was extreme cold, Jiang He hurriedly used the frost sword technique, and swung his sword towards the central area of ​​the test.

852 Goo!

The numbers on the screen soared, and finally stopped at 852 Goo.

"Goo's power is 800 dan, not bad."

Jiang He is still quite satisfied. The self-discipline practice during this period is still very effective.

Liu Hao and Liu Jin on the side were stunned.

Whether it was the silver-haired woman condensing the Frost Sword in her hand, or Jiang He waving the Frost Sword and the frost flying, it was completely beyond their comprehension.

They...really human! ?


The little water droplets can't wait, how can this opportunity of "being holy in front of people" be missed!

After Jiang He finished, it quickly condensed a 3-meter-long Frostbolt and flew towards the center of the test area. The frost surrounding it even lowered the temperature of the room by a few degrees.

The black "plasticine" dented downward for the first time.

The last number on the screen was 2551.


Seeing the value, the water droplet was stunned for a moment, it seemed to be different from what he had imagined, and then it suddenly had a bad premonition.

"It's a bit embarrassing that Takiyue has not even reached the pass line for the third-rank battle general! Next, I will strengthen my training."

The water energy of the small water droplets has not yet broken through the warrior level, so it cannot exert the power of the super-level skills of the stormy waves.

As for the ice-type attack skills, he only mastered a Frost Arrow.

Or entry-level proficiency...

"Boom..." (╥﹏╥)

Jiang He was actually not satisfied with the value that the small water droplets had put out.

You have to know that the little water droplets have now reached the third rank of Warlords!

It seems that recently, he has been too ruthless with the small water droplets.

Caused the rank of the water droplets to rise, but the corresponding combat experience and skill proficiency did not keep up.

If these skills are practiced to the level of mastery or even mastery, the combat power of the small water droplets can be improved by leaps and bounds.

"Taking advantage of the effect of the Heart of Ocean Currents, the training of water-based skills should not be forgotten. Ahem, let's practice water-based skills and ice-based skills for an additional hour each day!"

"Boom..." (╥﹏╥)

Sure enough!

This heart of ocean currents is not a good thing!

"Ziyue, it's your turn."


Ziyue did not switch forms, nor did she use the silver moon blade, she just used the most common shadow claw.

It's not very interested in things like skill tests.

Actual combat is the best stage to prove your strength.


Shadow energy bursts.

The whole room seemed to be shaking slightly.

This made Jiang He panic a little bit, wouldn't he just blow up the villa?

However, his worries are obviously unnecessary, the quality of the villa is very good.

And the number displayed in the center of the screen is—

4652 Goo!

"Crazy, is this really your classmate!?"

Liu Jin on the side asked in shock.

At the same age as his son, the combat power of the beast is already at the mid-level of a warrior! ?

"Yes, it is!"

Liu Hao's eyes were also dull.


Now even the small water droplets have reached the warrior level!

Before, he thought that the Moonlight Elf had excellent talent, so he took Jiang He directly.

Now, he questioned the original idea.

If I remember correctly, Jiang and the contract Xiaoshuidi only lasted more than two months.

From the servant rank to the third rank of warrior! ?

Jiang He, don't you have any special beast-control skills?

"Come on, have a good relationship with Jiang and his classmates!"

Liu Jin whispered to Liu Hao.

It's not snobbish.

"Dad! Then you can sell it cheaper then!"

"The price is not something I can decide. If he really buys it, I will give the lowest price."

Liu Jin decided not to make money this time.

"This building is not bad."

After walking around, Jiang He finally settled on a large single-family villa.

There are six beast houses in it.

They are Starry Sky, Ocean, Glacier, Lava, Garden and Thunder Room.

"Uncle, how much is this set?"

Jiang He asked.

"The lowest price I can give for this villa is 14 million."

"If you are a local official beastmaster, you can also enjoy a 20% discount. If you are a professional beastmaster, you will receive a 50% discount."

These villas were originally built for beastmasters, and there are certain preferential policies for beastmasters. (subsidy from government)

"What about the master-level beastmaster?"

Jiang He couldn't help but ask. UU reading

"As long as the master-level beastmaster is willing to stay, we will definitely give it away for free."

Liu Jin said with a smile.

There are no more than a hundred master-level beastmasters in Quan Dongxia. If master-level beastmasters are willing to stay, the advertising effect alone will far exceed the price of a room.

"Then... Uncle Liu, can you help me see if this certificate can be discounted?"

Liu Hao took out the original certificate of the Abyss Investigation Bureau.

Senior Sister told him that regular members of the Investigation Bureau can enjoy the benefits and treatment of professional beastmasters.

However, this benefit is almost useless for the official members of the Investigation Bureau, after all, they are all professional beastmasters.

Jiang He may be the first official member to enjoy benefits in advance.

"Abyss... Bureau of Investigation?"

Liu Jin is still a little unfamiliar with the special department of the Beastmaster Supervision Bureau, but after calling and asking, he confirmed that he can enjoy the treatment of a professional Beastmaster.

"It turned out to be someone from the special department of the state, no wonder they are so powerful..."

Liu Jin now seems to understand.


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