"It doesn't matter. There are hundreds of inheritances like the Snow Wolf King in the Snow Region! That is to say, there are hundreds of inheritance guardians like my sister! So together, the barrier of hope released is enough to stop the erosion of the abyss."

Hope that the barrier is not only released by the immortal-level beasts, but also the monarch-level, but the effect will be much worse.

Jiang He asked the "whale" before leaving. In theory, the strength of the barrier of hope released by dozens of monarch-level imperial beasts is enough to resist the erosion of the abyss, and it mainly depends on the concentration of "hope".

"You are too optimistic."

Silver Wolf's tone is still calm, and the long years of nearly 10,000 years have made it difficult to generate huge emotional fluctuations.

"There is no existence like me in most of the inheritance places. Most of them have no wisdom, or they have completely disappeared in the passage of time."

"Even those who are wise are not as easy to talk as I am. Thousands of years of loneliness, most of their characters are tyrannical, cold, and twisted."

Silver Wolf said coldly.

"How do you know?"

Jiang He wondered.

Isn't the silver wolf only active within the range of the holy snow mountain? Why does he seem to know everything outside the snowy area like the back of his hand.

"I, know everything."

Silver Wolf said naturally.

"Grandma Yinyue is pretty stinky."

Jiang He complained silently in his heart, and then said:

"Sister Yinyue, do you know that the guardians of those inheritance places are easier to talk to?"

"You haven't given up yet?"

"No matter what, you must try it! No matter what the outcome is, at least you have worked hard."

Jiang He said sincerely.

"If you were from the Snow Region, maybe I would still believe you."

Yinyue changed the conversation and said lightly:

"Do you want to go to other heritage places to harvest wool?"

"Xueyu and our world are connected by a star screen, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world. As neighbors, we should watch and help each other."

"Now that the snowy area is in trouble, our people are doing their best to help the imperial beasts here to migrate, rather than wantonly searching for resources and going crazy. I just want to do something to resist the abyss."

"Of course, there is also a little bit of careful thought about picking wool."

Jiang He confessed.

I don't know if it was touched by Jiang He's words, Yinlang thought for a moment, and then calmly said:

"Frost Unicorn, Kelan Lion King, Mammoth Giant Elephant, Ice Phoenix, you can visit these four places of inheritance."

When talking about the word "Bingfeng", Jiang He noticed the undisguised look of disgust on Yinlang's face.

"Bingfeng? Is it the guardian of the Immortal Rank?"

Jiang He suddenly remembered that Senior Sister seemed to have said to him before:

The immortal-order extraordinary creature that originally planned to host the barrier of hope was an ice phoenix.

Unfortunately, because of the sudden disappearance of the Yeti, the Supervision Bureau could not find any trace of it.

The plan can only be put on hold temporarily.

It seems that nine times out of ten, it is the same ice phoenix.

"Oh, it used to be. But now it's the top monarch at most!"

Snow Wolf said disdainfully.


The immortal imperial beast in the mouth of the senior should also be a "substitute" left by the mythical creature in the ancient times.

It seems... Yinyue seems to have some grudge with it.

"We couldn't find it, and the snow tribe that believed in it disappeared."

"I know where it is."

"The Snow Race people found a hidden abyss passage before, and followed their patron saint to destroy that passage. These are the coordinates of the abyss passage."

The snow and snow in front of the snow wolf condensed, forming an ice-blue map with a dark blue light spot at the top right of the map.

"Sister Yinyue, how do you know?"

Jiang He asked in surprise.

"I, know everything."

Yinyue is still a matter of course.

But this time, Jiang He suddenly believed.

Sister Yinyue, yyds!

"But the Snow Race people are also true. Even if they are busy saving the world, they should tell us where they are before leaving."

Jiang He sighed.

"That stupid bird always feels that it can save the snowy area with its own strength, and it naturally won't pin its hopes on you outsiders."

"You're right! How can you not believe us at all! It's so chilling."

Jiang He echoed the Dao.

Yinyue didn't answer, just looked at Jiang He and his imperial beast quietly.

After a long time, as if it had made a decision, it slowly walked in front of Jiang He.

Jiang He was a little nervous.

"Hand out."

Yinyue said, Jiang He obediently followed suit, and then he found a crystal clear ice blue... gem on his palm?

After mastering the frost sword technique, Jiang He can keenly feel the powerful frost energy contained in it.

And... weak spirits.

It was a pity that this spirit seemed to be broken, and Jiang He was unable to synthesize it.

"What's this?"

"It's also part of the reward."

A smile appeared on the corner of Silver Wolf's mouth.

"Take it, and when you see other guardians, they will naturally understand."

Yinyue spoke slowly.


【Your trust】

The last four words Jiang He did not say.

Although he didn't understand what this gem was, he could feel that it was also extremely precious to the Silver Wolf.

"Okay, let's go save the world! Boy, the safety of Xueyu is entirely up to you."

Yin Yue showed a teasing smile.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"I'm not joking, I have confidence in you."

Yin Yue said with an expressionless face. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

[But I have no confidence in myself! 】

Jiang He thought to himself, then changed the subject and said:

"Do you still want to see our world?"

"No, when you come back, take me to see for yourself."

Yinyue yawned a little lazily.

"Really? It's a word!"

"Well. If it's all right, you can go down the mountain."

The silver wolf shook off the snow on his body and issued a "removal order".

"Then... Sister Yinyue, I'm leaving."

Jiang He waved his hand.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Jiang He's figure gradually disappearing into the wind and snow, Yinlang slowly closed his eyes...


Jiang He rode down the mountain on his beloved "Taxueling Deer".

It's a pity that Yinyue said that her magic ice technique will automatically fail if it exceeds the range of the Holy Snow Mountain.

"If only I could ride home."

Then, he looked at the "small water droplets" above his head.


Seeing Jiang He's gaze, Xiao Shuidi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Jiang He also had this expression when Jiang He turned it into a water sword.

"Forget it, it's too rare to step on a snow deer, but it's barely enough to become a snow wolf!"

"Boom!" (*`へ′*)

In the center of the temple, the people of the Snow Wolf clan did not leave, they were waiting for Jiang He's return.

This time, they are witnesses to the legend.

This is the second person to climb the Holy Snow Mountain since their ancestors climbed to the top 412 years ago.

At the same time, they are also curious about what benefits Jiang He has gained from the inheritance of Shengxue Mountain.

Their ancestors obtained the god-level beast-fighting talent [Winter], and they could also pass it on to their descendants.

Soon, in the vast wind and snow, they saw a figure riding a deer...

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