As soon as Qiu Sheng's words came out, the other five people all fell into confusion after hearing this.

What are objective factors? Is there any unknown secret in this?

Unable to figure it out, the five people simply stopped thinking about it and focused their gazes on Qiu Sheng.

Seeing this, Qiu Sheng did not show any concern. He took a long breath, and then directly told the truth, "The reason why such a terrifying dimensional crack appeared on the bottom of the East China Sea is certainly due to the destruction of the cultists. , but the most essential reason for its appearance is the fusion of dimensional planes!”

"Fusion of dimensional planes? Fusion with the ancestral plane?!"

The reason Qiu Sheng revealed was so shocking that the emotions of the other five people instantly changed from confusion to shock.

After the shock, there was silence. The top of the tower and the hall suddenly became audible.

The five people were silent. They all looked like they were frowning and worried.

As emperor-level beast masters and the true backbone of the human race, they had naturally heard of the fusion of dimensional planes.

However, what has been heard is heard...all this time, they only thought that it would be a very distant thing.

At least it is a crisis that will not need to be considered until hundreds of years later.

But he didn't expect that this crisis would appear so quickly and so unprepared.

They knew very well that if the current crisis could not be resolved quickly, the long-standing peace and stability of the Ancestral Star would soon be broken.

The situation can quickly descend into turmoil and unrest.

"How could it come so quickly? Didn't it mean that there were at least two or three hundred years left?" The young and handsome Sheng Sheng looked at Qiu Sheng, losing his calm attitude just now.

"Qiu Sheng, is it possible that the investigation was wrong?" The little old man in a vest and shorts also didn't want to believe it.

They knew very well what the consequences would be if what Qiu Shengsuo said was true!

"I also hope that the reconnaissance information is wrong, but unfortunately, everything is true."

There was also a hint of helplessness in Qiu Sheng's tone, "My colleagues, please abandon all thoughts of luck."

After the helplessness, he became determined, "Next, we are likely to face another major crisis after mankind enters the era of beast control!"

After a pause, his voice rang out again, "Do you know why I didn't intercept these three beasts from a distance?"

When he said this, he deliberately glanced outside the tower, and the implication... or rather, which three beasts he was referring to, was already very obvious.

When the five people heard this, they all cast inquiring glances at him. This was also where they were puzzled.

The three pet beasts, whether they are Mosasaur, Sharp-billed Screaming Shark, or Cloud Whale Beast, although they do have some strength.

However, it is basically impossible for them to invade the coastal waters, or even ravage the coastline like they are doing now.

Not to mention Qiu Sheng, even one of them could easily stop these three wild beasts.

The reason why they were allowed to wreak havoc offshore was because they had been notified in advance and were not allowed to act rashly.

Looking directly into the five pairs of puzzled eyes, Qiu Sheng said slowly, "The reason why I didn't intercept them in advance and let them get closer to the shore was because I wanted to use their hands to beat us human beast masters! "

"The purpose is to make them feel the crisis and let them know that the danger never really disappears, it is just isolated!"

Qiu Sheng's voice was sonorous and powerful, "Ancestral Star is our home and a haven for the soul, but it is not and will never be a gentle place!"

"The Ancestral Star, our home, is also facing various crises, not just the Ancestral Star, but also the entire Hongyao Galaxy!"

"The long-term peace and comfort have caused many beast masters to lose their sense of crisis."

Although Qiu Sheng's words are sonorous and powerful, if you think about it carefully, you will find that they are actually a bit radical.

But at this moment, the other five people had no intention of refuting at all. Qiu Sheng's personal prestige was one of the reasons. Another point was that they all knew what the fusion of dimensional planes meant to Ancestral Star. What.

Human beastmasters have explored dimensional planes, built dimensional cities one after another, and opened up dimensional territories. It seems to be prosperous and the progress is very gratifying.

However, the real top leaders of the human race know very well that this achievement is just a drop in the bucket compared to the vast and mysterious dimensional planes.

In the deeper dimensional planes, let alone the five Shi Yulians, even Qiu Sheng must be cautious when exploring.

Even a legendary powerhouse has to be very alert to go deep into it.

"Lord Qiu Sheng, what should we do next?" The black-faced man asked anxiously after hearing Qiu Sheng's explanation.

"Does the dimensional rift in the Milo Trench need to be dealt with, or should it be sealed directly?"


Qiu Sheng shook his head and directly rejected the black-faced man's proposal, "How to deal with it... As far as I know, the dimensional crack deep in the Milo Trench is not at all lower than the dimensional crack suppressed by our Zhonghai Beast Control University. ”

"According to the information I have received, there are more than three Holy Spirit-level beasts that have smuggled over from that dimensional rift. I don't know exactly how many there are at the moment!"

"If we go there now, not only will it not help, but we may even end up losing our lives!"

It's not that Qiu Sheng cherished his life, but that this kind of sacrifice was simply unnecessary.

"This is indeed not possible, but delaying it like this is not an option!" The elegant middle-aged man expressed his worries.

"Of course we can't let them continue to wreak havoc like this."

Qiu Sheng nodded, "Next, Han Sheng and I will lead the team to quickly form an elite assault team to try to solve this matter."

"If there is still no other way, we will have to get used to living with danger."

Qiu Sheng made a solemn voice again, "And this is just the beginning. According to our predictions, more dimensional cracks will open in various parts of the Ancestral Star, and even in the entire Hongyao Galaxy!"

"Among these dimensional cracks, there must be some dimensional cracks similar to the Milo Trench that connect to the A-level plane. Even S-level ones are not impossible!"

When the elegant middle-aged man heard this, he couldn't describe the shock in his heart. In the end, all his emotions turned into a murmur, "It's been such a troubled time..."

The other four people also sighed when they heard this voice.

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