Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 154: I will also work hard to make money

People are almost exhausted.

   Waiting for him to return home stinkingly, it was six o'clock in the morning, and many people in the brigade got up, afraid of being smelled of him, Li Jianshe took a change of clothes and took a bath in the river.

   When eating in the morning, Li Jianshe couldn't lift his arms sour.

   Li Miaomiao and Li Xiaopeng felt distressed, "Dad, or you don't go, it's too hard."

   "Dad, I will get you some food."

   Busy from midnight to morning, and non-stop slaughtering pigs, even the iron man can't stand it.

   Li Jianshe sighed, "I don't want to, but I promised someone else."

   Now that I have said everything, I must do it, and I can’t be a person who doesn’t believe in words.

   "Then dad, I will give you a massage." Li Miaomiao went to press his arm to Li Jianshe as he said. Li Jianshe smiled: "My girl is good, and I know that I feel sorry for me."

   "You are my dad, I don't care for you, who do I care for? Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely make money." Li Miaomiao said decisively.

   Li Jianshe disagreed and said, "What kind of money do you make? Just study hard."

   What a nice child, he actually wants to help the family share the burden.

   Guan Chunyan also asked Li Miaomiao not to worry.

  Although their husband and wife repeatedly told them, Li Miaomiao did not listen.

  On the way to school, Li Miaomiao has been thinking about how to make money. It is a pity that she does not have gold fingers. Otherwise, she can earn money with gold fingers. Li Miaomiao is worried.

   The three Li Xiaohu brothers who were with her saw Li Miaomiao and did not answer for a long time, "Miaomiao, what do you think, we call for a long time and you will not say anything."

   Li Miaomiao said with a bitter face, "I'm thinking about how to make money."

   Li Xiaohu finished listening, "What kind of money do you earn as a kid? Making money is something that adults should think about. Let's just grow up."

   Li Miaomiao looked at him disgustingly, she didn't bother to tell him.

   "I heard that there are so many people in elementary school, Miaomiao, you will take us to win other people's glass beads." Li Xiaohu couldn't help getting excited when he thought of that scene.

Li Miaomiao replied coldly, "No."

   "Miaomiao, you are the best, you will take us to win, and most of the glass beads will be yours, and we will have a little bit." Li Xiaohu made a little bit of gesture.

"No, when you get to school, you have to take classes well. Don't just think about playing all day long, or your second aunt will kill you if she knows it." Don't blame her for not reminding her second aunt is such a competitive person, if she is Knowing that his son is not studying, he must do it.

   Li Xiaohu didn't care, "What's so fun in class, if my mother didn't let us come, we wouldn't want to come."

   Li Miaomiao didn't want to talk to them anymore.

   As soon as he arrived at the school gate, he went directly into the second-grade classroom. Xiao Zian, who was with her, said nothing, and sat down beside her.

   The second-year class is still very simple, Li Miaomiao can do without listening, but in order to show his genius, a class is not open at all.

   After class, Li Miaomiao went to Principal Liang.

  Principal Liang was still a little curious about why Li Miaomiao came to him, until Li Miaomiao saw the newspaper on the table, and his eyes flashed, "Principal, can you lend me the newspaper on your table?"

   Li Miaomiao wanted to see if there were any newspapers that collected poetry and prose in the current newspapers. She remembered that when she was studying in the past, those newspapers and extracurricular readings would have submission addresses on them.

   In addition to this method, she could not think of other ways to make money.

  Principal Liang came to be interested, "Do you still know the newspaper?"

   "I know, my brother told me, he said that there are everything in the newspaper, can you let me see the principal? I promise not to damage it."

   Principal Liang thought, "It's not impossible to lend you, but...if you read this article to me, I will lend it to you."

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