The deeper you go to the source power point, the stronger the energy overflowing in the air. Along the way, besides the harvest, Yang Lin's bubble hatching rate is also soaring.

"Brother, how far is it?"

"It's already 62%. According to our current hunting speed, the bubbles can fully hatch today!"

Having reached this level, Yang Lin observed the inside through Heavenly Eye. Although he couldn't get the specific information of the bubble, the outline became clearer and clearer. Basically, it can be determined that there is a villain inside, and there seems to be a pair of fuzzy wings. The specific thing will not be known until it hatches.

After another wave of forty-fifty skulls, Earth Dragon, was cleared, it was already dark. In this barren mountain, Yang Lin suddenly thought of something, and his expression was full of joy.

"Xiaoqiao, I think our hunting speed is still too slow, why don't we come to the next big one?"

Fang Xiaoqiao had a moment of doubt, but soon she His eyes lit up, "Brother, are you planning to condense the energy of Heaven and Earth to attract those sub-bone Earth Dragons?"

"Yes, this source power point is too big, I have been busy all day today, although hunting is not enough It’s still a bit of a waste of time, but it’s still a bit of a waste of time. It just so happens that the half-month cooldown has passed, and you can repeat the same trick.”

Fang Xiaoqiao didn’t understand what half of it was. Yue was cold, but when she thought of the last harvest her eyes shined, "That's fine, just do it."

"But Xiaoqiao, this place is no more than a thousand miles away from Lin City, those polluting beasts. The overall level is still low. Here, although the limited species of pollution beasts are basically single, the most common sub-bone Earth Dragon has Level 25, and many of them are higher in elites and small bosses. So later, if If you feel the danger, you must evacuate as soon as possible!"

Fang Xiaoqiao pursed her lips, but didn't say anything.

Yang Lin said with a stern face: "Don't use my temper, didn't I say it, I'm the reincarnation of Divine Immortal, the trifling pollution beast is not worth mentioning to me at all!"

"Oh, I see."

"I told you, you have to believe me, don't bother me about this trivial matter. I have spent a lot of effort on you, if something happens to you , the person I'm most sorry for is me!"

"Well, I know, I will act carefully, and I won't let my brother worry about me."

That's how it's settled Now, looking at the surrounding environment, this time, for insurance, Yang Lin took Fang Xiaoqiao to jump directly to a huge ancient tree. In a relatively safe environment, then Yang Lin sat firmly on the branch and meditated.

Fang Xiaoqiao was on guard beside her. In fact, she was quite curious about Yang Lin's ability. It can actually attract pollution beasts directly, but it should not be too miraculous.

After about five minutes, Fang Xiaoqiao saw the rays of light emanating from Yang Lin's body, and the man in front of him seemed to have turned into a starry sky. And his own existence seems to be beginning to blur, just like Star River vortex, and that little bit of light is the countless stars of Star River, such a close observation, there is an indescribable brilliance.

After this situation continued for another five minutes, the surrounding air suddenly began to produce a series of muffled explosions.

Then, the vortex around Yang Lin began to crack in a series of cracks, and the original stars on his body directly spread for an unknown number of miles.

Under the bright moon, the power of moonlight pours directly from Nine Heavens like a beam of light. Including the large amount of Spiritual Qi surrounding the leylines, the energy floating in the air and the vitality of all things began to converge with Yang Lin as the center.

At first, only a few nearby sub-bone Earth Dragon were attracted, but Fang Xiaoqiao took care of it.

But as Yang Lin condensed more energy, the surrounding sub-bone Earth Dragon began to come one after another, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred... There were too many. , Fang Xiaoqiao stood on the big tree and looked around, the whole person kept gasping for breath.

How many sub-bone Earth Dragons are attracted by the ancient trees all around, looking at it like this, there are shadows everywhere, and it has long been uncountable.

With Fang Xiaoqiao's strength, it's a child's play to pick ten or twenty by herself, but now she thinks it's no less than a thousand, which is a bit scary and a little exaggerated.

"I'm a little nervous in such a scene. It seems that my cultivation has not yet arrived at home. Compared with my brother, I'm really far behind." Fang Xiaoqiao sighed, and then quietly screened He took a breath, trying not to make any movement.

To say that there are thousands of sub-bone Earth Dragons gathered around, but there is no mess. Looking at these sub-bone Earth Dragons at the moment, they are attracted by pure energy, but when they reach the radius of about 20 meters of the ancient tree, they all lie on the ground as meekly as tame pets, quietly enjoying the energy of moisture.

If this strange situation is seen by other people, they may think that these things are raised by Yang Lin, but it is not at all.

They are just attracted. Once Yang Lin's process of condensing energy is interrupted or someone causes a commotion, they will immediately wake up from their enjoyment, so it is unrealistic to hunt at this time.

As for Yang Lin, with more and more energy condensed, he once again tasted the sweetness of Supreme.

Rated from 28 to 29, one step away from Martial King's rank, but then clearly fell into bottleneck. According to his estimation, the experience of Level 29 who wants to rise to level 30 is equivalent to rising from 25 to 29. The experience required for this bottleneck is quite large.

Although there is a lot of energy, there is no movement after the level reaches halfway through 29. It's like taking spirit pills and marvelous medicine, and it stops when you hit a limit.

But Yang Lin doesn't worry about this, he can transform the source power reserve and use it to improve spirit root, mental method, battle skill and so on.

The conversion of 100,000 source power reserves is complete!

The conversion of 200,000 source power reserves is complete!

The conversion of 1 million source power reserves is complete!

The energy gathered around continues to be transformed through Yang Lin's plundering, 2 million, 3 million, Yang Lin, who is stimulated by this huge source power reserve, can't help but be very excited.

Until the 3.5 million source power reserve is converted, the stamina is not enough. Yang Lin knows that this place has basically reached its limit.

Without any hesitation, Yang Lin directly spent 600,000 source power reserves to evolve his spirit root from Grade 5 to Grade 6. After seeing that Grade 6 needs 3 million source power to upgrade to Grade 7, this Let him almost not scold Nüliang. But then he learned that with regard to spirit root, there is a dividing line between Grade 6 and Grade 7. It was only later that he realized that the so-called spirit root was not only Grade 9, there were other ways.

A total of 3.5 million source power reserves, spent 600,000 to be promoted to spirit root, and spent another 600,000 to evolve the Profound Level low-grade Eight Wilderness Mind Technique into the Profound Level middle-grade "Dragon Tour Universe", originally He also said that the remaining 2 million can evolve the girl's spirit root and mental battle skills. God knows that in the blink of an eye, the more than 2 million source power reserves are all gone.

Yang Lin is a little confused. What's going on? My 2 million source power reserve is just empty? !

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