Tired, so tired!

I just finished a blind date here. Who would have thought that Zhang Qianqian would also have a blind date there, but hearing her say that there seems to be someone from the City Lord's mansion, which is strange.

As far as I know, Lin Yulong of the City Lord has an elder son, Lin Xuan. Because of his innate talent aptitude, he has left Lin City many years ago, and Lin Shan is the second daughter in the family. , As for the people from the City Lord's mansion, maybe not?

The person who said he belonged to the City Lord's mansion might have something to do with the City Lord's mansion, such as Lin Yulong's brother's son. Thinking of this, Yang Lin didn't bother about these issues.

After a good rest at home for a day, Yang Lin went to the appointment on time on the second day. He actually went to the appointment to help Chu Ying unblock and repair the meridian, and was not interested in Zhang Qianqian's blind date. Zhang Qianqian has said that she doesn't want to find a boyfriend for the time being, and she just met to find a reason to shirk this matter.

Anyway, it's a very casual thing, but soon, Yang Lin is a bit of a pain in the ass.

Zhang Qianqian's blind date is at Wangyue Cliff. This place is at the foot of Lin City Heights. The moon is very big at night, so it gets its name.

The location doesn't matter, but Yang Lin couldn't help but let out a long sigh after seeing the guy who came for a blind date.

Your sister, this is too coincidental!

It was only then that we met, and before Yang Lin could say anything, the other party was already entangled in the first step.

"Brother Yang, we meet again!"

Yang Lin quickly covered his face, "You recognized the wrong person, I'm not your brother Yang, we haven't met before."

"It's only been a few days, you don't even recognize me as a brother, Brother Yang, I'm Luo An, Luo An!"

I don't care if you are Sheng An It's still Luo An, in short, it hurts to see this guy, and he didn't expect it anyway, Zhang Qianqian's blind date is actually this guy.

"So you know each other?"

"I don't know!""I know!"

See Yang Lin and Luo An answer two completely different answers at the same time , Zhang Qianqian was quite speechless.

Yang Lin's liver hurts so much now, "Luo An, you are very good at concealing things. It turns out that you are really from the City Lord's mansion in the end. But I'm surprised that the City Lord's mansion is not. Surnamed Lin, why is your surname Luo?"

After being asked, Zhang Qianqian and Chu Ying were also interested.

"This, Brother Yang, I didn't mean to hide it from you. The City Lord is my uncle, the eldest brother of my father, and the second eldest in the City Lord's house. But..."

Luo An said this, and he was a little sorry. Seeing him, he looked all around like a ghost and lowered his voice: "To tell you the truth, my father is a strict wife at home. My mother is more powerful. So the surname is also followed by mother. But then again, it doesn't matter whether it's my surname or my mother's surname, it's not just a title."

"That's right, but I haven't heard Lin Shan mention her before. And a younger brother?"

Zhang Qianqian expressed doubts on the side, thinking that she and Lin Shan were best friends, and simply hadn't heard of Luo An.

"Actually, I have been frail and sick since I was a child, and my mother spoiled me very much, so most of the time I stayed at home and enjoyed taking care of me. Later, as I got older, my father tried desperately to find a private person. The teacher gave me supplementary lessons or something, and it was not long ago, cough cough, that is, before I met Brother Yang, I defeated all my teachers with tyrannical strength. So, my life is free again!"

Yang Lin squinted and smiled, "You got it, as far as your ass is concerned, you really have the face to say it."

Luo An blushed and said: "It depends on who you are comparing with, right? I'm Level 18 now, and I have Grade 5 Spirit Beasts and Seven Killing Wolves. My father said that my achievements in the future are limitless, and I agree with that."

It's true, no nonsense on this issue. I almost forgot what happened today.

Yang Lin originally said that he would take Chu Ying aside to give Zhang Qianqian time and opportunity to refuse Luo An gracefully.

But seeing Chu Ying next to her, Luo An was also interested first, "Brother Yang, is this your girlfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense! She is The Chu Family in the Eastern District is called Chu Ying."

"I understand, I understand, I can tell from the look in Chu Ying's eyes," Luo An thief smiled and attached to Yang Lin's ear: "Brother Yang, you're too romantic, it's not enough to have a sister Xiaoqiao, you even found Chu Family."

Damn, this is so annoying!

Yang Lin suddenly realized a big problem. Luo An is Lin Shan's younger brother. If he is so misunderstood now, when he meets Lin Shan in the future, if he really mentions this matter , even if you jump into the Yellow River, you can't wash it.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's really a friend. In fact, I already have a girlfriend. Be careful with this!"

"It turns out that you have a third girl. Friends?!" Luo An looked surprised, and admired prostrate oneself in admiration.

Yang Lin couldn't help but want to put his big footprints on Luo An's face, and listened to him fiercely said: "I tell you, I only have one girlfriend, don't think of me like that. Kind of people. It's not Xiaoqiao or Chu Ying. If you talk nonsense, I will sew your mouth. Also, aren't you having a blind date with Zhang Qianqian, then hurry up and have a blind date for me!"

After , Yang Lin took Chu Ying far away. Today is the second course of treatment, and the consumption is also extremely heavy. If you drink a little bit of quenching spiritual liquid every day, you will not be able to make up for it.

After repairing and unblocking the meridian for Chu Ying, the blind date between Luo An and Zhang Qianqian also ended.

The four met again, and Luo An was once again shocked by Yang Lin.

"Brother Yang, how long has it been before and after? You are too open to see that the sweat has turned into a small river."

Yang Lin wants to die now With that, he really only used source power to repair and dredge the meridian for Chu Ying, which fell into Luo An's eyes, and the explanation could not be explained clearly.

"The last thing I want to warn you about is that I have nothing to do with Chu Ying, we are just friends. If you talk nonsense again, I will really kill you!"

"I I understand."

"I understand your sister, get out!"

Yang Lin felt extremely depressed, it was nothing to do with it, he originally said that he was coming back from the island in the lake After a few days of cleaning, I plan to continue to go to the ground and strive to upgrade the rank of War General to Martial King. Now this series of troubles almost made him autistic, especially Luo An, can he tell him that his girlfriend is his sister now?

The blind date between Zhang Qianqian and Luo An naturally didn't happen. It can be seen that the blind date between the two was instigated by the family, and looking at the appearance of the two, they were both very playful. The girlfriend thing.

However, Luo An was very excited to see Yang Lin today.

As he was about to leave, I heard him say, "Brother Yang, after we said goodbye last time, I spent many days in my home for cultivation, and my strength is far from what it used to be. These days, I am free every day. It's okay, I'll go find you."

"You better not come to my house, or I will kill you!"

"Hahaha, see what Brother Yang said, we two Whoever is with whom, that's all set, I'll bring you a big gift by the way!"

Yang Lin really regretted, he regretted why he came out with Zhang Qianqian today, really, why did he meet again What about the troublesome guy?

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