After returning from the island in the lake, Yang Lin also didn't go to level up. After reaching level 30, he entered the rank of Martial King. Although he is currently 28, he has made two mistakes, but Yang Lin knows that if he wants to break through these two levels, he needs to find a suitable brush point and try to grind it for ten days. Ten nights, and it may not be able to break through.

Every time you reach a bottleneck, you will get stuck, which requires a lot of experience. It is better to take this opportunity to relax for two days. Give yourself a holiday, give Xiaoqiao a holiday too, and the combination of work and rest is the right way.

Originally, Yang Lin said he wanted to date Lin Shan again, but he didn't expect that because the situation in the North District was too tragic, and now the whole Lin City knew about it, which indirectly led to Lin Shan's relationship. Freedom is also restricted.

North District originally proposed to the City Lord's house, and City Lord Lin Yulong actually doted on his daughter Lin Shan, so he followed Lin Shan's advice and did not agree at the moment. Now I suddenly heard that such a major event appeared in the North District. Although Yang Lin was not mentioned in it, Lin Yulong faintly realized that it was not that simple.

Especially Lin Shan also revealed that she already had a sweetheart and did not care about the North District, so Lin Yulong thought that the top priority was not to let Lin Shan behave too much, and finally he Heavenly Gate Council will not let her go for the time being.

Because Lin Yulong also got a piece of news that the ambassador's side will arrive some time earlier, and Zhou Tianqi in the northern district is the subject of the ambassador's attention. Such a big thing has happened in the northern district. Once the envoy arrives, when the time comes to Lin City, it will definitely be wind and rain. What specific changes will occur, no one can predict now.

Lin Shan is a sensible daughter, she understands her father's situation, so she asked Zhang Qianqian to give Yang Lin a message, and asked him to don't be impatient temporarily, and then the two of them had time to get along.

"Really, I can't even see my daughter-in-law's face for the time being. Do you want to take advantage of the fact that the envoy doesn't come, and go directly to the North District to take care of it?"

Yang Lin almost couldn't resist the urge to go directly to the North District office, but thinking of the upcoming ambassador, he still resisted his urge. After all, as soon as he made his own move, Lin Shan's father, Lin Yu's dragon body, would definitely intervene as the City Lord, and the marriage with her daughter was still uncertain, so it wouldn't be difficult for the father-in-law to be caught in the middle.

When I think about the upcoming ambassador, I heard at least Martial King Level, but Martial King Level is also divided into levels. Level 30 can be called Martial King, Level 39 is also Martial King, but the difference is the boss, simply is not a grade.

So Yang Lin has put it down for now. If he can't see Lin Shan, then he will go to the teacher's house to see the head teacher and see the teacher's wife. This is the second home, full of warmth.

But who would have thought that when he went there, Yang Lin directly learned a "terrifying" news.

"What, you want me to go on a blind date?!"

Listening to Dong Juncai's eloquent talk, how could Yang Lin be calm.

"What are you talking about? I'm doing this for your own good. Seeing that you're old now, I'm worried about your future. Do you know?"

Yang Lin really doesn't know what to do How to describe my mood, replied: "teacher, this kind of thing is unnecessary, it's not that I can't find a daughter-in-law."

"To tell you the truth, this is arranged by your teacher. She and the wife of Chu Family in the East District are best friends, and they talked about the girl over there in the chat that day, so your wife and Chu Family agreed to let the two of you meet."

Yang Lin: "..."

Dong Juncai said with emotion: "That boy in my family, if nothing happened at the time, I'm afraid I'm as old as you brat now, your wife, she..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop talking about clichés," Yang Lin blushed with shame: "I'm not telling you, teacher, how can this kind of thing be done easily, this is a major event in life!"

"I know it's a major event in life, but your wife is in a hurry to hug her big fat grandson. What can I do?"

Dong Juncai coughed twice and continued: "Let's talk about it, It's just a blind date, just take a look at it when you go there, and maybe people don't like you, so I haven't said anything about it."

Yang Lin: "...I'm so handsome, I'm afraid As soon as the other little girl sees me, she immediately falls in love with me, what should I do?"

"It's easy to do, so let's get married first, and get married in a few years."


Yang Lin said, "To be honest, I already have a girlfriend, how could I go on a blind date with another girl, didn't you push me into Fire Pit?"

"Wait, when did you have a girlfriend?"

"Lin Shan from the City Lord's house is my girlfriend!"

Dong Juncai was stunned for a while, then a Chestnut knocked directly on Yang Lin's head, "You should have told your sister-in-law about such a big thing. Did you know that your sister-in-law is worried about your future life and is crazy?"

Yang Lin is weak. Said: "Then tell your sister and push the Chu Family blind date to me. If Lin Shan finds out, what do you think Lin Shan will think of me."

"I don't know what to do now. , Don't you know how much prestige Chu Family has in our Eastern District? You push it to embarrass your wife and make Chu Family embarrassed. Besides, it's just a blind date. After meeting, chat a few words and then pat your butt and leave. come on, again Not something at worst. "

Yang Lin wanted to refuse this matter, but it involved his wife, which made him unable to complain.

To tell the truth, the wife was just like her own son. Every time he goes here to ask for help and care, Yang Lin unconsciously brings himself into the role of a son. It is no different from his own home here, and the sense of warmth and happiness is any No place can be replaced.

However, the wife wants to go on a blind date by herself! If she pushes it away, wouldn’t it be impossible for her to explain it to the other side? Besides, the Chu Family is very famous in the Eastern District, so what’s the matter with me? I have to give some face.

But Yang Lin is really afraid that Lin Shan will find out about this. Although he is forced to do this, he can do this kind of thing passively and let himself become Scum Lin Shan is enough for one position, and any other girl will never have any ideas.

Afterwards, Yang Lin also learned about Chu Family from Dong Juncai's mouth in order to make an appearance. The situation. The Chu Family has an only daughter named Chu Ying, who is about the same age as him. Dong Juncai originally said that this girl was a pity, but when Yang Lin asked why, the guy simply didn't mention it. It seems that about Chu Ying, Dong Juncai There are still some things that you don't tell yourself.

In short, it's not important, the important thing is that after seeing the other party at the agreed time, you can just reject it with a certain attitude.


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