"How is it possible, what is the origin of this girl?!"

The appearance of a Yang Lin in Lin City is enough to make Zhou Tianqi upset, but now, it still appears Such a weird girl. Moreover, it happened when treasure was about to be born.

It's not normal trouble.

"Calm me all, the other party should be able to stealth, perceive the surroundings at all times, don't follow her way again!"

stealth is invisible, in fact, these abilities sound very difficult to deal with , but in fact, for an expert, it can be directly seen by the other party through the perception of breath. But in such a chaotic situation, the raid was so unexpected, people were confused, and the next bad situation can be imagined.

This side is still on the defensive, and Fang Xiaoqiao simply ran to the back of the team. Being besieged by the Martial Master, she couldn't stand alone, but even those Martial Artists noticed her silhouette, they couldn't do anything about her.

Backstab, Raid, Smash!

A series of miserable roars continued to sound from the rear, even if Zhou Tianqi wanted to send someone to support him.

Your own life is the most important thing, and treasure is also very important. It is the wisest move to keep the remaining eleven Martial Masters by your side. As for those Martial Artists, they will die if they die. Well, it's better than losing your treasure in an accident.

"Damn it, how long does it take for this treasure to come into existence?"

I never felt that time was like a year. Yes, but unfortunately, the ancient tree has treasures but does not appear in the world, which is like a kind of torture to him now.

The continuous screams continued to sound, and the rear of the team became a mess, and even some people began to retreat.

The strength of those Martial Artists is too weak, Fang Xiaoqiao is enough to appear and disappear unpredictably, and she also has the super strength of Martial Master, which makes the ordinary hunter unable to withstand the whole scene. more and more confusion.


A ray of magnificent light suddenly rose into the sky above the ancient trees on the island in the lake, and the originally noisy environment instantly calmed down this time.

Everyone can see that the power of the moonlight between the ancient tree and the sky is like a channel. Except for the treasure that is about to appear in the world, the overflowing energy is simply a great supplement to Supreme.

"I don't care about this, I want treasure!"

Zhou Tianqi's eyes were all red at the moment, he stared at the ancient tree, where there were a handful of big The sphere of light is slowly rising into the air.

This ball of light flashes with five-colored splendor, and it is impossible to tell what is in it, but no matter who has Sixth Sense, one thing can be sure.

"It's finally time to wait!"

Zhou Tianqi's face was happy, and then he jumped to grab the ball of light.

What he didn't expect was that at the same time, a cold light suddenly stabbed from the dark, Zhou Tianqi could see clearly, it was a long spear!

And the one holding the long spear is a man. He is too familiar with the man's appearance. I don't know how many times I look at the portrait every day. It's Yang Lin!


Seeing that he was about to be stabbed by the long spear, Zhou Tianqi shouted, in an instant, an illusory shadow with a double-horned face looks sinister came directly from Zhou Tianqi rose up behind him.

Asura War General, Soul Beast Grade 6.

After the soul beast reached Grade 6, it must not be underestimated. This Asura held a chain in one hand and a giant axe in the other, and smashed it towards Yang Lin on the spot.

With Asura's shot, the surrounding environment seems to have changed. Countless Demons shouted and roared, countless baleful auras floated up and down, and even flowing vortex appeared in the air. And this flowing vortex has the power to bind the human body. Once the sun sets, the next moment will be smashed to death by Asura.

"A trifling is just an Asura, but clay chickens and pottery dogs!"


The surrounding energy exploded directly in that instant, and in Yang There is also an illusory shadow behind Lin, Grade 9 gluttonous! As soon as the gluttonous food came out, who would compete with each other, such as Asura or War General, could not stand the big mouth of the blood basin.

Whether it was a chain or a giant axe, it was swallowed by Taotie on the spot, and even Taotie was still unfinished, turned into a white light, and charged towards Zhou Tianqi.

"Damn, it's not good!"

What treasure is needed now, Zhou Tianqi's ghost is about to come out of his body, and he has always relied on Grade 6 Asura to be confident. And now that the weapon was swallowed by the other party's soul beast in just one face-to-face, I have a hunch that if I don't retreat now, I am afraid that even my whole person will be swallowed.

In a hurry, he had a potential of 120,000 points, and he pulled over the Martial Master who came to support him and lost it.

ka-cha ——

That was the sound of a gluttonous man and a soul beast biting into pieces. That scene made Zhou Tianqi stunned and terrified. It was like a nightmare. just run.

If your life is gone, don't you care about the treasure, your life is the most important thing!

"Block him for me, damn it, let me block him!"

While shouting, Zhou Tianqi backed away, thinking that he had boundless prospects , how would you want to die in such a place. In just such a short period of time, three more Martial Masters engulfed people and beasts. At this point, Zhou Tianqi had no more thoughts about the treasure of the ancient tree.


He only had a single thought, escape!

At the same time, he also felt the wind whistling around him, which made him unconsciously think of the girl who had suddenly appeared before.

pu chi ——

The short sword did not stab Zhou Tianqi but stabbed Martial Master who was pushed by him.

Fang Xiaoqiao failed to kill, and Zhou Tianqi took advantage of the chaos in the field to flee in a hurry with a small group of people. In this case, even if Fang Xiaoqiao is too fast, it is impossible.

On the other hand, Yang Lin did not catch up with Zhou Tianqi after he shot dead several Martial Masters. If he had the conditions, he would naturally not let this enemy go, but now that the treasure was about to be born, he didn't have the time to pay attention to that trash.


Seeing Zhou Tianqi fleeing with the rest, Fang Xiaoqiao returned to Yang Lin.

"Well, you are doing very well, I see everything in my eyes. Don't say anything else, this treasure has been born, and the associated power of the moon is simply a blessing to the Spirit General, you and I If you absorb it, you can definitely get a lot of it!"

There are treasures that can be taken, and billowing energy that can be absorbed, and this transaction is a big profit.

"What exactly is the treasure, you can't see it at all?" Fang Xiaoqiao asked suspiciously, staring at the light ball in midair.

"I don't know either, in short, the quality is absolutely extraordinary!"

Now that there is no interruption, Yang Lin easily holds the ball of light in his hand. It was very big at first, but the entity was very small. Finally, the outer halo faded away layer by layer, leaving only the translucent and semi-chaotic transparent beads in the palm of the hand. However, this bead is not solid, it is a bit like a light ball condensed from water droplets. It looks strange but can't tell what it is.

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