Yang Lin and Lin Shan were busy cooking in the house, and it didn't take long before the house was filled with a mouth-watering aroma.

Thinking that Hao Meng and Fang Xiaoqiao were still talking at the stone table in the courtyard, when they smelled it, they couldn't help swallowing.

"What the hell is Brother Yang doing, isn't this smell too fragrant?"

"No, and there are other kinds of... um, I can't describe it. It seems to stimulate the appetite!"

"Actually, I didn't feel hungry at first, but now, the aroma has made my front body stick to my back."

Hao Meng and five people One by one, they sniffed hard, thinking that they would normally eat boiled bobo meat, bone-stinger meat, or at most, mix bitter vegetables and fry them. And now, even if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I knew that what Brother Yang made was definitely not simple.

"Sister Xiaoqiao, why don't I remember that Brother Yang can cook, you taught him?"

Listening to Hao Meng's question, Fang Xiaoqiao replied: "Brother he used to be If you live here alone, if you don't know how to cook, don't starve to death."

"Uh, that's true, but do you know what Brother Yang is cooking now? "

Seeing that Hao Meng and the other five were all staring at him, Fang Xiaoqiao thought about it and said, "I don't know what my brother is doing, but I'm sure that only Divine Immortal can eat it. Get something!"

In Fang Xiaoqiao's heart, Yang Lin is the reincarnation of Divine Immortal, so the dishes he cooks must be Divine Immortal. How did Hao Meng and the other five know that Yang Lin and Fang Xiaoqiao said about Divine Immortal. Now that they heard it, they felt that the girl was complimenting Yang Lin, so it was not surprising.

So the next one echoed: "Yes, the dish that is definitely made is Divine Immortal. But to say, Brother Yang's ability is too great, Lin Shan is the daughter of the City Lord's mansion, Eldest Young. Lady, you actually went to the slum to cook with Brother Yang?”

“Second, can you speak, what’s wrong with Eldest Young Lady, who is Brother Yang, who is the perfect match for Brother Yang? !"

"Yes, yes, Brother Yang, that is the birth of a lucky star, with a distinguished status, just like our several brothers, he has not been blessed by Brother Yang. Otherwise, where will this meeting be? I'm starving and waiting to die!"

A few people are chatting more and more now, and finally the topic deviates and suddenly turns to the relationship between Yang Lin and Fang Xiaoqiao.

"Sister Xiaoqiao, you are with Brother Yang now, do you also like Brother Yang?"

"Yes, of course I do."


A group of people were shocked, especially Hao Meng, who couldn't help but wipe away a cold sweat, "What do you say, Brother Yang, he likes Lin Shan."

Fang Xiaoqiao said: "You can't talk nonsense, what I said about liking is not that kind of liking, but the liking between relatives. Brother, he likes Lin Shan elder sister. I don't know what to think of me. Besides, I also really hope that my brother and elder sister can be together, I think they are a good match!"

"Yes, it is indeed a good match! First, I It's definitely not flattery, I just have a feeling that seeing Brother Yang and Lin Shan come together, there is such a strong sense of sight."

"Yes, yes, that's it, I I think so too. When the two of them stand together, it seems that they are a bit too well-matched, and they all feel like old men and wives." opinion. Those words weren't really compliments or things like that, but the feeling that the two of them were together resembles nature itself, and that feeling of being together was too strong.

After about forty-fifty minutes, I finally heard Yang Lin shouting from the room: "You all come in to eat!"

Hao Meng was one of a few people when he heard the meal. Faster than one, Fang Xiaoqiao said just now that Yang Lin made Divine Immortal food, which really stimulated them. Now they just want to see the food and try it.

Then I entered the room, my dear, the eyes of several people are straight.

"What are you doing, I'm ready to eat," Yang Lin couldn't help laughing when he saw how many people were sucking salamis one by one, "It's just a meal, what about it?"

Hao Chuckled fiercely: "Brother Yang, forgive our clumsiness, what are these dishes, I have never seen them before, and they smell so good, I can't help but make my appetite widen."

Yang The corner of Lin's mouth showed a beautiful arc, and he looked at Lin Shan, who was also beside him, and said to a few people, "Let's sit at the table. I'll tell you what dishes Lin Shan and I have cooked."

Hearing that they were going to be seated, Hao Meng and the five hurried to do it. After Yang Lin, Lin Shan and Fang Xiaoqiao were seated, there was an inexplicable atmosphere of having a New Year's Eve dinner.

"Let's talk about this first, scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Eggs are expensive luxury goods, or when I was at the teacher's house, my teacher asked me to bring some back. Then, with my exclusive tomato, a The tomato scrambled eggs are out of the pot!"

Hao Meng swallowed and said, "What about the dish next to it?"

"This is called Yuxiang Eggplant, and it is said to be fish. , there's no inside, but it's just a dish name, I won't tell you more about the specifics, but it's very delicious."

Seeing that several people's eyes moved to the next dish, Yang Lin continued: "There is also the fried eggplant with minced meat on the side, which is minced with bone-stinger meat and stir-fried with eggplant. There are also fried beets and sweet tomatoes."

" As for the last two main dishes, this one doesn't look very unusual," Hao Meng said, "but it smells indescribably delicious."

"That's right, one of the main ingredients is bougainvillea. The common dish mixed with worm and bone-stinger, the other is ready-made, the snow rabbit bought at the market, but I added some green onion, ginger and garlic, the taste is naturally different from what you have tasted. It's the same."

So many dishes were made at once, no matter the dishes or the dishes, all of them were eye-opening for several people.

Especially Fang Xiaoqiao, although she did not speak, she was once again shocked by Yang Lin in her heart. She always thought that she was good at cooking, but now compared to this brother, she was suddenly ashamed and unable to show one's face.

"Brother is Divine Immortal after all!" Fang Xiaoqiao said in her heart.

Finally, before moving his chopsticks, Yang Lin took out another jar of wine. I had reserved a few jars for purification earlier, and it was just right for everyone to drink a few cups at this time.

"This wine is not an ordinary wine, and it is not sold in Lin City. It is not too good, but it is definitely more than twenty times stronger than those in Lin City!"

"Brother Yang, it's so fake, we like to drink things like wine, but... this wine doesn't seem to smell fishy?"

"It's a good wine after all. Is it good to have that kind of taste again, it’s rare today that Lin Shan and I are in a good mood, you all follow along, don’t talk about it, move your chopsticks!”

Hao Meng and five people Happy.

"Listen to Brother Yang, hehe, and finally, before moving chopsticks, I wish Brother Yang and sister-in-law to have a heart-to-heart bond with sister-in-law!"

"I wish Brother Yang and sister-in-law to be together forever!"

"I wish Brother Yang and sister-in-law sister-in-law will grow old together and love until old age!"

"Don't forget me, I wish Brother Yang and sister-in-law a good relationship for a hundred years, and the love is endless! By the way, there is still an early birth Takako!"

Hearing this sentence from several people, Yang Lin was very happy and went to see Lin Shan, "Lin Shan, what do you think?"

Lin Shan angered Glancing at him, he said: "Really, you can't stop your mouths when you eat."

Yang Lin said with a laugh: "There is a saying putting it that way, if you want to win one's heart, it is white. I think this is the best way to describe us as our heads are not apart

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