hong long long!

In the battlefields, the roar and explosions are deafening.

Since Hu Gan swallowed six Fiery Fragrance Dou Qi Pills, its strength has skyrocketed.

Even in the face of 5-Star Dou Zong Old Ancestor Blood Fiend, he still has the upper hand. The latter has lost a streak and retreated and suffered from defense.

A crowd of dísciple cheering excitedly, extremely excited, shouted and cheered for Hu Gan.

After Great Elder Su Qian exited the battlefield, he immediately flew to the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower and aimed directly at Han Feng.

"Damn it!"

Han Feng viciously swept across Hu Gan on the distant battlefield, and then his right hand danced, swiping a deep blue Fireball moved towards Su Qian.

Su Qian coldly snorted, squeezed his fist out, accompanied by a loud noise, the vigorous Dou Qi smashed the Fireball.

"Bring into our hospital and get involved in Fallen Heart Flame, now I see who can save you!"

Su Qian stared at Han Feng coldly, his body was shocked and majestic Dou Qi moved towards Han Feng like a huge ocean, and the power of 2-Star Dou Zong was fully revealed.

In an instant, Su Qian had appeared in front of Han Feng, turned his palm into claws, and directly penetrated Han Feng's fiery Fireball again.

Han Feng brows tightly knit while looking at the palms close at hand, but there is no fear in his eyes.


Su Qian's syllable of Sen Leng fell.

However, when Su Qian's claw was about to pierce Han Feng's throat, a large amount of billowing black mist suddenly gushed out from behind Han Feng, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

These black fog quickly condensed, and finally turned into a long, deep colored fog about one zhang wide.

next moment, a big hand protruded from the mist, and with a sneer, it cut through the air and replaced Han Feng to face Su Qian's paw.


Under the gaze of countless line of sight, two Dao Accumulation attacks containing terror energy collided together.

Suddenly, the aftermath of a wave spread out, making the void buzzing.

"trifling 2-Star Dou Zong, dare to be rampant!"

At this time, a hoarse and contemptuous voice came from the fog.

The sound fell, and the power of the big hand protruding from the mist increased sharply, breaking the deadlock in an instant, and violent energy struck Su Qian's chest.

Pu chi!

Immediately, Su Qian let out a muffled sound, and mouth spurt blood vomited out.

Under the horrified gaze of one after another, Su Qian, Su Qian of Suffering a heavy blow, immediately drove Dou Qi, even a little bit of void, and flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters, which was worthy of stabilizing the stability.

"The Great Elder is injured!"

"What is that!"

"Is that Han Feng's successor!"


A group of dísciples stared blankly at the black mist that suddenly emerged from Han Feng behind, their eyes filled with confusion and worry.

Three Sects Sect Master, who was previously badly injured by Hu Gan, was at a loss when he saw the appearance of the black mist; but soon he was happy.

Although they don't know what the black mist group is, judging from the current situation, it is obviously Han Feng's trump card.

Compared to Old Ancestor Blood Fiend, the strength is beyond!

The appearance of the black mist group reversed the situation again, and they once again had the upper hand!

Compared with the joy of the people of Three Sects, the mood of Misty Cloud Sect of Inner Academy Elder is sinking a lot.

Especially when he witnessed Su Qian's vomiting blood and retreating in a single blow, a wave of anxiety quickly rose in the mind.

"Walking around, the ending has not changed after all." When the black mist group appeared, Chu Bei's eyes flashed with surprise.

After murmured to himself, a smile appeared at the corner of Chu Bei's mouth.

"Old Su, you can still hold it."

After Hu Gan punched Old Ancestor Blood Fiend back, he appeared beside Su Qian, said solemnly.

"It's okay."

Su Qian stared at the black mist behind Han Feng with a solemn expression.

"What the hell is that? How many hole cards does Han Feng hide." Hu Gan fixed his eyes on Han Feng, full of killing intents.

"Han Feng, you should know the price of my action."

The black mist group gathers and condenses again, until a black shadow is formed, and the hoarse voice seems to come from the Netherworld Hell.

"Yu Custodian, what the kid promised you, he will do it."

Compared with Old Ancestor Blood Fiend, Han Feng looks more in the face of weird shadows Respectful, there is even a kind of fear.

The source of this fear is not only because of the strength of the opponent Dou Zong 8-Star, but also because of the terrorist forces behind the opponent!

"Who is that!"

Three Sects Sect Master looked at the shadows, and after being unable to guess the identity of the other party, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Old Ancestor Blood Fiend looked towards Heiying's gaze was also confused. Obviously he didn't expect Han Feng to invite someone more powerful than him.

Not far away, Xiao Yan once again felt Old Yao's strong mood swings.

"Sure enough, this evil barrier is still in collusion with them!" Old Yao tried his best to suppress the soul fluctuation, and the killing intent in the sound transmission was bitter.

"Old Yao, who are they?" Xiao Yan asked immediately, looking curious.

"Soul Palace!"

Old Yao heavily spit out two syllables.

"Soul Palace?" Xiao Yan frowned.

But while he was waiting for Old Yao to elaborate, the latter was silent.

"A 2-Star Dou Zong, a 6-Star Dou..."

The black shadow named Yu Custodian by Han Feng, the words in his mouth have not been finished yet, his eyes fixed on Hu Gan's body: "Your breath is a bit weird. 2-Star Dou Zong can actually exert the strength of 6-Star Dou Zong. It is worth taking back to study it."

There was a flash of blood-red light, and Hu Gan looked as if he was looking at prey.

Su Qian and Hu Gan looked at each other, and after a brief exchange of eyes, they raised their breath to the extreme at the same time.

"Is there only you two ants in the prestigious Jia Nan Academy?"

The black shadow looked at Su Qian and Hu Gan contemptuously. With a move of his palm, a pair of dark chains appeared. The sound of crash-bang stretched out from his palm, and finally shook slightly, winding around him like a poisonous snake.

As soon as the sardonic voice fell, the black shadow's arm flicked, and the chains cut through the sky in an instant, and slammed away at Su Qian Hu Gan.

Seeing the shadow of the shadows, Su Qian and Hu Gan looked serious, and each performed the strongest Dou Technique, and the silhouette rushed out.

hong long long ——

In the battlefield, three shadows intertwined quickly.

The loud battle explosion sounded continuously.

The gorgeous Dou Technique releases a dazzling brilliance, which is shrouded.

A crowd of Inner Academy Elder and dísciple watched the sky nervously, their fists clenched, and their hearts hung in their throats.


With countless line of sight, a silhouette flew out of the battlefield first.

"Great Elder!"

Recognizing that silhouette, the Elder dísciple shouted, with anxiety and concern in their voices.

Su Qian was drawn by the chain, the long blood horrible to see on his chest, and the blood on his face disappeared even more.


However, Su Qian has not fallen to the ground yet, and the 2nd silhouette flies out of the battlefield.

Hu Gan's condition is not much better. Breath is disordered and he keeps coughing up blood in his mouth.

Two figures fell to the ground one after another, bringing up two deep giant pits.

"Su Great Elder, now do you still think that the dead person will be me?"

Han Feng vibrated his wings and looked at the giant pit below blankly, sending out A sneer.

"Old Ancestor Blood Fiend, the bloodbath Kalan Academy is up to you."

Han Feng glanced at Old Ancestor Blood Fiend, and then flew towards Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.

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