"Old Man Hu seems to be very polite to him. It seems that this guy's background is really not small." dísciple asked Chu Bei suspiciously, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei.

"Don’t just focus on cultivated, you lunatics, you must also learn about what’s happening outside when you’re free."

At this time, a red-clothed youth came over and The process of Chu Bei ravaging Zi Yan was detailed.

"Brute Force Queen finally got to the iron plate!"

"Haha, it's so pleasant to hear this news!"

"Just don't know What is the origin of this great god?"


After listening to the red-clothed youth's narration, the dísciple once again looked towards Chu Bei and their gazes were obviously more admired.

"Brother Hu, is this the Boss Chu you mentioned to me?"

In front of the tower, a gray robed old man greeted him and fought Hu Gan. After greeting, moved towards Chu Bei hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

Chu Bei nodded, responded.

"Open the side door. These little fellows can't wait." Hu Gan pointed to Wu Hao, Hu Jia and the others behind.


gray robed old man complied, and then opened a dark door that was originally closed.

The door opened, and the temperature in the air gradually increased.

"Follow me into the tower!"

After everything was ready, Hu Gan issued an order.

Next moment, Grandiose's team passed through the dark gate in an orderly manner.

"It's so big!"

In the tower, the newcomers, including Xiao Yan and Hu Jia, sighed at the same time.

"Huh? A bunch of flame suddenly appeared in my body!"

"Me too!"

"Master Headmaster, is this what you said Can the cluster of flames accelerate cultivation?"


Wu Hao, Nangong Chong and the others soon discovered the changes in their bodies and immediately turned their attention to Hu Gan .

Hu Gan slightly nod: "Before you come in, let you swallow the cold water to prepare for this. Now, refining the flame."

In Hu Gan's words, a group of dísciples looked at each other, then sat cross-legged, to close eyes concentrating.

As time goes by, Hu Jia and Nangong Chong opened their eyes first, their expressions can hardly conceal their excitement.

Obviously, they refining the flame that inexplicably appeared in the body, and got great benefits from it.

Gradually, more and more dísciples opened their eyes, with excitement on their faces.

Xiao Yan is the same.

"Old Yao, how could this kind of flame appear in my body for no reason? After refining, Dou Qi in my body can grow substantially."

Xiao Yan glanced at Chu Bei found that the other party had not looked towards him, moved towards the Storage Ring sound transmission in his hand.

"Invisible and colorless, revealed by the heart, no trace to be found. Is this the Fallen Heart Flame?" An old voice sounded at Xiao Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Fallen Heart Flame? What is that." Xiao Yan asked with confusion on his face.

"Heavenly Flame ranked 14th on the Heavenly Flame list." Old Yao responded.

"Heavenly Flame!"

Xiao Yan's mind was shocked.

The name of Heavenly Flame, he knew from Old Yao, it was something that all high-level Alchemists had to chase after.

"Don't get excited, the flame that appears in your body should be just the split body projected by the Fallen Heart Flame onto your heart."

Old Yao's voice sounded again: "But for sure However, the main body of the Fallen Heart Flame is in the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower."

"There have been rumors that Jia Nan Academy owns Heavenly Flame, and didn’t expect it to be hidden in the Inner Academy. Among them, Fallen Heart Flame ranked 14th.” Old Yao murmured.

"Is the Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower able to accelerate the source of human cultivation, this is the Fallen Heart Flame!" Xiao Yan sudden enlightenment.

"Have you ever thought of getting this Fallen Heart Flame?" Old Yao's tone changed.

"What a joke! This is Jia Nan Academy! Dou Huang and even Dou Zong Powerhouse sit in town. What is the difference between the idea of ​​Heavenly Flame and bringing about one's own destruction!" Xiao Yan shook his head.

"It's not like letting you go to refining now, you will have a long time in Japan." Old Yao said with a smile.

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, and said: "This is okay."

Only refining one of the billions of Fallen Heart Flame, he felt the beauty of it . If you can really refining the ontology, the benefits will be endless.

At this moment, Chu Bei's mind is not on Xiao Yan, otherwise, if he knows that he also has the idea of ​​Fallen Heart Flame, I don't know how he feels.

Under the leadership of Hu Gan, a group of freshmen gradually learned about the layout of Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.

In the tower, each floor is distributed in a circle, and there are cultivation rooms of different sizes.

Because of the different geographical locations, these rooms can be divided into three levels: high, middle and low according to the distance from the center of the tower.

"After you are assigned to Fire Energy, you can choose a room for cultivation. In the same floor, the prices of the three levels of rooms are the same, but whoever belongs to it depends on your strength."

Hu Gan smiled at the freshmen: "So, even in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, there is no fairness at all."

"grandfather, is this?"


When a group of people walked to the central area of ​​the tower, Hu Jia pointed to a bottomless black hole like the mouth of a well and looked towards Hu Gan.

At this time, because of curiosity, more and more dísciples gathered in front of the black hole and looked down.

I saw pitch black in the cave, no light at all, as if running through the entire Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.

"Did you feel that the temperature of this Cave entrance is higher than other places? Could it be that the heat of Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower comes from this Cave entrance?" Wu Hao speculated.

Just when Xiao Yan also leaned his head and looked towards the black hole, the space within it suddenly became weird and distorted.

After that, these distorted spaces are like invisible pythons, climbing up towards the Cave entrance at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Disperse it all to me!"

Hu Gan seemed to have noticed something, and his face changed suddenly.

Immediately waved out the energy storm with both hands, shaking away Xiao Yan, Hu Jia and Wu Hao all around Cave entrance.

At this moment, a sharp si si sound came from the Cave entrance, the dark environment suddenly brightened, and the temperature in the air rose sharply.

Immediately afterwards, a thrilling and extremely horrible and ancient breath emerged from the Cave entrance.

"grandfather, what's the matter? Is there something in there?"

Hu Jia looked at Cave entrance in a daze, his face a little bit, his throat rolling For a moment.

On the top of Cave entrance, the void has been distorted to the extreme, and the Space Crack spreads like a spider web, and the sound of si si that does not know the source becomes more and more piercing and sharp.

I can stare at it, but there is nothing in the whole space, which is very strange.

"You don't need to ask more, just remember, don't get close to the Cave entrance."

Hu Gan seems to know something, but he doesn't want to say more, just speak out Stern warning to Xiao Yan and Hu Jia everyone.

"Boy Xiao Yan, if I guess it is right, Fallen Heart Flame should be right below the Cave entrance." At this time, Old Yao's voice sounded in Xiao Yan's mind.

Looking at Chu Bei again, I walked to the Cave entrance alone and looked down, as if thinking about something.

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