"What's going on!"

"Nangong Chong, Shi Tian and their attacks are getting weaker."

"No, To be precise, it should be being swallowed!"

"What Dou Technique the new student displayed!"


On the battle stage, A crowd of dísciples stood up, one by one fixed their eyes on the battlefield, their eyes widened.

"Where did this guy's Dou Technique come from!"

"It's really weird!"

I saw Xiao Yan by on the stage of competition. The strength of oneself resolved the five Nangong Chong attacks, and the two elders' eyes appeared astonished.

However, just when everyone thought the battle would be deadlocked in the field, the black halo from Xiao Yan's palms suddenly soared.

Not only did it swallow five terrifying attack energy in an instant, it also split into several rope-like fog bars, which almost simultaneously wrapped Nangong Chong, Shi Tian, ​​and Hu Jia.


"The power in my body is passing!"

"What did you do to us!"


Soon, Nangong Chong and Shi Tian discovered the abnormality of their bodies.

Their power is being swallowed uncontrollably by the black mist, one dying from one to the other, but Xiao Yan's breath is getting more and more terrifying.

Finally, the faces of the five Nangong Chong people showed fear.

At this time, only on Dou Qi fluctuations, Xiao Yan has reached or even surpassed 1-star Dou Ling.

hong long!

A loud noise.

With Xiao Yan as the center and black halo as the carrier, a terrifying repulsion exploded.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, pu!

Under this tremendous force, Nangong Chong and Shi Tian, ​​who have already become weak, are even worse.

a mouthful of blood spurted, the five people moved towards five different directions like cannonballs and shot out, heavily smashed on the ground outside the bowling platform.

Compared to Wu Hao, their pit marks are only deep and shallow, and the painful wailing can be heard vaguely.


On the battle stage, I focused my attention on the dísciples on the battlefield, witnessing this scene, subconsciously sucked in a cold breath.

After that, the field fell into a dead silence.

Until a long while...


"Brother Xiao won with one enemy and five!"

"Haha, Brother Xiao is mighty and domineering!"

"Sure enough, in the face of absolute strength, all cooperation is shit!"


The new students reacted, and finally couldn't hold back their excitement. They jumped down to watch the battle stage and moved towards Bidoutai.

As for the seniors, looking at each other in blank dismay, they never imagined that this year's winner would be a freshman with less than seven days of coverage.

Furthermore, I still won the championship with a one-on-five!

"Luo Tian, ​​you really brought me an amazing guy!"

Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan patted Luo Tian's shoulder, the meaning of the words is difficult to understand.

"Master Headmaster, if trained properly, this little fellow will surely rise to the top of the continent in less than a hundred years!"

Luo Tian clenched his fists, his eyes filled with Xiao Xiao Yan's expectations.

"Headmaster, this competition is over. Is it time to announce the result?" Chu Bei's faint voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Hu Gan nodded, then looked around the square: "Little fellows, you have also witnessed the final today. I announce that the new student Xiao Yan is the champion of the Grand Competition! Nangong Chong, Shi Tian, ​​Hu Jia, Bai Shan, and Xue Feng tied for second place, and Wu Hao ranked seventh..."

As the result was announced, a group of freshmen cheered on the platform.

In this torrent of sound, the entire square trembles.

A group of seniors looked at Xiao Yan who was hugged in the middle, and their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Although the opponent is just a freshman, he used his strength to announce his existence to all the dísciples of Outer Academy.

At this time, Nangong Chong and Bai Shan also got up from the pit. Their twitching faces showed the sharp pain coming from their bodies.

In the previous blow, they lost their battle strength directly.

"Damn it! He is so heavy, I don’t know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, it’s not a man!"

Hu Jia white teeth biting the lips tightly, The sly eyes that should have been agile were filled with a deep resentment at this time.

Since her birth, this is the first time that she has been frustrated in the hands of a man. More importantly, this man is younger than him.

Looking at the four of Nangong Chong and Bai Shan again, there is also a hint of resentment in the drooping eyes.

The four of them are the influential figures of Outer Academy. They have been touted all the time, but today's battle has completely lost their face.

Xiao Yan glanced faintly at Nangong Chong and Bai Shan, but ignored them, and walked towards Chu Bei.

"Boss Chu, I didn't let you down." Xiao Yan moved towards Chu Bei raised his eyebrows, very proud.

Chu Bei lightly un'ed, it is a response.

"little fellow, what's the name of the trick you just used? If I read it correctly, your trick seems to have swallowed their Dou Qi receive and use for oneself." Hu Gan looked at Xiao Yan, confused.

Hearing Hu Gan’s question, the two veterans, a group of mentors, including the defeated Nangong Chong, Bai Shan, and everyone in the dísciple all stared at Xiao Yan curiously. .

Obviously, they are all eager to understand the last move Xiao Yan used.

"Its name is to absorb the power of Dafa, to take the merits of others, and to accept the divine might of oneself." Xiao Yan glanced across the crowd, and his voice was calm.

"Absorption Dafa?"

"Why have I never heard of it!"

"What level of Qi Method is this again?"

The confusion on everyone's faces became even greater.

"Xiao Yan, how did you learn from your power-absorption technique and the extreme blade storm that defeated Wu Hao?"

Hu Gan couldn't help but ask. However, during the questioning this time, he glanced at Chu Bei.

"Master Headmaster, the answer is as you think."

Xiao Yan said meaningfully: "As long as you have enough money, you might as well try Boss Chu."

Hu Gan was taken aback, looked towards Chu Bei again, and stopped talking.

The competition is over, and as time goes by, a group of dísciples and mentors leave one after another.

On the way back, the topic of discussion cannot go around the word'Xiao Yan'.


An hour later.

Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan took Luo Tian into an exquisite house.

"Boss Chu, are you satisfied with this room arrangement?" Hu Gan was very polite.

"It's OK." Chu Bei smiled.

"Master Headmaster, did you come to Boss Chu to buy the baby?"

Xiao Yan on the side interjected: "But to do business with Boss Chu, you have to know his Rules."

Speaking of which, Xiao Yan told Hu Gan about his previous process of turning the plate.

After 3 minutes.

"Boss Chu, I have been staying at Peak Dou Huang for many years. I wonder if you can make me a breakthrough?" After Hu Gan said his needs, he looked at Chu Bei with great expectations.

"It can be arranged."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and then waved.

There was a buzzing trembling, and there was a ripple in the void.

A golden disc with a diameter of one meter emerged from the ripples, exuding dazzling rays of light.

At the top of the disc, the seven characters [Level 8 Great Wheel of Fortune] are particularly eye-catching.

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