dong dong dong ——

With the beating of the Powerhouse Magical Artifact, the ceremony seems to have stepped into at the later stage, and the energy fluctuations in them are more and more The hair became tyrannical.

At the same time, one by one, his eyes were firmly locked on the dark coffin, with anticipation in his expression, as if waiting for the moment when the lid of the coffin was opened.

weng weng weng!

Finally, with a low hum, the dark coffin suddenly trembled.

After a while, the coffin lid trembles and begins to shift gradually.

When the first gap appears, its brilliance flows, and various colors are intertwined.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the coffin lid exploded.

At the same time, the hazy sky that was originally illuminated by the rays of light of the Emperor Fruit Tree was instantly reflected in the color of the coffin into a scarlet.

The Immortal Emperor Powerhouse has not recovered yet, and the scarlet sky has turned into ink-black again, giving people a feeling of depression and horror like the dark abyss of hell.

A huge silhouette covered in black mist flew out of the coffin.

This silhouette doesn't have any vitality, the flesh and blood are missing, it is very dry, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a corpse.

What it has is just endless lifelessness, but these lifelessness fluctuations give people the feeling that it is no less than the origin of strength of Heaven!


With a clear sound, the corpse suddenly vibrated violently, as if it had life, all around the dense black mist began to move towards the body pouring into it.

At the same time, the terrifying great spell made up of the twelve emperor Fruit Trees and countless emperor treasures bloomed with weird fairy lights, and there was a tendency to merge with the dry corpse in the faint.

Soon, the black mist full of lifeless energy was incorporated into the body of the mummy.

At the moment the great spell energy was communicated, the mummy seemed to be infused with life, and the body was covered with a shallow layer of flesh and blood.

next moment, the sunken eyes shoot out two red light, and there are waves of friction all over the body, and a fierce and violent breath of horror is permeated.

Under this breath, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses shrouded by the great spell light suddenly felt a chill.

"Kill Tong worship to see the distant ancestors!"

Huo Ran, all Powerhouse moved towards the corpse volleyed and bowed, with piety on his face. Amidst the respectful shouts, there was excitement and excitement.

"Is it really successful? Impossible! How can the existences that died in the catastrophe come back to life!" Looking at the mummy that merged with the power of the formation mark in the sky, the eyes of the Heavenly Immortal Emperor jerked. Shrunk, that expression was like seeing something unbelievable.

"Yantian, what is the so-called catastrophe! You survivors, why can't you tell us!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal, Empress Moon, Heiwu Immortal Emperor and many other Powerhouses said: "At this time, how long will you hide this secret?"

The imperial capital of their party was born after the catastrophe, right I heard about this, but I don't know the details.

Because anyone who understands the'catastrophe' and survived in the world is at least the cultivation base above 7-Star. If the other party doesn't want to say, they don't have the strength to ask each other.

The Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal ignored the Immortal Emperors who asked him, his eyes were firmly locked on the corpse, his face became increasingly heavy and ugly.

"This guy’s breath is still climbing! When will it stop!"

When I saw Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal, I still didn’t want to reveal the meaning of the catastrophe, Yue The attention of Powerhouse such as the Lower Empress and the Immortal Emperor Heiwu also refocused on the corpse. When I noticed that the breath fluctuations released by the latter became more and more terrifying, the complexity was greatly changed.

Now, the pressure on them by this mummy has far surpassed that of the owner of the All Heavens Store in the 8-Star realm. What's more terrifying is that the breath fluctuation of the other party is still rising at a terrifying speed, like There is no end in general.


At this moment, the bloody glow of the mummy looked towards the direction of Chu Bei entire group.

Just listen to a roar that resembles the ancient Great Desolate, which fills the entire Danger Land for an instant, and the terrifying sound waves reverberate in Danger Land.

Even if the power of the imperial formation is obstructed, a little sound wave seeps out of Danger Land, the trembling Emperor Falling Sea explodes again and again, and the waves soar into the sky.

At this moment, the mummy is like a Great Desolate brutal beast that has awakened from a deep sleep, and its roar is full of heartbreaking cruelty and tyranny, full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

"Not good!"

Faced with the bloody eyes of the mummy, there was no coldness on the back of the Immortal Emperor. Just as the trembling sound of his heart palpitations fell from his mouth, a giant hand of the mummy had reached over.

long long long ——

As soon as the mummy started, the imperial formation composed of twelve emperor Fruit Trees rioted at the same time, continuously injecting terrifying energy into the mummy.

"The power it uses now comes from the power of the formation mark! His own power has not recovered!" The Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal saw something and exclaimed.

"But what's the difference? Do you have a way to destroy this imperial formation?" Yi Huang Immortal Emperor opened his mouth, glanced at the mummy and the twelve emperor Fruit Tree, his face gloomy.


In the battlefield, the mummy who fuse together with the imperial formation let out a low roar again.

Afterwards, his body exploded with a few bright threads that penetrated into the mask that blocked the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses such as Yantian and Heiwu.

Amid the weird trembling sound, a group of Immortal Emperor Powerhouse complexion greatly changed, and they felt that the power in their bodies was being madly absorbed by the infiltrating bright silk threads.

"Not good! He is devouring us!" A group of Immortal Emperors reacted and used Supreme Emperor's Power to resist the suction of these bright threads.

However, what makes them feel powerless is that even if they use their strongest Slaughter Technique, they will not have the slightest impact on those bright threads, their origin is still being swallowed.

Looking at the mummy again, with the nourishment of their Source Power, the shriveled body has faintly fleshed out, and it has grown stronger.

"Successful! We succeeded!"

"With these guys as nourishment, the ancestors will live!"

"As long as the ancestors are resurrected , We will be able to return to the ethnic group strongly!" Seeing the mummy body gradually filling, the clan-killing Powerhouse became more and more excited.

"Is there really no way? is it possible that this emperor is going to die here for hundreds of millions of years?" Heiwu Immortal Emperor successively moved towards the corpse to hit the emperor technique, with the light in his eyes Deeply unwilling.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, I am afraid you would have expected such a result? In the end, it will eventually become the nourishment for the resurrection of others, which is really ridiculous." The Empress Moon looked at Chu Bei , Self-deprecating in the words.

Chu Bei didn't answer the conversation. At this moment, he also had a solemn expression. Even his current strength in the 8-Star realm could not stop the attack from the ancient ancestors of the Killing Clan that mobilized the imperial formation force. Like other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses, his power is continuously being sucked.

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