Look at the entire Heaven Above, especially the Moon Empress, the Star Immortal Emperor, the Yihuang Immortal Emperor, and the Heiwu Immortal who have dealt with Chu Bei in the Lost Domain before Emperor, looked at each other, there was an unexplainable strangeness in their eyes.

crash-bang ——

At the time when countless Powerhouse discussions were fierce, the water dragon on the battlefield opened its mouth and spit out the Chuangshi Yuanling, and then rushed towards trapping Sun. The prison of Wukong and Zhu Bajie.


The crisp sound fell, the prison collapsed, and the five Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie regained their freedom.

At this time, Chuangshi Yuanling also took the opportunity to reorganize the fleshy body to restore its original appearance, but compared to the beginning of the battle, his breath was obviously weaker.

The Chuang Shi Yuan Ling held the stature steady, without saying a word, just staring at Chu Bei very vigilantly, with surprise in his eyes.

He knew that just now, the owner of the All Heavens Store left his hand.

"Let’s go, take you back to the All Heavens Store for the teacher."

Chu Bei moved towards Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie five faintly smiled, immediately waved their sleeves and brought them It disappeared from All Heavens Store Powerhouse.

At the same time, the water dragon formed by the river of source sky disappeared.

In an instant, the creation emperor and even the other emperors of Heaven Above fell into silence.

"Let’s go, just leave like this!"

"That’s the end?"

Until a long time passed, a crowd of Powerhouses looked at it Only the battlefield of Chuangshi Yuanling came back to his senses, muttering to himself.

Chuang Shi Yuan Ling was silent, glanced at the direction of All Heavens Store Dizhou, he stopped talking, and finally shook the head and returned to the depths of Dizhou.

With the passage of time, other Immortal Emperors of Emperor Zhou also took back the divine sense.

"Sect Master, what realm are you?"

Back in the All Heavens Store, Ancient Dragon Phoenix once again asked this question that has always plagued him.

"The time has come, you will know it." Chu Bei calmly said with a smile.

In this battle with the Chuangshi Yuanling, one reason why he clicked it to the end was that his goal had been achieved, and another reason was that his strength of Heaven was consumed. Pin, it's almost time.

He was not sure to kill the Chuangshi Yuanling before the time was up; of course, he didn't have this idea, after all, the Chuangshi Yuanling did not reveal the killing intent to him from start to finish. , I just want to give him a prestige.

In this battle, looking at the Powerhouse of Heaven Above, he has entered the 7-Star realm. In this way, even if he leaves Heaven Above, no other Immortal Emperor will dare to offend All Heavens Store.

"Master, we can finally follow in your footsteps!"

In All Heavens Store, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, Jin Chanzi, Ao Lie worshipped at Chu at the same time Bei approached, his face was respectful, and his voice allowed some excitement.

"Although you have defeated the guards of the Western Earth and came to this chaotic universe. However, there is still a long way to go on this cultivation road. You must not slack off." Chu Bei gazes Sweeping through the five Sun Wukong, they spoke lightly.

"dísciple will follow the teachings! I will be more dedicated to cultivation and enter the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible!"

After Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the others gave their responses, they looked again Towards Buxuan, Bing Tongtong and Little Dragon Phoenix: "Master, are these three little fellows our Junior Brother?"

"Brother, we are just the Honorary Disciple of the Master, not the Direct Disciple. "Without waiting for Chu Bei to speak, Bu Xuan, Bing Tongtong, and Xiao Dragon Phoenix took the lead in replied.

When they saw that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie each had the power of Divine Pill, their faces were undoubtedly more envy.

Three days later.

"The owner of the All Heavens Store has been over hundreds of millions of years, the shortest time in the world but the fastest known name!"

"Yes! This Heaven Above This is the quietest among the strongest nine domains, but since the appearance of the Lord of All Heavens Store, even the entire Heaven Above has become the most discussed topic of the heavens."

" Back, what is the realm of the Lord of All Heavens Store? Didn’t it mean that it’s just the Immortal Emperor 2-Star? Now how come it has suddenly become a 7-Star!"

"Lian Chuang Shi Yuan Ling They are all defeated in his hands! What he hides is too deep!"


As time goes by, Chu Bei and Chuangshi Yuanling War, the news began to spread from Heaven Above to the entire chaotic universe.

Netherworld domain, Yiyuan Emperorzhou.

"7-Star Immortal Emperor."

"I went to the birthplace of Chuangshi Yuanling and received five dísciples."

" You really have the means to go to the lower-level domain."

The Emperor Yuan was floating above the Holy Mountain, looking at the direction of Heaven Above All Heavens Store, and muttering to himself.


All Heavens Store Dizhou, All Heavens Store.

"Master, are you going to retreat again? How long will it take this time?"

In the All Heavens Store, Bu Xuan, Bing Tongtong, and Little Dragon Phoenix three Honorary Disciple stare Looking at Chu Bei with a big eye, his little face was a little bit dissatisfied.

"Maybe three days, maybe thirty thousand years, maybe three million years. When necessary, I will leave the customs as a teacher."

Chu Bei glanced over Bu Xuansan After a little fellow, he looked towards Direct Disciple such as Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, and signaled slightly.

[Fifteen minutes later, the system will force the host to the experience city]

Chu Bei tone barely fell, and the system tone sounded in his mind.


as time goes by.

The chaotic universe.

"After 100,000 years, the battle of the Ranking List of the imperial forces of Heaven Above has finally begun again!"

"In the days to come, our big domain will again It's going to be lively!"

"Of course! Anyway, we are also one of the strongest nine domains! The emperor rank battle is not only the event of our Heaven Above, but also It will definitely become the focus of other big domains."

"Tomorrow is the deadline for registration. At the moment, 38 of the 39 emperor-level forces have signed up!"

"Hey, it seems that the All Heavens Store, which was just established in recent years, really won’t sign up."

"I really don’t understand, the owner of All Heavens Store except Ancient Dragon Phoenix, Obviously there are five more Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfections, and there are six by counting. With such strength, even if you can't make the top five, you can still make the top ten."

"Emperor-level forces The ranking is not only based on the strength of the Inheritor among the forces, but also on the strength of the founders. After all, the level of an emperor-level force is judged, and the strength of the founders of its forces accounted for a greater proportion."

"But the Lord of All Heavens Store is very strong! Even Chuangshi Yuanling is not his opponent! Why didn't they participate? is it possible that the Lord of All Heavens Store disappeared again?"

"Haha, it’s the same now. After all, the deadline for registration is about to come."

"If the Lord of All Heavens Store really does not appear, then All Heavens Store does not Registration is necessary. Although there are six Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection sitting in town, without the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse, it would be meaningless to sign up. After all, the top five Peak forces, in addition to the founders, also have The second, third, and even fourth Immortal Emperor sits in town."


One of the strongest nine realms, Heaven Above, every emperor is discussing fiercely. The same topic, that is the imperial rank battle.

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