"It turned out to be a Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection."

Looking at this self-contained Small World, Chu Bei murmured softly, followed by colorful ripples in his body Gushing out.

The voice fell, and the misty red glow of Small World disappeared.

In an instant, a huge silhouette appeared at the end.

This is a powerful creature like Dragon not Dragon. It can also be said that it is a combination of two Divine Beasts.

Its breath is extremely terrifying, and there are countless Star Regions rising and falling outside its body.

But when you look carefully, its huge body is restrained by countless shining red Divine Chain restraints, and there is Immortal Emperor breath flowing on the Divine Chain.

It is precisely these Divine Chains carrying Immortal Emperor breath that this Ancient Dragon Phoenix restraint is here.

"Immortal...Immortal Emperor!"

Ancient Dragon Phoenix seems to have also noticed Chu Bei's breath fluctuations. The original ferocious expression was instantly startled, and the huge pupils revealed surprise. color.

"Why did you come here!"

"What is your relationship with Baihua?"

Ancient Dragon Phoenix's eyes locked on Chu Bei and appeared Allow some look of dreading.

"Does the Baihua in your mouth refer to the Immortal Emperor in this territory?"

Chu Bei also knew some information about Baihua Dizhou and looked at Ancient Dragon Phoenix said with a smile: "This seat has nothing to do with her."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei's gaze fell on the crystal dome behind Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

"Do you want to hit my heir's attention?"

Perceiving Chu Bei's gaze, Ancient Dragon Phoenix's gaze instantly became cold and severe, and his voice was also full of chills.

Chu Bei glanced at Ancient Dragon Phoenix faintly, several fist marks blasted out, and one after another strikes on those red Divine Chains that restraint the latter.

hong long long!

The red Divine Chain vibrates, and there are thousands of avenue flowers blooming on it, carrying the power of the Immortal Emperor, resisting Chu Bei's fist mark.

However, these red Divine Chains were inevitably broken after a series of crackling sounds.

As the Divine Chain fragments dissipated, the breath of Ancient Dragon Phoenix became more and more terrifying.

When it got rid of the restraint and regained freedom, the power of a loud roar, terrifying Quasi-Immortal Emperor broke out completely.

This Small World collapsed instantly!

Next moment, the entire Exile Ridge began to shake and collapse.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix lay across the sky above Banshee Ridge. It opened its mouth and sucked, and suddenly swallowed the breathtaking black hole in the sky.

"Exile Ridge has changed!"

"What happened again!"

"That...that is Ancient Dragon Phoenix!"


"It turns out that the rumors are true. It was really sealed here by Baihua Lady Empress!"

"How did it cut open and seal?!"

"According to As I know, this Ancient Dragon Phoenix is ​​Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection. It’s a pity that it contradicts the Baihua Lady Empress, and was finally suppressed by Lady Empress."

"Then you say, Ancient Dragon Phoenix Breaking the seal, will it go to the trouble of Lady Empress?"


Countless cultivators were disturbed by the mutation of Exile Ridge, and waited until they stared at it and recognized it. When they were across the huge objects in the sky above Bansheed Ridge, one by one suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

"This seat will not ask you about the relationship between you and the Hundred Flowers Empress."

Chu Bei held his hands behind, and glanced at Ancient Dragon Phoenix lightly: "This seat is here. The purpose of coming here next time is your so-called heir."

"You have become an Immortal Emperor. I don’t know why you want to stare at me as an heir?"

Ancient Dragon Phoenix very much Fearing Chu Bei's strength, he asked tentatively.

"Don't worry, this seat will not harm it. I just want to accept it as a disciple." Chu Bei explained his intention.

"Accept disciples?" When Chu Bei said, Ancient Dragon Phoenix was full of surprise.

Even in the chaotic universe, among the evildoers of the younger generation, their ultimate goal is to worship the Immortal Emperor as a teacher, but even if they want to obtain the Immortal Emperor as a teacher, it is also in opportunity opportunity.

Furthermore, I have never heard of it, and the Immortal Emperor took the initiative to accept disciples.

If he hadn't witnessed Chu Bei's strength with his own eyes, he would definitely think that the other party was joking with him.

"I wonder what your emperor title is?" Ancient Dragon Phoenix has curiosity in his eyes.

Heaven Above has a total of thirty-nine Immortal Emperors. He is familiar with each emperor title. He wants to know the other's emperor title so that he can find each other in the future.

"This seat does not belong to Heaven Above, but you will soon know the power created by this seat, named All Heavens Store!" Chu Bei said calmly.

"All Heavens Store?"

Meeting Chu Bei's confident gaze, Ancient Dragon Phoenix hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth to spit out the golden rays of light, pouring on that giant On the egg.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

As the egg shell broke, a little Dragon Phoenix was born.

Because it was just born, it has neither dragon scales nor phoenix hair at this moment, and it is bald.


Little Dragon Phoenix spotted Ancient Dragon Phoenix at a glance, and kept shouting.

"Child, you can worship him, and follow him for a good cultivation." Ancient Dragon Phoenix spoke, and pointed out Dragon Claw to Chu Bei.

Little Dragon Phoenix seemed to understand, and finally glanced at Ancient Dragon Phoenix with some dismay, and came to Chu Bei tremblingly, with his head held high: "Master..."

[Host branch mission completed]

[Reward the host once for the power of the black]

Almost at the same time, the system voice sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"There is no more care."

At this time, Ancient Dragon Phoenix glanced at the little Dragon Phoenix who was standing next to Chu Bei, and then let out a roar, and then tore The heavens Star Region, moved towards the direction of Baihua Valley.

"Master, where did he go, daddy?" Little Dragon Phoenix widened his eyes and asked Chu Bei in confusion.

"Let's go, and create the All Heavens Store as a teacher."

Although Chu Bei guessed the whereabouts of Ancient Dragon Phoenix, he did not tell the little Dragon Phoenix.

In this matter between Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the Hundred Flowers Empress, he did not want to intervene. His first task was to complete the task assigned by the system.


The chaos universe can be divided into countless regions. Heaven Above is one of the strongest nine regions.

In the entire universe, there is a list called the Immortal Emperor list. There are only one hundred people on the list.

As the name suggests, only one step into the legendary Immortal Emperor Realm is qualified to compete for the ranking on the Immortal Emperor list.

As for the benefits of entering this Immortal Emperor list, ordinary people have no way of knowing it, even if it is better than Quasi-Immortal Emperor, they do not know its secret.

However, in every epoch, those Immortal Emperors who are not on the list will madly challenge the Immortal Emperors on the list.

In the dark, all cultivators know that once they are named on the Immortal Emperor list, there must be a chance to belong to the Immortal Emperor, but they don't know what this chance is.

In addition to the Chaos Tiantian domain has a total Immortal Emperor list, other domains will also have an Emperor list, but their rankings are all the Immortal Emperor that's all of that big domain.

Just like the Heaven Above, there are a total of thirty-nine Immortal Emperors.

According to the ranking of the emperor list, the Hundred Flowers Empress is ranked 37th.

However, if she is placed on the total emperor list, she will not even be qualified to be on the list.

As for the First Immortal Emperor of Heaven Above, his emperor's title is hundred guards, and he is already out of ten on the total Immortal Emperor list, ranking nineteenth.

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