"Dark...the magic temple!"

"Why did people from that power appear in such a remote place like us!"

" Say, do they have a mission!"


After recognizing the identity of the person, some people from all directions exclaimed.

At this moment, when these people from Dark Demon Palace appeared, the biggest change in expression was the Fat Tong Buxuan.

His watery within both eyes, the killing intent became stronger, but there was also some panic, and he lowered his head subconsciously and raised his collar.

"I have seen the adults of Dark Demon Palace!"

The leaders of the all directions, immediately moved towards a group of people bowing, with extremely respectful expressions.

"What happened to the unusual form just now?" A majestic voice sounded.

This is a middle-aged man. In addition to wearing the iconic dark-gray robe of Dark Demon Palace, he also wears a black gold crown on his head, inadvertently releasing immortal dao breath.

"Sir, look at that little fellow! He...he is Buxuan!"

Suddenly, someone from Dark Demon Palace recognized the fat boy and exclaimed With excitement.


Just when a person in Dark Demon Palace called out the name Buxuan, the fat boy jumped into the air, moved towards the distance and flew away.

It's just that, before he flew out a hundred meter away, his body was frozen by an invisible terrifying force!

After a while, Bu Xuan was once again pulled back to the top of the mountain in the eyes of everyone from all directions.

"This breath, True Immortal Powerhouse!"

"Heavens! It is said that the Dark Demon Palace envoys, every one of them is at least True Immortal Realm Super Powerhouse!"


"It's worthy of being our Three Great Influences in Baihua Dizhou!"

"Could it be that the little fellow we fancy has something to do with Dark Demon Palace?"

"Let me go! So, this is still a hot potato. Who of you wants him to get it by himself, anyway, we have withdrawn!"


Bafang The people of the power looked at the imprisoned Bu Xuan in the sky, then looked at the man wearing the black gold crown in Dark Demon Palace, and felt the breath that the latter released that suffocated them, and the complexion was greatly changed one by one.

immortal dao breath!

The opponent is a True Immortal Powerhouse!

Heaven Above, there are three Nineteen Provinces, and each state corresponds to an Immortal Emperor.

At the moment, the state where this star mountain range is located is called Baihua Dizhou, which is also named after the name of a female Immortal Emperor among the thirty-nine Immortal Emperors.

The female Immortal Emperor is known as the Hundred Flowers Empress, and she is an aboriginal of the Chaotian universe.

It is rumored that when he was born, there were avenue flowers blooming everywhere in the chaotic universe, and there were many unusual forms.

And this Baihua Dizhou, the strongest force is naturally the Baihua Valley it founded, and it is also the only emperor-level power in Baihua Dizhou!

Under the Valley of Hundred Flowers, the strongest forces are the forces created by the three Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, namely Misty Magic Palace, Dark Demon Palace and Heavenly Astral Sect.

"Buxuan, you really made us look for it! Didn't expect to meet you here!"

The True Immortal Powerhouse headed by Dark Demon Palace looked at Bu Xuan suddenly laughed.

"You kill my clan, kill my elders, and take away my father and mother, you will not end well!"

Bu Xuan struggled to no avail, moved towards Dark Demon The people of Palace roar, and their hideous expressions are full of thick killing intents.

"What the hell does this little fellow come from? It's worth the hands of the people of Dark Demon Palace!"

"Bu Xuan? His surname is Bu! Could it be the one who was sect extinguished a few days ago? Buzu!"

"It turns out that Dark Demon Palace did it! This makes sense! Although Buzu Clan Leader is True Immortal Powerhouse, there is still nothing to fight back against Dark Demon Palace. ! After all, a random envoy of Dark Demon Palace, the weakest one is True Immortal Powerhouse!"


Through the content of the dialogue, people from all directions vaguely guessed To the identity of Buxuan.

"little fellow, you don’t know how hard your father’s mouth is! All kinds of torture have been exhausted, and he refuses to tell the news about the source sky stone! Even, the Palace Master personally searches for the soul, But I did not expect that your parents planted the Secret Skill in Sea of ​​Consciousness. Whenever an external force enters, Divine Soul will explode."

Speaking of which, the leader of Dark Demon Palace The smile deepened: "But now it's fine, as long as they catch you and use you to threaten them, they will definitely tell everything they know."

"Yuan...Yuan Tianshi!"

"A treasure that allows the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to step into the Immortal Emperor! It is said that it is used as a weapon, and it is the equivalent to the Immortal Emperor!"

"It turns out that this is the infantry clan The reason for being extinguished sect!"

Hearing the words of the True Immortal from Dark Demon Palace, the expressions on the faces of the people from all directions became more and more shocked.

Chu Bei's eyes also flashed a touch of surprise. To him, Yuantian Stone is no stranger.

In the Panlong world plane, he and Hong Meng stepped onto a hundred-level ladder.

When I was on the 99th level, I met an 8th layer Quasi-Immortal Emperor named Zifeng, and I had a source stone.

Later, after Chu Bei grabbed the opponent's source stone, it was absorbed by the system.

After the system absorbs the power in the source stone, a cone-shaped instrument is added to the system interface. Next to the instrument is a line of eye-catching four characters, [Source strength of Heaven]

Behind the big letter, that is a lone number '1', which corresponds to the number of droplets in the appliance.

"little fellow, you also miss your father and mother, follow me to meet them."

The True Immortal Powerhouse from Dark Demon Palace laughed and raised his hand Grasping to the imprisoned Bu Xuan.

"You must not die!" Bu Xuan roared, unwilling to his roar.


However, just when the big hand of the True Immortal Powerhouse was about to catch Bu Xuan, a low and explosive sound shook the forest.

Next, think of a terrifying force that is difficult to understand and cut it off. The bright blood spurts and spills the entire mountain.

These bright blood contains immortal dao breath. After falling into the mountain range, those small stars are instantly crushed by the blood's immortal strength.


In the sound of mournful scream, the True Immortal Powerhouse in Dark Demon Palace let out a roar.

His perception of Divine Consciousness instantly covered the entire mountain range of stars, while swinging his head to look around, his cold eyes swept all around everyone, and the fierce killing intent swept away, terrifying.

But after the sound fell for a while, the True Immortal Powerhouse's face showed a look of horror, because he found that he could not be reborn at the broken arm, and there was a mysterious force that could not explain him. .

"What the hell happened!"

"Why did the ambassador's arm suddenly break!"

"Who is doing it! In this Baihua Dizhou, who would dare to provoke us Dark Demon Palace!"


Looking at the broken arm of the True Immortal Powerhouse, the rest of the Dark Demon Palace, and the people in all directions , Looked at each other in blank dismay, a terrified look.

"There is something weird!"

"Take stepxuan and withdraw!"

The True Immortal Powerhouse of Dark Demon Palace seems to have noticed something, the other one His hand reached Bu Xuan again, ready to leave immediately.


A similar scene happened again.

Seeing that the other hand of Dark Demon Palace True Immortal was about to catch Bu Xuan, that mysterious power appeared again, and he smashed that hand into countless pieces of meat.


In an instant, the breath of the Dark Demon Palace True Immortal Powerhouse became disordered, the expression was distorted, and it was extremely painful.

"This fatty boy is the Honorary Disciple that I am fond of. How can I watch you take him away with my own eyes?"

Chu Bei took a step forward and appeared directly Beside Bu Xuan, he looked at the people in Dark Demon Palace extremely calmly, with a smile on his mouth.

"Uncle, it was just...you were making the shot!"

Bu Xuan regained his freedom, with his head held high and his mouth open, staring at Chu Bei in shock. .

Chu Bei glanced at Buxuan, did not speak, just laughed.

"Uncle, they annihilated my family and took away their father and mother. Xuanxuan begs you to kill them!"

Fatty Tong pointed at a group of people in Dark Demon Palace , He knelt down at the feet of Chu Bei with a puff, and kept begging.

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