"Is that world the chaotic universe!"

"I really want to take a look!"

"You guys Say, with our strength, can we have a foothold in the chaotic universe?"


All the Divine King Powerhouses are staring at him. At the end of the shattered colorful avenue, when the hustle and bustle was endless, a misty air suddenly poured into that huge gap.

The misty air spread quickly, but within a few breaths, it filled the entire Origin Slope, and continued to move towards the entire Origin Continent.

"This breath is far from what Origin Continent can compare!"

"My bottleneck is loose! Is this a breakthrough?"

"Haha, I feel this way too!"

In a short while, excitement began to appear on the faces of the Divine King Powerhouse, extremely excited.

"Sir Immortal Emperor, you have added a lot of difficulty to my guarding mission."

As Chu Bei cleared the passage of the chaotic heavens, the energy of the latter flowed in Within the Origin Slope, the bottlenecks of the Divine Kings that were originally stagnating at 6th-Rank Peak showed signs of loosening.

Aware of all this, the prison Guardian's face was extremely ugly, then he glanced at Chu Bei and sighed faintly.

[The host enters the domain of the chaotic heavens and creates the power All Heavens Store]

At this moment, the system sound sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment, and in an instant, allowed some information flow in his mind.

All of this is consistent with his previous conjecture!

Whether it is Battle Through the Heavens, Tomb of the God, Douluo Continent, or Shrouding The Heavens, Panlong, Hong Meng Journey to the West, Perfect World, these planes each form a side big domain.

Each side big domain has a Guardian. Judging from what Chu Bei encountered, the cultivation base of these Guardian is probably from Quasi-Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage to Great Perfection.

Once Powerhouse can defeat Guardian in this big domain, they will be eligible to enter this so-called chaotic universe.

Of course, the weakest cultivator in this chaotic universe is not the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Ninth Stage.

On the contrary, any Powerhouse that defeats Guardian is well-known in the chaotic universe.

Because the chaotic heavens domain itself is also a side big domain, but its level is the highest among all the big domains.

It is precisely because of its own original inhabitants that Guardian was set up to prevent people from other large areas from easily entering.

Compared with other big domains, the Peak Powerhouse in the Chaos Heavens domain is several times theirs. It can even be said that the other big domains together are not as many as the Chaos Heavens domain.

After all, once other big realms have cultivators that can defeat Guardian, they will step into the Chaos Realm without hesitation in order to chase the higher realm.

Here, the Immortal Emperor is still the Peak of the Pyramid, but the number is far less than two.

There are even rumors that there is a higher level of realm above the Immortal Emperor!

Due to the infusion of system information, he understood the relationship between the Heaven Above in the Perfect World plane and the chaotic universe.

The two of them are like city and empire. The Heaven Above is an area of ​​the great realm of the heavens.

Of course, it is also one of the areas with the most Powerhouse.

Immortal Emperor once threatened that when you conquer Heaven Above, you will not be far from conquering the entire chaotic universe.

"Master, I wonder if dísciple can follow you to take a look?" At this time, Luo Feng's voice rang in Chu Bei's ears.

"When your strength is up, you can naturally take a look."

Chu Bei returned to his senses and looked towards Luo Feng, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After that, he took a step forward and stepped into the chaotic realm of the heavens.

"With me here, just don’t want to leave here!"

Seeing the disappearance of Chu Bei, Guardian coldly swept the original ancestor, Luo Feng and the others, coldly snorted and said: "Don't let me go!"

"One day, I will defeat you!"

On the slope of origin, Luo Feng glanced at Tianyu Guardian, clenched his fists.

"Why does a trifling ant have the right to say this? You know, even those powerful territories in the chaotic universe, there are only dozens of Immortal Emperors! As for you, let alone the Immortal Emperor, I'm afraid you can't even enter the Quasi-Immortal Emperor!" The middle-aged man glanced at Luo Feng coldly snorted and said with disdain.

As the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection who is still short of entering the Immortal Emperor Realm, Guardian is indeed qualified to contempt Luo Feng. He has seen too many evildoers.

In the great realm of the heavens, let alone five hundred years, he has seen the enchantment who entered the Immortal King in three hundred years, but in the end, the other party has not been able to enter the Immortal Emperor Realm after countless epochs.

"At most a thousand years, I will come to fight you!"

Luo Feng looked straight at Guardian, his voice fell, and he turned away.

After that, the original ancestor, Primal Chaos City Lord and other Divine King Powerhouses finally took a look at Guardian and left.


The chaotic universe can be divided into ten thousand areas. The closer the area to the core of the big domain, the stronger its strength.

Netherworld, although not as good as Heaven Above, it is also among the hundred powerful regions.

In this Nether Realm, the number of Immortal Emperors has reached twenty-four.

One Yuan Emperor State, one of the twenty-four imperial states in the Nether Realm, this Immortal Emperor is called Yuan Emperor by the world.

Tianfeng Mountain, located in the center of Yiyuan Dizhou.

This is a mountain suspended in the star dome with dense forests.

Looking at it, all around the peak shrouded with Immortal Qi, and even the dense forest inside it becomes full of life.

At this moment, a layer of ripples wafted from the top of the mountain, and a man in a purple robe emerged from it. This man was Chu Bei who had just come from a plane that swallowed the starry sky and penetrated the boundary wall.

"Bold! Who are you! How dare you break into my Dizhou Holy Mountain!"

"No need to talk to him, get him out first!"

Shortly after Chu Bei appeared, when looking all around, the in the sky Six Paths silhouette appeared, and almost simultaneously launched a terrifying attack towards his location.

Chu Bei glanced at it. Among the Six Paths silhouette, the weakest cultivation base was Immortal King 7th Heavenly Layer, and the most Powerhouse reached the Quasi-Immortal Emperor 1 Heavenly Layer.

"This seat is just passing by."

Chu Bei coldly snorted, these terrifying attacks on him instantly collapsed, and at the same time a wave of power ripples moved towards this Six Paths silhouette. go with.

bang bang bang!

On the impact of this energy ripple, the powerful silhouette of Six Paths not far away suddenly retreated, as if an ordinary person was struck by a heavy hammer. , His face turned pale, and his breath was very disordered.

"This force, you...who are you! Why did you appear in Holy Mountain!"

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor stabilized the stability and looked at it with a vigilant look Chu Bei, obviously he didn't think that Chu Bei was really just passing by.

"Leave it all."

Before Chu Bei could speak, an illusory with a majestic voice sounded from the moment when the Quasi-Immortal Emperor tone barely fell.

next moment, a large number of bright spots of light gush out from Tianfeng Mountain, intertwining in the air to form a fuzzy light and shadow.

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