Hearing what Chu Bei said, although the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi did not speak, they were nodded and responded.

"Void True God, then breakthrough is eternal True God."

In the universe, Chu Bei continues to talk about the realm above the most Powerhouse in the universe, and the voice resounds throughout the universe. .

"On the Void True God is the eternal True God, can it be said that this eternal True God is the end?" Tie Mu's ancestor couldn't help but speak out, looking at Chu Bei very respectfully.

Chu Bei glanced at the ancestor of Tie Mu, shook the head: "As measured by your cultivation system, the eternal True God and the breakthrough can be called Chaos Sovereign, and the Divine King above Sovereign. "

"What about the Divine King? Is there any more?" The ancestor Tie Mu took a deep breath and asked subconsciously.

"Of course there are." Chu Bei said indifferently.

"What realm are you now? Are you eternal True God?"

When the question of the ancestor of Tie Mu was asked, he turned his attention to the countless universe Powerhouse of Chu Bei He became more attentive, holding his breath with curiosity in his eyes.

However, for this question, Chu Bei just laughed and did not give an answer.

With only the current level of Xiaohei’s power, his battle strength equivalent to Third Stage Immortal King, which is the most powerful powerhouse in the universe that swallows the starry sky, the so-called True God; and Zi Yue The strength of the two Peak Void True Gods, the ancestor and the ancestor of the East Emperor, is roughly equivalent to the Sixth Stage Immortal King.

At the moment, he is still in a state of blessing with the power of prestige. The battle strength equivalent to Ninth Stage Immortal King can easily defeat the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi.

As for the realm corresponding to the eternal True God, it is the Seventh Stage Immortal King.

"Senior, how are you going to allocate this opportunity?" At this time, there was one of the most tentative openings of the Powerhouse in the universe.

With the sound of this voice, the attention of countless Powerhouses refocused on the huge monster in front of them.

At the same time, one by one quietly waited for Chu Bei to make a sound.

Previously, the right to speak for this opportunity belonged to the Two Great Holy Lands universe; but since Chu Bei showed his strength, it naturally fell on the side of Human Race.

weng weng weng!

But before Chu Bei could speak, there was a roar in the starry sky.

next moment, three white robe silhouettes appeared above the humanoid huge monster. They stood side by side, each white robe glowing faintly, and at the same time an irresistible coercion. These three Ancestral Gods spread out from their bodies, spreading towards all around.

Behind the silhouette of the three white robes, palaces are faintly visible, followed by a large number of Powerhouses.

"Really strong coercion! They are who!"

"This coercion has even surpassed the most powerful Powerhouse in the universe!"

"Could it be that , Are they also Void True God!"

"No, they are the spokespersons of Primitive Universe's original will! Their coercion is also the coercion given to them by Primitive Universe's original source!"

"What? Primitive Universe origin spokesperson!"


After the most powerful Powerhouse in the universe revealed the origins of these three white-robed silhouettes, countless Powerhouses suddenly appeared astonished. Expressions.

And the Primal Chaos City Lord and other Human Race Powerhouses looked at these three silhouettes very badly, because the original ancestor was suppressed by the Primitive Universe origin.

"Why do they appear here!"

"Could it be that the Lord of All Heavens Store resolved the Primitive Universe's attack? Or for this kind of humanoid huge monster is coming?"

"Don’t guess too much, you’ll know soon!"


All Powerhouse’s eyes in the field were cast on three The body of Dao Baipao's silhouette is brows knit one after another.

"The three great reincarnation times, Two Great Holy Lands, all influence has arrived."

One of the three Universe Source spokespersons, his eyes swept across the Powerhouse slowly. , "This time I waited for the three to enter the Universe Sea, and I was ordered by Primitive Universe Origin Will to come specifically for this huge monster."

Speaking, he reached out and pointed his finger towards downward Of huge humanoid creatures.

"Sure enough! Even the origin of Primitive Universe is shocked! What is its origin!" Hearing the white robe silhouette, countless Powerhouses exclaimed.

"You can think of it as a small universe, and its name is Jinzhiworld!" a spokesperson said.

"Small universe? Jin's world?"

"What kind of existence is this! What's in it!"

Powerhouse looked at each other in blank dismay, with confusion in their eyes.

"The world of Jin is mysterious and unpredictable. There are not only living creatures, but also a cultivation method leading to the realm of the most Powerhouse and higher level in the detached universe!" A spokesperson calmly said.


Hear the sound, all Powerhouses have exploded, especially the ancestors of Tie Mu, the ancestors of Kuimu, the ancestors of shaking the sky, the ancestors of earth wind, etc. These are the most excited Powerhouses in the universe.

Beyond the most Powerhouse cultivation method in the universe, isn't this what they desire most!

Zi Yue Holy Land The ancestor of Zi Yue above the universe and the ancestor of East Emperor Holy Land above the universe are also moved, the breath fluctuations have ups and downs, and they are also eager for breakthrough.

Especially after seeing the strength of Chu Bei, they increasingly want to step into the realm of the eternal True God.

"Where did this world of Jin come from? Why did it suddenly appear again?" Some Powerhouse in the universe asked aloud.

At this time, all the eyes of Powerhouse returned to the three spokespersons, obviously they had the same confusion.

"It is personally led by the Primitive Universe's original will, drawn from the unknown depths of the universe." A spokesperson said.

"What? Lead to this from the depths of the unknown universe!"

Hearing the sound, countless Powerhouses were suddenly in an uproar. Even the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of the East Emperor have a look of shock. This huge monster flew from the unknown depths of the universe, and it was led by the original will of the Primitive Universe.

If it weren't for this statement from the spokesperson of the Primitive Universe, they would never believe it easily.

"Even the Primitive Universe's origins still follow the rules of operation. When disaster strikes, you should seek a hint of vitality for all life."

A spokesperson continued: "And this Jin The world is the vitality of all beings in the Great Influence of our universe."

"Cause is coming?"

"What do you mean!"

These words Instantly touched the nerves of all influence Powerhouse.

The gazes of all the Powerhouses in the three reincarnation eras and the Two Great Holy Lands universe stared at the three white robe silhouettes, with questions in their words.

"Primitive Universe breeds all things and all living beings. In this vast world, everything has both positive and negative sides. With the Primitive Universe that breeds all things, there is also the existence of destroying myriad things."

The silhouette of the three white robes swept across the all influence Powerhouse: "This existence is called World Beast."

"World Beast?"

"Grows all things, breeds everything The Primitive Universe of living creatures? And the World Beast that destroys everything?"

"Really? Why have I never heard of its existence!"

At this moment, all Powerhouses They were all overwhelmed by the news, one by one lost their senses, with suspicion in their eyes.

If you say that when you hear the word World Beast, there is no greater mood swing than the Zi Yue ancestor of the Zi Yue Holy Land universe and the ancestor of the East Emperor of the Holy Land universe.

At this moment, their expressions are obviously more allow some fear and tension, as if they are about to face a terrifying catastrophe.

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