Black Dragon Mountain Star Region.

Carlo Empire, northeast.

This is a floating starry sky island. It was originally just an uncommon and unnamed island in the vast universe, but because of the settlement of Nuolan Mountain Clan, it was named Nuolan Mountain Star Island.

As the prestige of Clan Nolan Mountain in the Karo Empire increased, this starry sky island became more and more famous and became a place of concern for all Great Influences.

Islands all around, one after another planet surrounds, and peaks rise from the ground on top of it. On the continuous peaks, there are many towering pavilions.

In the Central Region of these peaks, an exceptionally majestic great hall stands Wei Ran, shrouded by clouds and fog, and looks majestic and majestic.

If you look carefully, you will find that a layer of purple is attached to the surface of the great hall, which gives people a sense of majesty.

On the Nolan Mountain Star Island, there are teams of Nolan Mountain guards sweeping back and forth from various locations, just like inescapable net.

This kind of defense, even if a starry beast with the big nails breaks into it, it will be immediately noticed.

At this moment, there are nearly a hundred silhouettes in the great hall, and everyone's body is faintly permeated with a powerful breath.

Most of these people are Top Grade Elder of Clan Norland Mountain, and the weakest of them has also reached the ninth rank of stars.


At this moment, the first person uploaded an explosion.

After that, a middle-aged man flew out, his face deathly pale.

"Old Clan Leader, what's wrong with you!"

In the great hall, a group of Elders in Nuolan Mountain saw the middle-aged man being blown away inexplicably, spurting blood from their mouths. One immediately stepped forward, with worry on his face, and even more dazed and astonished.

"Quick! Everyone is ready for battle!"

"Domain God, is the Domain God Powerhouse!"

The middle-aged man who was knocked off It is the second-generation Clan Leader Royal Court of Nuolan Mountain, and the energy that knocks him flying through the void is the beam of Chu Bei's gaze.

He didn't have time to take care of his injuries. After being supported by a group of Elders, he immediately uttered anxious words, faintly able to hear the fear.

"Old Clan Leader, what Domain God Powerhouse? What happened to you? You are so good, how did you get hurt?"

When I heard the words of the Royal Court, inside the hall The confusion in the eyes of the Elders became even worse, and they immediately asked.

"Wrong, we are so wrong!"

"The person on the unknown planet! He is not Universe Level, he is Domain God!"

"Quickly, go to request Old Ancestor to leave the customs!"

The Imperial Court glanced across the Elder and immediately responded, allowing some panic on his face.

"What? That guy is a domain...Domain God!"

In the great hall, a crowd of Elders obviously know who the man in the mouth of the Royal Court is. They are hearing'Domain When the word "God'" appeared, the expression suddenly became dumbfounded.

When they reacted and before they had time to invite the first generation Clan Leader to leave the customs, the great hall shook violently with a boom.

next moment, they felt an incomparable terrifying pressure flooding every corner of the great hall, and moved towards them, and penetrated into their bodies in all directions, everywhere.

This coercion seems to come from the Nine Heavens, and it shook the depths of their Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was inexplicably frightening.

"He, he's here!"

Aware of this terrifying pressure, Yu Ting's face was awkward and hard to see the extreme.

After that, there was another loud noise, and the entire great hall was like being squeezed by an unresistible force, and it was smashed to pieces, turned into a rain of light and disappeared.


The great hall disappeared, and the Elders saw the world outside.

I saw an indescribable silhouette in the sky above their heads. His volume was even larger than the entire Nolan Mountain Star Island.

He just hovered in front of Nolan Mountain Star Island, lowered his head, and his huge eyes looked at Nolan Mountain Star Island coldly.

At the same time, the entire Alliance humans on Earth were also startled. They looked up at the sky with their heads up in a daze, seeming to be thunder and lightning, and their eyes were numb without blinking.

I saw a picture in the sky far away. What appeared in the picture was a scene of a giant hovering in front of the Star Island of Nolan Mountain.

"That giant... isn't he the horde leader!"

"Why is this! The horde leader is obviously in the league building? Why is there one exactly the same? People! And, they are countless times bigger!"

"That island should be where Clan Nolan is located! In other words, it is already in the Boundless Starry Sky outside of Earth! "

"Lord Horde leader's methods are too terrifying!"


All humans of the alliance saw the appearance of that giant, and they all sucked in a cold breath.

After a while, excitement appeared on their faces again, and they were cheering for the powerful strength of their horde leader.

"My lord, that...that is..."

On the top floor of the Alliance Building, Hong and Lei Shen looked at each other and looked towards Chu Bei at the same time, wriggling their throats.

At this moment, not only the two of them, but Luo Feng, Babata, the leader of the alliance, and a group of high-level eyes all fell on Chu Bei.

The other party is clearly beside them, how could he appear in front of Nolan Mountain Star Island again, and the size is so terrifying.

"That's just an energy clone for the teacher." Chu Bei glanced at Luo Feng and said, also explaining everyone's confusion.

"My lord, my former master also had a second clone and a third clone, but he couldn't cross the Galactic Empire and descend into the Carlo Empire in an instant like yours!" Babata took a deep breath, mouth Mouth open.

"As long as the strength is strong enough, you can appear in every corner of this so-called universe within a single thought." Chu Bei's mouth was very calm with a smile.

"Is there really such a powerful person?"

Babata muttered to herself when she heard Chu Bei's words.

How big is this vast universe, if this and the others really exist, then how terrifying it should be.

At least, its previous owner was far from able to do so.

At the same time.

On the Nolan Mountain Star Island, the Imperial Court, the Elders, and the countless Nolan Mountain Guards in the mountain all looked at this huge silhouette in horror.

And in the sky, which is far away from Star Island, one by one Universe Level Powerhouse poked out their heads.

"My God! Nuolanshan clan provokes who!"

"This coercion is definitely Domain God!"

"Isn't the Emperor Carlo Empire only a Domain God? Then who is he?"

"If I guess right, it should be from another empire!"

"Then Nuolanshan clan is too short-sighted, it provokes the existence of a Domain God!"


A bunch of Universe Levels sticking out their heads Powerhouse discuss spiritedly.

"What happened!"

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the depths of the Star Island of Nolan Mountain, swept along with a strong breath.

"This the original Clan Leader!"

"He is out!"

Hearing a long-lost familiar voice, a group of Elders originally The panic expression eased, allowing some anticipation in his eyes.

Soon, a white robed man flew from the depths of the island, he glanced at the huge Chu Bei energy avatar, his brows gradually frowned.

This white robed man is Nolan Mountain, the first generation Clan Leader of Nolan Mountain Clan, a Universe Level ninth rank Powerhouse!

"I have seen Old Ancestor!"

The second-generation Clan Leader Imperial Court immediately moved towards Nuolan Mountain and bowed.

"Tell me what's going on!"

The white robed man pointed his finger at the Chu Bei energy clone, and at the same time looked towards the Imperial Court and questioned it loudly.

"For a planet, I want to threaten to kill all the creatures. I shouldn't stay in such a style!"

Rather than waiting for the Royal Court to answer Nuolan Mountain’s question, Chu Bei is not mixed The cold and indifferent voice of the slightest emotion sounded here in Boundless Starry Sky.

When the voice fell, the incarnation of energy that was larger than the entire island moved, and he opened his huge mouth and took a sharp breath.

In an instant, its huge mouth turned into a dark abyss bottomless pit, capable of swallowing everything in Heaven and Earth.


With the screams, the densely packed Nuolan Mountain Guard on the island was sucked into the huge mouth. This is among the Elders of Stellar Level. .

"Damn it! Regalia, during my retreat, did you provoke me who!"

Under the energy incarnation of Chu Bei, the entire Nuolan Mountain Star Island has become distorted.

The first generation of Clan Leader, Nuolan Mountain, even moved towards the Imperial Court, let out an angry roar, but if he allowed him to use his divine ability in every possible way, he could not escape the terrifying Devouring Power.


In just a few seconds before and after, the huge Star Island and Nolan Mountain including Nolan Mountain all disappeared into the starry sky.

"No...No more!"

"My God! In the blink of a finger, the Three Large Clans of the Carlo Empire, the Clan of Nuolan Mountain, was destroyed like this!"

"What is the origin of that Domain God!"

In the distance, a group of Universe Level Powerhouses poking out their heads, after witnessing this scene with their own eyes, they were all stunned, all in a trance. , There was only deep consternation in his eyes.

"Not good, he found us!"

Huo Ran, Chu Bei's energy incarnation moved, he deflected his head, his eyes shot out two bright beams, red as blood, Gushing out, like a large patch of red flame, shocking.


Almost at the same time, the crowds of Universe Level Powerhouse were shocked.

Under this terrifying gaze, it seems that there is a will to control their bodies and kill their Divine Soul.

Fortunately, just when their Divine Soul was on the verge of breaking apart, the energy was withdrawn and the body was returned to them.

"He didn't attack us."

"Is this the coercion of Domain God."

"really strong!"

With the departure of the Chu Bei energy clone, the hanging hearts of the Powerhouses were relieved, watching the cold sweat seeping from their foreheads, it was like experiencing a catastrophe on the verge of death.

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