The blue sky is like a huge blue jade, and the hot sun is like a big Fireball hanging in the huge jade.

Yian District, the third Top Grade middle school.

"Let me tell you, I just asked Senior Brother Luo Feng for cultivation questions! He is so patient, not like Zhang Haobai and Liu Ting at all."

"Of course! Last time I asked Senior Brother Luo Feng for advice, he also gave me long-term advice."

"Among the five thousand students in our third high school, dojo Top Grade students There are only three. Zhang Haobai and Liu Ting were made with Heaven and Earth Treasure because of their wealthy family background. Only Brother Luo Feng, who is from an ordinary family, is the same as us, but he really relied on his own efforts to become Top Grade students."

"It seems that next time I meet Brother Luo Feng, I have to ask for advice."


After school, on the campus avenue, one Help the teenagers in school uniforms get together and talk to each other.

"Afeng, did you hear that, those guys are complimenting you."

At the same time, in the crowd not far from the group of talking teenagers, a big guy The red-clothed companion beside the teenager patted.

"If it is you, would you still refuse?" The teenager named Luo Feng laughed.

"I don't have such a good innate talent as you, and they won't find me at all." Wei Wen touched his nose and chuckled.

Luo Feng glanced at the big guy beside him, laughed.

This big guy is a big buddy who wore open pants and played with him from childhood. Although he is not a biological brother, his feelings are not inferior to that of a biological brother.

hong long long!

Just then, there was a loud noise.

"This...this is what happened!"

"My God! Is it an earthquake!"

"How is it possible! Since the beginning of Nirvana Since then, there has been no earthquake in the world."

"Look! Even the air is torn apart!"

"The end of the world will not really come! I haven't Enough to live!"


The earth shook suddenly, and the gully split open, and the pedestrians of to-and-fro became panic instantly.

At this moment, not only Yi'an District, all cities in China and even the entire Earth are shaking violently, as if they were about to explode at any time.

Soon, the most Top Grade hazard alarms in various cities sounded.

The other side.

Earth Alliance headquarters, immediately convened the world’s highest-level meeting,

"What do you think of this movement?"

"There is a force that is beyond measure Energy invaded Earth! In just a few seconds, all air defense systems were paralyzed!"

"Fortunately, that energy immediately converged after invading Earth! Otherwise, Earth may no longer exist!"

"What is the source of this energy?"

"It's not clear yet!"

"Could it be that other planet's Powerhouses are coming?"

"No matter who it is, must thoroughly investigate this matter to find out the source of this energy! Otherwise, this will definitely be a safety hazard to my Earth!"


The world's highest-level meeting was quickly completed, and immediately after countless super-tech satellites were launched, they were operating frantically, as if they were investigating something.

"It's calm, it's okay!"

"It's still alive, it's very good! I just scared me to death, I thought the end of the world is coming."

"I hope the news can give an explanation as soon as possible."


The shaking stopped, and all the residents were patted with fear.

"Wei Wen, don't shrink, it's already over."

Luo Feng patted Wei Wen's arm on the campus avenue of the third high school in Yi'an District.

"Are we escaped?" Wei Wen squirmed his throat, a look of horror on his face.

At the same time, a blue gap appeared in the sky above Yi'an District.

In front of the gap, there is a youth man wearing a purple robe, who is Chu Bei who came through the passage of time and space.

Looking at the vast land below which had calmed down, Chu Bei took a long breath.

He came to Earth through the wheel of time and space. Because he forgot to converge his breath, the moment he arrived, Earth almost exploded because he couldn't bear his pressure.

Fortunately, he converged in a timely manner without causing serious consequences.

As for this Earth, whether it was the Earth he lived in before passing through, he doesn't know, anyway, this is not everything he is familiar with.

Through the information instilled by system and his understanding of the original work, he also has a certain basic understanding of this world.

This world once had a period of rr virus outbreak!

That is to say, since that period, this world has completely changed.

After rr virus infection, the mortality rate is as high as 30%.

According to post-event statistics, the global population dropped by 2 billion in three months after the virus broke out!

Of course, not only humans, but also the number of deaths of animals and plants worldwide.

After a period of nightmarishness, the surviving humans suddenly discovered that there was an antibody in their bodies.

Under this antibody, their bodies are as if they have undergone transformation, and their strength, speed, cell activity, and skin toughness have more than doubled.

Even if it is just an ordinary person, it can easily break the world record of weightlifting and 100-meter running in the past.

However, there followed another disaster.

Under the rr virus, the surviving birds and beasts have their bodies changed, and the improvement of their strength is even more terrifying than human beings, and even some beasts have produced extraordinary wisdom!

Gradually, these rare beasts transformed from birds and beasts have begun to attack human settlements!

A bloody and crazy war has started!

At first, human beings have always been in a weak position, because the thermal weapons that were once proud of it have been difficult to harm those terrifying rare beasts and cannot cause fatal injuries to them.

But as time went on, when something called Crow alloy was developed, the war situation began to reverse.

Because the weapons made of Crow alloy can easily cut through those rare beast defensive scales.

Until later, the UHF laser cannon was successfully developed, killing more than ten s-class rare beasts and two ss-class rare beasts in succession, the rare beast army felt fear and began to fail. Invade human territory again.

In the next few years of war, countless small countries perished, and their citizens flee from the dead.

When the war ended, there were only five major countries left in the world, and China was one of them.

To this day--

On land, humans are still dominated.

But some barren mountains and oceans have become the territory of rare beast!

Since that period, global education is no longer based on book knowledge, but based on cultivation.

Dojo began to appear, and the Fighter road became a goal pursued by everyone.

"Luo Feng, look at the sky, there is a giant bird!"

At this time, Wei Wen raised his head and creded out in surprise.

Looking intently, I saw a huge black-crowned golden eagle flying from a distance.

The body of this black-crowned golden eagle is more than 20 meters long. It looks like a large fighter jet. Its feathers are faintly glowing with cold metallic luster. The feathers on its head are black, like a black crown. , Sharp giant claws are golden-yellow.

"Look! There are flying rare beasts!"

"How can it appear in our city!"

"Is it because of the earthquake just now The reason?"

"Not good! It moved towards us!"


Due to the screaming wind over the third high school, All the students on campus heard the movement and looked up at the sky in unison.

When they saw the huge monster, their faces changed suddenly.

The black-crowned golden eagle is extremely fast, with a pair of sharp, cold eyes glowing with blue light, looking at the humans underneath with a killing intent, as if looking at prey.

As a group of students exclaimed, its speed suddenly rose again, reaching an even more frightening speed in an instant.

At the same time, a high-pitched carving sound came out of his mouth, and the terrifying sound wave brought up a burst of shock waves visible to naked eye, which quickly spread out.


The harsh chirping sound echoed in the air.

Different from the deafening sound of rolling thunder, this high-pitched cry is extremely sharp and numbing.

A group of students only felt a sudden pain in the tympanic membrane of their ears. They covered their ears with their hands, shouting in pain, with distorted expressions.

Under the terrifying sound waves, the huge glass embedded in the school building made a deep and crisp sound of ka ka, which cracked one after another and turned into a pile of fragments.

"What a rare beast!"

Luo Feng stared at the giant bird that was getting closer and closer, and then pushed Wei Wen next to him: " Are you familiar with all kinds of rare beasts? Tell me what the big guy comes from!"

"It's black...the black crowned golden eagle!"

After clearing the appearance of the giant bird, Wei Wen took a deep breath and said with horror on his face.

"What? This is the black crown golden eagle!"

I heard the name Wei Wen said, Luo Feng eyes shined.

Obviously, he knew something about the black crowned golden eagle.

Black crowned golden eagle, ranked third among rare beasts. The adult black crowned golden eagle has a body length of 20 meters and a wingspan of about 40 meters.

During the period of the Great Nirvana, a black-crowned golden eagle once attacked the army and suffered Vulcan cannon strikes. It was not damaged at all, not even a feather fell, and the defense was extremely strong.

Especially its terrifying sharp claw, which can easily shred the Crow alloy war knife.

"Luo Feng, this time we are afraid we really won’t be able to live! It moved towards us!"

Wei Wen suddenly pointed at Gaokong, with a vibrato in his words, The complexion greatly changed, and all of a sudden the fear reached the extreme.

Looking up, I saw the black-crowned golden eagle suddenly dived down, sharp claw came out, and the target pointed directly at the area where Luo Feng, Wei Wen and the others were.

Under the howling gust of wind, the students in this area suddenly made a frightened cry for help, and the faint-hearted was even more so scared that they sat on the ground, shiver coldly.

"Why haven't the army come!"

"Is there something wrong with the air defense system? Who will save us!"

"I didn't die just now In the earthquake of China, are you going to die under the sharp claw of this giant bird? My point is too memorable!"

"Where is the city guard? I beg you to show up quickly!"

"It would be great if there was a Fighter here, and it would definitely kill the giant bird!"


In an instant, the place where Luo Feng is located The area became chaotic, and cries continued.

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