As the battle heats up, house after house in the town is turned into rubble, and even the stone pavement surface is exploded by the violent high temperature burning.

In this process, accompanied by the fearful screams of the residents of the town, one by one, under the leadership of Hogg, moved towards the west of the town with fear.

"Dance of the Fire Snake!"

Suddenly, the Velociraptor stopped attacking, and the magician on its back rose into the air, with his hands dancing regularly.

Along with a cold voice, seven fire snakes, tens of meters long, condensed and formed in front of him.

Looking at it, each fire snake is like a living thing, with distinct scales, and its huge size makes the heart tremble.

Seven fire snakes hovered over the town, burning half of the sky. In an instant, the temperature of the entire Wushan Town rose by dozens of degrees, as if it had become a big oven.

"Fire snake dance, Level 8 magic!"

"The old man turned out to be Level 8 magician!"

Looking at the sky above the town With seven huge fiery snakes, Hillman's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but cred out in surprise, and he looked towards the old man again with thick jealousy.

At the same level, the status of Level 8 magician is much higher than that of Level 8 Warrior.

Because in the battlefield, a Level 8 magician is equivalent to a large-scale killing machine!

Looking at the entire Finlay Kingdom, the number of Level 8 magicians can be counted by both hands!

"How could a Level 8 magician appear in our remote town." Hogg frowned, his face solemn.

"Sir Father, a child can't be a dragon blood Warrior, but he can be a magician, as strong as him!" Little Linley looked at the seven huge fire snakes above, dazed.

Seeing a scene in the battlefield, everyone in the town was shocked!

"Not good, run away!"

The leader of the Seven Squad seemed to have noticed the terrifying breath contained in the fire snake and immediately shouted.

"Can you run away? Accept the baptism of death!"

The cold voice of the old man pierced into the hearts of the seven Squad like a piercing knife.

In the next moment, rumbling sound, seven huge fire snakes soared into the sky.

In an instant, the houses in the town began to burn frantically, the flame soaring into the sky, a scene of disaster.

"Master Hogg, our home is gone."

Looking at the raging fire, a touch of sadness rose in the hearts of the residents who had come to the edge of the town.

In the battlefield, the seven fiery snakes played by the old man were like living creatures, and soon each found a target and rushed forward.


With a mournful scream, seven fire snakes were entwined and hunted down the seven squad.

First, the two female magicians were swallowed by the fire snake, then the four Warriors, and finally the squad headed.

"Dead, all...all dead!"

Looking at the seven charred corpses, the townspeople swallowed saliva and said, watching with horror. The Level 8 magician on the back of the Velociraptor.

hong long long!

The earth trembled again, and within a few breaths, the Velociraptor carried the old man to the front of the seven corpses.

"It's a waste of time."

The old man glanced at the seven corpses with disdain, and saw him wave his hand. The ashes of the head man’s body flew out of a purple with Dreamlike diamonds with brilliant halo.

"It really is Depero Shadow Diamond, this trip is worthwhile!"

The old man looked at the masonry in his hand. After a laughed heartily, his eyes fell on Hogg and Hillman. and the others.

Perceiving the old man's gaze, a group of civilians in Wushan Town immediately lowered their heads, not daring to speak, with fear on their faces.

"Whose site is here?" The old man put away De Pello's shadow diamond and spoke lightly.

"Great magician, this Wushan Town is my territory." Hearing the old man's question, Hogg stepped forward and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, very respectful.

"Your town lost a lot of money in this battle. There should be some Gold Coin on these corpses, which is just a compensation for you."

Hearing this, the town gathered together The Shang resident took a long sigh, and it seemed that this great Level 8 magician would not kill anymore.

But when they felt relieved, the old man suddenly frowned, and his eyes fell on Linley's body: "Huh? Little fellow, what are you holding in your hand? Give it to me. "

The old man normally likes to collect priceless and unique rare treasure. When he noticed the strange energy fluctuations on the ring of the dragon, he thought about it.

"magician grandfather, this ring can't be given to you." Little Linley held the Panlong ring tightly with both hands.

"I have never failed to get what I want!"

Hearing Linley's answer, the old man's face changed immediately and he sent out coldly snorted.

"Linley, don't make trouble! Give the ring to this great magician!"

Hogg and Hillman also noticed Linley's dragon ring, after hearing Linley's reply , A panic appeared on his face instantly, and he screamed.

"Daddy, Hillman Uncle, this ring is not mine, and Delin still lives in it..."

"It's a kid from pester and chirp!"

The old man seemed impatient to wait. It was coldly snorted again, and with a wave of his hand, a fire snake above crashed down.

"Great magician, he is still a child, I will give you the ring..."

Looking at the huge fire snake falling in the sky, Hogg's face suddenly Change, full of panic.

Even the seventh-level Warrior can't stop the fire snake's blow. If it really hits it, all the residents in the town will turn into fly ash in an instant.

But no matter how Hogg asked, the old man still didn't mean to stop.

"Hundred knives!"

Hillman jumped up, pulled out the Long knife from his waist, fiercely moved towards the fire snake.

In the sound of breaking through the air, a ray of Blade Qi shot out and swept towards the fire snake.


Almost instantly, the fire snake swallowed Blade Qi, smashed Hillman to the ground, and brought up a deep giant pit.

"Master Hillman!" a crowd of civilians and children shouted.

"Trifling ants, overall one's capabilities!"

The old man didn't even glance at Hillman in the deep pit, with an aloof and remote look.

After that, the old man manipulated the huge fire snake to continue to dive down, like Death God's sickle.


The voices of the residents are full of fear. The hot high temperature has caused their skin to seep blood, and the timid children directly hit their ass. Sitting on the ground, weeping.


However, when the huge fire snake was about to engulf Linley, Hogg and the residents, a brilliant fist print soared in the crowd, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood-like smashing and annihilated the huge fire snake.


The huge fire snake was blown away by the fist marks, and the old man's face on the back of the Velociraptor immediately sank, his heavy gaze swept across the crowd, and there was a shout .

"Where did the fist mark come from!"

"Master Hogg, did you save us?"

At the same time, a crowd of residents He looked around, and finally focused his eyes on Hogg.

"many thanks expert life-saving grace! Please also expert show up!"

Hogg hurriedly moved towards all around, hugged cup one fist in the other hand, and said in his mouth Words of gratitude.

"Can block one, then see if you can block six at the same time!"

The old man waved his robe, the coldly snorted sound fell, and the six huge fire snakes hovering high in the sky swung fiercely The huge mouths of the people swooped down after making a scream one after another.

Everywhere I went, the void was burnt and distorted, and the chi chi sounded, breathtaking.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ——

this time, when the six huge fire snakes were still some distance away from the residents, the shadow of Six Paths fisted up into the sky, as before The same, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like annihilation of the fire snake.

"It turned out to be you!"

When Hogg frowned when he saw the man who shot him, he was by his side.

If you remember correctly, this person stayed with Linley at first.

"Did he just save us?"

"Huh? Who is he!"

"I don’t know him, he is not from our town ."

"If he can take over the Level 8 magician's Fire Snake Dance, he should be at Level 8."


Make sure Chu Bei After saving their benefactor, all the residents hurriedly stepped forward to thank them.

"Daddy, this dragon ring was given to the child by him. He also said he would accept the child as a disciple." Linley pointed his little finger at Chu Bei, looking towards Hogg.

"Tut tut, it seems that my vision is correct, this ring is indeed a treasure!" Before Hogg could speak, the voice of the old man on the Raptor's back floated away again.

"Hand over the ring, spare you undying!"

The old man's face was heavy, his eyes swept across Linley coldly, and finally fell on Chu Bei's body.


Chu Bei shook the head, looking at the old man with a playful look, as if he was looking at an idiot.

"You are courting death!"

Hearing the words in Chu Bei's mouth, and looking at the joke in the other's eyes, the old man's face suddenly turned green.

"The sun is shining!"

The shout was filled with strong killing intents. While the old man chanted incantion, his hands moved in an orderly manner.

Next moment, the void of the old man’s body all around began to seep through layers of flame, converging in front of his palms, until a huge Fireball with a diameter of one hundred meters was formed.


Looking at the Fireball that resembles the scorching sun, the residents including Hogg once again showed fear on their faces.

"This, this is the strongest Fire Element magic in Level 8!"

Hillman's body is covered with burning scars. He crawled out of the pit with great difficulty. At the huge round of Fireball above his head, he was instantly discouraged.

"Go to hell!"

Under the control of the old man, the huge Fireball carrying the terrifying Fire Element Energy fell down.

Feeling the energy contained in the Fireball, Hogg's expression was hard to see the extreme in an instant. If the Fireball with a diameter of one hundred meters was allowed to fall, the entire Wushan Town would probably become ruins in an instant.

"Is this the Level 8 magician? It's too terrifying." Looking at the growing Fireball in the line of sight, the residents looked pale.

"A Level 8 magician, but ants, you think you are invincible in the whole world."

With a smiling voice, Chu Bei rose into the sky. He casually greeted the huge Fireball, and then lifted his palm gently clapped.


With a screaming roar, Chu Bei's seemingly unremarkable palm suddenly burst out with violent breath energy, which formed a light blade, which instantly cut the huge searing Fireball into nothingness.

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