"Emperor Cang, I can't remember how many epochs have passed, and I have never seen you defeated."

In the sea of ​​bounds, the purple-crowned creatures spoke, their voices roared and accompanied The power of the years is as if it came from hundreds of millions of years ago.

"Emperor Hong, why don't you try with him alone?" Emperor Cang sneered, with displeased expression on his face.

Emperor Hong, also in the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Third Stage, is full of Purple Qi, whose eyes are turning, and the avenues are intertwined.

His breath is not weaker than Emperor Cang. When the air between his mouth and nose flows naturally, it cracks the Star River world.

"Forever, are you a latecomer or were you born at the beginning of the chaos like us?" Emperor Hong looked towards Chu Bei, very calm.

Chu Bei looked at Emperor Hong calmly, with a smile on his mouth, and said nothing.

"Like that person, he doesn't understand the secrets of the sky, he insists on his own way, can only send you off!"

Like Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong also pointed his finger at the island The quasi-Immortal Spirit turned into flame, with cold eyes.

"Emperor Yu, don't sleep, let's take action together to avoid accidents."

Emperor Hong looked towards another direction, Purple Qi mighty millions and millions li, seemingly shrouded The whole boundary sea.

"Disturb my sleep, I should kill!"

As the voice of Emperor Hong fell, at the end of the north, a low voice followed, shaking the universe.

Afterwards, an extremely vigorous murderous aura flooded, where the rays of light filled the sky, sacred and dazzling, illuminating the eternity, and the emperor appeared.

It's again a world-famous creature!

I saw a splendid ancient war chariot, circling brilliance, suppressing the four poles of Heaven and Earth. The war chariot rumbling, in the gallop of the ancient beast of nine heads, appeared on the side of Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong.

These nine ancient beasts are all spilt with immense coercion, each with fierce horns and thick scales. They look like True Dragons, but they are not. They belong to the wild ancient seed family that has never been seen before.


With a blast, the war chariot exploded, turning into sacred light and rain.

This is a creature with sacred wings on its back. It is also a Quasi-Immortal Emperor!

"Three, three Darkness Emperors!"

"It’s no wonder that the Emperor of the Emperor’s Fall era would hate here. There are three Great Emperors on the side of the Darkness creatures, how can he Enemy!"

"Yes, those who can cultivation to this level are the best powerhouses of that era. Who is really worse than whom?"

"Senior sir. I defeated the Emperor Cang, but now there are three Emperors on the side of the Darkness creature, and his situation is not good!"


The three Quasi-Immortal Emperors looking at the Darkness creature , The faces of the ancient Immortal kings far away were extremely ugly, extremely heavy.

"The so-called Darkness Era, is this all made by you? We and you everyone minds their own business, why are you doing this!" The butcher said, his voice low.

"What are you? Is there a place for you to speak!"

Emperor Hong said, his voice was cold, and the Purple Qi all over his body was gushing.

Sen Leng's voice fell, and a terrifying and majestic pressure enveloped the butcher, his eyes opened and closed, the sky cracked, and countless stars turned into dust.


The butcher immediately let out a miserable scream, and vomited blood in his mouth. If it weren’t for Chu Bei to shake off the emperor’s pressure in time, I’m afraid the butcher has turned into nothingness and dissipated. It's here between Heaven and Earth.

The butcher retreated, unwilling, but he dared not speak again.

Just now, he really felt the terrifying of Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Although he also faintly touched the realm, it was still not. In front of the real Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he was really no different from the ant.

"Those Darkness substances are summoning our people. If they are destined, they will be attracted. Unfortunately, there are too few destined ones." Emperor Cang said, his gray hair scattered.

Speaking of this, Emperor Cang's eyes became cold, and he froze on Chu Bei's body: "And you, you actually slaughtered all the predestined people at once! Fortunately, those who followed you Guys, there are a lot of them, and they can make up for some of the losses."

Hearing what Emperor Cang said, the ancient Immortal Wang shuddered inexplicably, even the hearts of Powerhouses in different time and space. A bad feeling arose.

However, before they could react, Emperor Cang intertwined his hands, as if he was performing some kind of terrifying divine ability.


next moment, there was a loud noise, and a Darkness cage fell in the shattered sky.

"Not good!"

The complexion of Powerhouse in a different time and space took the lead in drastic changes. The moment the Darkness cage appeared, the river of years under their feet was directly cut off.

Even if they are strong, they cannot go against the river and return to the time and space where they are.

In short, they were forced to stay in this time and space by the Darkness cage above their heads.

The ancient Immortal king who originally belonged to this time and space also showed horrified expressions one after another. The Darkness cage came down, and they were imprisoned and could not escape.

"What do you want to do!"

"We don't belong to the same time and space. If you do this, you are not afraid of cause and effect!"

Different time and space Powerhouse is dead Staring at Emperor Cang stubbornly, he questioned them one after another.

"Cause and effect? ​​Really ridiculous! If you are also the Emperor, maybe the emperor will be somewhat afraid. But, trifling Immortal King, even if there is cause and effect, how afraid is the emperor!" Emperor Cang sneered, with cold eyes Disdainfully swept through the different time and space Powerhouse.

"Damn it! Are we really going to stay here? Become the so-called Darkness creatures!" Hearing Emperor Cang's words, Powerhouse's face became more and more ugly.

"Master, Willow God is he okay?"

On the road to the broken Darkness, Shi Hao rushed over, with anxiety in his words.

"I have seen you in the long river of years! An uncertain scourge, let me kill!"

When I saw Shi Hao, Emperor Hong frowned immediately, and he directly On the attack, a big hand moved towards Shi Hao and patted it, ruthless and cold, trying to exterminate his Divine Soul and fleshy body.

"Are you neglecting this seat?"

Chu Bei's voice is indifferent, and a white ray of light between his hands covers Shi Hao, wrapping it, casually He took the slap of the big hand.

"Then kill you first!"

With a bang, Emperor Cang shot again, clenched his right fist, and blasted towards Chu Bei, with layers of fist imprints superimposed. breath terrifying matchless.

Chu Bei has no fear on his face, swinging a thin sword in his hand, sword glow shooting in all directions, sweeping the fist marks that envelop countless stars into dust.

At the same time, Emperor Yu also shot.

He hung above the nine-headed Divine Beast, with the sacred wings flapping behind him, Ruixia gushing, and the emperor spear in his hand pierced out, and the target was pointed at Chu Bei.

Whether it is Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong or Yudi, they are all standing here on the world Peak!

At the moment, they are united to encircle Chu Bei together.

In the incomparable roar and explosion, the four silhouettes smashed the Chaos Realm into the sea, and many Star Regions evaporated and became nothingness. The chaos is mad and raging, as if returning to the era when chaos had begun.

In the battlefield, Chu Bei was besieged by three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, but looking at his indifferent appearance, it seemed to be effortless and even easy to do.

"same realm, with one enemy three, not weak!"

Looking at the fierce battle in the battlefield, the Powerhouse in different time and space and the ancient Immortal kings far away were numb. Then there was hope in his eyes.

"Senior Chu is really the same realm invincible!"

"It's no wonder that you can train a dísciple like Heavenly Emperor Ye!"

"Finally, He is only one person. If we also entered the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, it would be great!"


Butchers, chicken farmers, fake medicines The three Peak Immortal Kings looked at each other and sighed.

In the immortal domain, the Immortal Kings such as Hongtian and Pan Wang stared at the scene in Tianyu, their eyes filled with incredible colors.

When they saw that the Darkness creature had three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, their hearts sank to the bottom.

When they think about it, no matter how strong this Senior Chu is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the three Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

The final ending is likely to be the same as that of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the Emperor's Fall, and the hatred is here. But what they didn't expect was that although it was the same realm, the senior was still not inferior!

"If you can give the discipline some more years, the discipline will be able to fight alongside you."

Shi Hao looked at Chu Bei, who was constantly changing positions in the battlefield, with his fists tight Holding it up, his face rises into a thick fighting intent, and it also reveals some helplessness.

hong long long!

In the battlefield, various Supreme emperor skills appear.

Chu Bei fought Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yu Di in a one-man battle. It was so fierce that it had already reached a fever pitch.

If the four of them had not opened up a new battlefield above the Chaos Realm Sea, I am afraid that even those who stayed in the Darkness cage of the Ancient Immortal King and the Powerhouse of Different Time and Space would have already body dies and Dao disappears.

It's not that these Immortal Kings are weak, but the aftermath of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's battle is really terrifying! Far from being able to bear Immortal King!

At this time, Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Yu Di were also the more fights the more fearful, and their faces became more solemn and ugly.

Their three people have teamed up, and they have used all kinds of emperor skills, but they can't shock and kill this unknown Emperor!

The nature of the opponent's power does not come from the same source as them, and it is especially weird. They have never been in contact before.

The longer the battle lasts, the more determined the eyes of Emperor Cang, Emperor Hong, and Emperor Yu will become. They must kill Chu Bei, otherwise the opponent will become their major threat.

At this moment, the bare island floating on the sea of ​​Chaos Realm suddenly shook violently.

"Look at that island!"

"Is it possible that the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the era of Emperor Fall, is he still alive?"

Darkness In the cage, the Ancient Immortal King Youyuan noticed the abnormality of the island and exclaimed.


As more and more far away, Ancient Immortal King and Powerhouse of Different Time and Space cast his gaze on the island, there was a loud noise from the island.

After that, the flame was monstrous and burned blazingly, illuminating the entire Chaos Realm sea, and even the flame penetrated into the battlefield of Chu Bei and Emperor Cang.

"It's really hard to die, are you alive again!"

Hearing the movement, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, and Emperor Yu glanced at the island, and their faces became even more ugly.

"Friends fairy, I can still help."

In the rumbling sound, an ethereal and ethereal sound came from the island.

Looking at it, not only is the human-shaped fire glowing in the island, but the broken Willow Tree in the flame also re-grows and grows rapidly.

"Stop it!" In the battlefield, Emperor Hong shouted.

Almost at the same time, Emperor Hong, Emperor Cang, and Emperor Yu gave up their attack on Chu Bei and instead attacked the island.

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