
The numerous cultivators of immortal domain were shocked, and each one was dumbfounded. They saw an incredible scene.

It is a sea, vast and boundless, and every wave contains remnants, ups and downs, there is time for fragments to flow, there are celestial corpses in the sea, there are Immortal skeletons, ups and downs.

At the same time, there are also alive and flexible, standing on the waves formed by the remnants, crossing the sea, moved towards the direction where their immortal domain is located.

Looking at it, all the creatures were shrouded with black mist, just like Darkness creatures.

"That is Jie...Jiehai!"

Hongtian, Panwang and other giants recognized the boundless sea area and exclaimed.

And the terrifying creatures shrouded by the black mist in the sea, seem to have seen the fairy fire that led the ancient palace to burn, and regarded it as a lighthouse, illuminating their way forward.

"My God! Are they all Darkness creatures!"

"If so, can my immortal domain army be able to stop it?"

"The intuition that those creatures gave me, I'm afraid the weakest is the Immortal King!"

"Is the immortal domain really going to die today!"



Looking at the creatures who crossed the sea, I felt the breath they released. All the cultivator complexion of the immortal domain was greatly changed, with horror.

hong long!

In the sea of ​​bounds, a creature armed with a war spear attacked and stabbed here. Its Supreme fairy spear pierced from the boundary sea, and instantly penetrated thousands of Star Regions, as if to pierce directly into the immortal domain.


Another blood-colored long spear, with a sharp gun tip red as blood, penetrated straight into the northern Star Region of the immortal domain, and became a dead star. Region exploded.

"It's really the Darkness creature!"

"It's the helper brought in by those guys! They are trying to destroy the immortal domain!"

With the explosive sound waves from the immortal domain to the north, the Divine Soul of the numerous cultivators of the immortal domain began to tremble. This breath fluctuation is really too terrifying.

"Yaru, haven't the matter that I explained to you been resolved yet? I still need our help!"

Those Darkness creatures in the sea seem to be near, and the dark and low voices are there. Wandering away in the immortal domain, carrying Supreme majesty.


A sea of ​​sea water turns into a avenue, connecting to the big domain where the immortal domain is located.

The creatures who crossed the sea stepped on the waves and moved towards the ancient palace. Wherever they passed, the endless stars were directly annihilated into nothingness.

"Master You Puppet, there is a variable here."

The Darkness overlord named Yalu who was originally fighting against Hongtian, when he saw the first creature who had crossed the sea, he immediately Bowed, very respectful.

"Are you referring to him?"

The cold and indifferent voice fell, and the head who crossed the sea looked at Shi Hao with disdain, a beam of dark eyes Projected.

Shi Hao shouted, without the slightest expression of fear on his face, he went up with the four powerhouses that he became comfortable with.


However, in just an instant, the four Powerhouses that he came out of him were pierced by that beam of light, and then collapsed into a rain of light and dissipated.

It’s not that they are not strong, on the contrary, any of them has a cultivation base equivalent to Shi Hao, Immortal King Fourth Stage’s cultivation base.

It's just that the strength of the terrifying creature that crossed the sea is too terrifying!

As for Shi Hao, he was blocked by Void Pill, but even so, he flew out suddenly, and his breath was disordered.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Hongtian, King Pan and the others were so sullen that it was hard to see the extreme.

"He is at ease!"

"I have seen this kind of treasure in the era of Emperor Fall, but I can't think I can see it today!"

It's called a puppet The first creature of Duhai glanced at Shi Hao, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "Fortunately, you have not fully grown up! Otherwise, it would be a great disaster!"

Sen Han's words fell. The breathtaking black fog spreads around the puppet, and wherever the black fog passes, all the stars are annihilated.


A cultivator was affected, and a scream was just issued. The original exuberant blood energy and Divine Soul were swallowed up by the black mist and turned into a bunch of fragments. The skeleton, until turned into nothing.

"really strong!"

"Don't even Shi Hao-sama have the strength to fight back!"

"Is the immortal domain really going to die... "

"Do you think Senior Chu is blocking this group of guys."

Looking at the exploding stars, the immortal domain cultivator looks like dead gray. When leading the puppets in front of ancient palace, everyone showed fear.

"The king stands on the top of the Immortal King, and has already touched the breath of the emperor in a faint way. Unfortunately, after all, it is still not enough to allow some."

The puppet stared at Shi Hao, He didn't directly attack the killer, and there was a hint of hope in his eyes: "If you learn to be at ease and feel this kind of treasure, you may be able to step into that realm by this."

The voice fell, it was called The Darkness creature of the wandering puppet poked out the right hand, and the palm was shrouded with dark mist, and lightly patted it.

Amid the weird buzzing sound, a black mist giant palm appeared above Shi Hao's head. The breath was extremely terrifying, covering the sky.

"Let's go together!"

At this time, before Shi Hao could move, dozens of Immortal King giants, including Hongtian and Pan Wang in the distance, set off at the same time.

They carry immeasurable fairy lights, all around the flowers that circle the avenue, climbing to the extreme in an imposing manner, and facing the black mist giant palm together.

"A bunch of ants!"

A coldly snorted sound with disdain fell, peng sound, black fog and giant palm pressure, the immortal domain completely cracked and became zero mess.

Dozens of Immortal Kings such as Hongtian and Pan Wang exploded and turned into blood and flesh, slowly reorganizing.

The black mist giant palm continued to press down, but when she was about to strike on Shi Hao's body, a bright fist mark quietly appeared.


The sky is shaking loudly, the bright fist marks crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood crushed the giant palm of the black mist, and continued moving towards the ancient palace and blasted away.

There was a sonorous trembling sound, which was mixed with countless screams, painful.

The bright fist print fiercely hit the ancient palace. The Darkness overlord located in front of the ancient palace was instantly attacked by an irresistible mysterious force, and the body was bombarded and shattered, all around the gloomy The black mist dissipated.


The puppet frowned and his face became solemn.

The low voice fell, and a silhouette appeared in his sight, that silhouette stood side by side with Shi Hao.

"Master, dísciple is not his opponent." Shi Hao moved towards Chu Bei bowed with respect.

"He is already in the Ninth Stage Realm Peak, and you are the Fourth Stage Realm. It is normal to fail."

Chu Bei lightly patted Shi Hao's shoulder blades, his mouth is choked With a smile, he looked towards You Puppet after speaking.

At this moment, Chu Bei still holds the Executing Immortal Sword. What has changed is that his body is now wrapped in blue-green rays of light from all directions.

Above his head, the Golden disk is suspended, and a blue-green beam of light gushes out from the center of the disk, such as Inverted Galaxy, which runs straight through his body.

What is shocking is that there is a long river flowing in the blue-green light column, which has many time and space, and in each time and space there are countless silhouettes worshiping.

"No matter who you are, you must die!"

You puppet's eyes are fixed on Chu Bei's body, after returning to God, a long whistle.

Afterwards, both of his hands waved, deduced nine black ring of light, the ring of light connected to each other, a stunning black beam penetrated the void, fiercely shot at Chu Bei.


However, just when the black beam that can destroy the Star Region of the heavens was about to drown Chu Bei, Chu Bei's eyes condensed, and the blue-green eyes shot out, facing On the black beam.

At the moment of interweaving and colliding with the black beam, the blue-green eyes suddenly turned into a terrifying black hole that can swallow everything in the world, swallowing the black beam in an instant.

In the light of the calcium carbide, there is no sound!


Until the blue and green rays of light strikes were introduced to the ancient palace, the ears of numerous cultivators of immortal domain did not hear a crisp crackling sound.

This time, the complete link to the ancient palace finally appeared cracks, spreading like a spider web.

As for those Darkness overlords who were hit by the light before they screamed, they died with Divine Soul.

Looking at this scene, Hongtian, Panwang and other immortal domain giants dumbfounded!

When I looked towards Chu Bei again, they felt as if they were recognizing someone again, and they were numb.

The Darkness overlords who have just been obliterated are the existences who fought fiercely with them before, and they are all creatures of the fairy King Level!

But just a second ago, these guys who were equivalent to their strength were directly obliterated by a beam of gaze!

"That's Shi Hao-sama’s Master!"

"Senior Chu has taken the shot! Not only is he not weaker than the world sea creatures, but on the contrary, these two collisions also occupied Advantage!"

"The world sea creature is already the Immortal King Peak. So, is Senior Chu still the Immortal King?"

"Now it seems that there is Senior Chu in, Immortal domain does not necessarily die!"


Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, immortal domain and other cultivators cast their eyes on Chu Bei's body. After the stunned, he was full of excitement. color.

"Emperor...Emperor's breath!"

"This, this impossible!"

"How can immortal domain have an emperor!"

You Gou's face changed completely, his eyes fixed on Chu Bei, his face full of incredible color.

"ao ——!"

After muttering to himself, the puppet roared, and the outer scales glowed. There was endless Star Region interpretation, and his behind grew out With nine tails wrapped in the billowing black mist, they burst out with countless black glow.

Nine tails wagging, they turned into ancient beasts of the emperor's era. They trapped Chu Bei in them from different directions, and at the same time they opened their mouths and sprayed out a black purple flame with Star River in the flame. Collapse.

This is Yugou’s lore, obliterating everything and shattering the sky!

But what horrified him was that if the black purple flame burned in every possible way, he couldn't burn through the blue-green mask outside Chu Bei's body.

"In order to pursue a higher level of realm, you sacrificed to Darkness, and you know that this road is just a conspiracy that's all."

Chu Bei did not rush to take action, very much Looking at the puppet peacefully, a faint sigh fell, resounding in this big area, shaking everyone's heart.

The calm voice fell, and the blue-green rays of light outside Chu Bei's body and the blue-green beam of light hanging from the golden disk above his head shrank into his body.

next moment, Chu Bei stepped forward, all around all the blue and green rays of light disappeared, but the breath on his body also changed along with it.

If the Chu Bei before was powerful, then Chu Bei at this moment gives people a very ordinary feeling, without a trace of coercion, just like an ordinary youth.

When the creatures on the sea of ​​the world were attracted, he used the only one-time use right of the twentieth-level commodity.

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