"Master Youlan is here!" a cultivator exclaimed.

Only a lithe and graceful woman in purple clothes appeared, she was a female immortal king. After frowning, he slammed his fist towards the huge gap.

Outside the gap, there was a coldly snorted cry of disdain, and then the big black hand greeted him.

Peng sound There was a loud noise, and the purple-clothed woman’s arms exploded, coughing up blood and flying out.

The pitch-black big hand was chasing after the victory, and when it was about to hit the woman in purple, a feather of an arrow flew, pu' sound, and it shot on that big hand, splashing blood. It's black, terrifying, and blood is like waves.

Compared to black's big hands, the blood is just a puff of blood, but in this Star Region, there is a black torrent.


Outside the gap, there was a bitter and painful scream, and the Darkness creatures in the black mist also died out in this brief moment!

With a deep and unwilling roar, the big black hand withdrew away.

"Master Hongtian is here!"

"My God! Master Youlan was injured just now. Could it be said that the Darkness creature with the big hand is an Immortal King?"

"This is for sure! If it weren't for Master Hongtian to arrive in time, Master Youlan would be in danger."


The powerhouses were shocked. .

"Many thanks, my lord came to help."

The purple-clothed woman was healed and looked towards the white haired old man who appeared in front of her, very respectful.

"Darkness era is here, great chaos will arise!"

The white haired old man sighed faintly, and started to repair the torn gap in the boundary wall.

This white haired old man was just one of the six Great Immortal giants, Hongtian, who wanted to protect the Taishi and Yuan Dynasty in the hands of Chu Bei before.


On the other side.



In the rumbling sound, a scarlet war spear shot through the boundary wall. baleful aura monstrous.

This is a Darkness creature, and its body is also shrouded with endless billowing black mist.

Looking intently, he is as majestic as a magic mountain, unattainable.

At this moment, he was holding the war spear tightly, and the spear pointed directly at the huge city of Panwang.

The King of Pan flew out and didn't even say anything. He just played against him directly, as if he had known each other many epochs.

hong long long!

The Peerless Battle of Immortal King Level unfolded, and more and more cultivators were alarmed.

"Why is there another war in King Pan City! Is it possible that? Has any unopened guy provoke the mysterious Immortal King from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?"

"No! It's a Darkness creature! He is fighting King Pan!"

"Why did you come so early!"


A number of cultivators complexion greatly changed watching the battle, and their eyes were full of panic.

In the battlefield, the spears of Darkness creatures constantly slammed, and a golden seal flew out in the hands of King Pan, covering Heaven and Earth, bursting out breathtaking breath, killing everything!


Amidst the impact, the Golden Great Seal blasted his war spear away and landed on the Darkness creature like Demon God.

With a long roar of pain, the Darkness creatures cracked all over, vomited blood, and their body parts burst into pieces.

"Pan King, you can't stop it this time!" Darkness creature laughed, he is no longer entangled, and retreats.

Looking at the disappearing Darkness creature, King Pan browses tightly frowns, his face extremely solemn.


immortal domain to the north, mysterious Death Star Chenzhong.

A shout shook the Star Region, and above Shi Hao's head, nine-colored torrents of rivers burst down. Look carefully, these rivers are like a mixture of countless Star Regions.

This is Immortal King Tribulation!

An Immortal King Tribulation that has never been recorded!


Shi Hao rushed up into the sky, and the moment he touched the Jiuse River, he fell down suddenly, his body cracked, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

The Nine-color River seemed to be irritated, turned into a nine-color knife, and the breath became more and more terrifying.

However, when Jiu Se Dao was about to cut Shi Hao together with Divine Soul, a huge fist mark appeared out of thin air, and it was shattered by Chu Bei. Shot.

"Master, dísciple has failed again." Shi Hao looked towards Chu Bei with a helpless expression.

This is the seventeenth time he has experienced Immortal King Tribulation, but he hasn't taken it once. If it hadn't been for Chu Bei to take action, he would have been seventeen times in the true sense.

"The Immortal King Tribulation you have experienced is a bit special, and you can’t be anxious."

Just as Chu Bei finished speaking, a violent breath wave penetrated in. With thick Qi of Slaughter.

"Senior, this breath..."

Ao Feng frowned. Although he was unfamiliar with this breath, he felt heart palpitations.

Obviously, the person who releases breath is definitely the existence of Immortal King Giant level!

Chu Bei did not respond, just waved his hand and disappeared in this mysterious place with the entire group.

"That's a foreign army!"

"They actually got into the immortal domain!"

"They did this, and they wanted to do so without hesitating the consequences. Are you going to war!"


Looking ahead, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Aofeng and the others eyes suddenly shrank.

"Darkness creatures are coming, and the foreign army also broke out at this time. How could it be such a coincidence!"

"Could it be that the rumors are true? Foreign Yu Tuo Immortal King is the evolution of the Darkness creatures! They have an inseparable relationship with the Darkness creatures!"

"Damn! Never let them break through here! Swear to the death to protect the immortal domain!"


In this Star Sea, more and more Supreme and True Immortal Powerhouses gathered, one by one looking at the army emerging from the gap in the distance.


"Hold on until Immortal King arrives!"

A quasi-Immortal King leader, the voice fell, and took the lead to kill the foreign land Army.

hong long long!

In an instant, a terrifying melee broke out in Star Sea.


Just as the fierce battle rose to the white-hot stage, a loud roar came from the torn boundary.

After that, a terrifying ancient beast appeared, but it quickly turned into a big man, with long red hair scattered, and his eyes sharp and terrifying.

This is an Immortal king from a foreign land, shrouded in chaos, and the avenue breath covers the star dome. He stands here as if he can suppress the eternal heavens.

"Red...Red King!"

"Not good! It's the Red King!"


immortal The prospective Immortal King headed by domain recognized the big man at a glance, his face suddenly changed with fear.

"Where is Hongtian!"

The man with red hair indifferently glanced at the Immortal King of immortal domain, his cold voice fell, and he directly patted it with his big hand.

long long long!

The big man with red hair possesses terrifying vigorous blood energy, just take it with a palm, and the star dome seems to be stationary.

"Move...I can't move it!"

Suddenly, the immortal domain numerous cultivators trembled, and their expressions were horrified.

However, when the terrifying giant hand carrying the power of Supreme was about to shoot them into nothingness, a Golden long sword appeared out of thin air, and the giant hand blasted away.

"It's you! This king is thinking about solving the problem of breaking the immortal domain, so he will go to you!" The man with the red hair was taken aback for a moment, then he saw the person behind him clearly, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

A thousand years ago, the other party killed An Lan and Yu Tuo; two days ago, the other party killed Wushang again, and this person has already been listed on the list of people who must kill in a foreign land.

When a group of immortal domain cultivators saw Chu Bei, they were startled for a while, and then showed joy after a brief loss of consciousness.

"It's the mysterious Immortal King from unknown origin!"

"Mysterious Immortal King? Just to make it clear!"

"It's the one that spreads the uproar. Killed the three adults of Ao Sheng, Yuan Dynasty, and Taishi, and repelled the existence of the six adults of Hongtian!"

"What? It turned out to be him! It was he who opened up the immortal domain and Nine. The barrier of Heavens and Ten Earths!"


Some cultivators who don’t know Chu Bei immediately showed a terrified look on their faces after hearing the information of Chu Bei from others. .

"If it's really the mysterious Immortal King, then the current crisis should be resolved!"

immortal domain True Immortal Powerhouse and the quasi-Immortal King headed by them, are similar to each other. Glancing at it, his brows stretched.

"This seat also said that if I see you again, I must kill you!" Chu Bei looked at the Chi King, his calm voice fell, and he directly swung his sword.


The King Chi yelled, the invisible breath is even more terrifying, and he squeezed his fist to meet Chu Bei.

At this time, both the foreign army and the immortal domain cultivator immediately avoided far away, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

But in fact, since Chu Bei was swinging his sword, he has reopened a space as a battlefield.

After all, the impact of their battle at this level is really too great.

long long long ——

In the rumbling sound, the Chi King appeared in the star dome opened by Chu Bei. He was full of red and long hair like fire, dancing there, releasing a dazzling rune, breathe hard.

In an instant, his magical body skyrocketed, and the stars surrounded him.

Because of knowing the strength of Chu Bei, he directly showed the strongest posture at first!

"The new era has arrived, no matter how you resist it, it's all in vain!"

The king seems to know something, his sharp eyes look like lightning indifferently With Chu Bei.

The voice fell, and he shot again, a blood-red stove flew out of his palm, streaming out a dazzling light, spraying the flame of Infinity Avenue, and burning the star dome.

Even vaguely, layers of unusual form can be seen in these flames.

That is the sea of ​​bounds, in which there are countless terrifying creatures wrapped in Darkness moving towards one direction and crossing the sea.

What's more terrifying is that at the moment the King Akatsuki shot, there were years of time around his body, and time fragments were shrouded.

Aka King, a giant of Immortal king with time innate talent.

"It can also make this seat a happy fight."

A smile was drawn at the corner of Chu Bei's mouth, and the fighting intent appeared in his eyes for the first time.

From the perspective of breath, the strength of the Red King has reached the 8th layer Immortal King, and it is only one step away from the Ninth Stage.

For this, Chu Bei did not underestimate the enemy, holding the Executing Immortal Sword and taking it seriously.

In their realm, the battle is not as fancy as a battle of three thousand, but directly uses the strongest secret skill to be born and die in an instant.

Chu Bei swung his sword, and slammed the Chi King.


The Red King holds the red stove in his hand, and walks on the long river of years, time fragments dance, the terror is boundless, and he wields the flames of the immeasurable avenue symbol.

At the moment of the fight, the star dome stepped down, and the dazzling Light of Immortal Dao wrapped them in it.

"Red King, he has a breakthrough! I am afraid that even if Hongtian comes, he is no longer his opponent!"

Looking at the star in the sky In a peerless battle, Aofeng and Cognac sucked in a breath of cold air.

Fortunately, there is this mysterious adult, otherwise the immortal domain will surely usher in a terrifying disaster!

"Ever since ancient times, this is how it is today!"

In the battlefield, the red king shouted, and he used the secret technique of time. I saw him slit his wrist, dazzling blood splashed, and dived into the scarlet stove.

Suddenly, a force of time entrained the symbol of time, carrying the blood essence of the Crimson King, moved towards Chu Bei to suppress it.

Almost at the same time, the Executing Immortal Sword in Chu Bei's hand glowed with his body at the same time, sweeping out the infinite Golden sword glow, piercing the Power of Time, and pointed directly at the Chi King.

With a bang, the Executing Immortal Sword collided with Power of Time, and the avenue symbol flew.

Just a stalemate for a while, Executing Immortal Sword Mang is the Power of Time that annihilated the Scarlet King, and came to the front of the Scarlet King to kill him.


Feeling the Executing Immortal Sword light from the bombardment, the Scarlet King roars, the blood essence of the whole body penetrates out of the body and burns blazingly. The opponent is stronger than he thought, he has to work hard!

With the burning of the original blood essence, the breath of the Chi King once again climbed a level, and briefly entered the Ninth Stage!

hong long!

The star dome is turbulent, the years are shattered, and time is like a vast ocean, flooding Chu Bei.

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