"Let’s take down Aofeng and Cognac first, and wait for Immortal King to interrogate!"

Above Panwang City, three silhouettes emerged, their breath They are extremely powerful and have reached the quasi-Immortal King level.

At this moment, the eyes of these three silhouettes are locked on Aofeng and Cognac.

hong long long!

Sen Leng's shout fell, and the three quasi Immortal Kings shot at the same time and swept towards Aofeng and Cognac.

"We also take down these people from the lower realm!"

Almost at the same time, a crowd of True Immortal Powerhouses swept to other people from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. imposing manner monstrous.


However, whether it was the three Quasi Immortal Kings or the True Immortal, before they got close to Aofeng, Cognac and the others, they were shocked by a terrifying force and flew upside down. .

If this force hadn't deliberately converged, they would have dissipated Divine Soul.

"This is the fairy...the power of the fairy King Level!"

The three Immortal Kings who shot coughed up blood, and the complexion greatly changed. After looking at each other, they re-observed in horror. A bunch of people from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Finally, the three of them fixed their eyes on Chu Bei's body, and at the same time they were shocked, with suspicion in their eyes.

"What? Among them is the Immortal King!"

"Didn't all the Immortal Kings of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths died in the Battle of Immortal!"


Hearing the words of the three quasi Immortal Kings, the immortal domain cultivator above the city of Pan King frowned, with a look of shock.

"The King of Pan is out!"

At this moment, cry out in surprise sounded from the crowd.

Then, I saw the originally peaceful city of Panwang, suddenly chaos surged, and then a silhouette came out of the chaos, wearing an old daoist robe, vague and ethereal, he appeared in the crowd during his steps. Foremost.

"Aofeng and Cognac, what happened back then really cannot help you. Since you are back, I will compensate you." King Pan's eyes swept across Aofeng and Cognac, his mouth There was a faint sigh.

"Pan King, what happened back then has nothing to do with you. Of all Immortal Kings in immortal domain, you are the only existence I admire. You did enough for us back then."

Seeing King Pan appeared, Aofeng and Cognac immediately stepped forward and bowed with respect.

"But after all, I haven't been able to change your ending." Pan Wang shook his head, apologizing in his words.

"King of Pan, do you know about the Nine Cauldrons in the Quartet? Is this the decision of Ao Sheng, Taishi, and their three people at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty again!" Ao Feng said with anger.

"I stopped, but failed."

Panwang sighed again. Some things cannot be changed by him alone. This is his helplessness.

"Aofeng, Cognac! Haven't seen you for a million years, have you already dared to call this king by his name?"

Suddenly, a coldly shouted voice came, carrying Too Heavenly Might pressure, sandwiching a strong killing intent.

"Ao Sheng, for your own selfishness, you even used the Quartet Nine Cauldrons to refining the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, isn't this way too much!"

Ao Feng , Cognac stared at the direction of the sound, their imposing manner began to climb, resisting the threat of the invading Immortal King.

"Millions of years ago, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were already contaminated. Now, the Darkness material hits again, and the king directly buried this world, why not!"

Ao Sheng’s voice came again: "Not to mention Immortal King killing, no reason is needed!"

"Aofeng, Cognac, you have been in the lower realm for too long, have you forgotten your identity? !"

"Immortal domain, we are the True King! What do we do, and when will it be your juniors to discuss?"

Following Ao Sheng, there are two more floods Supreme's majestic voice sounded.

"It is the Immortal King of Taishi and Immortal King of the early Yuan Dynasty!"

"They also know about it!"

"Pan Wang, Ao Sheng Immortal King, Four Old Ancestors from the Taishi Immortal King and the Yuan Dynasty Immortal King have been alarmed!"


Above the city of Pan King, a group of immortal domain cultivators distinguished voices. The master showed expressions of astonishment one after another, staring at the depths of the distant immortal domain.

"Do you think that after Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is buried, the immortal domain is safe? Will it not be attacked by the Darkness material? It is ridiculous!" Ao Feng sneered, showing no fear on his face. Judging from his expression, it seems that he has already put his life and death aside.

"I am the Immortal King, even if it is wrong, how can you wait for it! I think you are tired of living!"

This is the words of Ao Sheng Immortal King , Indifferent and ruthless, coming from the depths of immortal domain, like Heavenly Dao overwhelming, to destroy myriad things, to destroy Aofeng and Cognac.

The sound wave is transformed into a law, brilliant like a rainbow, descending from the depths of the immortal domain to the top of Panwang City, and then avoiding irrelevant cultivator, covering the Aofeng and Cognac, and destroying them. both body and soul.

Aofeng and Cognac surging in imposing manner, loudly shouted, their body shook suddenly, and the law of sound waves was born.

"Unexpectedly, if you stay in the lower realm, your cultivation base will not retreat but you have improved! No wonder you have the confidence to dare to confront the king."

"But if you do, you think you are qualified to provoke. I'm the king, that's really stupid!" In the depths of the immortal domain, Ao Sheng said again. As the Supreme Immortal King, he has boundless powers and overlooks the eternity.

The cold and indifferent voice fell, and there was a roar, and then I saw a large sleeve moving in the depths of the immortal domain, and the arm stretched out, covering the unknowingly vast Star Region, and moved straight. Towards the starry sky where Aofeng Cognac is located.

"Master Ao Sheng is going to kill us too!"

Looking at the giant hand covering the sky, the cultivator above the city of Panwang showed horror.

At this moment, all cultivators are panicked to the extreme.

Ao Sheng Immortal King shot, crossed most of the immortal domain, moved towards they caught it. Wherever the giant hand passed, one after another in the Star Sea turned into dust, silently, and turned into dust.

Even though their cultivation base is strong, in the eyes of Immortal King, they are nothing but ants, and it is too late to escape.

They were imprisoned, they could only watch the giant hand grab it.

"Ao Sheng, you are too much!" At the critical moment, King Pan frowned and let out an angry scolding.

"King Pan, you are over." Yuan Shi's Immortal King voice came, and he cut off the attack of Pan King.

"The King of Pan is blocked!"

"Are we really going to be a funeral!"

A numerous cultivators looked at the original of King Pan Facing Ao Sheng's Immortal King, the giant hand was intercepted by Yuanshi's Immortal King. All of them suddenly felt a sinking heart and looked like death.

At this moment, the giant hand of Ao Sheng Immortal King has also come crashing down, and everything is gone!

ka-cha, ka-cha!

Under the shock of terror, Aofeng and Cognac were the first to bear the brunt, and the immortal dao light armor outside the body shattered.

"I don't want to die."

numerous cultivators are panicked, only fear is left in their eyes.

However, when the giant hand was about to destroy a number of cultivators including Aofeng and Cognac, there was a hum and a sword glow appeared.

This sword glow released Golden's light, blocking and shaking back Ao Sheng's giant hand, allowing this dead land to be full of vitality again.


Ao Sheng stopped, and then a cold voice came, full of anger and confusion.

"Immortal King doesn't need a reason to kill people. Doesn't it need a reason even more if this seat kills you?"

Light fluttering with jokes, and then again. A sword glow emerged from the sky, passing by the Star Sea, carrying rumbling sound moved towards immortal domain deep.

Along the way, a piece of Star Region exploded, and in front of the sword glow, the starry sky was annihilated, turned into nothing, extremely terrifying.

"It actually blocked Ao Sheng's Immortal King's attack! Which Immortal King took the shot again!"

Looking at the scary sword glow running across the starry sky, above Panwang City One of the numerous cultivators was taken aback, with an incredible expression on his face.

At the same time, looking around one by one, Divine Consciousness was maximized, as if trying to find something with all his strength.

Ao Sheng Immortal King is an immortal domain One of the Overlords.

Even if he didn't do his best with the blow just now, it was definitely not what Immortal King could take.

For this reason, they concluded that the person who shot must also be an Immortal King.

It's just that in this immortal domain, the number of Immortal Kings can be counted on one's fingers, but the previous voices are very strange to them.

Even if the King of Pan was in the air duel with the Immortal King of Yuanshi, when he saw the scary sword glow, his face showed an astonished expression.

Aofeng, Cognac and a group of cultivators from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths immediately turned their eyes to Chu Bei, and the eyes were very different.

Under the attention of countless cultivators, the terrifying sword glow fell among the endless stars in the depths of the immortal domain.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the entire Star Region shook, and a storm of terror and destruction swept across.

Under this energy storm, it is just a sprawling breath. The cultivators in every corner of the immortal domain are trembling inexplicably. All races are terrified, and they are all trembling with fear.

Different from the Fa they are familiar with, the breath filled with this sword is extremely strange to them. It is a power they have never touched before.

This feeling is like the cells, skeleton, and every part of the body vibrate at the same time, tearing at any time.

In the depths of the immortal domain, more and more divine rainbows flew out, leaving the stars where they were one after another, with expressions like enemies, for fear of being affected by the Power of Destruction on the sword glow.

Finally, that sword smashed down.

Suddenly, the depths of the immortal domain became quiet, as if falling into a dead silence.

Countless stars turned into nothingness almost instantly, and the cultivator who witnessed all this took a deep breath.

The cultivator who originally fled from that area was even more afraid. The grand will and the incomparable immortal dao law made them difficult to move even if they were far apart, and their bodies almost burst. .

"The territory of the three adults, Immortal King, Taishi Immortal King, and Immortal King at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty was ruined!"

"Which adult is the one who shot! Offend three Immortal King adults at the same time!"

"From now on, this Immortal King may have nothing to do with Aofeng and Cognac!"

"Immortal King The means are really terrifying!"


Looking at the star dome that is categorized into nothingness in the depths of the immortal domain, a number of cultivators could not be calm for a long time.

"It turns out that Aofeng and Cognac rely on you the most!"

"This square Nine Nether array is also destroyed by your hands!"

"The void barriers between Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and immortal domain should have been pierced by you too! All of these are your masterpieces!"

Suddenly, in the depths of the immortal domain, which is classified as nothingness, Sandao silhouette emerged. At the same time, three pairs of eyes pierced through the star dome and fell on Chu Bei's body.

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