Look intently, the so-called battle between Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and a foreign land is just the battlefield of the two that's all.

On the battlefield, two figures are constantly intertwined and strikes, performing endless Supreme skills.

Looking at the confrontation between the two parties again, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, headed by Meng Tianzheng, have nine Supremes, and four of them are holding True Immortal instruments.

The foreign side, headed by a white haired old man, has a total of 30 Supremes, more than three times the number of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Previously, the two parties had already fought once. It is precisely because of the Peak battle strength that the current younger generation Powerhouse fights.

From the perspective of the number of people, although the number of Supremes in the foreign land far exceeds that of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is different from five hundred years ago when they came this time and could not carry Immortal weapons.

In the Supreme of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, some people have True Immortal devices, so they chose Supreme to temporarily cease the war.

Foreign Supreme does not fight, Meng Tianzheng and the others will naturally not take the initiative to attack, after all, they have nine Supremes left, one less for each death in battle, unlike aliens that can be continuously teleported. Supreme come here.

hong long!

In the battlefield, a scream was caused by the loud noise, and a silhouette of the intertwined rays of light flew out.

next moment, the stature of that silhouette hasn't stabilized yet, and the body seems to be torn apart by a huge force, together with Divine Soul, torn into nothingness.

"We won! We won again!"

"Haha, ten consecutive victories!"

"What is the so-called alien Imperial Clan? In our Master Shi Hao is just an ant that's all!"

"It's really the dísciple of Senior Chu!"


Looking at that torn apart The silhouette dissipated in the air, the Powerhouse of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was first taken aback, and then cheered excitedly.

"Who else! Come and die!"

The void trembled, and the majestic voice echoed in the boundless desert.

In the battlefield, a silver robe man coldly looked at the foreign Powerhouses in front of him, his eyes swept across the foreign younger generation, his demeanor was confident, and his words contained disdain.

His feet are in the void, his temperament is elegant and ethereal, and within both eyes has an amazing fighting intent. The most striking thing is the huge Divine Pill suspended behind him.

"Damn! Obviously in the same realm, why is he so strong!"

"What is his ability!"

Exotic younger generation Powerhouse double He clenched his fists and stared at Shi Hao with a furious face. Although the killing intent was so great, no one dared to step forward.

The opponent killed ten Imperial Clan younger generations in a row. They were really scared. The opponent's weird ability is really too terrifying!

In the same realm, they cannot resist to unravel at all.

"Have you seen it? Lord Shi Hao has won again! No one dares to fight the gang of foreign criminals!"

On the city wall, blue clothed The girl looked towards Chu Bei, shaking her arm with one hand, ecstatic.

"Is there no one here? What you call the Imperial Clan younger generation is only this!" Shi Hao glanced at the Supreme, coldly snorted.

"It's crazy!"

When Shi Hao belittled Imperial Clan, a Supreme from a foreign land could hardly bear the anger in his heart. He raised his hand and blasted Shi Hao with a palm. Where the palm print passed, the void was instantly imprisoned, and the rotation speed of the Void Pill behind Shi Hao slowed down significantly.

"This is really your style of doing things in a foreign land! They are younger generation people, do you intervene when we do not exist?"

Seeing the palm print of Supreme in the foreign land When he was about to strike on Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng screamed, appeared in front of Shi Hao for an instant, and then punched out.


With a loud noise, the terrifying fist strength broke the palm prints, and directly blasted the famous Supreme who shot to the foreign land.

"Since you are going to fight, then fight!"

Meng Tianzheng's icy gaze swept across the foreign Supreme, Sen Han's voice fell, and a piece of rag appeared in front of him , Stained with blood, can vaguely hear endless shouts of killing in it.

This cloth is very old and wrinkled. There are some holes in it, and it seems to be completely rotten.

But it can still be seen that this is a banner with various traces of blood, and the years have left too many marks on it.

"This is the Shroud of Immortal King again!"

Seeing Meng Tianzheng call out the blood-stained battle flag, the foreign Supreme’s complexion changed at the same time, and a look of dreading appeared on his face. Obviously they know the terrifying of this cloth.


At this time, there was a metal vibrato, such as a dragon roar.

Wang Changsheng flew to the side of Meng Tianzheng, and a divine spear emerged from the void in front of him, emitting a dazzling fairy light, and his voice was cold, making soul tremble. It is about eight feet long, showing off one's ability, dazzling celestial light, and it is a horror weapon that will impress people at the first glance.


Zhao Haotian also flew here, standing side by side with Meng Tianzheng, scrolling in front of him, lined up in the sky!

In the picture scroll, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, the big stars turn, presenting a complete Great World, which is extremely real. It is so quietly lying in the void, but there is a terrifying breath permeating, as if to suppress the universe!

"Xuanyuan divine spear, ten world map!"

Seeing the two Great Immortal instruments of Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian took out, the faces of Supreme from the foreign land became more heavy.

long long long ——

Just as the atmosphere in the court became weird, Tianyuan suddenly rioted, and then the battle halberd was shocked.

next moment, several rays of light flew out of the halberd blade, suspended in the air.

"Finally here!"

Looking at the weapons that contain Supreme breath in the light group, the foreign Supremes smiled.

Since then, nearly thirty Supremes in the foreign land all held Immortal Divine Items, and they looked towards Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others again, and their gazes were full of jokes.

"Damn it! So you guys have been procrastinating!"

Looking at the Immortal Divine Item that suddenly appeared, the face of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Supreme's face changed, extremely ugly. One of the eldest Supreme, even swearing in his mouth.

"Yes! Lord Wushang told us when he sent us in that Immortal Divine Item could not come with us. Even if he took the shot, it might take some time. At first, we thought we were relying on it. The advantage in number, even if there is no Immortal Divine Item, we can still take you."

"Clinker, whether it is the Immortal King Shroud, Xuanyuan divine spear or the ten world map, it’s far away It’s more difficult to deal with than we thought. Even because we underestimated the enemy, we lost seven Supremes!"

"For this reason, we had to take a procrastination method. Unexpectedly, in order to procrastinate , That little fellow actually slaughtered our ten Imperial Clan younger generations!"

"Now that we have the Immortal Divine Item in hand, what else can you fight with us!"

The white haired old man headed by Foreign Land is holding a purple long sword with the tip of the sword pointing directly at Meng Tianzheng.

The purple long sword carries the Immortal Qi, shrouded with the celestial glory, but it also has a killing intent, which violates the immortal dao harmony, spreads out, and turns into a weapon for the gods.

Hearing what the white haired old man said, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths changed their complexion at the same time, and each of them became extremely heavy.

"The current situation is not good for us!"

"I don't know if a few Supreme adults can handle it."

"Maybe the Heavenly Emperor is off today It’s really going to be broken. The number of Supreme is three times as large as ours."


In the frontier battlefield, countless cultivator imposing manners began to climb, since they decidedly Judging from his expression, he was clearly ready to die in battle.

"What to do? What to do? The situation seems to be bad!"

On the city wall, the blue clothed girl was pacing, looking worried and anxious.

"Do it, don't keep one!"

"First kill Supreme, then kill the fish!"

In the battlefield, follow the white haired old man command After the release, the Supremes of the foreign land bloomed with gorgeous divine glow at the same time, and the imposing manner climbed to the extreme, one by one holding the Immortal Divine Item and bombarding the Supremes of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"I still can't escape this catastrophe."

Looking at the several Supremes that came from the culling, Meng Tianzheng sighed faintly.

As if he had made some decision, he let out a roar like a Great Desolate savage beast, and his eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes.

"Recover, the blood of the previous battle!"

Meng Tianzheng drank low, and then it was like a sudden change of person.

At some point, a longbow appeared in his hand, and the blood in his hand quickly penetrated into the longbow at a speed visible to naked eye.

He was whispering, in roar, as if chanting an ancient incantion, to release something.

"What's going on? Isn't that his weapon of the Dao! He seems to be destroying it!"

"Why is this!"

Attention To the cracks that began to spread on the longbow in Meng Tianzheng's hand, the foreign Supreme brows frowned, with confusion on his face.

Meng Tianzheng ignored Alien Supreme, and continued to rub the big bow with his hands, very light, with reluctance, and a kind of regret.

"So that's how it is, your dao fruit and achievements back then are all in this bow. It was buried by you and gave birth to great vitality."

Wang Changsheng As if he had seen something, his expression became complicated, and a dazed expression appeared in his eyes, and he whispered: "Is it really worth it?"

"The imperial gate will be broken, what is the value? What is the value? Not worth it?"

Meng Tianzheng looked towards Wang Changsheng, laughed, and it was vaguely visible that a silhouette appeared in his about to collapse bow, which seemed to be what Meng Tianzheng looked like when he was young.

"Not good! His imposing manner is getting stronger and weird!"

"Go together, kill Meng Tianzheng first!"

The breath of Meng Tianzheng fluctuates, and Supreme all over the world have discovered the abnormality.

In an instant, the five exotic Supremes that were closer together simultaneously fought against Meng Tianzheng while holding the Immortal Divine Item.

"Brother Meng, let me buy a few seconds for you."

Wang Changsheng shook the head sighed, holding Xuanyuan divine spear tightly with both hands, looking towards the deadly five An exotic Supreme, his eyes condensed, killing intent burst.

weng weng!!

However, just as Wang Changsheng tried to wave the divine spear to meet the enemy, a chill rose inexplicably behind him.

Immediately, a mysterious force that he couldn't resist passed by him, and this feeling was like passing by death!

When he reacted and looked towards the front, the expressions of the five exotic Supremes holding Immortal Divine Item suddenly condensed, and then before they even had time to make a scream, the physical body and Divine Soul at the same time Torn into nothingness by an invisible force.

"What happened to the five adults! It was so good just now, how come it disappeared all at once!"

"Even the Immortal Divine Item is gone! Are the five adults dead? Is it!"

"What the hell is going on? Could it be related to that Meng Tianzheng!"

"Impossible! Those are our five Supremes, even if he really has some secret. Skill, it’s also impossible to make five adults disappear so quietly."


The foreign younger generation looked at the five Supremes that suddenly disappeared, first for a moment, then The expression was frozen, and his face was full of confusion and inconceivable colors.

At this moment, the foreign Supremes who were holding the Immortal Divine Item and killed the other Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Powerhouse respectively stopped their attacks.

Next, they looked at each other one by one, and finally their eyes fell on the white haired old man headed by them, with trepidation in his eyes, waiting for instructions from the other party.

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