Compared with Supreme Monarch Jin with a killing intent in his eyes, the Shi Clan people behind Chu Bei at this moment stared at the scenes in the sky in a daze, with tears hanging in the corners of their eyes. They cried and blushed.

Only because the bloody strugglers in the picture are their ancestors.

Gradually, the blood of Shi Clan people in the field began to resonate with the picture, surging turbulently, and the word rune appeared on their foreheads, which was more brilliant than ever. Rune intertwined, holy light !

"disciple, remember that if you are a teacher, your ancestors are not sinners, they are the real Guardian of this emperor! You are Guardian lineage! You are the rune between the eyebrows, it represents not only sin, On the contrary, it is glory! It records the achievements and brilliance of your ancestors!"

Chu Bei picked up Shi Hao, what he said was not only for Shi Hao, but also for Shi Clan people. Listen, it is also for everyone in Diguan, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

"It turns out that our ancestors did not sin, and we are not sinners! The blood flowing in our body is not dirty, it represents glory!"

"Our ancestors are still on the verge of death Fighting against the desert, they are not guilty!"

A group of Shi Clan people cried and laughed, and each of them seemed to be relieved, and the heavy burden on their bodies was relieved.

"What the hell is going on? Are Shi Clan people, fire clansman, and those who are between the eyebrows the guilty blood mark the offspring of sinners?"

"Who is it now?" Can you tell me what the truth is! It is obviously seven Guardians who have guarded the border, but why are their offspring now sinners!"

"What else is there? We don’t know!"

"Have we been wrong for tens of thousands of years? Those so-called sin-blooded people are actually the descendants of heroes. They represent glory!"


In the Imperial Pass, countless cultivators came back to his senses, looking at each other one by one, with perplexity in their eyes.

They are eager to know the truth, why the descendants of heroes become sinners inexplicably!

"They are the Savior of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they are the real Guardian! However, they have been fighting for many years, but in the end they have not been able to protect their offspring." Meng Tianzheng shook the head, There was shame in the humiliation.

“It turns out that the people in Sinzhou are not guilty, they are descendants of Guardian!”

There are a number of cultivators such as the gluttonous king, the devil king, and the gods, looked at each other in blank dismay, with surprise and surprise in his eyes.

If it weren't for this mysterious Boss Chu to project the scene of the battlefield of the past today, I am afraid they would have been instilling this concept.

"Master, the discipline is unknown, why would we become sinners later?" Shi Hao held his head high and his eyes rounded.

Chu Bei glanced at Shi Hao, then squeezed his cheek, raised his sleeves, and two pictures appeared in the sky again.

The first screen.

Jin Family Cave Mansion.

"The king of Shi Clan was defeated on the battlefield. Sir Father, now is the best time for us to replace them!"

"How to replace?"

" In this battle, only you survived. What is the truth of this matter? Wouldn’t you let you make it up? Moreover, although this Battle Emperor pass can be held, it still belongs to the defeated side. You can completely attribute the reason for the defeat. On the King of Shi Clan."

"I know how to do it."

In Cave Mansion, a woman stands respectfully by a middle-aged man Beside, make suggestions.

Look carefully, this woman is Supreme Monarch Jin.

2nd screen.

The middle-aged man stands on the city wall of the Imperial Pass, moved towards the millions and millions of creatures in the city, announcing the root cause of the defeat in that battle.

Everything originated from the rebellion of the king of Shi Clan and the king of the Huo Clan, and jointly attacked and killed three frontier kings!

"How could this happen!"

"Is this the truth?"

"It turns out that all secret masterminds are Jin Family people!"


"In order to become the first Imperial Family, they distorted the truth!"

"No wonder, no wonder the Jin Family will Shi Clan innate talent as a terrifying little fellow from the very beginning Strangled in the cradle! They are afraid that one day, the truth of the matter will be exposed!"

"This damn Jin Family actually deceived all the cultivators in the emperor! These peoples who are called sin blood are good. Poor."


After watching the two pictures, the hundreds of millions of cultivators in Imperial City were taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, they all accused Jin Family of what they did.

"It's you, it turns out that everything is you!"

The Shi Clan behind Chu Bei is mad, and the veins are exposed one by one. They want to kill and chopped up Supreme Monarch Jin. ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

"Hey, we only learned about this later. But the matter has passed, and the truth is no longer important." Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian looked at each other and exclaimed.

"hmph, if you didn't protect her, I would have killed her!" Meng Tianzheng coldly swept Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian, shouted furiously.

"The border famine situation is getting more and more tense, and there is Immortal in a foreign land. No matter how she put it, it is also a great battle strength. Now that the matter is irreversible, it is better to just let it go." Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian once again Open up.

"It sounds good. The real reason why you are sitting on the sidelines is that the decline and fall of Shi Clan is also very beneficial to the development of your two races!"

Chu Bei glanced at it. Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian let out a sneer with contempt.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, you are slanderous!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Zhao Haotian's face came down heavy, his fists were slightly clenched, behind the stars flowed and collided, incomparable The terrifying breath spreads.

Chu Bei didn't even look at Zhao Haotian, his gaze returned to Supreme Monarch Jin, his sleeves waved, his gaze condensed: "Do you have anything else you want to say?"


"Really ridiculous! All this is just an illusion of your evolution, trying to paralyze the people of the Imperial Pass that's all! The truth is the truth, no matter how you wash off the offspring of sin, they will always be sinners!" Supreme Monarch Jin quickly returned to normal, and said coldly snorted.

"At this time, I still dare to quibble!"

Chu Bei's complexion became stern, and chaos surging behind. At the same time, his whole body bloomed with dazzling white light, ripples under his feet, and the mysterious Sound of Great Dao sounded all around the sky, like leaves swaying, hua hua making a sound.

While stepping forward, Chu Bei rushed into the sky with a white light outside his body. The imposing manner continued to rise and became stronger and stronger.

"Break my Jin Family fairy formation, kill my third and eighth sons, you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Supreme Monarch Jin stared at Chu Bei shouted, her whole body Drumming, astral qi surging, Grand Dao Rule surrounding, pupils are cold.

"Boss Chu and Supreme Monarch Jin are about to go to war again!"

"One can easily kill the Jin Family three dragons, and one is one of the four Highest Paragons in the Imperial Pass. They The battle between them is so terrifying, I am afraid that even the alien creatures on the other side of the desert can perceive it!"


Seeing the above scene, countless cultivators were speechless.

"For my own sake, twist the truth and kill offspring of meritorious heroes! You are so damned!"

Chu Bei yelled, the young and handsome face was full of chill, With a monstrous murderous aura.

Outside his body, Sen white chaos ripples, and a stretch of brilliant rainbow traverses its behind, in which tens of millions of people faintly see the scene of worship.

He stood on the battlefield, his breath overwhelming the imperial gate, filled with Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"For millions of years, if it weren't for my Jin Family, the border would be broken!" Supreme Monarch Jin responded.

"Funny! You Jin Family is the one who kills the enemy on the front line? A group of useless ants!"

Chu Bei stared at Supreme Monarch Jin with cold eyes, once again He scolded, he was like an Immortal Spirit. Between the roars, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths resonated. The countless cultivators in the imperial gate turned pale, and their guts were about to split.

Fortunately, although Chu Bei was angry, he deliberately controlled it and did not hurt the emperor's cultivator. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

"You are deliberately discrediting my Jin Family!"

Supreme Monarch Jin frowns, and the fairy elephant above his head is amazing. Immortal Crane is flying, petals are falling, and there is The volley fairies are dancing, and the pure land is full of whirling.

hong long!

Chu Bei doesn’t say much, he just sticks out the right hand and presses it down. A huge chaotic palm print carries the dazzling divine light, covering the entire battlefield, the sky moved towards Photographed by Supreme Monarch Jin, wherever he went, an endless star burst into pieces.

A little coercion permeated from the battlefield, pouring down, a group of Gold Element cultivators shivered instantly, poking sound incessantly, one by one limp on the ground, shiver coldly.

Jin Da and Jin Er simultaneously release divine splendor, which will illuminate the Gold Element cultivator, but even so, they still have no effect. These Gold Element cultivators are still like falling into the ice cellar, like going to hell, trembling with fear.

"Do you treat me as if I don’t exist!"

In the battlefield, Supreme Monarch Jin glanced at the Jin Family cultivator below his eyes, coldly snorted, then printed his hands, took out an ancient piece treasure.

It was a purple mace, with immortal dao breath, moved towards Chu Bei in its wave and blasted away, trying to penetrate that chaotic palmprint.

Chu Bei deceives his body, and another surging divine force is poured into the Chaos palmprint.


The chaotic giant palm collided with the purple mace, and the sound shook the sky. Almost instantly, the purple mace was shaken off.

Looking at the iron lump phantom that suddenly appeared on the palm of the chaotic giant palm, Supreme Monarch Jin frowned tightly, and a little grave expression appeared on his face.

This purple mace is her tool for enlightenment, a strong Immortal, which contains a lot of immortal gold, which can be said to be a half-step immortal soldier, but it was shaken away so easily.

Above the Jin Family Cave Mansion, the three Highest Paragons of Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, and Zhao Haotian, looking at the floating iron bumps, there is also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"What is this?" Supreme Monarch Jin pointed to the iron knot in front of the chaotic giant palm, frowns said solemnly.

Chu Bei did not answer Supreme Monarch Jin’s question, and urged the chaotic giant palm to continue its suppression. The iron lump released the terror tearing force at the same time, covering the sky, and appeared in Supreme Monarch Jin’s Nearer.

Supreme Monarch Jin lightly slammed, directly holding the purple mace with both hands, the behind unusual form appeared and greeted him.

However, her pupils shrank suddenly in the next moment.

I saw another layer of blue-green rays of light outside the iron bumps in front of the chaotic giant palm.

This is a mysterious power breath that she has never touched before. In the rays of light, we can see an unusual form worshipped by thousands of people, and finally condensed into a terrifying swastika.


This Supreme character is very overbearing, no stronghold one cannot overcome, and immediately cut off the purple mace with a lot of gold.

"How could this be...impossible!"

Looking at the broken purple mace, Supreme Monarch Jin's expression startedled, there was a brief moment of loss of consciousness.

"What kind of power is this! It can actually smash the enlightened soldier of the mother!"

"He is really strong enough to compete with the mother! Is it!"

"No, depending on the situation right now, he even gained the upper hand!"

Looking at the broken purple mace in the battlefield, Jin Da and Jin Er were taken aback. After regaining consciousness from the trance, they looked at each other in blank dismay, with incredible colors in their eyes.

next moment, the two appeared on the battlefield at the same time, each on the side of Supreme Monarch Jin.


Jin Da scolded, the two channels of Yin and Yang in his abdomen turned, and the sea of ​​rounds emerged, forming a picture of life and death of Yin and Yang, which was sharply enlarged to envelop it, four Zhou Xingchen Ups and downs.

At the same time, the golden two and five internal organs glowed, and the sound of chanting echoed, like the Buddhas and demons of the heavens singing at the same time, blessing his invincible body. His limbs seem to penetrate the universe, can press the four poles of Heaven and Earth, and possess Supreme power.

After the two looked at each other, they held enlightened weapons from different directions and killed Chu Bei.

"Are you in such a hurry to die?"

"Give me back!"

Chu Bei's bantering voice and Supreme Monarch Jin's anxious scolding Almost simultaneously echoed in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Supreme Monarch Jin complexion greatly changed, but before she could stop Jin Da and Jin Er, Chu Bei was already close to them.

Chu Bei shook his fist. Although simple and straightforward, it contained the power of Xiao Hei, mixed with various methods and magical principles.

At the moment he punched, the stars behind him appeared. Between his fists, Star River shrouded, as if Sun, Moon and Stars were rolling along with him.

The scene is terrifying!

hong long!

Chu Bei took the lead to punch towards Jin Er.

In an instant, the chanting shrouded on Jin Er's body, like the chanting of the heavens, Buddhas and demons, disappeared. The luminous five internal organs were distorted and dim, and exploded in the ten thousand zhang ripples with a boom, destroying both body and soul.

Seeing this, Jin Da eyes suddenly shrank, and fear emerged in his eyes. He tried to retract the attack and retreat, but Chu Bei’s palm seemed to have an irresistible suction force, and he could only continue forward .

hong long!

Another loud noise, Chu Bei's second punch hit Jinda's abdomen accurately and accurately.

The opponent's life and death picture intertwined with Yin-Yang Energy suddenly turned into a rain of light and dissipated. The stars surrounding it all around exploded at the same time, and the howling wind swept Nine Heavens.

Like Jin Er, Jin Da’s Primordial Spirit didn’t have time to escape. Before the screams were made, he was buried under Chu Bei’s fist, body dies and Dao disappears.

From Jin Da Jin Er's shot to being punched by Chu Bei, everything happened in a flash.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! At the position where Jin Da and Jin Er dissipated, she suddenly seemed to be mad, and roared up to the sky, her roar was full of killing intents.

With hatred, Supreme Monarch Jin made dozens of terrifying attacks one after another, but they were all easily resolved by Chu Bei.

"Why? You a guy who has lived for a million years will still have the pain of losing a child?"

Chu Bei held his hands behind, and looked at Supreme Monarch Jin coldly , The voice became low: "Then you decreed to send Shi Clan's underage children to the desert. Have you ever thought about the feelings of their parents?"

The cold and indifferent voice floated from the battlefield, It sounded in everyone's mind in the Imperial Pass.

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