The cultivator standing far away in the sky watching the battle, no one knows where the battlefield played by the third dragon of the Jin Family is located, all of them just hold their heads up in astonishment.

I saw the Jin Family three dragons hanging in the void on the battlefield, looking at the Power of Primal Chaos emerging from the palm of Chu Bei, a little surprise flashed across his eyebrows.

When they came back to his senses, Jin Family's third son attacked again.

Its celestial splendor, misty, trembling in the void, launched a strong blow.

He takes himself as the way, turns into thousands of rules intertwined, and culminates to Chu Bei.

"Look, Tianyu is broken!"

"It is worthy of being one of the three dragons of the Jin Family. It has shocked the border for an era. It is born again, and it is more brilliant!"

"Sanshizu mighty, kill this criminal!"


Countless cultivators who watched the battle exclaimed, especially Jin Family cultivator, clenched fists, Excited.

In the battlefield, there are stars falling, which are led by the Great Divine Ability of the Jin Family Three Dragons.

In a few moments, a hand came out from the thousands of laws, wrapped all around all the big stars, refining became a sphere, entrained its own power of Grand Dao, and shot Chu Bei.

Chu Bei's expression remains the same, he does not evade, his sleeves are rolled up, and the compressed sphere bursts into pieces, and all the terrifying energy rays of light are swept away by his sleeves.

After that, his silhouette moved.

While stepping forward, he fixed the universe, and instantly appeared in the thousands of rules played by Jin Family's third son.

A clear sound came out of the palm.


Thousands of laws spread out and become the third dragon of Jin Family again.

At this moment, Jin Family Sanlong opened the distance from Chu Bei, and his eyes were burning with rage, about to erupt.

Looking at him, there was a clear slap mark on his right cheek.

His cultivation base Heavenspan, even if the fleshy body is completely broken, it can still be reorganized, but he can't use the divine force to eliminate this slap print because there is an unknown terrifying weird force to resist his divine force.

" that sound like applause just now!"

Looking at the clear palm prints on Jin Family Sanlong’s face, countless expressions of the cultivator watching the battle startled, and there was an absolute moment in the field. silence.

Jin Family Dalong and Erlong were also startled. Unexpectedly, in the first battle of Supreme, the three dragons who took the lead in the first battle actually collapsed.


"I want you to die!"

In the battlefield, the youngest Jin Family glared at Chu Bei and stroked his cheek with his left hand. The killing intent in his eyes was condensed into substance, and his head was full of silver hair standing upright.

However, before he could make another move, a silhouette came to him lightly.

Weird chaotic ripples spread around Chu Bei itself, in which countless unusual form evolutions are vaguely visible.

"This breath..."

In an instant, Jin Family's youngest third complexion greatly changed, and anger was replaced by fear.

He suddenly discovered that in this ripple, the divine force in his body was completely suppressed.

Even, he couldn't even get out of the battlefield.

In the line of sight, an iron lump appears out of thin air, which is getting closer and closer, carrying the Supreme Chaos Law to suppress it.


Power of Primal Chaos swept the Jin Family's third child. In an instant, the latter's expression was distorted, and thousands of laws in his body tried to resist.

But all is just in vain.

There was another roar, Jin Family's three Dragon Body burst into pieces, and the flesh and blood were swallowed and melted by all around ripples before they could regroup.


Jin Family Three Dragons screamed, Primordial Spirit immediately wanted to escape, but before they escaped far, they were held in the palm of a giant chaotic hand.

"Stop it!"

At the same time, Jin Family Dalong and Erlong appeared on the battlefield, and looked towards Chu Bei with anxious roars filled with majestic roars. There was a little more solemn look in his eyes.

"Why is there such a big gap between Supremes!"

Countless cultivators watched the scene in the battlefield, and each one was shocked and looked pale.

In their view, Chu Bei is also Supreme, and the same realm even raised his hand to suppress the third ancestor of Jin Family!

Not only crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood crushed the opponent's fleshy body, but also imprisoned the opponent's Primordial Spirit.

Jin Family's youngest man's power has shocked the emperor for several eras and cannot be shaken.

But now, stepping into the first battle of Supreme, it was unbelievable that he was defeated by this unknown Boss Chu.

"Little fellow, are you scared now?"

Looking at the struggling Primordial Spirit of Jin Family's third child in his palm, Chu Bei smiled.

Supreme, the great realm, covers a wide range of strengths. The weaker is equivalent to Shrouding The Heavens, but Powerhouse can compete with the Great Emperor.

Supreme, can be divided into one to nine turns.

Don't say that the Jin Family Three Dragons are only one-turn Supreme, even if it is the nine-turn Supreme, he can die with just one finger.

Its ten Level 8 black power has been equivalent to Supreme Realm of True Immortal!

"Let go of the third child!"

Looking at Sanlong's painful expression, Jin Family Dalong and Erlong scolded them, and the stars were all around them, which was extremely terrifying.

"All come back, you are not his opponents."

At this moment, a misty voice came from the depths of the Jin Family core area, and the sound wave rushed into Nine Heavens and turned into a great road. The flowers bloom.

In an instant, all the cultivators trembled inexplicably and were affected by the terrifying sound waves.

"Mother Master is here!"

Hearing the sound, Jin Family Dalong and Erlong looked at each other, and then exited the battlefield, moved towards the direction where the sound came from, deep and deep Bowed.

"Is that the Supreme Monarch Jin!"

Countless cultivators followed the sound looking towards the core area, where a hazy phantom emerged, and one of the women was faintly visible up and down.

Supreme Monarch Jin, one of the Supreme giants in the Imperial Pass, a taboo figure who can really push Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Although she is a female stream, she was born since then When you set foot on the cultivation path, you will shine brightly along the way. Compared with her, the death of many contemporary talents is like the firefly and Haoyue contending for glory, and the difference is too far.

According to the legend, she may be an immortal fetus, but the immortal creature of Jin Family sealed by Heavenspan.

As the longevity Aristocratic Family, the Jin Family was at its peak. Although weaker than the Shi Family, it followed closely from behind.

There are also rumors that this Supreme Monarch Jin is actually the pro-daughter of True Immortal, who had received True Immortal inheritance and was empowered by Immortal Qi, cleansing the marrow and cleansing the veins.

If it weren't for the impact of the great changes in the Heaven and Earth environment, she might have become a fairy!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The void trembles, and in the depths of the core area, Supreme Monarch Jin walks, and the fairy elephant above his head is amazing. There are Immortal Crane flying, there are avenues with petals falling, and there are volley fairies dancing, and the pure land is full of whirling.

"Fellow Daoist, you don’t really put my Jin Family in your eyes." Supreme Monarch Jin appeared on the battlefield and looked at Chu Bei calmly, with a sharp chill in his words. .

She bulges all over, astral qi is surging, Grand Dao Rule surrounds, and her pupils are cold.

"Is this Supreme Monarch Jin!"

Seeing the appearance of Supreme Monarch Jin, countless cultivators were dumbfounded, and some couldn't believe it.

Supreme Monarch Jin, an existence that has lived for tens of thousands of years, overlooking Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But what I saw in front of me was a graceful young girl, her youthful breath was compelling!

"Did she live a lifetime again!"

Countless cultivator faces Looking at Supreme Monarch Jin in shock, especially the later Wang Family Old Ancestor and Heavenly God Academy Elder, his face is full of incredible color.

They can see that Supreme Monarch Jin's appearance is not the result of forced divine ability changes, but a girl with a true blood energy.

Whether it is her skeleton or flesh and blood, it shows that this is an eighteen-year-old girl, not an old monster.

There is only one possibility that can cause this state, and that is that the other party has lived a new life!

Since the great change of Heaven and Earth, the undying of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is lack of material, and it is difficult to become a fairy. For this reason, even if you have great divine ability, you are doomed to perish.

Even Supreme can live more than a million years, but the essence of life has an end after all.

Endless years passed, this Supreme Monarch Jin was supposed to be senile, Fire of Life is getting weaker, but now it feels like she has just started and has just risen!

Live another life, this is a powerful performance of Supreme Monarch Jin.

"Fellow Daoist, I have appeared, don't you let Little San go?" Supreme Monarch Jin half-squinted his eyes, his voice getting colder.

"I came here today to hear about the offspring of sin and blood in your mouth."

Chu Bei looked at Supreme Monarch Jin jokingly, and then moved his fingertips next to him. The giant chaotic hand suddenly clenched.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmajijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji It exploded and turned into nothingness.

"You dare!"

As soon as he noticed Chu Bei’s immediate action, Supreme Monarch Jin made a move, and the unusual form presented above his head condensed into a scarlet beam carrying World Destroying Might moved towards Chu Bei.

However, before the scarlet beam touched Chu Bei, it was chopped into light rain by a chaotic battle axe that appeared out of thin air.

In the end, Supreme Monarch Jin still failed to save the Jin Family Sanlong from Chu Bei's hands.

"My God! This Boss Chu actually killed the third ancestor of Jin Family in front of Supreme Monarch Jin!"

"Too overbearing, don't you give me any face! "

"Jin Family Supreme, who once frightened an era, died like this!"

"By the way, what is the blood feud between Boss Chu and Jin Family!"


Countless onlookers on the cultivator were frightened and looked at Chu Bei's back in a daze.

"Give my Third Brother my life back!"

Seeing the Jin Family's youngest third being killed, Jin Da and Jin Er suddenly appeared on the battlefield like crazy In the middle, the whole body is surging in an imposing manner, his eyes are fixed on Chu Bei's body, killing intent sweeps Nine Heavens.

"Bring me back!"

Just as the two of Jin Dajin 2 attacked Chu Bei from different directions, Supreme Monarch Jin's robes waved and shouted.

Suddenly, the two of them stabilized their silhouettes. After looking at Supreme Monarch Jin, they retreated to the latter's behind unwillingly, staring at Chu Bei like a poisonous snake.

"Mother Master, Third Brother, he can't die in vain!" Jin Da Jin Er took a deep breath, behind countless stars circulating, releasing a might of Heaven.

"Shut up!"

Supreme Monarch Jin looked back and glanced coldly at Jin Da Jin Er, and after yelling again, his eyes returned to Chu Bei's body, frowning: " Fellow Daoist, in order to trifling some sin blood ants, are you going to Jin Family undying with me!"

Supreme Monarch Jin's voice is not loud, but it echoes in everyone’s ears, it’s cold The inexplicable voice made a chill in my heart.

Hearing the words of Supreme Monarch Jin, the eyes of Shi Clan's people are full of unwillingness.

Millions of years ago, they were the most powerful Imperial Family in the Imperial Pass; now, they have become the blood ants in his population.

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