hong long!

Chu Bei blankly glanced at the ancient great spell, and then gathered his fists, the fist face appeared in an unusual form, and the chaotic ripples turned into Thousands of Ancient Divine Beast, surging out.

next moment, a screaming blast brings a continuous and crisp ka-cha sound.

An ancient great spell burst into pieces!

"Don't be cultivated, hurry, go to Jin Family Cave Mansion! There is a major event!"

"Jin Family? Could it be related to the ethereal voice just now!"

"Yes, that person has already killed Jin Family Cave Mansion with a wave of men and horses! Moreover, he killed the guardian beast of Jin Family and broke the guardian formation!"

"What? That's the great spell laid by True Immortal! It was broken by someone!"


In the Imperial Pass, more and more Powerhouses flock to Jin Family Cave Mansion, wait and see from afar, and there are many other Imperial Family cultivators.

The cultivator's eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, discussing spiritedly, guessing the origin of his identity.

Break through the great spell of Jin Family, Chu Bei continues to move forward, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood all the way, shining in pieces of symbols under his feet, mysterious and incomparably complex.

Where it passes, ten thousand zhang void crack erupts, and the invisible terrifying force directly strikes the sky, breaks open the sky, and shakes the clouds, just like the end of the world.

Behind Chu Bei, the continuous mountain range below collapsed, and the underground lava turned into thousands of zhang high red waves rushing to the sky, dyed a red!

At this moment, all kinds of beasts roar in the mountains, and the beasts roar!

"What is the hatred between that person and Jin Family!"

More and more cultivator's horrified eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body, with confusion.

"Hey, there is really no reconciliation at this time." Looking at the all around the ruined mountain range, the Demon King sighed again and again.

A group of Shi Clan people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say for a while, they could only silently follow Chu Bei behind.

"What a courage!"

"Bad my Jin Family immortal formation, and violate my Jin Family majesty. For tens of thousands of years, you are still Number One Person!"

Suddenly, loudly shouted from a distance with a strong killing intent.

Followingly, surging golden light swept from Jin Family core area, accompanied by violent wind, terrifying whistling sound of mountains shaking, boulder splashing, and the scene was terrifying.

The first Divine Bird that appeared in the sight of everyone was a huge, golden-yellow body, extraordinary and extraordinary, with wings spread out, with ten thousand zhang, covering the sky, and amazingly bright.

This is a terrifying bird of prey, the cold light from its eyes is breathtaking!

"That's the Golden Wings Great Peng of Jin Family!"

"And the eighth generation ancestor of Jin Family!"

"My God, he is Did he go out in person? As far as I know, he is a half-step Supreme!"

Seeing the bird of prey, watching the cultivator from a distance exclaimed; I will see the gray standing on the back of Golden Wings Great Peng again. When the old man was dressed, his expressions became more stiff and speechless.

"No matter who you are, this king, trespassing into Jin Family Cave Mansion is a felony! It is you who do it yourself, or this king will kill you on the spot!" The gray-clothed old man stared at Chu Bei and said aloud coldly shouted.

"Let Jin Yan come over, I have something to question her."

Chu Bei glanced at the old man indifferently, without the slightest fluctuation in emotion on his face.

"Bold! Mother's name is what you can call it at will!" Hearing the name Chu Bei uttered, the grey-clothed old man was suddenly surging with killing intent.


Without waiting for the old man to do anything, the Golden Wings Great Peng at his feet first made a neigh, and then moved towards Chu Bei dived away.

The Dapeng is so fast that it has turned into a dazzling golden light in the eyes of everyone. When it is less than a hundred zhang distance from Chu Bei, the giant claw comes out.

"In the past, this seat pointed your ancestor Kunpeng to enlighten the Dao, but you never thought that its descendants would be reduced to being a mount for others. It is sad!"

Facing Golden Wings Great Peng is a claw of destruction, Chu Bei is extremely calm, not evasive, but peacefully sticking out the right hand, facing the ten thousand zhang long Golden Wings Great Peng.

"How dare you take my ancestors to open you, you are courting death!"

I heard what Chu Bei said, Golden Wings Great Peng roared, divine splendor filled the sky, the void position was distorted, Under a claw, divine might be peerless, shaking mountains and rivers, and the emptiness crumbled into pieces.

This kind of scene is extremely shocking, it is almost annihilating the world!

Just when the incomparable sharp claw of Golden Wings Great Peng terrifying was about to penetrate Chu Bei's body, a strange scene happened.

In the palm of Chu Bei, a huge network of chaos gushes out, and in an instant it envelopes the ten thousand zhang-long Dapeng bird.

After that, the giant net of chaotic ripples shrank, and along with it, there was also the ten thousand zhang-long Dapeng bird.

Eight thousand zhang, five thousand zhang, three thousand zhang...

The golden light on the surface of the Dapeng bird is dazzling, and its body still rushes towards Chu Bei again, but its expression is It is the more painful distortion, the more miserable the neighing in the mouth.

When it was half a meter away from Chu Bei, it had shrunk to palm-size, and finally fell into the palm of Chu Bei uncontrollably.

The Dapeng bird wailed, it wanted to escape, but its whole body was imprisoned by that layer of chaotic ripples, letting it slap and struggle, its wings froze, does not raise.

"Master, is it the pet you gave to the disciple?"

Shi Hao took the palm-size Dapeng bird thrown by Chu Bei, and rubbed it in his palm with a small face on his face. With excitement.


Golden Winged Great Peng keeps throwing, although he is irritable, but now I also know that this guy in front of me is definitely a Supreme character, and he can't provoke him at all .

At the moment, there was a neighing sound, and the old man moved towards the distance sent a distress signal.

The spectators in the distance stared blankly at the palm-size Dapeng bird. After they came back to his senses, they all sucked in a breath of cold air, judging from the breath that the opponent had previously released , It has definitely entered the Evading Oneness Realm!

Even looking at the entire Imperial Pass, Evading Oneness Realm is also a Peak Expert, and even the most Powerhouse in some tribes has not yet entered the Evading Oneness Realm.

If Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are placed outside, this is a Supreme overlord!

But it is such an existence, but at the moment it is played by a four or five-year-old child in the palm of his hand.

And the instigator of all this is the person of mysterious origin!

"Who are you, after all!" Seeing that the Dapeng bird was surrendered, the old man in grey clothes browses frowned Jin Family.

"You are not qualified to know." Chu Bei's voice was calm.

The voice fell, Chu Bei shot again, pointing out with a finger moved towards the old man.

"Offensive to Jin Family, die!"

The old man in gray did not say much any more, and pointed directly at Chu Bei and swung it towards Chu Bei.

The dazzling blade glow cuts through the sky, which is extremely sharp and unpredictable.

This is Paragon Blade Chi!

He is already standing at the Peak, with half of his foot in the Supreme position, and the distance becomes True Paragon, only a line apart!


It is a knife that condenses his 9-Layer divine force. When it hits the opponent’s rays of light, it crashed like thin ice and collapsed completely. open.

On the other hand, when the opponent pointed to rays of light, the momentum remained unabated, even rapidly zooming in and shooting.


Feeling the fierce momentum of assaults the senses, the old man in gray has a chill in his heart, shocked and regretful, dare not hesitate, Hastily urged ten percent of the divine force to form a hundred zhang-wide blue shield in front of him.

He originally thought that the other party was the same as him, also half-step Supreme, so he did not test, and the divine force was 90% when he shot.

But when the two attacks collided, he knew he was wrong, or he was wrong!


There was another earth-shattering roar.

The gap in the sky dome has cracked bigger, and the continuous mountain range broke into two halves. The bottomless gully extends far to the Jin Family core area.

The rays of light shot by Chu Bei hit the blue jade shield stele of the Jin Family gray-clothed old man like a pillar from the sky.

In an instant, the shield tablet shattered into tens of thousands of splashes, and a finger of rays of light fiercely strikes on the old man's body.


Jin Family old man coughed up blood, his chest was pierced, Golden's blood could not stop flowing, and the wound could not heal.


He underestimated the enemy, and the person in front of him is far from his opponent. The opponent has definitely aspired to the Supreme position!

"Don't say that you are not Supreme yet, that is, you have entered this field. This is no more than killing you!" Chu Bei looked at the old Jin Family contemptuously.

"In just one face, the eighth ancestor of Jin Family, known as the benefit of the Supreme Number One Person in Emperor Guan, was defeated and was seriously injured and dying!"

"This person must be the Supreme Number One Person! Now!"

"a side Supreme, but why have I never heard of him before!"

"Did he sleep for a million years? It was the battle of Xiangu The surviving supreme existence!"


The old man in gray clothing was defeated, and the cultivator onlookers from a distance was instantly dumbfounded, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Who the hell are you! What's the grudge against my Jin Family!"

The gray-clothed old man held his silhouette and looked at Chu Bei. A Supreme hits the door, which has never happened before.

"This seat is here for the people of sin and blood, and seek justice for them!"

The vigorous voice of Chu Bei echoed throughout the imposing manner of the imposing manner. , Sweeping Nine Heavens.

Finally, Chu Bei gave a finger pointed, but this finger has increased his strength.

"No, no, don't!"

Suddenly, the old man Jin Family was imprisoned and noticed the finger's prestige, his eyes were full of panic, and he shouted involuntarily.

The power is irreversible!

With one finger, removing his head, the old Jin Family broke his whole body and turned into blood mist.


Chu Bei flicked his sleeves, and the remaining head fell from the sky like a meteorite, and moved towards Jin Family core area.

In the low and explosive sound, in the core area, a huge temple exploded directly with the explosion of the old man's head, turning into countless silver metal fragments, and rushing towards all directions.

As a result, Jin Family core area caused huge waves.

Not only the collateral children of Jin Family, but also the direct descendants are all shocked. Numerous silhouettes fly into the sky, killing intents.

This impact is too far-reaching!

The broken great hall is the main hall of Jin Family, but it was exploded just now, and it was detonated by the head of an Old Ancestor of his Jin Family!

"The eighth generation ancestor of Jin Family is dead!"

"Emperor Guanbeneath the Supreme Number One Person was killed like this!"

"Change the sky Now! This is about to break out of the Supreme battle!"

"Kill Jin Family Old Ancestor, but you have to undying endless situation!"


Witnessing the whole scene of watching the cultivator from a distance, one by one was dumbfounded, as if being chopped by the Nine Heavens thunder, and the whole body was numb.

Infinite years ago, this kind of thing has never happened since the death of immortal ancient times and the beginning of this era.

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