weng weng weng!

Just as the five great big shots stared at Chu Bei unwillingly, all the ancient altars in the Eight Regions trembled at the same time, and then shot from above. A huge picture came out.

In the screen, that is a continuous mountain range, but strangely, the central area of ​​the mountain range is not a peak, but a huge five-fingerprint sunken in one side.

"Then...there is Ageless Mountain in the Profound Domain!"

"God, how did Ageless Mountain become a ruin!"

Some Venerable recognize After seeing the location of the projection area in the picture, everyone was shocked, as if they couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

hong long long ——!

The picture trembles and shakes, and there is a loud rumbling sound.

On the far away sky above the Five Fingerprints, a huge portal appeared. Inside the portal appeared a huge dazzling halo. The Golden-Red Clouds were flaming, and Shrouding The Heavens blocked the sun, as if to be squeezed. Overwhelming the boundless Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, all cultivators in the profound domain felt the vast breath that permeated the portal.

This terrifying breath is like an unimaginable terrifying existence about to appear in the world.

"Did the ancestor come in his true body this time? Sure enough, he still came."

In the Martial King's mansion, Qin Yining looked up at the sky with fear on his face.

"Hasn't he already lost to his benefactor once? With the benefactor, he can't get over the waves." Shi Ziling hugged Qin Yining.

"No, this time is different. My family has battle clothes, which is rumored to be a Supreme Item that has completely recovered. Last time the ancestor suffered a loss, this time he must have brought battle clothes to the lower bound." Qin Yining Whispered.

"Is there another giant lower bound?"

"Look at this portal, the imposing manner seems to be much better than the previous giants!"

In the shocking eyes of countless cultivators, countless runes flashed in the huge portal above Ageless Mountain in the Profound Domain, shining with the light of the avenue, and if the Star River was born or died, it would be like a roaring dew.

The terrifying fluctuations are entwined with the unparalleled breath, and the void is like a tattered picture, shaking in the abnormal haze, crash-bang.

Looking at it, those laws are obscure and mysterious, flowing with gorgeous divine glow, which is very scary.

"Not old Heavenly Venerate!"

The upper realm giant who was looking for opportunities in the profound realm recognized the daoist sect household, and the words were surprised.


Finally, the portal is completely formed. A black tiger with two wings stretched across the sky. Its pair of fleshy wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, with breathtaking black rays of light.

The wings shook, Lei Yun was densely covered, and the sky burst into pieces!

This is an extremely terrifying sight. Only the black tiger wings flashed, and the void was hit like a porcelain, cracked quickly, and spread far away.

"Ancient Ominous Beast, the black wing tiger! It was willing to be someone else's mount!"

Seeing clearly the twin-winged giant tiger releasing black glow all over, the Venerable expressions are in a trance.

"Where are you!"

Just when the eyes of all the cultivators of the Eight Clan were focused on the black wing tiger, an illusory sound that was difficult to capture but like a billowing thunder The profound realm is the center, floating to the entire eight realms.

As the misty sound falls, the light of the talisman in the sky is poured into the earth, accompanied by the incomprehensible chanting sound.

next moment, a huge silhouette appeared above the black wing tiger, standing on the tiger's back, shrouded with a bright silver halo, like a god patrolling the Three Realms.

"My God! The imposing manner of this upper realm giant is far superior to those of other giants!"

"Are they both giants, the power gap between them is also worlds different. Is it?"

"Who is he looking for!"


The eight-domain cultivator stared at the scene in the sky far away. The silhouette on the tiger's back, while shocked and astonished, was a little confused.

"Heavenly Venerate is not old, how could he come!"

"If I remember correctly, he has no lower realms for nearly eight thousand years."

"When did his mount change from Heavenly Luan to Black Wing Tiger? Did the Heavenly Luan betrayed? Haha!"

"You didn’t find that the Taoism of his Lower Realm became ruins Is it? As far as I know, his incarnation was in the lower realm once half a month ago, but he was destroyed in the Profound Domain."

"What? There is such a thing! No wonder he was carrying a monstrous Out of anger! Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying existence hidden in Profound Domain!"

"Sure enough, the eight domains of the Lower Realm are not as simple as we thought!


The giants of the upper realm scattered in every corner of the eight domains, one by one, focus on the body of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, which is also filled with terrifying breath.

"Who dares to provoke this old fellow , Also destroyed the orthodoxy of his lower realm. "

At the top of the medicine, the five Overlord level giants glanced at the ageless Heavenly Venerate, with a strange color in their eyes.

Although they are both Evading Oneness Realm, the latter is The real veteran overlord, especially the other party, has a Supreme battle clothes that has completely recovered.

Two thousand years ago, the young Heavenly Venerate used this battle clothes to kill a giant who is also an Overlord level. .

It was exactly that battle. The giants of the upper realm knew the existence of this battle clothes, and established the immortal Heavenly Venerate's unshakable position in the upper realm.

This is also the case. why not Lao Shan has the orthodoxy in the lower realm, but he has not perished in the catastrophe.

"One more battle! "

Not old Heavenly Venerate shouted again, he seems to have found that person, and two gloomy lights in his eyes shoot towards the wasteland.

"Did it destroy the Ageless Mountain Taoism in the profound land? That person is this wasteland Boss Chu! "

"In other words, half a month ago, he killed the clone of the immortal Heavenly Venerate! "

Looking at the immortal Heavenly Venerate that appeared from the Profound Realm in the Wasteland during its steps, the tycoons of the upper realms in the Eight Realms were taken aback for a moment, and after they reacted, they all showed a look of shock.

"So they are the same person! "

"Fortunately, there is only one existence beyond our control in this lower realm at present!" "

"Yes, otherwise the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm would be too terrifying. "

The five great big shots, such as the Chaos Daoist and the Black Golden Sparrow, were also shocked by the sudden arrival of the immortal Heavenly Venerate.

At this moment, the medicine is all over the sky, and the immortal Heavenly Venerate is stepping on the black wing tiger. He didn’t pay attention to the five great big shots such as the Chaos Daoist, Senhan’s gaze was cast on Chu Bei’s body, without saying a word, but the imposing manner became more and more condensed.

"I changed one so soon. Mounted? "Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, looking jokingly at the immortal Heavenly Venerate.

"Coming to fight! "

Hearing Chu Bei's sarcasm, he is not old Heavenly Venerate coldly snorted, and his face becomes heavier and harder to see the extreme.

"This time you must be dependent on it. "

Chu Bei looked at the immortal Heavenly Venerate, his smiley expression didn't seem to regard the opponent as an opponent at all.

"After the battle, you know it! "

Not old Heavenly Venerate coldly snorted, the stature turned, ripped open the sky, and appeared on the Foreign Domain battlefield with a black wing tiger.

There is an ancient grand arena in the battlefield. , The arena all around, the wind is whistling, and the stars are visible.

When the immortal Heavenly Venerate descends on the arena, a shocking and terrifying imposing manner completely erupts, extremely compelling.

When they reach this realm and the cultivation base is introverted, their body and mind are as peaceful as a lake of spirit, floating and born; but once it erupts, it is like the Sword Slashing Void, which is terrifying.

" He has become more and more terrifying, even without battle clothes blessing, it is not comparable to ours. "Looking at that silhouette on the Foreign Domain ring, the chaotic daoist let out a sigh.

At the moment, the immortal Heavenly Venerate's body is covered with red air, and the flesh and blood contains the essence of rolling, like a dormant True Dragon. !

"Why didn't you let your mount come and test this seat first? Are you afraid that it will follow that bird's footsteps? "The voice with a smile fell, Chu Bei also fell on the Foreign Domain ring.

"Death! "

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the killing intent of the immortal Heavenly Venerate broke out completely at this moment.

His eyes flew out, and his pupils flew out of two silver white light beams, which turned into Two silver phoenixes, with a monstrous white flame, moved towards Chu Bei and culled away.

When they saw this, the giants who watched the game were shocked. Obviously, they didn’t expect the immortal Heavenly Venerate to come up directly. Use such terrifying means.

The war broke out in an instant!

The cultivator of the eight regions of the lower realm even looked at the image projected in the sky with a sluggish expression, focusing on the immortal Heavenly Venerate. On the body, the mouth is wide open. The other party only condenses his eyes to create this terrifying sight. The silver Ancient Phoenix in the pupils of the eyes is really amazing.

"Heavenly Phoenix's power has been completed. mastery! "Ancient double-pupil female's mood fluctuates.

"This strength is far from enough. "

Chu Bei pointed forward and hit forward, and the entire Foreign Domain battlefield was suddenly struck by thunder. Everyone in the Eight Domains shook their ears and their bodies shook violently.

Afterwards, I saw The two Golden Divine Chains are so dazzling, if lightning strikes the eyes of the immortal Heavenly Venerate.

Where the Divine Chain passes, the leaves transformed by the ripples in the void are flying like a heavy rain. And with a violent light, annihilate the monstrous flame.

I am not old, Heavenly Venerate frowned, his eyes turn, and dense lines appear, and the light turns into a snow-white Heavenly Phoenix, and both wings tremble, facing towards The two Golden Divine Chains from Chu Bei.

After resisting the Golden Divine Chain, the young Heavenly Venerate coldly shouted and turned into a Heavenly Phoenix directly.

With a sound Neigh, and then I saw its wings spread out, carrying a dazzling white light, a dazzling silver flame, and swooping towards Chu Bei.

This is the Heavenly Phoenix treasure art. It has a prestigious name in the upper realm and is immortal Heavenly. Venerate cultivated to complete mastery, divine force is the world!

At the moment when the immortal Heavenly Venerate launches an attack, the void seems to be imprisoned, time is still, everything becomes dead.

Above, the five great big shots plus the ancient double pupil girl also held her breath, her eyes flashed, locked on the Foreign Domain battlefield.

The Daoist practitioners of the eight domains are even more nervous, and their eyes are not awkward. Staring at the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering blow in the screen in the blink of an eye!

The famous Heavenly Phoenix treasure art of Xiangu, blooming brilliantly in the hands of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, full A strength attack, shaking the Sun and Moon Star River!

"This treasure technique itself is good, but it is still a bit worse when you use it in your hands. "

Different from the consternation of the giants in the upper realm, Chu Bei's expression is still as calm as before, and there is no change from start to finish.

Only when the Heavenly Phoenix arrives. All around the chaos surging, and then evolved into a Five Clawed Divine Dragon, to fight up. Golden scales with the azure body, circulating Myriad Things Origin Energy, driving the big dao divine force.


Above the Foreign Domain ring, Heavenly Phoenix and Divine Dragon are intertwined and collided. If the tsunami hits the shore, it looks like rocks and clouds, surging divine force, can be seen everywhere holy light, sweeping everything, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Under the terrifying collision of the gray Foreign Domain starry sky, a white glow, the eyes of the eight-domain spectator cultivator sting, and you can’t open your eyes. Those with weaker powers even flow out unknowingly. Tears.

Phoenix Cry moves Nine Heavens!

Divine Dragon goes up to 90,000 miles!

Two fierce birds fight, and a terrifying unusual form emerges, as if to come again In the age of immortals.

There are wild beasts, Divine Bird Shrouding The Heavens, they tear the universe apart and crush one big star after another.

hong long! !

There was another blast, and the white glow dissipated.

This time, Heavenly Phoenix flew out, and then reverted back to the look of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, with violent chest fluctuations and mouth spurt. The blood rushed out, his face pale.

After he stabilized his stature, he hovered in a cracked in the sky, fiercely stared at Chu Bei, killing intent Ling Xu.

As for the Divine Dragon that Chu Bei evolved with the power of Xiao Hei, a proud dragon roar, from F Oreign Domain echoed in the eight domains, and then turned into ripples and dissipated.

"Not old Heavenly Venerate cultivated the Heavenly Phoenix treasure technique to complete mastery, but he still failed!"

"Supreme! He is it possible that he has already stepped into this realm!"

"Fortunately, he just resisted not doing anything when he got the first spirit root, otherwise I'm afraid he would really stay in this lower realm forever."

"Since ancient times, Supreme I have always had a prestigious name, why I have never heard of this Boss Chu!"


In the terrifying duel, the immortal Heavenly Venerate was defeated, and the giants suddenly showed their fullness. Unbelievable color on the face. Looking towards Chu Bei again, there was a little more fear and fear.

This Boss Chu is Supreme!

Only the Supreme of Sovereign Heaven and Earth can defeat the immortal Heavenly Venerate who has the Heavenly Phoenix cultivation complete mastery!

"Do you still want to rely on your own strength now?"

Chu Bei contemptuously looked at the immortal Heavenly Venerate in the distance, and said: "Don't hesitate, let me see It depends on your support."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Immortal Heavenly Venerate closed his eyes slightly, and then took a deep breath.


Suddenly, a crisp metal trembling sounded behind the immortal Heavenly Venerate, spreading across the eight domains.

Afterwards, nine divine feathers appeared, very beautiful, and the brilliance exuded possessed strange power, like the flesh and bones of life and death, and the vitality of life.

With the appearance of the nine divine feathers, the pale complexion of the immortal Heavenly Venerate regained its blood color, and the disordered breath stabilized again.

This is the power of Heavenly Phoenix's Nirvana, but within a few breaths, all the injuries suffered by the old Heavenly Venerate in the previous collision were recovered.

"Let's fight!"

Not old Heavenly Venerate looked towards Chu Bei again, it was like making some kind of difficult decision.

When the four cold syllables in his mouth fell, a little golden light appeared on the surface of the immortal Heavenly Venerate.

These golden lights are like a gathering of strength of Starry Sky. As time goes by, more and more. They gather on the limbs, chest and back of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, and even the head is wrapped by these golden lights.


With a weird sound, these golden lights suddenly turned into substance, turning into a dazzling golden battle clothes, which envelops the immortal Heavenly Venerate in all directions .

"Hey for me!"

I am not old Heavenly Venerate shouted up to the sky, shouting with a sorrowful cry, as if suffering from some kind of painful torture.

The shout of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, from the Foreign Domain battlefield to the eight lower realms, not only shocked all cultivators, even the giants of the upper realm also trembled in this brief moment.

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