"Is this a giant in the upper realm? It's really powerful and terrifying!"

The Venerables, such as Shi Huang and You Wang, looked at it standing in Heaven and Earth The Taoist and the old woman couldn't help swallowing swallowed saliva and said.

This kind of terrifying existence cannot be predicted by their strength. Accompanied by divine light, it is like Sovereign between Heaven and Earth.

In astonishment, Shi Huang and other Venerable's eyes cast on Chu Bei again, a little more suspicious in his eyes.

"At this time, there are still a lot of creatures that can be used as medicine. It's really not a trip in vain."

Suddenly, the old woman's lips moved, a bit hoarse The deep voice echoed in the wasteland.

"The servants are not enough, it should be supplemented."

The Taoist glanced at the old woman, and after the voice fell, her body began to decrease until she disappeared from the sky.

The Taoist disappeared less than a moment, and the old woman looked down towards the bottom, her body gushing endless rays of light covering the entire wasteland.

After a while, the old woman seemed to have found her prey, with a satisfied smile on her mouth, and then disappeared into the sky.


next moment, there are two pictures of countless pictures above the ancient altar which are magnified sharply. The protagonists in these two pictures are the Taoist and the old woman.

Although the size of these two great big shots has returned to normal size, the horrible breath that overwhelms Nine Heavens on them is still there, just like Supreme God, shocking Above the Heavens and Under the Earth .

"For their cultivation base, these two guys have come to an end, so they immediately came down and looked for a medicinal ingredient that could be used in Alchemy."

Chu Bei started. The teacup was squeezed, and he glanced at the Taoist and old woman indifferently said in the picture.

"Medicinal ingredient? Isn't the spirit plant of the upper realm not equal to the lower realm of me?" Venerable such as Shi Huang and You Wang were puzzled.

Chu Bei shook the head: "What they are looking for are Immemorial relics. These relics are all powerful in the upper realm. They are difficult to pick. However, in these eight domains, these relics are fundamentally If you don’t have time to grow up, it’s easier to pick it."

"So that's how it is!"

"It's hateful!"

Listen When it came to Chu Bei, Shi Huang, You Wang and other Venerables suddenly looked resentful. In the eyes of these giants, they turned out to be Alchemy's medicinal ingredient that's all.

"Look! They're starting!"

After a while, Shi Huang pointed to two huge pictures, with vibrato in his words.

The area in the picture is the Netherworld Nanshan, where since the appearance of the old woman, flash floods, lava turbulent, and the earth collapsed, as if the life of Heaven and Earth had come to an end.

The old woman carried a medicine basket in her hand and flew all the way. From time to time, she stretched out a hand and grabbed it downward. One after another tyrannical creatures were thrown into the medicine basket.

"Venerable, Wasabi Venerable, Sky Spider Venerable..."

The heartbeat that the Youwang looked at, the creatures caught by the old woman were all in the Venerable realm. In the picture These Venerable mournful scream sounds can be heard faintly.

There is no shortage of Venerable struggling, trying to make the strongest attack, but in front of the old woman, everything seems so weak.


"Please let me go!"

In another picture of the Taoist, a horned dragon shouted, But it is difficult to get rid of fate.

It yelled up to the sky, azure light and cold, turned into ten thousand zhang long, and wanted to go to the sky and enter the Foreign Domain, but this was simply futile.

A rough big hand came in, and it was difficult to avoid it with its divine ability and spell. It was pinched by two fingers, as if catching a loach.

"Good luck, it is actually a sideline of True Dragon. The bloodline is extraordinary. If it is not easy to hunt and kill in the upper realm, it is easy to be hated by Dragon Valley."

Old Daoist grinned. , Looking at the horned dragon in the rough fingers, nodded and said: "Bring it back to feed for a period of time, and when the dragon blood is unified, it will be a big pot of tonic."

Collect the horned dragon into the bottle gourd, The Old Daoist continued on, and soon came to a huge mountain, a finger pointed, the huge mountain split.

"Please don't kill me."

In the belly of the mountain, there is a big silver snake with ten thousand zhang, coiling around there, watching the Old Daoist spit out a snake letter, the voice is extremely nervous , Involuntarily trembling.

"Venerable Peak is about to ignite the sacred fire. Not bad, it needs silver snake gall."

Old Daoist ignored the big snake's begging for mercy, grabbed it with a palm, and threw it in. In the bottle gourd.

At the same time, in a deep pool, a beast with blue-eyed golden eyes flashes all over its scales. It looks like a Qilin, had a feeling in the heart, directly penetrating the ground and fleeing to the center of the earth.

"Don’t hide, there is a lack of spiritual objects in the pool in front of my mountain gate, and it just happens to put you in."

Old Daoist is another step forward, the big bottle gourd Strands of aura swept away the underground Venerable-level blue-eyed golden eyes beast.


In just a few minutes, the old woman and the Taoist searched the wasteland of one third, sleeping or hiding, one after another Venerable was They took it away.

It's not that these Venerables are too weak, but that old women and Taoists are too scary. Even in the upper realm, they are giants.

"It’s no wonder that in the past catastrophes, all Venerables are difficult to escape! In front of the giants of the upper realm, how about Venerable, but also no more than ants." The Venerables such as Shi Huang and You Wang became more and more frightened as they looked at them, and their bodies were chill .

Look at Chu Bei again, still tasting tea, always calm as before.

Fire country.

"Fire Emperor, those two monsters moved towards us here!"

"What should we do now!"

"They have passed No matter it’s Human Race or Immemorial creatures, none of the Venerables have been let go!"


Like the stone country, the ancient altar in the depths of the fire country’s Imperial Palace is the same There are countless pictures floating.

The three Venerables looked at the two pictures where the old woman and the Taoist were, with a look of fear, and they all cast their eyes on the fire emperor's body.

"Go, go to Stone Country!"

"We were in the mountain range of Baidu more than half a month ago. Didn't that mysterious person say that if the catastrophe is coming, we will find him Asylum, can he keep us safe!"

The King of Fire took a deep look at the two terrifying silhouettes in the picture, took a deep breath opened the mouth and said.

"Can he really block these two upper bound giants?"

"At this time, we can only take a fight! Anyway, with our own strength, absolutely It is impossible to stop them!"

In the panic voice, the Fire Emperor and the three Venerable tear open the void at the same time, moving towards the direction of the stone country.

At the same time, the deserted Beiming Mountain split open, and a strange snake flew out. It is crimson in its entire body, and it is bifurcated below the head. It has two bodies, six legs, four wings, and thick scales. It is strange and hideous.

"I can't hide, I can only look for the person."

The fat left Venerable's tail is dancing in the air, and the red shadow is like electricity. With a sneer, it tears apart one side. The void moved towards the stone kingdom.

In the fairy valley, a butterfly is fluttering, brilliant lights and vibrant colors exuding glory. It is more than one meter long, spreads its wings, and exudes a magnificent glow. Its whole body is a natural rune, circulating mysterious Profound Truth.

Splitting heavenly demon Butterfly glanced jealously at the picture above the altar within the valley, his wings shook, turning into a divine rainbow and also moving towards the stone country.

"The one that should come is here!"

The roar of the beast sounded like a divine bell, and a lion with nine heads stepped away in the air. It is golden, dazzling, extremely mighty, domineering and terrifying, and breathtaking.


At this moment, 60% of the Venerable in the wasteland moved together. They made the same decision and immediately moved towards the stone country.

"Huh? These ants actually moved towards one direction."

After the old woman and Taoist received another Venerable, they both discovered this strange phenomenon. There was a little confused look on it.

"But it’s okay, it’s just a pot of things, and it saves a little trouble."

The whispering fell down, and the old woman and Taoist continued to pick and hide according to the original route. Venerable in its original position.

The imperial capital of Shiguo.

Following a roar of the beast, four long rainbow threads swept over.

The first ones that came to the Imperial Palace were the four ancient relics, Vermilion Bird, Qiongqi, Zhu Wei, and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow.

Different from the previous fear of Chu Bei, the three relics of Qiongqi, Zhu Wei, and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow at this moment are surprisingly close to Chu Bei.

"Senior, the catastrophe is coming!"

"Those guys are too terrifying, I am not an opponent, I can only come to you." Vermilion Bird hangs on Shi Hao's shoulder Go up and look at Chu Bei speak human's words.

xiū xiū xiū!

Chu Bei hasn't spoken yet. The east of the Imperial Palace is swept by a long rainbow thread. It is the Fire Phoenix and the three Venerables.

Followingly, Venerable, Nine-Headed Lion, Heavenly Demon Butterfly, etc...

Whenever you enter the mountain range that day and hear Chu Bei leave, Venerable , Almost all came.

"The catastrophe has arrived, but I still hope that the senior will take shelter!"

After the crowd of Venerables arrived, they immediately moved towards Chu Bei bowed, with respect on their faces.

"Find a place to sit down, I said that as long as you come, you will be safe and sound."

Chu Bei put down a tea cup in his hand and moved towards a crowd of Venerable slightly nod to respond.

As the calm voice fell, Chu Bei's sleeve robe waved, and the sky suddenly revealed a huge unusual form.

Different from the picture above the altar, the unusual form played by Chu Bei can be seen by everyone in every corner of the entire wasteland!

At the moment, there are mainly four images in the unusual form. The first is a scene where an upper bound giant fights a giant tortoise to capture the Supreme treasure; the 2nd and the third are the harvest of an old woman and a Taoist. Venerable scene; the 4th picture, it is the imperial palace of the stone country that is mapped.

"Senior, what are you?"

The crowd of Venerable looked at Chu Bei in astonishment. While shocked by the other party's methods, their eyes were puzzled.

"I just want everyone in the wasteland to know about this."

Chu Bei said, at the same time, the entire wasteland was boiling.

"Look at the sky! That turtle is so big!"

"What is it carrying on its back? And who is the person fighting with it, okay? terrifying!"

"Huh? Are they the immortal who walked out of the door earlier? What are they doing!"

"My God, that It’s Guyou Venerable! They are killing Venerable! They are slayers, not immortal at all!"

"That is, the Imperial Palace of Stone Kingdom! Stone King, Fire King, You King, Demon Butterfly Venerable...they How come together!"

"I remembered, when the mountain range was broken, there was something in their conversation specifically aimed at Venerable's Heaven and Earth catastrophe. They were looking for the mysterious People sheltered! Is it possible that today is the day of the catastrophe? "


In every corner of the wasteland, countless cultivators have speculated and looked surprised.

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