Far away in the sky, Immortal Heavenly Venerate, when the voice of Heavenly Venerate fell, a substantial terrifying coercion immediately gushed out of his body, like a rolling river directly moved towards Qin Yining, Wherever he went, the void collapsed.


But when this terrifying coercion is about to envelop Qin Yining, the latter’s body is all around with a strange mist, with no difficulty For its collapse, the pressure of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

"Sure enough, there is something."

Seeing this scene, the immortal Heavenly Venerate did not pay attention to Qin Yining, but turned its attention to Chu Bei, which is still aloof and remote It looks like an expression overlooking all beings.

The calm words fell, and the immortal Heavenly Venerate began to emit a mysterious and strange sound, which seemed to be chanting.

With every word recited by Heavenly Venerate, a huge rune mountain will emerge out of thin air, and then moved towards Chu Bei is pressed down. This is a very strange and intimidating scene.

"What is the relationship between that person and Ageless Mountain, one word for one mountain, how horrible!"

On the periphery of Ageless Mountain, countless cultivators were dumbfounded and looked at the ageless Heavenly with incredulous faces. Venerate.

He sits on the ten thousand zhang immortal bird, constantly chanting, enveloped by the power of Supreme's thoughts, and the entire profound realm resonates with it, and it trembles slightly.

One rune after another, jumped out of the immortal Heavenly Venerate, and evolved into a giant mountain. What he chanted is not immortal, which can save and destroy all beings.

Looking at the top of that head, dozens of hundreds of mountains with incomparable terrifying breath, Qin Yining looks like dead gray, and Shi Zhongtian and Shi Ziling's faces are hard to see the extreme.

"Go together!"

Shi Zhongtian and Shi Ziling looked at each other and made a decision at the same time.

next moment.

Shi Zhongtian set up a long bow, took his sleeve robe as his arm, and a dark arrow pierced the void, carrying a fierce imposing manner to the nearest mountain.

Shi Ziling raised the war spear and threw it shouting loudly. The Golden Winged Great Peng phantom appeared in front of the war spear. The yellow Golden Feather hair was burning, and it was also facing a huge mountain.


However, the suppressed mountain was as hard as the ancient profound iron. Not only was it not broken at all, it shattered arrows and war spears.

"Trifling two Formation Arrangement Realms, but the ants also tried to block Heavenly Venerate's attack. It's ridiculous. Overestimate one's capabilities!"

Qin Fa coldly snorted Contemptuously, they glanced at Shi Zhongtian and Shi Ziling with disdain, and the words were full of sarcasm.

"Heavenly Venerate shot, who can match it!"

At this time, Qin Shoucheng also took a step forward and stood side by side with Qin Fa, also with a look of contempt.

But just as Qin Shoucheng's joking voice fell, those invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable huge mountains all around rippled.

In the ripples, these huge huge mountains vibrated with frequency, and then the crisp sound of crack crack sounded, turning into pieces of rubble and smashing to the Ageless Mountain below.

bang bang bang!

Distant high in the sky, dozens of hundreds of mountains were shattered by weird invisible forces, turning into countless huge rubbles moved towards the Ageless Mountain below. , Pouring down like raindrops, with a terrifying power.

In the continuous booming sound, the original Bejeweled Jade Tower, like Ageless Mountain like Fairyland, was taken out one after another in the blink of an eye, devastated, and the main peak turned into ruins.

"The guy called Heavenly Venerate by Qin Fa and the others is really against the sky, but the mysterious person who knows Shi Ziling and his wife is not weak!"

"Look Come out! Those big mountains that have evolved from rune, each encloses the breath of the avenue, it’s us, let alone a mountain, I’m afraid we can’t hold a corner! But this person, although there is no divine force fluctuation, But it was able to resolve these crises silently."

"Unexpectedly, I could see the battle between powerhouses in this detached Venerable realm in my lifetime!"

"Two The boss fights, but he has pity on Ageless Mountain, and a Holy Land has become a place of ruin."


In the distance, the eyes of numerous cultivators one after another Sweeping through the immortal Heavenly Venerate and Chu Bei, and finally looked towards Ageless Mountain, he sighed.

"Who is this person! Actually he can safely resolve the attack of the immortal Heavenly Venerate!"

"Could it be that he has some kind of Secret Skill to avoid the catastrophe and has been cultivated. Thousands of years?"

"Impossible! In my opinion, this person must also come from the upper realm, and he is also a great character in the upper realm!"


In several hidden corners of the Profound Domain, the powerful creatures who had awakened cast their gazes on Chu Bei's body, with suspicion in their words.

Qin Fa and Qin Shoucheng looked at Chu Bei in amazement, with a look of shock. Obviously, they did not expect that this person could actually resolve Heavenly Venerate's means.

In their hearts, the immortal Heavenly Venerate is Heaven and Earth Sovereign, invincible existence! Once Heavenly Venerate is shot, no one is invincible, whether it is a god or a demon, it will be wiped out in an instant!

"You are not strong enough, just look aside."

Chu Bei put his hands behind behind, his eyes lightly swept Shi Zhongtian and Shi Ziling, and he said walking on air. , The silver white light appeared wherever it passed, dazzling.

In an instant, Chu Bei came to the high altitude where the immortal Heavenly Venerate is. Opposite to the front, his clothes dance with the wind, and his back is like an immortal.

"Who are you!"

The immortal Heavenly Venerate is still sitting on the fairy bird, but this time looking towards Chu Bei's gaze becomes serious.

Chu Bei remained silent, just laughed, with a little playfulness, as if mocking.

"That's all, no matter what the orthodoxy behind you, if you dare to disobey the deity, you have to pay the price."

Sen Han's voice fell, and the immortal Heavenly Venerate rose from the fairy bird , The appearance that was originally wrapped in turbid air became more illusory, and it was difficult to see through.


With a scream, Heavenly Luan at the feet of the immortal Heavenly Venerate seemed to have been instructed, the pair of Golden wings and lightning intertwined, and Chaos Energy surged violently.

Afterwards, I saw its Golden wings shook, and all the essence of the Five Elements mountain range below gathered, submerged in its wings, and rushed into its mouth and nose.

Suddenly, Heavenly Luan’s imposing manner skyrocketed to an incomparable terrifying point; but its size was just the opposite, shrinking continuously, and finally turned into a handle releasing dazzling rays of light. The Golden long sword.

This long sword is very weird. A pair of Golden wings extends from the body of the sword, releasing an extremely holy breath.


Golden long sword flickered, turned into a beam of light, penetrates the sky, and points directly at Chu Bei between the eyebrows.

With one sword, Heaven and Earth was shocked.

At this moment, all the spiritual power in all the cultivators in the sky above Ageless Mountain and even within a thousand miles stopped circulating, as if they suddenly became an ordinary person. What's more terrifying is that they seem to be unconscious and unable to move for a while.

In their sight, there are only the Unrivalled Divine Sword destroying heaven extinguishing earth in the sky, and the mysterious youth calm that is about to be penetrated.


Just when everyone thought that between the eyebrows of the mysterious youth was about to appear a transparent gap, the Unrivalled Divine Sword was pinched by the latter’s two fingers. Meet God kill God meet Buddha kill Buddha's fierce imposing manner came to an abrupt end.

In this brief moment, the restraint power of the crowd disappeared, and freedom was restored again.

"It's actually next!"

"This terrifying sword is actually pinched with two fingers! And it seems to be very casual and easy to look at him!"

"My God, what is the origin of this guy! If you can know his dao name, I must be able to find his related deeds in the ancient book."

"It is said that such a terrifying existence, impossible is silent and unknown."


The cultivators watching from a distance wriggled their throats, their fiery eyes fixed on Chu Bei’s body, eyes. The color of surprise is even worse.


Suddenly, a cracking and crisp sound floated from the sky above Ageless Mountain, spreading far, until it spread throughout the profound realm.

Immediately afterwards, what sounded in everyone's ears was a continuous scream of wailing neighs, with deep pain.

Looking intently, the golden giant sword in the sky was broken into two halves under the fingers of the mysterious youth, and it turned into the Heavenly Luan body again.

It's just that, at the moment Heavenly Luan divided into two, Golden's blood ran across the sky like a river. His mouth kept groaning, he was obviously suffering from unbearable pain, and his cry was pitiful.

"Stop it!"

Not old Heavenly Venerate immediately shouting loudly, and at the same time protruding a big white hand, as crystal clear as a jade stone, moved towards Chu Bei and patted it.

This palm is enough to shake all the powerhouses in the world, the flowing breath, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

But even if Heavenly Venerate is not old, it is still too late!

Chu Bei turned his palm into a knife, slashing down, a huge blade glow tore the void formed by chaotic ripples, and many stars can be seen faintly behind it.

Blade glow passed over the two halves of Heavenly Luan's body. In an instant, Heavenly Luan's neighing sound disappeared in the sky, and the two halves of the body disappeared.


The aftermath of the blade glow blends with the palm prints taken by the immortal Heavenly Venerate, directly shattering a sky.

"How could..."

Qin Fa, Qin Shoucheng and the others looked at each other, with their mouths wide open; the other cultivators, looked at each other in blank dismay, one A blow from the blue sky, looking at the battlefield numbly, lost Divine Soul.

Their Heavenly Venerate mount Heavenly Luan was killed by the mysterious man!

Even after Heavenly Venerate shot, it still failed to keep the latter!

The never-old Heavenly Venerate appeared until now, every attack of Heavenly Venerate has been successfully resolved, and even the Mount Heavenly Luan was mounted.

Thinking of this, an expression of fear appeared on the faces of the numerous cultivators of Ageless Mountain. Compared with the original, their mood seemed to be shaken.

"Dare to kill my mount, this deity wants you to be unable to enter the reincarnation!"

Immortal Heavenly Venerate Senhan's eyes are locked on Chu Bei, shouting loudly, and his voice is full of fierce killing intents .

At this moment, the mist outside the body of Heavenly Venerate, who is not old, dissipated, revealing the truth.

The amazing appearance of its youth is only eighteen-nineteen years old, very handsome and full of vitality.

This is different from the dignity, simplicity, and dignity in the imagination, and it has subverted everyone's guess.

His hair is full of shimmering hair, and his whole body is like gold, deducing the Supreme Law.


The mount was killed, and the immortal Heavenly Venerate was furious. He moved really, and Supreme surging divine force throughout the Ninth Stage days.

The coldly shouted word of ice fell, and a Treasure Item flew out of Heavenly Venerate, which was shaped like Five Elements Mountain. It shot five beams into one, forming a treasure seal, hanging on Heavenly Heavenly. Venerate’s head resonates with it.

long long long ——

Bao Yin hangs down the light barrier to block the battlefield, seemingly for fear of the aftermath of destroying Ageless Mountain.

The immortal Heavenly Venerate stepped out in one step. Above his head, the sky was shattered by the invincible Battle Qi, and his sleeves shook, making Heaven and Earth tremble.


Bao Lao Heavenly Venerate and Bao Yin are combined into one, using the finger as the sword, cutting diagonally towards Chu Bei.

Suddenly, the void cracked, and a dark long rainbow pierced through the sky, which made people palpitate.

"Don't talk about trifling projection, even if you are here, this seat will be wiped out."

Faced with terrifying attacks, Chu Bei did not see the slightest fear on his face, calm and collected as before.

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei's body suddenly enlarged, able to support both heaven and earth, gradually reaching the sky.

Different from the original breath and introverted, the current Chu Bei, the power of the small black in the body runs wildly, all around the chaotic ripples, just hanging quietly on one side, it gives people an unspeakable oppression , All beings must look up.

Behind him, a strip of light tangled like a Star River, he seems to live forever, beginning before splitting heaven and earth apart.

Chu Bei took a shot, and under a punch, the entire sky ka-cha was divided into four areas!

Everyone was stunned, looking at the sky in a daze, waiting for the collision of the two Supreme attacks.

Of course, the shocking duel they had imagined did not appear, not even the explosion that stunned Heaven and Earth and weeping Ghost God.

Almost instantly, Chu Bei's fist marks crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like an annihilation of the sword glow of the immortal Heavenly Venerate.


In the battlefield, accompanied by a crisp sound, the treasure seal on the top of the immortal Heavenly Venerate's head shattered.


Not old Heavenly Venerate eyes suddenly shrank, under the tremendous power, the body staggers backwards. But before he can stabilize the stature, the silhouette is already close in the distance.

I saw that the other party was slapped with another palm, and the palm was chaotically surging, thousands of stars surging in it, suppressing it.

hong long!

In an instant, the sky was a white glow, like thousands of scorching sun shining on the earth at the same time.

All the cultivators watching the battle below closed their eyes at the same time, unable to bear the glaring rays of light.


"When the deity's true body arrives, he will revenge today's revenge! If you don't kill you, the hatred in my heart will be hard to dispel!"

Suddenly, the roar of Immortal Heavenly Venerate, which was filled with thick killing intent, came out of the white glow, and then spread far away, resounding in every corner of the profound realm.

Gradually, the roar sound faded, and the sky was silent.

"Is the battle over!"

"The man disappeared!"

"Is the god enshrined by Ageless Mountain dead! "

"But listening to the previous words, that god seems to be just a projection, not his real body."

"If the god really comes, it may be defeated It's the mysterious person."


The white glow dissipated, and a number of cultivators in the distance looked at the sky above Ageless Mountain unsteadily, their eyes filled with consternation. .

The void that was originally shattered by the battle is now being repaired by a Power of Primal Chaos.

The silhouette that fell from the sky with the big seal of Five Elements on top of the head disappeared. Some are just youthful men in long robes. He is peaceful, from start to finish, and there is no change in emotions on his face, walking slowly in the void. fall.

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