"Look at it! They are separated, her pupils are separated!"

"The double pupil, she is also the double pupil!"

"I seem to know who she is, the ancient double pupil girl, a rampant Heaven and Earth, almost invincible in her generation!"

"She is still alive! So many years have passed. , How profound is her current realm? And the refining is gone, you can Fusing into One!"


On the street, a crowd of onlookers When she noticed the changes in the pupils of the woman in gray, she couldn't help but exclaim.

When someone guessed her identity, everyone was even more horrified.

"You are an ancient double pupil girl!"

Seeing the changes in the pupils of the woman in gray, Shi Zhongtian's face became particularly ugly. Obviously he also knew about this woman from the ancient book. The presence.

However, if he allows Shi Yi to be taken away by the other party, the bad breath in his heart cannot be swallowed.

The words fell, Shi Zhongtian climbed up again in an imposing manner, took a step, and instantly appeared beside the Zhongtong woman.

After that, the only one arm danced in an orderly manner, continuously attacking like a sea.

"Don't waste your efforts."

The double pupil girl shook the head, glanced at Shi Zhongtian lightly, her eyes pierced through the void, as if looking through the ancients, only one of them With his wide sleeves, he swept away the imposing manner Shi Zhongtian.

hong long!

With a loud noise, Shi Zhongtian fell to the ground, bringing up a huge pit, very embarrassed.

"Is this the ancient double pupil girl? It knocked Old Fifteenth into the air with a single wave."

The gang of elders who had been with Shi Zhongtian looked at Hui in amazement. Clothing woman.

"little fellow, come with me, my way suits you."

The double pupil girl looked towards Shi Yi with a faint smile on her mouth.

"No, unless you can save my mother!"

Shi Yi shook his head and pointed to the vicious black clothed beautiful woman who was struggling in front of Chu Bei: "If you can't save mother , Then I will die here too!"

"She has to bear the crime she committed."

The girl shook the head and did not agree to Shi Yi's request.

"Yi'er, follow her, leave your mother alone! You Innate Double Pupils, and Supreme Bone, you will be able to become Heaven and Earth Supreme in the future! When you come back, you will avenge your mother!"

The vicious black clothed beautiful woman's body was caught bloody, and nothing was intact, and her breath became weaker and dying.

"Let's go."

The girl with a heavy pupil calmly glanced at the vicious black clothed beautiful woman, then took Shi Yi's hand, looked into the distance, and ripples rose under her feet .

However, just as the double pupil girl stepped forward and was about to penetrate the void and leave, a silhouette appeared out of thin air in front of her, blocking her way, and the distance was less than twenty Centimeters.

"Does this seat allow you to take him away?"

A voice that is extremely calm and has no mood swings floats from in the sky and shakes everyone in the field. soul.

"The Fifteenth Master is defeated, he really made a move!"

"Shi Hao's mysterious Master and the ancient Zhongtong girl, who do you think is stronger!"


"This mysterious person is of unknown origin, but he can kill the Rain King who uses the Supreme Item at a glance, and his strength is extremely terrifying. As for the double pupil girl, it is a well-known existence in the ancient times, almost invincible in the same generation. It’s hard to say who is more powerful."

"In my opinion, she should be a double pupil girl, after all, she has lived for so long!"



Looking at Chu Bei who suddenly appeared in front of Zhongtong Girl, the onlookers in the mansion and on the street were first taken aback, and then discussed spiritedly, all eyes were full of expectation.

Shi Zhongtian returned to the air, holding Shi Hao in his arms, looking at the two figures not far away, with a little worry in his eyes.

"Who are you."

The double pupil girl also looked at Chu Bei calmly, her eyes turned silver, and the clean white light gurgled like water.

Look carefully, there seems to be a meteorite falling in his eyes, Chaos Energy diffused out.


The void roared, and the two gloomy beams of the double pupil girl shone on Chu Bei's body, to see through his origin.

Just one glance, the double pupil girl's eyes showed incomprehensible color, and the color of surprise appeared on her face.

The person in front of me is completely misty, as if there is a cloud of mist, like chaos, not real.

To be precise, even the most common internal organs and skeletons cannot be seen, and nothing can be seen.

The double-eye girl frowned. It was the first time she met someone who couldn't see through since she was cultivated!

She seems to be a little unbelieving, her pupils are one, a breath of Heaven and Earth avenue fills up, and she reconsider Chu Bei.

But what she saw this time was still the slightly raised corner of the other party's mouth. In any case, she couldn't see through the inside of the other party's body.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The question now is, do you think you can take him away?"

Chu Bei did not answer the question of the double pupil girl, but just embraced her On his chest, he looked at each other with a playful look.

Looking at the calm posture of the person in front of her, the girl with the double pupil narrowed her eyes, her face a little serious.

There is obviously no spiritual power fluctuation in the other party, but even the words give her a great pressure.

Over the Martial King mansion, the ancient double pupil girl and Chu Bei are facing each other far away.

"Let me explore your reality!"

The weird atmosphere lasted for a while, and finally the ancient double pupil girl waved a golden light passage.

The golden light passage directly penetrates the void, extends far away, and leads to the other mysterious area.

The dim light dissipated, and everyone saw the other end of the Golden passage clearly.

There are countless broken buildings floating in the sky, grand and solemn, even if they collapse, they give people a solemn feeling.

Above the broken building, there is a huge square suspended above the sky. It is pale Golden throughout, as if cast with divine gold, and engraved with many rules of order at the same time. Golden's cobblestone arena looks serious and magnificent.

"A sky battlefield has appeared!"

"Gosh, is this really a human method! With a wave of hands, it actually opened up the sky battlefield!"

"Could it be that the two of them are going to fight in the Tiannakong battlefield?"

"If I guess right, they are to prevent the battle from spreading to us! After all, they are so unknown. Realm’s Powerhouse, the aftermath of a battle can easily destroy us!"


A crowd of Powerhouses who watched the battle recognized Ancient Battlefield, including Shi Zhongtian and Martial King, and they were also shocked. Surprised expression.

"You kill him, I'll go with you!"

Shi Yi raised his eyes and looked at the double pupil's dark eyes with imperceptible brutality.

Hearing the sound, the lady of the double pupil glanced at Shi Yi, and after shook the head, she stepped forward and stood in the sky battlefield.

At the same time, Chu Bei laughed and his silhouette disappeared, and when he reappeared, he also came to the battlefield.

"In fact, it doesn't need to be so cumbersome."

Chu Bei is still calm and composed, all around chaos shrouded, he used the power of Xiaohei.

The double pupil girl did not answer the conversation, her whole body was climbing continuously in an imposing manner, and her clothes were hunting and hunting, as if a God was recovering!

Looking intently, one after another divine light gushes out from the body of the self-weighted pupil, as if one after another Divine flame is swallowing, fuse together with Heaven and Earth where the battlefield is in the sky.

As for Chu Bei, there is no movement from beginning to end, the whole process is like a spectator, staring at the more and more terrifying breath of the double-pupil girl.

When the breath of the double pupil girl stabilized, her silhouette turned into a beam of light, like a comet bursting out of dazzling rays of light, suppressing Chu Bei with a breathtaking roar.

Perhaps because the two were fighting in the sky battlefield and deliberately converging, the spectators all around the Martial King Mansion did not feel much movement.

However, judging from the dilapidated buildings in the sky battlefield where the girl behind the double pupil disappeared instantly, the opponent's offensive was absolutely terrifying to the point of unimaginable, destroying heaven extinguishing earth!


The bell sounded long, echoing in the sky battlefield.

A huge bronze bell appeared in front of the girl's palm, which was completely intertwined with Golden rune.

The bronze bell is burnt with Netherworld's Fire, and then hatched with the divine force of the double pupil. It is the enlightened soldier of the double pupil girl.

In the battlefield, the Golden Great Bell moved towards Chu Bei pressed down, the bell was like a wave, and the trembling all around the void burst into pieces one after another, showing its power and terror.

Looking at the golden clock that was suppressed above his head, Chu Bei's mood did not fluctuate at all. When the clock was less than 30 cm away from him, he casually pointed out.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

In an instant, a chaos spread from Chu Bei’s fingertips and directly wrapped the golden clock.


The body of the double pupil girl was slightly trembled, looking forward in amazement, this square chaos actually deprived her of the connection between her and her own Taoist soldiers.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

What made the double pupil girl even more unbelievable was that a space in the square chaos was split randomly.

To be precise, it is not only the void that splits, but also her Taoist soldiers.

In just a few seconds, under the Power of Primal Chaos, the golden clock made a continuous and crisp sound, turning into fragments after another.

"What kind of power is this!"

The Taoist soldiers were destroyed, and the female face of the double pupil was slightly pale.

At this realm, she also knows how to use all kinds of power, but at the moment she can't figure out the source of the opponent's power, a mysterious and profound way, and even a finger can destroy her way Soldiers.

"Let me see the power of your double pupil."

Chu Bei calmly looked at the double pupil girl, expressionless.

Although he has borrowed the power of Xiaohei several times, he only peeped at a corner. It seems that he can simulate various elemental power, and he has risen to an extremely terrifying level.

This kind of feeling is like the power of Xiao Hei in hand, annihilating all enemies, and all forces are under their control.

Whether it was killing the Rain King or Shi Yi lineage Elder at a glance, Void Power was used.

"Who are you!"

Looking at the peaceful Chu Bei, the face of the girl with the double pupil became heavier.

When his low roar fell, a jet of black rays of light shot out from his right eye.

The rays of light swept out, and all corners of the sky battlefield shook loudly. With trembling, the sky seemed to explode.

"What a terrifying eye!"

"The golden clock was destroyed, is she going to use the power of the heavy pupil?"

"ancient According to the book, those with complete mastery will have their left eye born and their right eye dead!"


A crowd of spectators were horrified, their eyes widened, and they looked incredible. Looking at the sky battlefield at the other end of Golden Avenue.

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