"I remember you."

The Demon Lord's eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, and he said lightly: "From your body, I feel the breath of the old man. "

"You mean them."

Chu Bei smiled, snapped his fingers, behind Small World opened a daoist sect account.

Through the portal, you can clearly see the scene in Small World.

There are thousands of people in Small World. Except for the first few Divine Kings, the rest have terrifying and powerful breath.

"Heaven Rank, Great Ascension!"

"Why, he is who!"

I noticed the breath of thousands of people in the seeds of the world, On the battlefield all around the Heaven Rank Powerhouse onlookers exclaimed, their expressions getting more and more stagnant, and their faces staring at Chu Bei in disbelief.

"Demon Lord, the years are in a hurry, and we meet again. You are the same as you were, and your power is not diminished back then."

The old grave guard appeared on the edge of Small World, and he couldn't come out. , Can only let out a sigh of emotion across the barrier.


The nameless god and demon summoned softly, and his huge eyes were red.

"Demon Lord, you liar! Back then, I lied to the seven of us to kill the sky, where is the good reward!"

Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi moved towards Demon Lord yelled, With terrible anger.

"Demon Lord Uncle, you really are alive! Then I father him, where is he? I miss him."

Dugu Xiaoxuan's voice trembled a little, his hands were on Small On the portal of World, waiting for Demon Lord's answer.


At the moment Chu Bei manifested Small World, the existences that had intersections with the Demon Lord greeted them one after another.

"You imprisoned them!"

The Demon Lord looked at Chu Bei expressionlessly, his eyes were angry and his voice was cold.

"It is not just them, including you all person, who will follow this seat on the path of cutting the sky."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Demon Lord with his hands down. In behind, calm and collected.

"Immemorial, you did not participate in the battle, how did you know Heavenly Dao's terrifying!"

Demon Lord's gaze is opposite to Chu Bei, coldly snorted: "That battle, the gods Gathered together, well prepared, but in the end, I just stepped on the 8th Heavenly Layer, and I didn’t even see Heavenly Dao’s real body!"

"Look at today, dead death, remnant remnant, reincarnation In the reincarnation, what to fight against Heavenly Dao? The time is not yet, is you going to die!" At the end, the Demon Lord directly yelled.

"This should be the second time we met."

Chu Bei smiled and looked at the Demon Lord: "Do you not believe me?"

"Inverse Chaos Yin-Yang, Illusory Void Flower!"

Demon Lord did not answer, but directly revealed eight breathtaking magic sounds.

In an instant, the battlefield changed.

A bunch of dark flowers emerged out of thin air, releasing coquettish pollen.

In the strange sound that seems to come from hell, the void in the battlefield becomes distorted under the ups and downs of the dark flowers, like a dream.

Seeing that the strongest force was about to erode Chu Bei, the iron lump above Chu Bei hovered.

During the rotation, the chaotic fog leaped out like a river, welcoming the thousands of black flowers.


With a loud noise, the hearts of all Heaven Rank experts around the battlefield trembled suddenly, as if they had suffered a brutal blow, blood tumbling, Divine Soul and physical body. It must be separated.

came back to his senses, a group of Heaven Rank experts looked towards the battlefield again, the black flowers and chaotic rivers had disappeared, only the Demon Lord and mysterious people facing away.

Although the collision between the two was fleeting, the experts knew that just in the previous moment, there were two Supreme's strongest laws colliding.

Because they witnessed the collapse of the sky on the battlefield and the terrifying energy that would spread and break the third realm for a moment.

It's just that the aftermath of the collision was immediately controlled by the two to converge, so that it did not cause the collapse of the third realm.

In the Tomb of the God plane cultivation system, above the Heaven Rank Great Ascension is the inverse Heaven Rank, which corresponds to Level 16 of the system, equivalent to Shrouding The Heavens plane Powerhouse.

The Demon Lord of the ages is the inverse Heaven Rank. As for Chu Bei, with the blessing of the black power, he has entered Level 17.

"Who won the two of them just now!"


"It should be the mysterious person who lost. After all, he The opponent is the Demon Lord who has frightened the ages!"


A crowd of Heaven Rank Powerhouses stared at Chu Bei and Demon Lord in the field with thick eyebrows. A lot of surprise and confusion.

Their realm is not enough. They cannot judge the result of the collision between Supreme Law.

"Heavenly Dao is far more terrifying than you think!"

In the battlefield, Demon Lord's body trembled slightly, his breath was a bit disordered, and his face remained expressionless.

Chu Bei laughed, instead of answering the conversation, he turned and walked towards God of Time and God of Space.

"More friends, help!"

Seeing Chu Bei coming, God of Time and God of Space immediately cup one fist in the other hand thank you.

"You two attackers, you really deserve to die, but you don't die here." Chu Bei said lightly.

"What do you mean!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the expressions of God of Time and God of Space immediately became heavy.

"Spoon of Time!"

"Awl of Space !"

next moment, two Ancestral God shouted, rays of light in hand, one The terrifying breath of ancient vicissitudes spreads mightily.

However, before they took the treasure out, two sharp claws evolved from chaos suddenly appeared in front of their chests.

chi chi!

Sharp claw easily penetrated the bodies of the two gods of time and space, and took out the heart full of vitality.


"Go inside and stay here."

When Chu Bei's voice fell indifferently, sharp claw swept across, and peng sound shot God of Time and God of Space into Small World Inside.

"The two Ancestral Gods have no power to fight back in front of him!"

"Is he a pre-Immemorial existence!"

One The Heaven Rank experts became more and more astonished, as if they couldn't believe what they saw at the moment.

"Let the Immemorial gods return."

After solving the God of Time and God of Space, Chu Bei's eyes fell on the Demon Lord.

"How sure are you sure!"

After the previous brief encounter, Demon Lord's attitude towards Chu Bei has obviously changed.

"This seat has never done anything uncertain."

The corner of Chu Bei's mouth was slightly raised, with a slight arc.

Looking at Chu Bei calm and composed, Demon Lord was silent.

For a long time.

"Reincarnation Gate, open!"

The Demon Lord finally made a decision. Accompanied by shouting loudly, the god and demon figure above his head rioted, spewing out strange light, rays of light The billionaire Divine Soul roared, carrying a high-spirited fighting intent.

In this brief moment, the Heaven Rank Powerhouse felt an inexplicable coercion, and a door slowly emerged in the weird light, revealing an ancient breath of vicissitudes.

"Gods return!"

The voice of the Demon Lord once again floated from the Eighteen Levels of Hell.

After a while, the rays of light in the Reincarnation Gate are dazzling and dazzling, and the looming ancient battle song sounded.

"Repair my sword, slaughter the Nine Heavens, shed all my blood, press forward ……"

The battle song of ancient vicissitudes became clearer and clearer until it spread throughout the Eighteen Levels of Hell Every corner of Hell reveals an unyielding fighting intent!

"What the hell is Demon Lord doing? Is this going to change the sky!"

Eighteen Levels of Hell Almost all the Heaven Rank experts in the team entered this realm after the First World War of Immemorial, so they were at a loss.

On the contrary, it is the Heaven Rank expert in Chu Bei Small World. At the moment of hearing the war song, the breath rises sharply, and the terrifying high fighting intent rises.

"Demon Lord, is the time ripe? My old bone hasn't slept enough yet!"

Suddenly, an illusory voice rang in everyone’s ears, and then I saw a silhouette walking out of the Reincarnation Gate.

That's not a person, it's a snow-white skeleton!

"Ghost Lord, this game of chess you played was disrupted."

Seeing the snow-white skeleton, Demon Lord laughed as if he had seen a long-lost old man.

"Ghost Lord? Is it the ghost of one of the Six Paths masters!"

"Supreme existence comparable to Demon Lord!"

" He is still alive!"


When the Demon Lord called the skull bones, the crowds of Heaven Rank Powerhouses were taken aback first, and then they seemed to think of something. His face was full of consternation.

"Is it forced to advance?"

The body of Ghost Lord's rays of light flickered, and he actually gave birth to flesh and blood, grew beards and hair, and turned into a middle-aged man.

While the bones are raw and the meat is raw, their breath is constantly rising, and soon they have reached the point where they can stand up against the Demon Lord.

long long long!

Reincarnation Gate is still shaking.

Under everyone's attention, another tall silhouette walked out of the door.


The moment the tall silhouette appeared, Chu Bei’s There were uniform exclamations from Small World.

I have to say that even if some people disappear for endless years, when his name is mentioned again, they can still shock all beings!


The tall silhouette stood in front of the Reincarnation Gate, his eyes swept across the people below, and finally stayed on Chen Nan's body.

Dugu Baitian, famous for the ages, Supreme Existence in the eyes of repairers.

He stands on the cultivation path like a monument, allowing all latecomers to worship!

"It turns out that he is still alive!"

" Immemorial is a taboo god, the existence that God doesn't want to mention!"

"What does the chess game in the mouth of Demon Lord refer to? Is it related to Immemorial Battle of Heaven!"



The descendants of Heaven Rank Expert looked at Dugu Baitian in horror, with an incredible color on his face.

"Demon Lord, what's going on? He clearly hasn't grown up yet." Dugu Baitian looked at Chen Nan, browsed tightly frowns, looked towards Demon Lord and asked aloud.


Dugu Xiaoxuan was lying on the edge of the portal of Small World, staring at Dugu Baitian, the big teardrops rolled down.

Chu Bei glanced at Reincarnation Gate, then raised his sleeves, restraint the barriers of Small World and disappeared.

Almost immediately, Dugu Xiaoxuan turned into a Changhong and plunged into Dugu Baitian's arms.

long long long ——

At this time, the rays of light in the Reincarnation Gate are even more dazzling, and one silhouette after another emerges from it.

"Demon Lord, has the final battle arrived!"

"The day has finally come!"

"Hate! I haven't recovered Peak yet! Status!"

"I also need some time! If it can give me more than a hundred years!"

"My Xuanxuan is back!"

... …

More and more silhouettes walked out of the Reincarnation Gate and hovered high in the sky, each with a excited expression.

"I can't imagine that the Immemorial gods are still alive!"

"Where have they been hiding these years? What is all this for!"

Look at the silhouettes in front of the Reincarnation Gate. The later generations of Heaven Rank experts opened their mouths and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Who would have expected that these guys who were already dead are still alive!

"Demon Lord, Great God Dugu, these are the remnants of Great God of Time-Space. I wonder if you can resurrect them?"

An Immemorial god embraced There was a pile of bones, but before Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian could speak, Chu Bei had already beaten out the two hearts in his hands.

Just when the two hearts were less than three meters away from the bones, the bones moved inexplicably, releasing crystal rays of light, and then separated from the Immemorial god to form a nearly perfect bone.


Looking at the bones that gradually merged with the two hearts, the eyes of the Immemorial gods fell on Chu Bei, with surprise.


After a long while, a wave of energy like a volcanic eruption surged out.

The skeleton is reborn from flesh and blood, a white-haired old man is gradually taking shape, and the Immemorial gods are very excited.

"haha, the old man can be considered alive!"

The white-haired old man laughed up to the sky, and then his eyes swept all around: "Where are the two evil obstacles!"


"It's really Great God of Time-Space! He came alive!"

"If he hadn't destroyed the cultivation base for a hundred generations, he opened up a way of escape for us. I’m afraid we’re dead in a real sense."


Looking at the white-haired old people in great spirits, those old people who have had no relationship with Great God of Time-Space are long gone. Excited speechless.

"Time and Space God, he has taken away your two disciplines, and he helped you retrieve your heart." The Demon Lord pointed to Chu Bei and counted to the white-haired old man.

"Unfamiliar breath. Who is he?"

Great God of Time-Space frowned, and looked at Chu Bei, looking confused.

"A spoiler. It is because of him that I let you return in advance. He wants to lead the destruction of Heavenly Dao!" Demon Lord said.

"The spoiler?!"

Hearing the words of the Demon Lord, not only the Great God of Time-Space, but all the Immemorial gods were shocked and stared in dismay. Chu Bei.

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