"My God, how did you cut out a dog? This source stone can really be cut out!" Ji Ziyue opened his mouth wide, staring at the square head in surprise Big black dog with big ears.

"I thought there would be some amazing treasure in this source stone, but this dog looks very strong, and when it is stewed, the meat must be very delicious." Fat Daoist Priest first had a disappointed expression. Then he rubbed his palms, and the haba pepper came out from the corner of his mouth.

Even Chu Bei was stunned for a moment. After the astonishment, when he looked towards the big black dog again, his eyes were slightly playful.

Perhaps because of the emperor’s breath contained in the purple source stone. Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, he can only perceive a living thing in the source stone and its size.

Just look at it right now, tut tut, this is a big presence in Shrouding The Heavens!


The big black dog is strong as an ox and is very agile. With a violent flick, it shook Ye Fan away from his back.

"You are a wild dog who doesn't know how to be grateful, but I cut you out of the source stone! I made you see the sun again!" Ye Fan was furious when he looked at the big black dog grinning. , After cursing a few words, he slapped it again in a hurry.


However, the big black dog is very swift, turning into a black glow in the sound of breaking air and hiding aside, then the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl opens, moved Bite towards Ye Fan.


Ye Fan eyes shrank, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and another slap was slapped up. In the low crash sound, the big black dog staggered, but he was in no trouble. On the contrary, he bit Ye Fan's clothes.

"Fuck, you stray dog ​​can't be perfect? ​​Dare to provoke me, believing or not a lightning to kill you!" Ye Fan deceived him, fingers sticking out, fingertips crackle thunder It kept ringing.

"woof! You are a wild dog!" The big black dog moved towards Ye Fan fiercely called and suddenly spoke human's words.

"Day!" Ye Fan staggered and was directly startled.

This wild dog is able to speak, it's so good!

"After staying in the source stone for a long time, I really became a dog spirit!" Ye Fan looked at the big black dog in a daze, and couldn't help muttering.

"People can't spit out ivory, can they speak?"

The big black dog howled, and then slammed at Ye Fan, Fang Sensen, as white as a blade, like a dead mouth.


Ye Fan no longer hesitated, using the power of Goro Goro no Mi, a stout thunder moved towards the big black dog strikes.

woof woof woof!

Amid the miserable wailing, the big black dog struck by lightning suddenly stiffened, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"smelly brat, roast this wild dog directly, let the old man taste the taste of black dog meat!" Fat Daoist Priest Duan De urged.

"You stinky Taoist, it doesn't matter who eats it!" The big black dog growled, moved towards Duan De, brightened his teeth, his body jumped up, and turned his target into a target Duan De.

"smelly brat, you cut the wild dog, I'll get it ready soon!" Duan De silhouette flashed, the brilliance of his hand flickered, and one attack after another blasted out, but the big black dog's skin was too Rough, it didn't hurt it at all.

Furthermore, this big black dog is still reluctant, contorts one's face in agony, chasing him continuously, and most of his clothes have been bitten by him.

"I confessed, you are more horizontal than a bald-tailed dog!"

Duan De slapped the big black dog again, but it felt like he was hitting the Copper Wall On the Iron Bastion, it clanged and couldn't move at all.

"I was called the Black Emperor! In the ancient times, the world called the Black Emperor the Great Emperor!"

The big black dog bit Duan De’s arm and dragged it hard. Carrying an angry fiery path: "You cut the emperor open before he was born, what a damn!"

"Black Emperor Great Emperor? I pooh! Just you dog So, return the emperor? Return the Great Emperor!" Duan De spit on the big black dog.

Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue on the side also looked contemptuous when they heard the claim of the big black dog.

This dog is not only wild, but also shameless!

"Smelly Taoist priest, you dare to insult the emperor, damn it!" The big black dog roared twice again.

Looking at Duan De and the big black dog fighting together on the ground, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue laughed happily, just like outsiders watching a play.

"Boss, the dog's skin is too thick to be touched! It is shameless, calling itself the Great Emperor, you must give it some color to see. You can just beat it half to death. , As for what to do next, cut the skin, cut the bones, and stew, just leave it to the trail."

Duan De kicked the big black dog and quickly got up from the ground, shua~ shua~ The shua~ flashed to the behind of Chu Bei.

"Yell, you stinky Taoist still looking for a backer, right? This guy looks white and clean, and the taste should be good." The big black dog looked for Chu Bei again, baring fangs and brandishing Claws's pounced on it.

At this moment, Duan De took a long sigh, then looked at the aggressive big black dog sarcastically, with a sinister upturned mouth, as if crafty plots and machinations had succeeded. Treacherous cunning.

"You can't be too Duan De! Being a dog can't be too black!"

Chu Bei shook his head and laughed. At this moment, he can be regarded as a deep understanding of the connotation of these two sentences, brilliant. !

As soon as the sharp claw of the big black dog was about to hit Chu Bei, Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe and saw a wind-like lightning passing by the big black dog.

In an instant, the big black dog paused in the air, followed by a miserable and painful wailing, and then his whole body stiffened and hit the ground heavily with black smoke, unable to move even a little bit.

"woof woof woof......"

The big black dog collapsed on the ground, looking at Chu Bei unwillingly, and the wailing in his mouth was more desolate.

"Kick it on the iron plate, hehe, let you go crazy!" At this time, Duan De staggered out of Chu Bei behind and kicked the big black dog in both feet triumphantly.

"haha, now I am really a bald-tailed dog." Ye Fan stepped forward, not forgetting to hit a person when he's down.

Under Chu Bei's previous lighting, the thick tail of the big black dog was really half-bald, and the hair was almost lost.

"You will insult the emperor, and you will be punished by the heavens! When the emperor regains his former strength, you must not eat it!" The big black dog moved towards Ye Fan and Duan with his teeth. De roared.

"At this time, you black dog can't see the situation clearly, so you dare to empty words!" Ye Fan and Duan De looked at each other, and then there was nodded in their hearts, and then the corners of their mouths sketched out. The eerie arc.

Ye Fan and Duan De looked at each other and smiled, they looked like they had found a friend, and then stood one after the other of the big black dog.

"What do you two bastard do to the emperor!" At the joking gaze of Ye Fan Duan De, the big black dog shuddered inexplicably, but his whole body cells were all illuminated by the previous lightning. The paralysis of cleavage is fundamentally impossible to move.

Ye Fan Duan De looked at the big black dog playfully, and then raised their feet at the same time.

"I step on, I step on, I step on fiercely, I step on arrogantly, I step on arrogantly..."

"Smelly brat continue, let's not stop!"


Ye Fan and Duan De fiercely stepped on the big black dog, as if they had all one's strength.

"woof woof woof......you two bastard! You dare to insult the emperor!"

"When the emperor recovers his strength, the emperor wants you to die!"


"Kick again, the emperor is going to zoom in! Kill all of your bones!"


peng peng peng!

Under a series of trampling, the big black dog kept barking and yelling with terrible anger, and his ferocious mouth wanted to chew these two people into pieces.

"Dare to call yourself the emperor? Still thinking of revenge? Go on, go on!"

Ye Fan and Duan De kicked more and more vigorously, and even the last two directly attacked The big black dog is carried in the air, you are a Buddha Mountain Shadowless Foot, he is a Nanyun 13 kick.

"Think about how high-spirited and vigorous the emperor was, suppressing the major Star Regions, and once he became famous, who would dare not worship? Only now that the cultivation base is scattered, and you two bastard are in the hands of you. Such an insult." The big black dog looked up to sky and heave a deep sigh as if he had resigned.

"Xiao Hei, Wu Shi still mentioned you to this seat back then, saying that you are meek and obedient, and often accompanied by it, so that he can relieve his worries in his later years. But now, this seat Looking at it this way, you are completely different from what Wu Shi described. You can pretend to be the Great Emperor." Chu Bei can't stand it anymore, with his hands behind his back, with a profound expression. .


Hearing Chu Bei's name, the big black dog trembled suddenly, and his big dark eyes became round, and then unexpectedly There were big teardrops, and they fell down.

Xiao Hei, what a familiar name this is.

For tens of thousands of years, only the Great Emperor that it has been following has called it this way. Moreover, no one knew about it following the Great Emperor, but the person in front of him revealed the relationship in one go.

"Does this wild dog still have emotions?"

Looking at the big black dog crying like a dog, Ye Fan and Duan De stopped punching and kicking at the same time, inexplicably A trace of pity rose in my heart.

"Dog dog, stop crying." The little girl Ji Ziyue showed up, stepping forward, trying to wipe the tears for the crying big black dog of weeping beauty.

"Are you the deceased of the Great Emperor? Do you know where the others are in the Great Emperor? Xiao Hei wants to die him......wang~ wu wu~ ......"

大The black dog suddenly crawled on all fours in front of Chu Bei, screaming in his mouth, piercing his lungs.

"Boss, what do you mean by Great Emperor Without Beginning?" Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

"He is the last Human Race's Great Emperor of Ancient Desolate Era, and he is also the first Great Emperor to be proclaimed by Innate Saint Physique Dao Embryo. He is the most powerful Great Emperor in the history of Human Race, suppressing an era, a lifetime Invincible against the enemy, shocking the restricted area of ​​life."

Chu Bei put his hands behind behind, with a calm expression: "Who is the peak at the end of the Immortal Path, and the beginning is empty. This is what the world thinks of him. "

"Damn, I didn't think your wild dog actually had a background. It actually got mixed up as a pet for Great Emperor Without Beginning. No wonder the skin is rough and the flesh is thick." Duan De is somewhat Looked at the big black dog in surprise.

"Next, you will follow this seat, and one day you will see no beginning." Chu Bei said in a tranquil voice.

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