"I drop the Buddha, nine dragons pulling a coffin, shocking!"

Looking at the nine dragon corpse cast like molten iron and the distribution Wearing a bronze ancient coffin with a long and simple breath, Fat Daoist Priest's expression was startled, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Ji Ziyue was also stunned. With his mouth wide open, he could see the small tiger tooth flashing with cold light.

Of all the people present, Ye Fan is the most shocked. Seeing nine dragons pulling a coffin again, both eyes were staring out, and he came here on this coffin.


Suddenly, the familiar and miserable howl sounded again.

Looking at it, the skeleton and bones were already partially formed, but when he saw nine dragons pulling a coffin, there was obviously a little more panic in his shouts.

That is a kind of instinctive fear!

In the giant web of thunder, the skeletons and bones struggled, and even moved towards Chu Bei from time to time with pity and pleading.

Kang Dang!

A metal clang, the huge bronze coffin lid fell off, and dazzling rays of light projected from the coffin.

Next, the opened bronze coffin turned into a terrifying black hole capable of Swallowing The Sky, and the incomparable suction instantly wrapped the skeleton bones.

The skeletons and white bones struggled madly, and the unusual form of Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens appeared again, with dim light shining all over the body, but still unable to get rid of the giant net of thunder. Finally, under the latter's forcible deportation, he was inhaled by the bronze coffin.


As the coffin lid was closed again, the sad howls of the skeletons and bones gradually disappeared.

hong long long!

In the buzzing sound, under everyone's attention, the nine dragon corpse danced, dragging the bronze ancient coffin back to the Holy Mountain.

At this moment, on the Holy Mountain, a lithe and graceful woman appeared.

The beauty of the woman makes people feel unreal, dusty and indifferent. She is clearly above the Holy Mountain, but it makes people feel like she is in the Immortal World.

The woman's hair is flying, the clothes are hunting, the slender silhouette is beautiful and beautiful, and a pair of beautiful eyes looks towards Chu Bei through the void, transcending like a fairy.

The woman gave people an illusion that when she saw her beautiful appearance, she became blurred again, and she couldn't recall her appearance for a while. The extraordinarily refined temperament does not seem to belong to this World. There is a breath of not interested in mundane affairs, which gives people a feeling that they will become immortal at any time.

The woman just stood quietly on the Holy Mountain, cast her calm eyes on Chu Bei, silent.

"Who is that woman? Is she alive or dead?"

"No, it is more like a phantom, she is invisible."

"Looking at her, I inexplicably think of a female emperor shaking the old illuminating the new!"

"You mean, Great Empress Ferocity!"

"No... Impossible! Will she be the Great Empress Ferocity? An illusion, it must be an illusion!"


A numerous cultivators stared blankly at the unreal woman above Holy Mountain, Discuss spiritedly in his mouth, with a stupefied expression on his face.

Chu Bei looked directly at the woman, without the slightest mood swings on her face.

The woman facing him at a distance is Great Empress Ferocity!

That unique beauty, who once killed Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, swept Six Directions and Eight Desolates, and made all the heavens and powerhouses tremble.

The most shocking and stunning Great Emperor in history, the most talented woman in ancient times! It is also the first fierce person in ancient and modern times!

struggle against the Heavens, struggling with the earth, struggling with oneself, beheading the kings, independent of nine heavens above, Spiritual God can’t stand in its way, and finally come to the top with a physique that is inferior to the mortal body , Become the most powerful, unique and unmatched empress in ancient and modern times!

Looking at the Great Empress Ferocity above Holy Mountain, to be precise, it should be an incarnation left by the other party, Chu Bei felt a little confused.

This is his first time facing the Great Emperor in Shrouding The Heavens, although this is only an incarnation.

Long time.

After all, the woman disappeared from everyone's sight, without saying a word from start to finish.

"Will that woman really be the Great Empress Ferocity? Is this barren ancient restricted area her dojo?"

"The battle is over? That skeleton emperor corpse I was sent to the bronze ancient coffin by Boss Chu. What is the origin of the bronze ancient coffin?"

"Who knows! Hundreds of years of cultivation, only to discover that there are still too many unknowns, even I don’t know the complete cultivation system yet."

"These existences can obliterate Da Neng Powerhouse by lifting one's fingers. I am afraid that there are many levels between Da Neng and the emperor."


Above the continuous mountain range, a numerous cultivators first looked at the position where the mysterious woman disappeared, then looked towards Chu Bei in front of the Bronze Immortal Palace, and came back to his senses in a dazed manner, and then came back to his senses. All around.

"It's dead, it's...dead..." old lunatic within both eyes, with a melancholy, staggered body, drifting away under the eyes of everyone, dissipating in the sky.

hong long long!

Suddenly, there was an ear-splitting roar from the sky far away.

I saw Chu Bei right hand stick out, and his palm spread out a ten thousand zhang thunder, slapped directly on the Bronze Immortal Palace.

The fairy hall hovering in the sky trembled for a while, and finally landed slowly in the mountain range.

The rocks splashed and the ground flew across, a number of cultivators immediately turned into a Changhong and moved away, and finally hovered in the air at a distance of 100 meters, watching the opening of the immortal palace gate with vigilance.

"Boss, what exactly is the origin of the nine dragons pulling a coffin? I have not figured it out after a lot of divination."

Chu Bei carried his hands behind his back, such as The god descended, slowly falling in front of the gate of the fairy hall. Fat Daoist Priest Duan De immediately stepped forward and asked respectfully.

"Don't tell, don't tell." Chu Bei smiled at Duan De, with a playful smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Boss, the woman seems to have a look at me." Ye Fan also appeared in front of Chu Bei and said uncertainly.

"This is the fate of your continuous cutting."

Chu Bei didn't say much. After the indifferent voice fell, he looked towards the highest Holy Mountain in the ancient restricted area. Following the previous battle with skeletons and bones.

Even if Dian Dui Xuanyuan Sword, when faced with existences like skeletons and ancient corpses, he could not kill the opponent, he could only suppress it with the incarnation of Great Empress Ferocity and the bronze ancient coffin.

The incarnation of Great Empress Ferocity appeared, and he felt the true meaning of the great road far beyond the ancient corpse from the opponent. If you start with Xuanyuan Sword, he is absolutely impossible to hurt the opponent.

After all, although the predecessor of the ancient corpse of the skeleton was the quasi-emperor, its consciousness was not that of the quasi-emperor. It was just a Spirit Physique attached to this ancient corpse that's all after tens of thousands of years. The strength is greatly reduced.

Through this battle, he also recognized the positioning of the system rated commodity level in the plane of Shrouding The Heavens.

Level 9, Dou Zun on the Doupo plane, and Dragon Transformation in this Shrouding The Heavens system;

Level 10, corresponding to half-step Supreme Being and Great Energy;

Level 11, corresponding to Dao Severing King;

Level 12, corresponding to Half Sage;

Level 13, corresponding to Saint;

Level 14, corresponding to Saint King;

Level 15, corresponding to Great Saint;

Level 16, corresponding to Zhundi;

Level 17, corresponding to Great Emperor.

At this moment, Chu Bei can deal with these powerful Powerhouses holding Extreme Dao Weapons, which can be easily crushed; but against the real Emperor, even the incarnation of the Great Emperor, it is far from reach.

"Boss, is there any ancient creatures running out of this Bronze Immortal Palace?" Ji Ziyue swallowed saliva and said, looking at Chu Bei nervously, it was obvious that she was caught by the skeletons and bones that appeared earlier. The creature was frightened.

Chu Bei glanced at Ji Ziyue, smiled knowingly, and stepped into the huge Bronze Immortal Palace.

"Boss Chu has entered, do you want us to enter?"

"Even the corpse of the emperor can't get over the waves in front of him. I pay attention to his realm It shouldn't be Let us."

"That is true, and Boss Chu does not seem to be a bloodthirsty person, otherwise he would not save us many times in crisis before."

"Why don't you go in and check it out? At worst, Boss Chu's complexion is wrong, let's quit immediately!"


Bronze Immortal Palace all around a numerous cultivators looking down Chu Bei in the hall, discusses spiritedly, with a hesitant color on his face.

Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian, ​​Peacock King and other eight powerful Powerhouses, looked at each other in blank dismay, and after making some exchange of eyes, they swept in at the same time In the fairy palace.

They are very curious about this Bronze Immortal Palace, which has existed since the ancient times and appeared once every three thousand years.

"Let's go!"

Seeing a group of powerful Powerhouses submerged into the Immortal Palace, all around cultivators no longer hesitate, and flew into the Bronze Immortal Palace one after another.

"Bones, a lot of bones!"

Entering the great hall, the first thing that appeared in the eyes of everyone was a pile of bones scattered and dead for an unknown number of years.

"Look at it, there are words here!"

A cultivator seems to have found something cred out in surprise. In front of him, it is a huge ancient corpse. . The ancient corpse was lying on his back on the ground, his jaw slightly open, and it seemed to be full of loneliness before death.

"Becoming a fairy...difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

After the cultivator recognized the five characters that were almost dried up, his expression changed suddenly.

The five bloody words exhausted the bitterness, and this person was obviously desperate before he died.

"There are more words!" Another cultivator exclaimed, pointing his finger under the snow-white arm.

"Shaking Light Yang Yizhen!"

The cultivator read it smoothly, and the Shaking Light Holy Lord not far away suddenly startled with expression.


Hearing this name, some cultivators who have studied ancient books in the field suddenly exclaimed, their mouths opened wide, their faces were shocked, and they said: "Yang Yizhen of Flickering Light Holy Land, that is a peerless figure recorded in the ancient history of Eastern Wilderness. One hundred and five thousand years ago, he crossed the Eastern Wilderness and rarely resisted. He actually fell here..."

After a while, another white bone caused everyone to scream. The deceased was the second Holy Lord of Jade Lake Holy Land. It is also a well-known existence in the records of Eastern Wilderness, and beside its bones, there is also a line of blood red characters.

It's hard to become a fairy!

The third, fourth, fifth...

Gradually, several more ancient corpses with names were discovered.

These ancient corpses are all the most peaked characters in Eastern Wilderness.

"Bronze Immortal Palace is indeed the burial ground of the world-famous Powerhouse. The powerful moth flies into the flame and came to find the hope of becoming immortal, but in the end they died depressed and died here."


"You said, the death of these ancient corpses is related to the ancient creatures and the skeletons and bones?"

"No, the existence of our ancestors is a hundred thousand years old According to Boss Chu, the Spiritual Consciousness of the skull and bones has only been cultivation for thousands of years."

"Now, I am afraid that the Emperor in front of the skull and bones is also looking for success. The opportunity of the immortal will die here. It's just that the skeleton and bones were born because of the power of the emperor's corpse."

"That said, how did these people perish? is it possible that, is there any hidden murderous intention in this fairy palace?"


A numerous cultivators sighed after looking at the countless white bones.

"Is it so difficult to become a fairy?"

"Is the fairy in Boss Chu's mouth the fairy they are looking for?"

" Do you see Boss Chu?"

In the great hall, a numerous cultivators stared at the white bones all around, with surprise in their eyes. There are also cultivators looking around, as if looking for something.

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