"Let you see and see the power of God!"

Looking at Tang Hao, who was attacking in a fierce imposing manner, Qian Daoliu's eyes condensed, coldly snorted.

Following a loud explosion sound, the six wings behind it flapped at the same time, and the incomparable Golden flame completely enveloped his body. At the same time, the incomplete golden ring behind it flickered, centering on itself, filled with the golden glow of holy breath.

Under the flashing of the incomplete golden ring, Qian Daoliu's flame outside the body has an inner layer of rays of light that releases the holy breath.


In the sound of breaking the sky, Qian Daoliu turned into a golden meteor, ignored Tang Hao's phantom, right hand fisted, and went straight to the most terrifying breath of Tang Hao.

In the battlefield, two figures are like meteors rushing to the moon. Tang Hao also didn't mean to evade. Holding the Clear Sky Hammer in both hands, all Soul Power on his body was condensed on the hammer.


Two figures collided, and a huge golden and white two colors beam of light rushed into the sky for thousands of meters.

The crowd on the terrifying aftermath of the square rolled over, and those with the weaker cultivation base whited his eyes and passed out.

At the collision, the dazzling rays of light had not yet dispersed. A silhouette shot down like a cannonball from top to bottom, heavily hitting the competition platform.

"Why didn't your one hundred thousand years of spirit ring explode? If it explodes, it might hurt me." Qian Daoliu fell slowly from the dazzling rays of light, hovering in the air. Seeing the deep black hole that was smashed out of the Bidou platform.

The calm voice fell, and his right palm came out, and the huge suction force sucked Tang Hao from the dark pit into the air.

At this moment, Tang Hao's clothes burst, and his whole body was burnt. The blood in his mouth spewed out uncontrollably, and his breath was extremely weak.

"You have no strength to speak anymore? That's all, I will send you to my son to confess!"

Speaking, Qian Daoliu raised his right palm with a ball in his palm Golden flame gathers.

"Boss Chu, you..."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi looked at Chu Bei's back. The words had not yet been spoken. Chu Bei took a step forward and the silhouette disappeared. On the podium.

"Is this the strength of the Douluo Palace High Priest Qian Daoliu? It is indeed the Powerhouse standing on the continent Peak!"

"The Haotian Douluo in that state is actually Didn't hurt him, what realm is he now?"

"The Golden spirit ring behind him, does that represent God?"


In the stands, a crowd of people looked at Tang Hao, who was dying bloodstained all over, and couldn't help feeling pity.

Even the younger generation Powerhouse that used to be, will eventually fall into the hands of Continental Peak Powerhouse.

"Poseidon's Hammer!"

Tang San flew into the air, with a blue glow in the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, and hit Qian Daoliu with the sound of breaking through the air.

"hehe, little fellow, are you so anxious to die in front of your father?"

Qian Daoliu glanced at Tang San disdainfully, the attack that hit Tang Hao casually Change the trajectory to meet Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.


Without any accident, Qian Daoliu’s golden light shot easily destroyed Tang San, which gathered the Sea Power of God and was able to kill the Clear Sky Hammer of 8Level 5 Soul Douluo.

"No...Don't move three children!"

Tang Hao's one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring lights up, and a little horrible Soul Power bursts out of his frail body, replacing Tang San Successfully blocked Qian Daoliu's attack.

"It's a touching scene."

Qian Daoliu let out a sneer: "I decided not to kill you first, you killed my son, I want you to taste it too The pain of losing his son! And, I want you to witness his death with your own eyes!"

A little red thread penetrated in Qian Daoliu's eyes, and his gaze again looked towards Tang San was full of brutal bloodthirsty.

Sen Han's voice fell, Qian Daoliu's golden ring of light appeared in his palm, and the huge suction force was locked on Tang San's body.

In an instant, Tang San's slightly thin body and uncontrollable moved towards Qian Daoliu swept away.

"Don't hurt Little San!!!"

Tang Hao almost exhausted all his energy and roared out. The next moment his originally sunken chest suddenly swelled, a wave far beyond the previous one. The more terrifying Soul Power riot broke out.

I saw the ninth spirit ring on his body vibrate, making a continuous and harsh buzzing sound.

"Ah Yin...For Little San, I hope you can understand me..."

The whisper fell, Tang Hao's pale face suddenly showed strange magic lines, and his hair stood upright, black His pupils turned into scarlet, and the violent breath swept the audience.


Tang Hao roar towards the sky.

However, just when the one hundred thousand year old spirit ring was about to explode, a breeze blew, and an invisible force forcibly suppressed his spirit ring on the edge of the explosion.


Perceiving Tang Hao's violent Soul Power fluctuations subsided, Qian Daoliu frowned. After a flash of confusion in his eyes, a golden lance appeared in the right hand and threw it at the Tang San who had been sucked in by him.

"Third Brother (Little San)!"

Seeing Golden lance is about to penetrate Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai and the others subconsciously criticized out in surprise, in his eyes With trepidation.

A crowd of people on the stands and VIP seats squirmed their throats, and a small number of people had regrets in their eyes.

Throughout the tens of millions of years, the most terrifying person with innate talent in history is about to fall.

Of course, there are some people who are still very calm at this brief moment. The expressions of Yu Xiaogang, Ning Fengzhi, Yu Tianhao and the others have not changed much, but there is a little more expectation in their eyes. It's like waiting for something.

As for Tang Hao, slowly closed his eyes, his body like a broken kite fell vertically from the air, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if the burden on his body was relieved and handed over to others.


The crisp metal crash sounded.

When Golden lance was about to penetrate Tang San, an energy light film appeared out of thin air above Tang San's body.

The energy light film is as thin as cicada wing. If you don’t look closely, you can’t find its existence. But this is only one or two millimeters of light film, but it is for Tang San to block the imposing manner of the monstrous Golden lance.

next moment, under everyone's attention, a ripple in the void next to Tang San, and a silhouette slowly emerges.


When the seven people, including Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, and Xiao Wu, saw that silhouette in the purple light, they all looked excited, with tears in their eyes.

They all know that their boss will not sit back and watch, but they are still afraid. They were afraid that their Boss would not be able to catch up, and they were afraid that Tang San would be shot through by a golden spear.

Fortunately, at the most dangerous moment, the Boss they were looking forward to appeared.

Everything is shocking but not dangerous.

"Master...Father..., the discipline is giving you trouble."

Tang San looked at Chu Bei and bit his lip lightly. The moment the energy light film appeared, the suction force from Qian Daoliu on his body was cut off.

"It's okay, go and stay below, then leave it to me." Chu Bei touched Tang San's small head, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"en. ”

Meeting Chu Bei's warm gaze, Tang San subconsciously nodded, and then fell beside Tang Hao on the platform.

"You have already fought with him and you are invincible. Shouldn't be blame me for interfering with you?" Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and looked at Tang Hao with a smile.

"Senior can help me, I am grateful, how dare I blame it." Tang Hao quickly opened the mouth and said.

Tang Hao has gratitude in his eyes. The reason why he is grateful is not only because the other party taught Tang San, but also because the opponent's shot just prevented him from using the ninth ring.

The 100,000-year red spirit ring was sacrificed to him by Ah Yin. Even in the battle with Qian Daoliu, he only bombed the eighth ring. If Tang San's life hadn't been in danger before, he would never have thought of blowing up the nine rings.

Fortunately, at the moment when the ninth ring exploded, Tang San’s Boss, the deep and unmeasurable god, used Supreme Divine Ability to forcibly suppress the violent power in the spirit ring.

"Daddy...what's wrong with you..." Looking at Tang Hao's intermittent breath, Tang San's eyes flushed.

"San'er, you met a good boss. He is stronger than being a father, and he can teach you far more than being a father."

Tang Hao He opened his eyes as heavy as a mountain with relief, and said, "Your achievements are boundless in the future. You may be able to step into the legendary god realm like your boss. The two elders of Yin and Yang are dead, as fathers. My wish is over, it’s time to accompany your mother. Let it go about the past, don’t explore it, it should be over."

"Tang Hao, you are not only a human husband , Or a father. Don’t you just live for Ah Yin? You don’t want to watch San'er grow up? Watch him get married? Watch his wives and concubines in groups?"

Tang Hao lonely tone barely fell, Chu Bei's plain but majestic voice sounded in his ears.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Tang Hao's body was slightly trembled, and then a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He knew his own body best.

In that battle a few years ago, he was already an arrow at the end of its flight, and all the internal organs in his body were destroyed; if it hadn't been supported by the powerful willpower, he would have died.

Today, the last yin and yang offerings were successfully killed, and the grievances were avenged. In addition, even after the eighth ring burst, his last life was also drained.

At the moment, although he still has some strength, this should be the so-called flashback. He has seen Death God beckoning to him.

"Boss Chu, you may not know, my body..."

"Remember, in front of All Heavens Store, as long as there is money, everything is possible."

Without waiting for Tang Hao to finish speaking, Chu Bei interrupted him, and said: "Don't say it is you, even if it is Ah Yin, who said she can't be resurrected? You don't expect a family of three to reunite The day?"

Listening to Chu Bei’s words, this time, Tang Hao straightened up with unexplained strength, and looked at Chu Bei with shocked eyes: "You...you just said, Ah Yin can be resurrected!"

"It's not difficult, as long as you have money."

Chu Bei glanced at Tang Hao lightly, waved his right hand, threw away a pill red Medicinal Pill: "Now you can take a good rest and look forward to that day."

"Ah Yin...Ah Yin..."

Tang Hao took the Chu Bei throw The red Medicinal Pill that came, repeated after the entrance: "Resurrection, can it really be resurrected..."

Chu Bei no longer paid attention to Tang Hao, but turned his attention to Qian Daoliu.

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