"Sir Deacon, why did you come early this year?"

The old village chief walked forward quickly and greeted Su Yuntao very politely .

"You guys are very lively today! Is there any happy event in the village? When I see me, no one will entertain me." Su Yuntao glanced at the old village chief with a displeased expression. Dissatisfied.

"Don't blame Sir Deacon." The old village chief repeatedly apologized.

"That's all, bring all the children in your village who are six years old this year and let me take a look." Su Yuntao moved towards the old village chief waved his hand, no longer pursued.

"My lord, if you are here today to awaken those children, I don't think it is necessary." The old village chief looked at a group of children playing near the pond not far away, and couldn't help but open. the mouth and said.

"What do you mean?"

Su Yuntao frowned: "is it possible that, you want to ruin their future? In case there is a good seed among them, you It’s not a competent village head to delay them like this!"

"My lord, you understand it wrong. I mean, the Martial Spirit of these children has awakened." The old village head quickly opened the mouth and said.

"Martial Spirit awakened?"

Su Yuntao frowned even more, with confusion on his face: "I am responsible for the awakening of Martial Spirit in your village. is it possible that other people from Martial Soul Palace have been here?"

"It's not."

The old village chief shook the head: "But these children have indeed awakened Martial Spirit is here."

After that, the old village chief moved towards a group of children playing by the pond yelled.

"The village chief, what's the matter?"

In a short while, the children ran to the old village chief.

"Summon your Martial Spirit and let Sir Deacon have a look." The old village chief said.


Hearing the words of the old village chief, a group of six or seven-year-old children were nodded, and then they opened their palms at the same time. When summon came out of Martial Spirit, it also lit up. The first spirit ring in a century.

"Not only awakened, but also a spirit ring!"

"And it's a hundred years!"

"Soul Power Level 12!"

"How is this possible!"

Looking at the spirit ring that lit up on a group of children, Su Yuntao was stunned at first, then his pupils suddenly condensed, with a look of shock.

"What happened!"

came back to his senses, Su Yuntao's gaze returned to the old village chief, with questions in his words.

In the villages he handles, it is not bad for six-year-old children to produce a seventh-level soul warrior a year.

But right now, the children of Holy Spirit Village, not only Martial Spirit awakened before his arrival, but also possessed a century-old spirit ring, Soul Power has reached Level 12!

In this, something he didn't know must have happened.

"My lord, all this is the blessing of Boss. I believe that under his leadership, our Holy Spirit Village will one day be famous for the entire continent." The old village chief looked back. The villagers whose eyes are still celebrating the carnival are full of yearning and expectation for the future.

"Boss? He is who! Where is it?" Su Yuntao hurriedly asked.

"The village chief, he is from the Martial Soul Palace? That must be very rich."

Not waiting for the old village chief to answer Su Yuntao’s question, Dai Mubai, Wang Fan and Ning Rongrong entire group came over.

Since they are all Level 1 agents, compared to the children in the village who are Level 2 agents, the natural relationship is better.

"You are the Little Fatty whose Martial Spirit awakened last year with a wooden stick and no Soul Power!"

Su Yuntao's eyes suddenly fixed on Wang Fan's body. Last year, Holy Spirit Village Among the few awakened little fellows, he has the deepest memory of this Little Fatty, because the other party is called Dogballz by the villagers.

"Sir Deacon, hello!"

Wang Fan moved towards Su Yuntao hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and said: "My Martial Spirit is no longer The wooden stick is not zero Soul Power anymore."

While Wang Fan stretched out his palm, two spirit rings lighted up on his body.

Looking at the beast Martial Spirit in Wang Fan's palm and the fluctuation of Level 21 Soul Power in the real deal, Su Yuntao was completely shocked.

"Why...what's going on!"

Su Yuntao took a step forward, half-bended, his hands tightly resting on Wang Fan's shoulders.

Compared with before, Su Yuntao's face is terrified and puzzled at this moment, even worse.

If someone helps these children to awaken the Martial Spirit and help them obtain the spirit ring, he can still accept it; but in front of him, the fatty of the waste Martial Spirit with zero Soul Power that he personally awakened last year is now Change is something he cannot accept!

Having lived for dozens of years, he has never heard of someone whose Soul Power can be acquired from nothing, let alone change Wu Soul Power!

"Sir Deacon of Martial Soul Palace, I don't know how much money you have with you? In my place, if you open a few boxes, you will know that there is no lack of strange things in the world. At that time, you too I understand why Wang Fan can have this change."

Dai Mubai moved towards Su Yuntao blinked, and after the smiley voice fell, ten square boxes flew out of the agent ring in his hand.

"What is this? Could it be that there are treasures in it?" Su Yuntao glanced at the ten boxes in front of him, and fell on Dai Mubai with confused eyes.

"Sir Deacon, you are right! It has a treasure in it! Just take my Level 6 chance box, once you open the baby, it will be of great benefit to you Ah! Can make you sleepless for a month of excitement!" Dai Mubai rubbed his hands and looked at Su Yuntao expectantly.

"How much is one?"

Looking at Dai Mubai's enthusiastic face, and then listening to the exaggerated words, Su Yuntao couldn't help but tugged at the corner of his mouth, but still Asked.

"Not expensive, 800,000 soul coins." Dai Mubai looked at Su Yuntao with a smile.


Hearing the price quoted by Dai Mubai, Su Yuntao's face twitched slightly, and his right hand slightly lifted, seemingly wishing to slap to death. This little fellow who doesn't know what money is in front of me.

He saved half of his life, and his savings now are no more than a million soul coins. And the other party dared to bid 800,000 for a broken box!

"Sir Deacon, are you so poor?" Perceiving Su Yuntao's expression, Dai Mubai curl one's lip corner.

"I took out the money, but I was afraid that you, a little fellow, would not be able to eat it."

Su Yuntao showed up the Soul Guidance Device and took out 800,000 Soul Coins from it, proud Said: "Have you seen it? I took out the money, I don't know if the contents of your box are worthy of it?"

"Sir Deacon, then you can come first." Dai Mubai be eager to have a try.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Tang San on the side are also looking forward to it. They don't care how much they can profit from it, they just want to take a personal look at the transaction process.

Because they are all agents, they are incomparably dealing with each other.

"Okay, I want to see what medicine can be sold in your bottle gourd." Su Yuntao sneered.


At the moment Su Yuntao nodded, the ring in Dai Mubai's hand lit up with a bunch of red glow.

next moment, red glow swept the 800,000 soul coins that Su Yuntao took out, and then disappeared together strangely.

"Money...my money!"

Su Yuntao was taken aback, his eyes rounded, came back to his senses, staring at Dai Mubai eagerly, anxiously They are like ants on a hot pot.

That was his half-life savings!

He took out 800,000 soul coins, and his intention was to want Dai Mubai to prove that he is rich!

But he didn't expect that at the moment he nodded the transaction, 800,000 soul coins disappeared out of thin air.

"Sir Deacon, don't worry, I take your money and I will naturally give you the goods."

Dai Mubai pointed to the ten square boxes in front of him: "You can pick one out of them now."

Hearing the sound, Su Yuntao glanced across the ten boxes, temporarily calming himself, after all, the culprit was right in front of him.

at worst, finally forcibly forcing the other party to hand over the money.

Thinking of this, Su Yuntao's face eased, and after coldly snorted, he chose the seventh square box from left to right.

hong long!

The square box flew in front of Su Yuntao.

A loud noise exploded.

The eye-catching [Thank you for your patronage] four big characters came into the eyes of everyone.

"Sure enough, it will fail."

Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and the others, looked at each other, although they knew that the opportunity box for sale was opened when they became agents. Thank you The probability of patronage is very high, but when I see it with my own eyes, waves are still on my face.

After all, that is 800,000, not a small amount.

Just because thank you for your patronage, the four characters are all overwhelmed.

"little fellow, are you kidding me!"

Looking at the four characters that are gradually dissipating, thank you for your patronage, Su Yuntao's expression is completely heavy, and thick eyes rise Anger.

The coldly shouted sound fell, and a faint azure light was released from Su Yuntao's between the eyebrows.

In an instant, Su Yuntao's long black hair turned gray and quickly grew longer. His hands were also covered with gray hair almost at the same time, his body swelled, and his whole body was full of muscles. Looking at his eyes again, they have also turned into a weird green, and the sharp claw protruding from the fingers of both hands flashed with a faint cold light.

At the same time, two rings of light, one white and one yellow, lit up under his feet.

"Sir Deacon, opportunities are often accompanied by risks. The same is true for my box. There is a certain chance that I would like to thank you for your patronage."

Sir cold eyes on Su Yuntao , Dai Mubai scratched his head apologetically: "Why don't you buy another one?"

"little fellow, you are challenging my endurance limit!"

Su Yuntao Obviously thinking that Dai Mubai was playing with him, the right hand covered with gray hair was clasped around Dai Mubai's neck.

"Sir Deacon, our trading is really like this. There are opportunities and risks. Please understand."

Seeing Su Yuntao's move, the old village chief’s face appeared A touch of panic, quickly opened the mouth and said.

"get lost!"

Su Yuntao was coldly snorted, and with a wave of his left hand, a spirit intertwined by Soul Power struck the old village chief.

Peng sound, the old village chief flew out for a few meters, his face immediately pale.

"The village chief!"

A group of children immediately ran forward to help the old village chief.

Hearing the movement, more and more villagers ran over, glaring at Su Yuntao angrily, clenching their fists one by one.

Su Yuntao glanced at the villagers all around, coldly snorted, with disdain in his eyes.

"White Tiger body protection barrier!"

Just as Su Yuntao lowered his head and looked towards Dai Mubai again, and was about to force the other party to hand over the money, the latter made a low voice .

When the voice fell, Su Yuntao noticed that a layer of golden light armor rose from Dai Mubai's body, and forcibly shook the right hand that held it against the opponent's throat.

"White Tiger fierce light!"

Until Su Yuntao reacted from the horror, the other party made a second sound, and then a wave of heart palpitations poured out of the other party's body. Soul Power fluctuates.

Detecting this Soul Power fluctuation, Su Yuntao's pupils shrank suddenly, not daring to hesitate, and quickly backed away.

However, as he backed away, the boy who seemed to him to knead at will, but quickly followed. At the same time, a punch was thrown out, and the surface of the fist was wrapped in dazzling Golden rays of light.

"How...how could it be..."

Su Yuntao was horrified and hurriedly fisted to meet him.

hong long!

Two fists touch each other!

At the moment of the collision, Su Yuntao, who was much larger than Dai Mubai, flew upside down like a cannonball, and fiercely fell into the pond.

Among them, Su Yuntao mournful scream can be heard.

"My lord, what's the matter with you!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yuntao's entourage glanced at Dai Mubai in horror, and quickly ran to the pond.

crash-bang ——

Su Yuntao climbed up from the water in a panic.

When I looked towards Dai Mubai again, especially when I saw the four spirit rings that the other party had lit up, in addition to fear and fear, there was a deep horror in his eyes.

"Let's go!"

Su Yuntao took a deep breath, and after returning to the shore, turned around and ran in the direction where he came.

"Brother Dai, did you get a commission for the treasure box you just sold?"

Oscar, Ning Rongrong and the others, after looking at the direction Su Yuntao was going away , Immediately set his sights on Dai Mubai.

"The commission is 80,000."

While speaking, the proxy ring on the index finger of Oscar's right hand lights up with a purple light, which shows that there are 80,000 soul coins.

"Really very good!" Oscar looked happy.


The next day.

All the people in the village gathered around the pond of Holy Spirit Village.

"Everyone, we if fated will meet again!"

"When we hope to see you again, we are all rich!"

"haha , This is just the beginning, where else can you go?"

"With this opportunity, let us be famous for the continent together!"


Level 2 Agents, the older ones, are full of yearning for a better future.

"Boss, I already have a certain ability to protect myself, and I have gone out to make money."

Oscar moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand. In the later stage, the more money he needs to upgrade. He can't always rely on Ning Rongrong and needs to be self-reliant.

Chu Bei nodded: "When you are in danger, remember to contact immediately through the void sound transmission stone. And don't forget, it must be in the name of All Heavens Store!"

" Understand!"

Everyone responded in unison.

Gradually, a group of agents left one after another, moving towards the city they selected and rushed.

Oscar has left.

Dai Mubai returned to Star Luo Empire through Transmission Formation, where he said it is easier to find rich guys.

Ning Rongrong also used Transmission Formation to return to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect first. The idea is the same as Dai Mubai.

Xiao Wu, Tang San, and Wang Fan accepted the money left by Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong, and they plan to stay next to Chu Bei for a few more days, and move on to the cultivation progress before leaving.

Looking at the fading agents, Chu Bei raised his mouth slightly. He has successfully taken the first step of establishing a business empire.

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