"Dogballz, he...he is the old man you rescued from the water three days ago!"

The eyes of the villagers fell on Chu Bei With a look of horror and disbelief on their bodies, they really couldn't associate the youth in front of them with the old man who was about to enter the soil three days ago.

Tang San also stared at Chu Bei blankly. No wonder the other party was able to confess his torrential rain pear flower hidden weapon technique.

[Host opens Level 2 proxy authority]

[Up to 100 people]

[The person who signs the contract can get a Level 12 Soul Power package]

[The person signing the cultivation base exceeds Level 12, and the Soul Power package is converted into a Soul Master Dan]

[The person signing the cultivation base is lower than Level 12, Soul Power rises directly to Level 12, and get a century-old spirit ring in the gift pack]

At this moment, a series of system sounds.

Chu Bei was one of them stunned, and the information flow about Level 2 agents quickly flooded into his mind.

After sorting out the Level 2 agency information, Chu Bei glanced over the villagers and derives new ideas.

At this moment, a group of villagers who noticed Chu Bei's gaze stepped forward and tried to say hello to Chu Bei.

In a moment, Chu Bei all around was full of people.

"Let’s leave today. At this time tomorrow, each household will send a representative to gather here, and I will give it an opportunity." Looking at all around the enthusiastic villagers, Chu Bei smiled.


"Many thanks, my lord!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the villagers looked at each other, and then they were full of joy Excited color.

Obviously, in their view, this so-called opportunity must be related to becoming a Soul Master.

After all, the achievements of Dogballz are not because of the other side.

Afterwards, after a group of villagers greeted Chu Bei very politely, they were talking excitedly and left together.

"Tang San, do you want to run this time? Do you want to think about being my Level 1 agent to help me build a business empire in this continent?" Chu Bei walked to Tang There was a smile on San's mouth.

"Why did you choose me?" Tang San was still wary of Chu Bei's gaze.

"I only choose the destined person."

Chu Bei laughed, and pointed to the four behind Oscar and Dai Mubai, and said: "It's not just you, they are also I was selected."

After that, Chu Bei looked towards Wang Fan again: "You are still there."

"Thank you grandfather!"

Different Chu Bei, Wang Fan looked excited and excited when he learned that Chu Bei had also selected him.

"Xiaofan, you will also call me Boss in the future." For the title grandfather, Chu Bei is really hard to adapt.

"Thank you Boss!" Wang Fan changed his mouth.

Looking at the Wang Fan shouting beside him, Tang San was silent and hesitated.

Notice that Tang San has already moved, Chu Bei waved his sleeves, and a simple and heavy book hovered in front of Tang San.

"The hidden weapon spectrum of the heavens?"

Looking at the five big characters on the cover of the book, Tang San stretched out his hand out of curiosity.

But when he flipped through a few pages of this hidden weapon score, Tang San's expression froze.

Even, the astonishment in the eyes, compared with the Martial Spirit who saw Wang Fan before, is even worse!

This is a list of hidden weapon rankings, with a detailed description of the production of each hidden weapon.

However, after flipping two pages casually, Tang San saw the names that were familiar in his previous life and could no longer be familiar.

Peacock Ling, Yama Tie, Rain Pear Flower Needle, Bodhi Blood, Guanyin Tears, Buddha's Fury Tanglian...

These Tang Sect Peak hidden weapons can actually be in this hidden weapon Found on the spectrum, and it seems to have been strengthened, some of the original flaws have been improved, and it is almost perfect!

Apart from this, there are some rankings above these hidden weapons, Supreme hidden weapons that he has never heard of!

Long time.

Tang San cautiously closed the hidden weapon spectrum, took a deep breath.

Immediately, he looked directly at Chu Bei with a very serious expression.

"I know what you think now is nothing more than to create a new Tang Sect."

Chu Bei saw through Tang San at a glance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "But only It’s not enough to have this hidden weapon spectrum. You have to have enough strength."

"Just so, I can give you strength; the premise is that you have to become my Level 1 agent first."

"I am willing to be your Level 1 agent."

Chu Bei tone barely fell, Tang San spoke, every word.

At the same time, both hands clasped the hidden weapon spectrum of the heavens. Relying on this hidden weapon spectrum, he is confident to create a Tang Sect far beyond his previous life.

"You made a right choice."

Chu Bei's pleased patted Tang San's shoulder, after all, a pointer to Tang San between the eyebrows, will be about Level 1 The information flow of the agent fills the other's mind.

A few seconds later, Tang San put on the agent ring.

[Host signed Level 1 agent Tang San successfully]

[Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base conversion speeding up]

[40% progress Two]

[Progress forty-three percent]

[Progress forty-four percent]


The moment Tang San dropped blood on the ring, the system sounded.

Perhaps because of being the protagonist of Douluo, compared with signing Dai Mubai and the others, the conversion of the cultivation base after signing Tang San has more progress, directly from 41% to 50% six.

As for Soul Power, it has also jumped from Level 52 Soul King to Level 68 Soul Emperor.

"Boss, our house is just for ironing and we don't have much money."

After understanding the benefits of Level 1 agency, Tang San raised his eyes and looked at Chu Bei with an awkward expression.

"Little San, the money you had to spend in the early stage is covered!" Dai Mubai stepped forward, patted Tang San's arm with pride.

"Then give him 50,000 soul coins first."

After Chu Bei glanced at Dai Mubai, he waved his hand and a red Medicinal Pill appeared in Tang San In front of him.

"This is?"

When Tang San received the soul coin given by Dai Mubai, the red Medicinal Pill automatically fell into his palm as soon as he spent it.

"As long as you eat this Medicinal Pill, you will be able to awaken Martial Spirit immediately. You don't need to wait until 6 years old."

Ning Rongrong recognized the red Medicinal Pill at a glance, she I awakened after eating this red Medicinal Pill.

Hearing the sound, after Tang San glanced at Ning Rongrong, he cautiously threw the red pill into his mouth.

At the entrance of the red Medicinal Pill, Tang San seemed to notice the abnormality in his body, and raised his subconsciously right hand.

I saw the blue light spot converging in the palm, and at the same time, Tang San's body appeared to fluctuate in Soul Power.

"Ten...Tenth level!"

"No wonder the Boss didn't give you that blue pill. It turns out that you are Innate and full of Soul Power!"

Tang San's Soul Power fluctuated, Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong exclaimed.

The expressions of Xiao Wu and Oscar also made waves.

Next moment, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong's eyes are locked in Tang San's palm, and their faces are looking forward to it.

Obviously, they are very curious about what kind of Martial Spirit the Tang San of Innate is full of Soul Power.

Gradually, there are more and more blue light spots in Tang San's palm, until it evolves into a pale blue grass.

"This, this is Blue Silver Grass?"

"Why is it like this! Innate is full of Soul Power, why Martial Spirit is Blue Silver Grass!"

"There must be something wrong! He is the person chosen by the Boss, he shouldn't be such a waste Martial Spirit."


I will see Tang The small grass Martial Spirit condensed in the palm of San right hand, Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Xiao Wu looked at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Blue Silver Grass can be seen everywhere, with neither offensive power nor defensive power, it can be described as the most useless existence in Martial Spirit!

They really can’t believe that this man selected by the Boss and full of Soul Power by Innate, Martial Spirit will be Blue Silver Grass.

Hearing the voices of Dai Mubai and the others, Tang San glanced at the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit in the palm of his right hand. He clenched his left hand just about to lift, and then put it down again.

"Boss, I want to ask, can one person have only one Martial Spirit?" Tang San put his left hand behind, raised his head and looked at Chu Bei, and suddenly asked.

"Of course, have you seen anyone with a second Martial Spirit? There is only one chance. Although you are Innate with Soul Power, your Martial Spirit is Blue Silver Grass. The way forward It's hard to walk."

Ning Rongrong took the lead to speak to Tang San before Chu Bei could speak.

"I got it."

Tang San looked towards Ning Rongrong, after complied, I stopped talking.

"Rongrong, how can you tell that one person can't have two Martial Spirits at the same time?" Chu Bei asked Ning Rongrong with his gaze on Ning Rongrong.

"My dad told me, and in our Sect, I have never heard of anyone with two Martial Spirits." Ning Rongrong raised his head and responded to Chu Bei.

"Although there are few cases of twin Martial Spirit, it does not mean that it does not exist. For a hundred years, there has been a person with twin Martial Spirit in Martial Soul Palace. Now this person has stood tall in this area. The continent's Peak." Chu Bei's voice was calm.

"Boss, listen to what you mean, is it possible that Tang San...he is a twin Martial Spirit!" Oscar and Dai Mubai responded suspiciously.

"Little San, stretch out your left hand, and let them have a look." Chu Bei returned his gaze to Tang San.

"en. ”

Tang San hesitated for a while, then lightly complied.

After that, Tang San slowly raised his left hand as he did before.

This time, there is no longer blue light in the palm of his palm. The faint black rays of light form a condensed formation, and a strange thing appears in his palm.

This is a black hammer with a black handle. The handle is about half chi long and the head is cylindrical, which looks like a reduced version of a casting hammer.

However, on the black surface of the hammer, there is a special rays of light, and a light pattern is coiled around the cylindrical hammer head.

When this hammer appeared in the palm of Tang San's left hand, the air all around seemed to become somewhat depressed.

As for Tang San, with his legs tied in a horse stance, he seemed to have used a lot of strength to hold up the black hammer.

"There really is a second Martial Spirit!"

"It's still a Martial Spirit, hammer!"

"But this hammer looks good It’s weird!"


See the second Martial Spirit in Tang San’s left palm, Ning Rongrong, Oscar, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu four faces The room was filled with consternation.

"Boss, have you seen this hammer before? Does it have a name?" Tang San pointed to the faint pattern on the hammer head, said curiously.

"You will know about it in the future." Chu Bei remained in suspense.

After that, Chu Bei glanced over Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, and Oscar, and said, “Remember, there is no such thing as a waste Martial Spirit in this world, even if it’s just Blue Silver Grass. , Can also become a terrifying killer weapon!"

"many thanks Boss for teaching!"

Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong have serious expressions and are nodded by agreement.

"You guys go and play, too."

Chu Bei waved away Dai Mubai.


An hour later.

Tang San returned to the iron shop.

"Won the fight?"

Just as Tang San entered the house, a middle-aged man who was drunk and ironing, glanced at Tang San and asked lazily.

"Lost." Tang San responded.

"Did you lose to Dogballz?"

The middle-aged man put down the hammer in his hand, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although his son has not yet awakened Martial Spirit, he has followed him to fight iron since he was a child, and his physique seems to be better than ordinary people by nature. In his opinion, his son can even match an adult man. war.

For this, the opponent lost to Dogballz, and he was so puzzled.

"Dogballz breakthrough, he became Soul Master." Tang San continued.

The look of shock on the middle-aged man's face is even worse: "Why did his spirit ring come from?"

"Father, my Martial Spirit is awakened." Tang San said Focus.

"Wake up when you wake up, I'm asking you Dogballz's Martial Spirit...what? Your Martial Spirit is awakened!"

Middle-aged man said, pupils Suddenly he condensed: "You are under six years old, how did Martial Spirit awaken!"

Tang San did not rush to answer the middle-aged man's question, but spread his hands at the same time, and the blue dots on the right hand gathered. , The black glow of the left hand surges.

In a moment, right hand Blue Silver Grass, left hand Clear Sky Hammer, two kinds of Martial Spirit formed.

"This...is it predestined...Blue Silver Grass...same as hers..."

Tang Hao stared at Tang San summon blankly The two Martial Spirits that came out were lost for a while, and they didn't know what they were whispering.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at Tang Hao who was absent-minded, Tang San hurriedly asked, a little worry appeared in his eyes.

Since he was born, he has never seen his father's face so wonderful, with all kinds of complex emotions constantly intertwining and changing.

"Tell me! Why did your Martial Spirit awaken!"

Suddenly, Tang Hao seemed to have thought of something, staring straight at Tang San with his eyes With questioning.

Meeting Tang Hao's gaze, Tang San was in a daze.

At this moment, he felt that his father had become a person, especially the sense of decadence that he gave to people, disappeared.

Tang San straightened his thoughts and elaborated on Chu Bei before and after. Of course, it was related to Tang Sect in his previous life, so he chose to hide it.

"I didn't think that Holy Spirit Village actually came to such an existence."

After hearing what Tang San said, the middle-aged man looked out the door, half-squinted and muttered to himself .

"Daddy, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly." Tang San said.

"Go back to your house."

After waving his hand, the middle-aged man moved towards Tang San turned and walked into his house.


The night falls, dark and windy night.

In the iron shop, a black shadow flew out.

The middle-aged man still wore a torn robe, but his sluggish and yellow eyes became clearer.

Compared with the daytime, the current middle-aged man has a different imposing manner.

In just a few seconds, the middle-aged man has arrived at the location of Wang Fan's house.

"Who are you."

The middle-aged man leaned against the wall, and a powerful voice penetrated into the wall.

"Tang Hao, how have you been hiding here all these years?"

With the fluttering voice, the silhouette of Chu Bei appeared in front of the middle-aged man.

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