"Rongrong, don't worry. You Grandpa Sword is fine. For him, it may be a good thing to lose." Gu Rong reached out and touched Ning Rongrong's small head. Sound appeased.

"Obviously I have sword dao complete mastery, why would I still lose...Where did I lose?"

In the battlefield, Sword Douluo Chen Xin gradually recovered his senses, staring at looked towards Chu Bei, my eyes were filled with confusion.

He lost the previous sword dao duel.

The sword, if the opponent didn't keep his hand, I'm afraid it was not to smash his robe, but the person who was carrying him was cut in half.

Chu Bei smiled and looked at Chen Xin: "How long have you been learning swords?"

Chen Xin said: "Ninety-three years."

Chu Bei again Question: "What do you think of your sword dao?"

Chen Xin said: "complete mastery. Before meeting you, sword dao has already aspired to the continent first, no one is fighting for it."

Chu Bei continued: "Since I have completed the mastery, why did he lose to me?"

Chen Xin choked: "This..."

Chu Bei continued: "Do you know where Sword Dao Profound Truth is?"

Chen Xin said one word: "Human and Sword Unity."

Chu Bei shook the head.

Chen Xin frowns deeper: "You said."

Chu Bei looked towards the distance and spit lightly: "No sword."

Chen Xin Confused: "No sword?"

Chu Bei looked directly at Chen Xin: "Only when you don’t have a sword in your heart, you can truly enter the ranks of sword dao complete mastery. If you don’t have a sword in your heart, you can do it. Saying that everything is a sword. Pointing is a sword, and pointing is also a sword, sword everywhere."

"There is no sword in the heart...No sword in the heart...No sword in the heart..."

Chen Xin repeated these four syllables in his mouth, the confusion on his face gradually disappeared, and his eyes began to restored to sobriety and calmness.

"I don't understand yet, but I seem to understand a little bit.

After Chen Xin said an unfathomable mystery, he said: "What is the name of your previous sword? "

"Twenty-five swords. "Chu Bei said lightly.

This is his sword move through the system code, derived from the Holy Spirit Sword Art created by the Fengyun plane sword saint. However, the sword saint only wielded twenty-three swords. , As for this sword twenty-five is created on the basis of system, its power is more terrifying.

"Sword twenty-five? "

Chen Xin frowned: "This is the 25th sword?" I wonder how many swords you have? "

"The highest style, ninety-nine swords. "Chu Bei slowly vomited.

Hearing the sound, Chen Xin took a deep breath, and a strong shock came in his eyes.

Until a long while.

Chen Xin fell beside Ning Fengzhi: "Sect Master, there was a clear comprehension in the previous battle. I am going to retreat for a while. "

After that, Chen Xin paced to Ning Rongrong's side, squatted down, with petting eyes in his eyes: "Rongrong, Grandpa Sword is okay, it's not hurt anywhere, look at you She was almost crying into a big face. "

"If you want to leave with the grandfather in the sky for a while, remember to be obedient and don't play with the temper of the big Young Miss at home. By his side, no one should be able to hurt you. "

Chen Xin wiped away the tears from the corner of Ning Rongrong's eyes, looked up towards Chu Bei in the sky, and raised his sword: "Thank you for your guidance. Although Rongrong this girl is a bit naughty, she has a very kind nature. I hope your Excellency will teach you well. "

"This is natural. "Chu Bei indifferently nodded.

"After my breakthrough, please enlighten me. ”

Chen Xin moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and rose into the air, as if he had some kind of insight on the sword dao, I can’t wait to move towards the northeast. Go.

Before leaving, Chen Xin glanced at Xiao Wu not far away, and stopped talking.

"Does the sword always fail!" "

"That man won, how could this be the result!" "

"The sword technique they competed against! "

"What the hell is Tilted Douluo!" "


Looking at the back of Sword Douluo Chen Xin's departure, the great hall all around dísciple Elder watching the battle came back to his senses.

After the shock, his eyes returned to Chu Bei, with an unbelievable look.

"Xiao Wu, let me just say it, the boss is very strong! "Oscar tilted his head and looked towards Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu brows slightly wrinkle, did not answer, but the look of shock looked towards Chu Bei was even worse.

She knew that the boss she was following had a bit of strength, but she didn't expect to be so tyrannical!

Even Sword Douluo, the most Powerhouse of Human Race sword dao, was defeated by the opponent. And it's still on Domain of Swords.

"Sect Master, now you believe what I said before. In Star Dou Great Forest, the senior repelled the Titan Giant Ape without doing anything. ”

Ning Feng looked towards Ning Fengzhi, could not help but opened the mouth and said, his eyes full of respect for Chu Bei.

Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong looked towards each other, They were also surprised by the result.

"You are all separated. "

After a while, Ning Fengzhi glanced over all around the dísciple Elder gathered together, and spoke lightly.

Hearing the sound, a crowd of dísciple Elder moved towards Ning Fengzhi bowed. , Retreat immediately.

"Sect Master Ning, do you remember what you said earlier? "Chu Bei landed in front of Ning Fengzhi with a calm voice.

"Since your Excellency has won, I will fulfill my promise. "

Ning Fengzhi looked at Chu Bei very politely, and paused again: "But as a father, I really want to know why your Excellency appointed my daughter? She hasn't even awakened even Martial Spirit. "

"I have been Celestial Divination, so I think she is destined to me. "Chu Bei Hu Xu.

"Then how can you make the little girl your agent? "Ning Fengzhi is curious.

Chu Bei a finger pointed, a touch of red flashed past, and the agent ring was directly put on Ning Rongrong's index finger.

"This is my token, With blood as a medium, it can become my Level 1 agent and be protected by me at all times. "Chu Bei continued.

"Do you want me to drip blood on this ring?" "

Ning Rongrong bit her lip lightly. After meeting Chu Bei's encouraging gaze, she glanced at the silent Ning Fengzhi, and then took a deep breath and bit her index finger with a small bite.

[Host signed Level 1 agent Ning Rongrong successfully]

[Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base conversion is accelerating]

[Progress 23%]

[24% progress]

[25% progress]


It’s in Xiao The next moment when Wu dropped blood on the agent ring, the system sound rang in Chu Bei’s mind.

When the system sound stopped, Dou Qi Continent’s cultivation base conversion progress had changed from 22% It became thirty-two percent.

At the end of the progress bar, the Chu Bei displayed by the current Douluo Continent cultivation base is: Level 45 Soul Sect!

Look at the system agent interface again , The name of Ning Rongrong has also been added to the list.

Chu Bei's appearance is getting younger and younger, and it seems to be about the same age as Ning Fengzhi.

"Your Excellency, how about waiting After Rongrong Martial Spirit awakens next year, follow you again. "Gu Rong seems to be a little worried and can't help but opens the mouth and said.

"Sect Master Ning, give you one hundred thousand soul coins for this little girl. I will make the first transaction with her. . "Chu Bei ignored Gu Rong, but looked towards Ning Fengzhi.

"No, no, I have one hundred thousand. "

Ning Rongrong took out a sleeve-pocket soul guide from his arms, took out 20,000 soul coins from it and handed it to Chu Bei.

The corners of Chu Bei's mouth twitched slightly, he deserves to be rich The child of others.

After that, Chu Bei waved, and two deliberately selected pills, one red and one blue, hovered in front of Ning Rongrong.

【system received 1000 Force of Desire Value, the host gets 500 Force of Desire Value]

"Your Excellency, what is this? "Ning Fengzhi frowned.

"You will know soon. "

Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time gave Ning Rongrong a look.

"Then...then I will eat it. "

Ning Rongrong cautiously threw two pill of different colors into his mouth at the same time.

"Father, Grandpa Bone, look! "

Shortly after the entrance of the two pills, Ning Rongrong seemed to perceive the abnormality of his body and raised his right hand subconsciously.

I saw the gorgeous rays of light in his palm. It gradually condenses into the appearance of a 9-Layer tower.

"This...this is Martial Spirit! "

"Nine Treasure Glazed Tile! "

Seeing the 9-Layer Tower condensed in the palm of Ning Rongrong, the stature of Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong trembled suddenly, and a strong shock surged above it.

What followed was the joy and excitement of exhibit one's feelings in one's speech.

"Your Excellency, are these the effects of those two Medicinal Pills? "

To calm the excitement, Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, and his eyes returned to Chu Bei's body, and he became more respectful.

Not waiting for Chu Bei's response, Ning Rongrong's There is a wave of breath fluctuation on my body.

"First...Innate is full of Soul Power! "

Perceiving the tenth level Soul Power fluctuations flowing out of Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong looked at each other again, and they were shocked to add to it.

At this moment, they have already Words can’t describe the shock in their hearts.

In their cognition, Martial Spirit has to wait until the age of six before awakening, but now, Ning Rongrong is still awakened under his age.


Not only that, but Innate is full of Soul Power!

Ning Fengzhi feels incredible that the Martial Spirit of Ning Rongrong is not Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, but Nine Treasure Glazed Tile!

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower is only two stories away from the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile, it is actually the difference between the sky capsule.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower has the most Martial Spirit. Only seven spirit rings can be possessed. After Soul Master cultivation with this Martial Spirit reaches the Soul Saint Level, the strength can no longer be improved; while the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile can be cultivated to the Tilted Douluo level!

In other words, Ning Rongrong will go farther than his Ning Fengzhi!

He also knows that whether it is awakening Martial Spirit in advance, or Nine Treasure Glazed Tile, or Innate is full of Soul Power , This has something to do with the two pills that Ning Rongrong swallowed.

"Father, I have awakened Martial Spirit in advance! very good! "

Finally, Ning Rongrong reacted and exclaimed in excitement.

"Sect Master Ning, can I take your daughter away now?" "Chu Bei's calm voice sounded again.

"Your Excellency, if I miss Rongrong, where should I find you? "Ning Fengzhi asked.

"Fasinuo Province, Holy Spirit Village. "

The voice fell, Chu Bei raised hand, and brought Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Xiao Wu to the space shuttle.

"Uncle Bone, do you think that Is the breath a little weird for the little girl who is with you? "Looking at the direction in which the space flew away, Ning Fengzhi looked towards Gu Rong again.

"It was a 100,000-year-old soul beast transformed. "Gu Rong half-squinted, slowly speaking.

"What? Million-year soul beast! "Ning Fengzhi eyes shrank.

"Did you not notice that little boy?" He is only seven or eight years old, but he is already a big Soul Master of twenty-one. Gu Rong continued.

Ning Fengzhi looked startled and muttered after a long time: "Who is he? When did such one exist on the continent! In that case, is Rongrong's innate talent comparable to the transformed one hundred thousand year old soul beast and the little boy. "

"Maybe this is really Rongrong's opportunity. "Gu Rong opened the mouth and said.

After leaving Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, Chu Bei took Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Xiao Wu to the nearby Soul Beast Forest.

With the help of Chu Bei, Ning Rongrong obtained the first spirit ring, and Oscar used Ning Rongrong’s small vault to purchase nine large Soul Master Dan, which became a 30-star large Soul Master.

Afterwards, Chu Bei searched for a suitable soul beast for Oscar, took its spirit ring and directly entered the ranks of souls.

As for Xiao Wu, perhaps it was still to Chu Bei. Be vigilant, the latter’s help is not yet needed on the cultivation base.

"Boss, where shall we go tomorrow? "

As night fell, Oscar snuggled next to Chu Bei and asked before going to bed.

"Star Luo Empire, imperial city. "Chu Bei spit out four characters.


The next day.

Star Luo Empire, continent one of the Two Great Empires.

Under the blue sky, the golden-yellow glass roof of the palace is very brilliant.

All around the great hall, the ancient trees are towering and the green trees are shaded.

The inner pillars of the great hall are supported by multiple red giant pillars. Each pillar is engraved with a circling and lifelike Golden Dragon, which is very spectacular. The two dragons on the cornice are golden. The scales of gold armor are vivid, and seem to be flying away.

At this moment, hundreds of soldiers patrolling outside the main hall are holding the long spear and encircling the four silhouettes in the middle.

"Boss , We are not in compliance with the rules. "Oscar looked nervously all around the grim soldiers.

"Remember, strength is respected in any place. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can be free from any rules. Chu Bei smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"The arrogant! Whoever trespasses in the Imperial Palace, die! "

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the killing intent suddenly surged in the eyes of the leading soldiers, and the anger fell, holding a long spear to kill Chu Bei.

However, its As soon as he rushed to within ten meters of Chu Bei, he was shocked by an invisible force and smashed fiercely to the ground.

"Who the hell are you! "

Looking at Captain, who was struggling on the ground, a group of soldiers looked at Chu Bei with a joke in their eyes, and their faces were obviously more vigilant.

"Go Inform your emperor, even if a guest wants to see his youngest son. "

Chu Bei carried his hands behind, and after the calm voice fell, no longer paid attention to all around the soldiers who followed, and took the three Oscars neither fast nor slow moved towards the main hall.

At this time, in the main hall of the inner palace, the Star Luo Emperor is going to the early court with the minister of civil and military affairs.

"What happened outside. "

It didn't take long for the Star Luo Emperor to hear the movement outside the great hall.

Without waiting for the minister of civil and military affairs to ascertain the cause, a soldier ran into the hall anxiously and fell to his knees. On the red carpet.

"Who is so rampant! "

"Is Your Majesty someone who can meet if he wants to?" "

After hearing what the soldiers said, the faces of the ministers of civil and military affairs suddenly surged with anger.

"I'm really curious about the origin of this man, let's go and see. "

In the main seat of the hall, a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe and a crown stood up from the Dragon Throne. After a vigorous voice came from his mouth, he stepped out of the hall.

After a gang of civil and military ministers glanced at each other, they hurriedly followed.

Following the civil and military ministers, two figures rushed to the left and right sides of the Star Luo Emperor. They were an eleven or twelve-year-old. Boy, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

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